489 research outputs found

    Saintifikasi Jamu Sebagai Upaya Terobosan Untuk Mendapatkan Bukti Ilmiah Tentang Manfaat Dan Keamanan Jamu

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    Background: Jamu has be en a long history as an ancient heritage and indigenous wisdom for maintaining and restoring health of Indonesian people. However, as traditional medicine, jamu stilllacks of scientific evidence in terms of efficacy and safety On the other hand, there is a great demand to use jamu in medical services, including the direction of Indonesian President to raise jamu as a therapeutic modality of health care. Methods: To solve this problem, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has established the Programme of Jamu Scientification, trying to provide scientific evidence through research and development, regarding the efficacy and safety of jamu. Jamu Scientification can be seen as a breakthrough effort to accelerate jamu research in down stream side. Jamu, as part of traditional medicine, use naturopathic approach, focusing on healing instead of removing disease, as contrasted to allopathic medicine. Coventional medicine uses alloptahic approach, implementing more radical treatment, i.e. modern drugs and surgeries. Results: Jamu Scientification is trying to synthesize naturopathic approach and allopathic approach to be integrative medicine. Consequently, the evaluation of clinical outome for Jamu Scientification is using holistic approach, as the phylosophy of integrative medicine. The clinical outcome is not only measured by objective parameters (laboratory results and measurement) but also by subjective parameters (self­responded outcome, quality of life, and wellnes index). By doing Jamu Scientification for obtaining the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety, it is hoped that we can accelerate the integration of jamu into formal health services

    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Mdsm), Pendekatan Normatif Versus Kontekstual

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    There has been a number of human resource management (HRM) books offering principles, components, and step-by-step of HRM. However, there are no books which elaborate how to practice HRM contextually in reality. This article aims at elaborating HRM practice contextually, either in health organizations or non-health organizations. From analysis of general management and HRM references, a number of points can be identified as follows. First, from the perspective of philosophy of sciences, management sciences can be categorized into two groups, i.e. instrumental view, starting the analysis from “organization” and social action view, starting the analysis from “actors' actions”. Second, HRM models can also be categorized into two groups, i.e. hard model (Michigan model), focusing on “organization”, and soft model (Harvard model), focusing on “human needs”. Third, in real HRM practice a manager should integrate hard model and soft model to form a long spectrum in such a way that he can move from one pole to another pole to adjust with variance of organization as an entity and variance of organization components within which he manages. It can be concluded that an effective manager is the one who is mastering all of HRM approach models, then he can implement them in proper situations (contingency in characteristics)

    Penerapan Strategi ‘Injeksi' Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Pada Peserta Didik SMA Negeri 1 Ngunut Tulungagung

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    Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Ngunut Kabupaten Tulungagung pada peserta didik kelas XI IPS-2. Penelitian tindakan kelas dengan strategi ‘Injeksi' ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan dua siklus, sedangkan masing-masing siklus terdiri dari dua kali pertemuan.Kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut: Perencanaan pembelajaran, ada peningkatan dari 85% pada siklus I menjadi 95 % pada siklus II. Sedangkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru juga mengalami pengingkatan dari 79,17 % pada siklus I menjadi 87,50 % pada siklus II.Aktivitas belajar peserta didik mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I sebesar 64,84%, Sedangkan dalam siklus II menjadi 82,145 %. Jumlah mean menunjukkan kenaikkan dari 2,79 (69,74 %) pada siklus I, menjadi 3,11 (77,11 %) pada siklus II.Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan terdapat kenaikkan yang tuntas belajar dari 25 peserta didik (65,79%) pada pra tindakan menjadi 30 peserta didik (78,95%) pada siklus I, dan menjadi 33 peserta didik (86,84%) pada siklus II. Sedangkan yang belum tuntas belajar mengalami penurunan dari 13 peserta didik (34,21 %) pada pra tindakan menjadi 8 peserta didik (21,05 %) pada siklus I, dan menjadi 5 peserta didik (13,16 %) pada siklus II.Dengan demikian maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa “jika strategi ‘Injeksi' digunakan dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, maka aktivitas belajar peserta didik kelas XI IPS-2 SMA Negeri 1 Ngunut, Kabupaten Tulungagung akan meningkat

    Peran Pekerja Sosial Dalam Pembinaan Anak Asuh Melalui Life Skill Di Panti Asuhan Darul Hadlanah Pati

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    In the process of social services, it must be bear in mind about the importance of relationships and social interaction, communication to help children develop themselves, through motivation, encouragement and support, as well as other techniques. The results of this study indicate that a social worker should be sensitive and savvy in mapping out a social issues that exist in an institution. As caretakers should work collectively in conducting the activities empowerment and providing mentoring activities of life skills. Life skill aims to provide future capabilities after leaving Darul Hadlanah orphanages. Therefore, the orphanages can apply those skills in the future

    Systematic Review Sebagai Metode Penelitian Untuk Mensintesis Hasil-hasil Penelitian (Sebuah Pengantar)

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    Individual research is not enough to provide inputs for policy improvement. In order that research results can be used for policy inputs, a synthesis from a number research results and packaging them into actionable messages are important methodologies that have to be mastered by researchers. By conducting synthesis of research results with the use of systematic review and packaging it in the form of actionable messages (policy brief and policy paper), a more comprehensive and balanced fact can be presented for policy makers. Systematic review comprises quantitative technique (meta-analysis) and qualitative technique (meta-synthesis). However, systematic review should be distinguished with a review that is not systematic (traditional review). Both quantitative and qualitative review possess a systematic and sequential step as that of general research methodology. Quantitative approach is identified as meta-analysis, whereas qualitative approach is identified as meta-synthesis. Within meta-synthesis, there are at least two approaches, i.e. meta-ethnography and meta-aggregation. Within the perspective of research translation, meta-aggregation is an important method in comprehending a number of qualitative research results, for providing more comprehensive and balanced facts to policy makers
