206 research outputs found

    Do informal caregivers of people with dementia mirror the cognitive deficits of their demented patients?:A pilot study

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    Recent research suggests that informal caregivers of people with dementia (ICs) experience more cognitive deficits than noncaregivers. The reason for this is not yet clear. Objective: to test the hypothesis that ICs ‘mirror' the cognitive deficits of the demented people they care for. Participants and methods: 105 adult ICs were asked to complete three neuropsychological tests: letter fluency, category fluency, and the logical memory test from the WMS-III. The ICs were grouped according to the diagnosis of their demented patients. One-sample ttests were conducted to investigate if the standardized mean scores (t-scores) of the ICs were different from normative data. A Bonferroni correction was used to correct for multiple comparisons. Results: 82 ICs cared for people with Alzheimer's dementia and 23 ICs cared for people with vascular dementia. Mean letter fluency score of the ICs of people with Alzheimer's dementia was significantly lower than the normative mean letter fluency score, p = .002. The other tests yielded no significant results. Conclusion: our data shows that ICs of Alzheimer patients have cognitive deficits on the letter fluency test. This test primarily measures executive functioning and it has been found to be sensitive to mild cognitive impairment in recent research. Our data tentatively suggests that ICs who care for Alzheimer patients also show signs of cognitive impairment but that it is too early to tell if this is cause for concern or not

    Cognitive functioning in meningioma patients:A systematic review

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    This systematic review evaluates relevant findings and methodologic aspects of studies on cognitive functioning in meningioma patients prior to and/or following surgery with or without adjuvant radiotherapy. PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases were searched until December 2015. From 1012 initially identified articles, 11 met the inclusion criteria for this review. Multiple methodological limitations were identified which include the lack of pre-treatment assessments, variations in the number and types of neuropsychological tests used, the normative data used to identify patients with cognitive deficits, and the variety of definitions for cognitive impairment. Study results suggest that most of meningioma patients are faced with cognitive deficits in several cognitive domains prior to surgery. Following surgery, most of these patients seem to improve in cognitive functioning. However, they still have impairments in a wide range of cognitive functions compared to healthy controls. Suggestions are given for future research. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of cognitive deficits may ultimately lead to improved outcome and quality of life in meningioma patients

    The COMPlaints After Stroke (COMPAS) study:Protocol for a Dutch cohort study on poststroke subjective cognitive complaints

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    Background Although many studies have assessed poststroke objective cognitive impairment, only a few have evaluated patients’ subjective cognitive complaints (SCC). Although these SCC are found to be common in the early and chronic phases after stroke, knowledge about their risk factors, course over time, differences with healthy controls and their diagnostic relevance is limited. The aim of the COMPlaints After Stroke (COMPAS) study is therefore to determine the possible risk factors, prognosis, time course and predictive value of SCC in the first 2 years after stroke. Methods and design A prospective cohort study is conducted in which patients are compared to non-stroke controls at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after stroke. Approximately 300 patients are recruited from the stroke units of three hospitals in the Netherlands, while 300 controls are sought among the relatives (spouses excluded) and social networks of participants. A wide range of subjective and objective variables is assessed in both groups using interviews, questionnaires and neuropsychological assessment. The primary outcomes include SCC and objective cognitive impairment, whereas secondary outcomes are quality of life, subjective recovery and daily life functioning. Ethics and dissemination The study is being carried out in agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki and the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act. The protocol has been approved by the medical ethics committees of the participating centres and all participants give written informed consent. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated to the medical society and general public. Discussion The COMPAS study is the first to systematically evaluate poststroke SCC in a prospective longitudinal design, taking a wide range of subjective and objective variables into account. The results obtained can be used to accurately inform patients and their families, as well as to develop patient-tailored intervention programmes to ultimately improve stroke patient care

    Computerized screening for cognitive impairment in patients with COPD

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    Purpose:  COPD is associated with cognitive impairment. These impairments should be diagnosed, but due to time- and budget-reasons, they are often not investigated. The aim of this study is to examine the viability of a brief computerized cognitive test battery, Central Nervous System Vital Signs (CNSVS), in COPD patients. Patients and methods:  Patients with COPD referred to tertiary pulmonary rehabilitation were included. Cognitive functioning of patients was assessed with CNSVS before pulmonary rehabilitation and compared with age-corrected CNSVS norms. CNSVS is a 30 minute computerized test battery that includes tests of verbal and visual memory, psychomotor speed, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, complex attention, executive functioning, and reaction time. Results:  CNSVS was fully completed by 205 (93.2%, 105 females, 100 males) of the total group of patients (n=220, 116 females, 104 males). Z-tests showed that COPD patients performed significantly worse than the norms on all CNSVS cognitive domains. Slightly more than half of the patients (51.8%) had impaired functioning on 1 or more cognitive domains. Patients without computer experience performed significantly worse on CNSVS than patients using the computer frequently. Conclusion:  The completion rate of CNSVS was high and cognitive dysfunctions measured with this screening were similar to the results found in prior research, including paper and pen cognitive tests. These results support the viability of this brief computerized cognitive screening in COPD patients, that may lead to better care for these patients. Cognitive performance of patients with little computer experience should be interpreted carefully. Future research on this issue is needed

