35 research outputs found

    Improvements on "Multi-Party Quantum Summation without a Third Party based on dd-Dimensional Bell States"

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    In 2021, Wu et al. presented a multi-party quantum summation scheme exploiting the entanglement properties of d-dimensional Bell states (Wu et al. in Quantum Inf Process 20:200, 2021). In particular, the authors proposed a three-party quantum summation protocol and then extended their work to a multi-party case. It is claimed that their protocol is secure against outside and participants' attacks. However, this work points out that Wu's protocol has a loophole, i.e., two or more dishonest participants who meet a specific location relationship can conspire to obtain the private inputs of some honest participants without being detected. Accordingly, improvements are proposed to address these issues

    Detection and evaluation of abnormal user behavior based on quantum generation adversarial network

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    Quantum computing holds tremendous potential for processing high-dimensional data, capitalizing on the unique capabilities of superposition and parallelism within quantum states. As we navigate the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the exploration of quantum computing applications has emerged as a compelling frontier. One area of particular interest within the realm of cyberspace security is Behavior Detection and Evaluation (BDE). Notably, the detection and evaluation of internal abnormal behaviors pose significant challenges, given their infrequent occurrence or even their concealed nature amidst vast volumes of normal data. In this paper, we introduce a novel quantum behavior detection and evaluation algorithm (QBDE) tailored for internal user analysis. The QBDE algorithm comprises a Quantum Generative Adversarial Network (QGAN) in conjunction with a classical neural network for detection and evaluation tasks. The QGAN is built upon a hybrid architecture, encompassing a Quantum Generator (GQG_Q) and a Classical Discriminator (DCD_C). GQG_Q, designed as a parameterized quantum circuit (PQC), collaborates with DCD_C, a classical neural network, to collectively enhance the analysis process. To address the challenge of imbalanced positive and negative samples, GQG_Q is employed to generate negative samples. Both GQG_Q and DCD_C are optimized through gradient descent techniques. Through extensive simulation tests and quantitative analyses, we substantiate the effectiveness of the QBDE algorithm in detecting and evaluating internal user abnormal behaviors. Our work not only introduces a novel approach to abnormal behavior detection and evaluation but also pioneers a new application scenario for quantum algorithms. This paradigm shift underscores the promising prospects of quantum computing in tackling complex cybersecurity challenges

    Multi-Party Quantum Summation Based on Quantum Teleportation

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    We present a secure multi-party quantum summation protocol based on quantum teleportation, in which a malicious, but non-collusive, third party (TP) helps compute the summation. In our protocol, TP is in charge of entanglement distribution and Bell states are shared between participants. Users encode the qubits in their hand according to their private bits and perform Bell-state measurements. After obtaining participants’ measurement results, TP can figure out the summation. The participants do not need to send their encoded states to others, and the protocol is therefore congenitally free from Trojan horse attacks. In addition, our protocol can be made secure against loss errors, because the entanglement distribution occurs only once at the beginning of our protocol. We show that our protocol is secure against attacks by the participants as well as the outsiders