71 research outputs found

    Analisa Ketangguhan Dan Perubahan Struktur Mikro Patahan Akibat Heat Treatment Dan Variasi Sudut Impact Pada Baja ST 60

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa: (1) Ketangguhan baja St 60 akibat heat treatment dengan suhu 600 °C dan dengan variasi sudut α = 90° dan α = 120°. (2) Ketangguhan baja St 60 akibat heat treatment dengan suhu 900 °C dan dengan variasi sudut α = 90° dan α = 120°. (3) Bentuk patahan baja St 60 setelah mengalami perlakuan panas dan uji ketangguhan dengan variasi sudut α = 90° dan α = 120°. Desain penelitiannya adalah penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan di laboratorium. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah baja St 60 setelah dipanaskan, ketangguhan baja akan meningkat. Serta pada struktur mikro patahan baja St 60 terjadi fenomena ductile to brittle transition, salah satu penyebab fenomena ini adalah laju regangan tinggi. awalnya merupakan material ulet tetapi mengalami patah getas. Transisinya juga bisa diamati dari permukaan patahan, akan tampak serabut-serabut pada patahan yang benar-benar bersifat ulet, dan tampak butiran-butiran kecil yang terlihat mengkilap pada patahan yang benar-benar bersifat getas

    Model Pintu Air di Daerah Pasang Surut untuk Mengurangi Intrusi Air Laut

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    Rainfed located in coastal areas needs floodgates that serves as seawater intrusion barrier, a permanent construction has been built on desa Bantan, Kab. Bengkalis to model floodgates in form of combination of holes and threshold that function in such way. With the scientific research that has been conducted, parameters of the building which is regarded as a breakthrough can be determined. Other than that, in order to obtained the flow profile this research also yields the coefficient of discharge (Cd), correlation of discharge coefficient and height different (ΔH) and the correlation between discharge coefficient and discharge. Which is shown in the form of a logarithmic equation. With a range of discharge 101.44 cm3 / s ~ 524.89 cm3 / s , the obtained values of Cd range 0.191 ~ 0.464 cm 3 / s , and the shape of a logarithmic equation ΔH relation to the variation of Cd and Cd = 1 is 0.088 ln ( ΔH ) - 0 , 3 , while the logarithmic equation and Q is therelationship Cd Cd = 0.1212 ln ( Q ) - 0,311

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Auditorial, Intelectually, Repetition (Air) Untuk Meningkatkan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Smk Kelas XI

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    The background of this research is the ability of solving the problem of mathematics of vocational high school students who are still relatively low, to improve this capability required research using cooperative learning method type AIR. The formulation of this research are: (1) How the application of cooperative learning model type AIR can improve problem solving a learning model AIR. Method of this research is classroom action research, to class student XI in one of the Vocational Schools in Sukabumi, which is 35 students. Instrument used is written test I - III, and nontest journal, observation sheet and questionnaire of attitude scale. The material in this research is Limit Function. The result of this research are: (1) the mathematical communication ability of students increases in line with the ongoing learning by using AIR type cooperative model, (2) Application of AIR type cooperative learning model can improve students' mathematical problem solving ability; (3) student activity in learning with using AIR type co-operative model obtained improvement, student's response to learning model of positive AIR type cooperative

    PengaruhReturn on Equity,Debt to Equity Ratiodan UmurPerusahaan Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen (Studi Pada PerusahaanManufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2014)

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    : The purpose of this research is to find out the partial effect of Return On Equity(ROE)and Debt to Equity Ratio(DER) on dividend policy and the company's age as variables thatmoderating the influence ROE and DER against dividend policy. The populations are142manufacturing companies that listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014. Purposivesampling technique that used result in 45 companies. The data is analyzed using multipleregression analysis and moderation analysis using residual test.The results of multiple regressionanalysis shows that the ROE does not have a significant effect on dividend policy, DER hassignificant negative effect on dividend policy, while the result of moderation analysis usingresidual test shows that the age of the companies does not moderate the influence of ROE towardsdividend policy and the influence of DER towards dividend policy as well

    Studi Sebaran Sedimen secara Vertikal di Perairan Selat Madura Kabupaten Bangkalan