    Psychological factors and subjective cognitive complaints after stroke:Beyond depression and anxiety

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    Subjective Cognitive Complaints (SCC) are common after stroke and adversely affect quality of life. In the present study, we determined the associations of depression, anxiety, perceived stress and fatigue with post-stroke SCC, and whether these associations were independent of objective cognitive functioning, stroke characteristics and individual differences in personality traits and coping styles. Using a cross-sectional design, SCC and psychological measures were obtained in 208 patients (mean 3.3 ± 0.5 months after stroke; 65.9% men; mean age 64.9 ± 12.4 years). SCC were assessed using the Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional consequences following stroke (CLCE) inventory. Validated questionnaires were used to measure depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), fatigue (Fatigue Assessment Scale), personality traits (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised Short Scale) and coping style (Utrecht Coping List). Multivariate hierarchical linear regression analyses were used to adjust for covariates. Depression (β = 0.35), anxiety (β = 0.38), perceived stress (β = 0.39), and fatigue (β = 0.39) were associated with CLCE scores, independent of demographic, cognitive performance and stroke-related covariates. After including personality traits and coping styles in the model, independent associations with CLCE scores were found for fatigue (β = 0.26, p = .003) and neuroticism (β = 0.21, p = .05). Interventions aimed at improving psychological resilience and increasing energy levels might be a worthwhile addition to stroke rehabilitation programmes by reducing SCC and improving quality of life

    Group changes in cognitive performance after surgery mask changes in individual patients with glioblastoma

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    Object:  There is a growing interest to include evaluations of cognitive performance in the clinical management of patients with Glioblastoma (GBM). However, as changes in cognitive performance of a group may mask changes in individual patients, study results are often difficult to transfer into clinical practice. We focused on the comparison of group versus individual changes in neuropsychological performance of GBM patients after initial surgical treatment. Methods:  Patients underwent neuropsychological evaluation using CNS Vital Signs one day prior to, and three months after surgery. Two-tailed paired samples t-tests were conducted to assess changes on the group level. Reliable Change Indices (RCIs), that correct for practice effects and imperfect test-retest reliabilities, were used to examine change in individual patients. Results:  Cognitive dysfunction was common (>80%) both before and three months after surgery in this sample of 82 GBM patients. Whereas group analyses revealed minimal changes in performance over time, RCIs demonstrated that most patients (89%) showed changes in performance in at least one cognitive domain. Half of these individual patients solely showed improvements, a quarter solely showed declines, and another quarter showed both improvements and declines. Conclusions:  This study clearly demonstrates that important individual changes in performance are masked when looking only at group results. Future studies should more often use an individual patient approach to enhance knowledge transfer into clinical practice

    Feasibility of a home-based exercise intervention with remote guidance for patients with stable grade II and III gliomas:A pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: In this pilot study, we investigated the feasibility of a home-based, remotely guided exercise intervention for patients with gliomas. Design: Pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) with randomization (2:1) to exercise or control group. Subjects: Patients with stable grade II and III gliomas. Intervention: The six-month intervention included three home-based exercise sessions per week at 60%–85% of maximum heart rate. Participants wore heart rate monitors connected to an online platform to record activities that were monitored weekly by the physiotherapist. Main measures: Accrual, attrition, adherence, safety, satisfaction, patient-reported physical activity, VO2 peak (by maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing) and body mass index (BMI) at baseline and at six-month follow-up. Results: In all, 34 of 136 eligible patients (25%) were randomized to exercise training (N = 23) or the control group (N = 11), of whom 19 and 9, respectively, underwent follow-up. Mean adherence to prescribed sessions was 79%. Patients’ experiences were positive. There were no adverse events. Compared to the control group, the exercise group showed larger improvements in absolute VO2 peak (+158.9 mL/min; 95% CI: −44.8 to 362.5) and BMI (−0.3 kg/m²; 95% CI: −0.9 to 0.2). The median increase in physical activity was 1489 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) minutes higher in the exercise group. The most reported reasons for non-participation were lack of motivation or time. Conclusion: This innovative and intensive home-based exercise intervention was feasible in a small subset of patients with stable gliomas who were interested in exercising. The observed effects suggest that the programme may improve cardiorespiratory fitness. These results support the need for large-scale trials of exercise interventions in brain tumour patients. Keywords: Glioma, brain tumour, exercise, physical training, physical fitnes

    Cognitive effects of stereotactic radiosurgery in adult patients with brain metastases:A systematic review

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    Purpose:  Stereotactic radiation surgery (SRS) is increasingly applied in patients with brain metastases (BM) and is expected to have fewer adverse effects on cognitive functioning than whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT). Patients with BM are often confronted with a relatively short life expectancy, and the prevention or delay of cognitive decline to maintain quality of life is a clinically and highly relevant treatment goal. This review systematically and specifically evaluates the current literature on the cognitive effects of SRS in patients with BM. Methods and materials:  Published trials on SRS alone or in combination with WBRT, including objective assessment of cognitive functioning, were identified through a systematic search of the PubMed database up to March 2018. Results:  Of the 241 records screened, 14 studies matched the selection criteria: 2 pilot studies, 7 single-group/observational trials (1 study update), and 5 randomized trials (1 secondary analysis). Conclusions:  In general, the results show little to no objective cognitive decline up to 4 months after SRS compared with WBRT. However, most trials suffered from methodologic limitations that hindered reliable conclusions. Most importantly, few studies investigated the specific cognitive effects of SRS alone or versus WBRT. Furthermore, disentangling the cognitive effects of SRS from the effects of the disease itself and from the effects of other treatments remains very difficult. By presenting this comprehensive review, we aim to encourage researchers to probe deeper into this area and to do so in a standardized and methodologically optimal manner. The ultimate objective of this line of research is to inform both doctors and patients more precisely about the cognitive effects they can expect from treatment. This study is expected to improve the quality of decision-making and maximize clinical outcomes for each individual patient

    Computerized screening for cognitive impairment in patients with COPD

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    Purpose:  COPD is associated with cognitive impairment. These impairments should be diagnosed, but due to time- and budget-reasons, they are often not investigated. The aim of this study is to examine the viability of a brief computerized cognitive test battery, Central Nervous System Vital Signs (CNSVS), in COPD patients. Patients and methods:  Patients with COPD referred to tertiary pulmonary rehabilitation were included. Cognitive functioning of patients was assessed with CNSVS before pulmonary rehabilitation and compared with age-corrected CNSVS norms. CNSVS is a 30 minute computerized test battery that includes tests of verbal and visual memory, psychomotor speed, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, complex attention, executive functioning, and reaction time. Results:  CNSVS was fully completed by 205 (93.2%, 105 females, 100 males) of the total group of patients (n=220, 116 females, 104 males). Z-tests showed that COPD patients performed significantly worse than the norms on all CNSVS cognitive domains. Slightly more than half of the patients (51.8%) had impaired functioning on 1 or more cognitive domains. Patients without computer experience performed significantly worse on CNSVS than patients using the computer frequently. Conclusion:  The completion rate of CNSVS was high and cognitive dysfunctions measured with this screening were similar to the results found in prior research, including paper and pen cognitive tests. These results support the viability of this brief computerized cognitive screening in COPD patients, that may lead to better care for these patients. Cognitive performance of patients with little computer experience should be interpreted carefully. Future research on this issue is needed

    eHealth cognitive rehabilitation for brain tumor patients: results of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation programs for brain tumor patients are not widely available, despite the high need. We aimed to evaluate the effects of a tablet-based cognitive rehabilitation program on cognitive performance, cognitive complaints, fatigue, and psychological distress in primary brain tumor patients following neurosurgery. Also, attrition, adherence and patient satisfaction with the program were evaluated. Methods Adults with presumed low-grade glioma and meningioma were recruited before surgery. Three months thereafter, participants were allocated to the intervention group or waiting-list control group using minimization. The 10-week eHealth app ReMind, based on the effective face-to-face intervention, consisted of psychoeducation, strategy-training and attention retraining. Performance-based cognitive outcomes and patient-reported outcomes were assessed before surgery and 3, 6 and 12 months thereafter. Mean scores, percentages of cognitively impaired individuals and reliable change indices (RCIs) were compared between groups. Results Sixty-two out of 183 eligible patients were randomized. Of the people who declined, 56% reported that participation would to be too burdensome. All participants found a tablet-app suitable for delivery of cognitive rehabilitation and 90% rated the program as "good" or "excellent". Performance-based cognitive outcomes and patient-reported outcomes did not significantly differ in group means over time nor RCIs between the intervention (final n = 20) and control group (final n = 25). Conclusions Recruitment at this early stage was difficult, resulting in limited statistical power. No significant effects were demonstrated, while adherence and satisfaction with the eHealth program were good. In clinical practice, ReMind may be helpful, if timing would be adapted to patients' needs.Neurolog
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