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    Profil sedimen secara vertikal menjadi salah satu indikasi untuk mempelajari kronologis suatu wilayah, termasuk pantai dan pesisir. Pemahaman ini penting untuk mengetahui pola sedimentasi yang terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui stratifikasi sedimen sebagai bahan awal untuk mempelajari pola sedimentasi di perairan sekitar Jembatan Suramadu. Materi utama penelitian adalah substrat sedimen pada profil kedalaman di 5 stasiun, dan didukung data parameter hidrooseanografi. Analisa contoh sedimen menggunakan skala Wentworth sesuai metode Buchanan (Siswanto, 2010). Hasil visualisasi lapang dan analisa laboratorium atas contoh substrat sedimen menunjukkan bahwa jenis sedimen pada 5 stasiun menunjukkan variasi meski tidak signifikan, dengan dominasi secara umum adalah pasir dan ketebalan yang relatif beragam. Profil jenis sedimen sesuai kedalaman pada kedua sisi Jembatan Suramadu relatif berbeda, pasir berbatu pada sisi barat dan pasir berlumpur pada sisi timur

    Aplikasi System Management Task dan Penilaian Kerja (Kpi) pada PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera

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    The purpose of this study is to create an application that can provide benefits to PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera in managing the tickets delivered by the client, arrange program modification policies, and can see the assessment of the performance of employees who work on the ticket and facilitate the client in obtaining quick information about obstacles which they experience by turning it into a ticket on the application. The research method used is by conducting an analysis (walking system survey, interview, and observation) and design method (UML), testing method (Black box testing). The analysis is carried out by conducting field studies and conducting interviews with the Director of PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera along with related divisions in the plan for making this application. The results achieved are web and android applications that function to manage work assignments and assessments that can help oversee, and document problems that exist in the company and also assess employee performance in handling reports of problems reported by the client

    Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles-based Dental Cement

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    Dental cement-based mixture of zinc oxide and eugenol is one of the commonly used dental cement. One of the major shortcomings that limit its application is dental cement zinc oxide and eugenol has detrimental mechanical properties. This study aims to carry out the synthesis and characterization of nano-based dental cement of zinc oxide mixed with eugenol with the hypothesis that zinc oxide nanoparticles will provide better mechanical properties. Physical and mechanical properties of cement-based dental cement oxide nanoparticles will be compared with dental cement zinc oxide microparticles.Mixing eugenol and ZnO nanoparticles were made by the composition of the powder 0.4 g, 0.45 g, 0.5 g, 0.55 g, 0.6 g and 0.2 mL of fluid. ZnO nanoparticles as a powder slowly mixed with liquid, so as to produce pasta. Methods of analysis include compressive strength, hardness and microstructure observation. From a series of studies and analysis, the surface morphology of the samples obtained by the nanoparticles-based dental cement is smoother and has a little fracture compared with microparticles-based dental cement. Likewise, the mechanical analysis of dental cement, ZnO nanoparticles can increase the compressive strength and hardness of thematerial. The conclusions are that the addition of nanoparticles can enhance physical and mechanical characteristics

    The Effect of Zno Particle on Zinc Phosphate Cement Microstructure

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    Dental cement based on zinc phosphate (Zinc Phosphate Cement) is the oldest dental cement that is still widely used today. One disadvantage of zinc phosphate-based dental cement is its low mechanical properties. In this study, ZnO nanoparticles are added to the zinc phosphate dental cement with the hypothesis that there will be the strengthening of the mechanical properties of dental cement. The fraction of ZnO nanoparticles were variedly added from 0.1 g, 0.5 g, 1 g and 1.5 g to the zinc phosphate dental cement which is then compared to the dental cement without the addition of ZnO nanoparticles. The materials were manually mixed and mold to form dental cement pellets (4 mm thick and 4 mm in diameter). Characterization of pellet hardness and strength result in a linear value to the addition of ZnO nanoparticles in which the value of hardness and strength increases as increasing of ZnO nanoparticles fractions. XRD analysis results indicate the appearance of peaks Zn3(PO4)2.4H2O and ZnO compounds supported by the analysis of surface structure using SEM. The resulting dental cements have an increased value of hardness and compressive strength due to the improvement of its micro structure having a small amount of crack and a homogeneous distribution of nano ZnO. Through this phenomenon, it can be concluded that the addition of nano-ZnO can be applied to increase the value of hardness and strength in dental cement
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