365 research outputs found

    Case Study: Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) By a Pregnant Woman

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    Introduction: The use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) such as electronic cigarettes, vapour cigarettes, and vapour/hookah pens is rapidly increasing. The effectiveness of ENDS for smoking cessation and their safety, particularly amongst pregnant women, is largely unknown. Some women who use tobacco products in pregnancy, such as the one described in this case study, switch to ENDS assuming they are a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. Many obstetric providers do not screen for ENDS use and may miss an opportunity to counsel their patients about ENDS usage, side effects, or alternatives. Case Description: Motivated by concern for her baby's health, a 28-year-old patient reduced consumption of traditional cigarettes and began using ENDS shortly after learning she was pregnant. Her obstetric team did not screen for ENDS use and was unaware that she had started using ENDS. During the postpartum period, her providers ordered a tobacco cessation consult and the tobacco treatment specialist (TTS) discovered the patient's ENDS use as well as her desire to quit. Conclusions: In the absence of consistent screening by providers and a lack of safety data regarding ENDS use during pregnancy, women are often given little guidance in deciphering the potential risks and benefits of ENDS use. In this case, the patient turned to ENDS because she thought it was safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes and was unaware that there is limited research on ENDS safety. This case highlights the importance of updating clinical screening tools to include ENDS and the need for further research investigating the safety of ENDS use during pregnancy

    The Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 (STAT1) Inhibits Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Liver and Fatty Acid Oxidation in Adipocytes

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    The transcription factor STAT1 plays a central role in orchestrating responses to various pathogens by activating the transcription of nuclear-encoded genes that mediate the antiviral, the antigrowth, and immune surveillance effects of interferons and other cytokines. In addition to regulating gene expression, we report that STAT1-/- mice display increased energy expenditure and paradoxically decreased release of triglycerides from white adipose tissue (WAT). Liver mitochondria from STAT1-/- mice show both defects in coupling of the electron transport chain (ETC) and increased numbers of mitochondria. Consistent with elevated numbers of mitochondria, STAT1-/- mice expressed increased amounts of PGC1α, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. STAT1 binds to the PGC1α promoter in fed mice but not in fasted animals, suggesting that STAT1 inhibited transcription of PGC1α. Since STAT1-/-mice utilized more lipids we examined white adipose tissue (WAT) stores. Contrary to expectations, fasted STAT1-/- mice did not lose lipid from WAT. β-adrenergic stimulation of glycerol release from isolated STAT1-/- WAT was decreased, while activation of hormone sensitive lipase was not changed. These findings suggest that STAT1-/- adipose tissue does not release glycerol and that free fatty acids (FFA) re-esterify back to triglycerides, thus maintaining fat mass in fasted STAT1-/- mice

    Excess of health care use in general practice and of comorbid chronic conditions in cancer patients compared to controls

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The number of cancer patients and the number of patients surviving initial treatments is expected to rise. Traditionally, follow-up monitoring takes place in secondary care. The contribution of general practice is less visible and not clearly defined.</p> <p>This study aimed to compare healthcare use in general practice of patients with cancer during the follow-up phase compared with patients without cancer. We also examined the influence of comorbid conditions on healthcare utilisation by these patients in general practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared health care use of N=8,703 cancer patients with an age and gender-matched control group of patients without cancer from the same practice. Data originate from the Netherlands Information Network of General Practice (LINH), a representative network consisting of 92 general practices with 350,000 enlisted patients. Health care utilisation was assessed using data on contacts with general practice, prescription and referral rates recorded between 1/1/2001 and 31/12/2007. The existence of additional comorbid chronic conditions (ICPC coded) was taken into account.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to matched controls, cancer patients had more contacts with their GP-practice (19.5 vs. 11.9, p<.01), more consultations with the GP (3.5 vs. 2.7, p<.01), more home visits (1.6 vs. 0.4, p<.01) and they got more medicines prescribed (18.7 vs. 11.6, p<.01) during the follow-up phase. Cancer patients more often had a chronic condition than their matched controls (52% vs. 44%, p<.01). Having a chronic condition increased health care use for both patients with and without cancer. Cancer patients with a comorbid condition had the highest health care use.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that cancer patients in the follow-up phase consulted general practice more often and suffered more often from comorbid chronic conditions, compared to patients without cancer. It is expected that the number of cancer patients will rise in the years to come and that primary health care professionals will be more involved in follow-up care. Care for comorbid chronic conditions, communication between specialists and GPs, and coordination of tasks then need special attention.</p

    The supportive care needs of women experiencing gynaecological cancer: a Western Australian cross-sectional study

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    Background: Women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer experience supportive care needs that require care provision to reduce the impact on their lives. International evidence suggests supportive care needs of women with gynaecological cancer are not being met and provision of holistic care is a priority area for action. Knowledge on gynaecological cancer supportive care needs is limited, specifically comparison of needs and cancer gynaecological subtype. Our aim was to identify supportive care needs of Western Australian women experiencing gynaecological cancer, their satisfaction with help and explore associations between participant’s demographic characteristics and identified needs. Methods: A cross-sectional design incorporating a modified version of the Supportive Care Needs Survey - short form (SCNS-SF34) assessed 37 supportive care needs under five domains in conjunction with demographic data. Three hundred and forty three women with gynaecological cancer attending a tertiary public referral hospital completed the survey over 12 months. Statistical analysis was performed using the R environment for statistical computing. A linear regression model was fitted with factor scores for each domain and demographic characteristics as explanatory variables. Results: Three hundred and three women (83%) identified at least one moderate or high level supportive care need. The five highest ranked needs were, ‘being informed about your test results as soon as feasible’ (54.8%), ‘fears about cancer spreading’ (53.7%), ‘being treated like a person not just another case’ (51.9%), ‘being informed about cancer which is under control or diminishing (that is, remission)’ (50.7%), and ‘being adequately informed about the benefits and side-effects of treatments before you choose to have them’ (49.9%). Eight of the top ten needs were from the ‘health system and information’ domain. Associations between supportive care items and demographic variables revealed ‘cancer type’, and ‘time since completion of treatment’ had no impact on level of perceived need for any domain. Conclusions: Western Australian women with gynaecological cancer identified a high level of supportive care needs. The implementation of a supportive care screening tool is recommended to ensure needs are identified and care is patient-centred. Early identification and management of needs may help to reduce the burden on health system resources for managing ongoing needs

    Crowdfunding our health: economic risks and benefits

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    Crowdfunding is an expanding form of alternative financing that is gaining traction in the health sector. This article presents a typology for crowdfunded health projects and a review of the main economic benefits and risks of crowdfunding in the health market. We use evidence from a literature review, complimented by expert interviews, to extend the fundamental principles and established theories of crowdfunding to a health market context. Crowdfunded health projects can be classified into four types according to the venture's purpose and funding method. These are projects covering health expenses, fundraising health initiatives, supporting health research, or financing commercial health innovation. Crowdfunding could economically benefit the health sector by expanding market participation, drawing money and awareness to neglected health issues, improving access to funding, and fostering project accountability and social engagement. However, the economic risks of health-related crowdfunding include inefficient priority setting, heightened financial risk, inconsistent regulatory policies, intellectual property rights concerns, and fraud. Theorized crowdfunding behaviours such as signalling and herding can be observed in the market for health-related crowdfunding. Broader threats of market failure stemming from adverse selection and moral hazard also apply. Many of the discussed economic benefits and risks of crowdfunding health campaigns are shared more broadly with those of crowdfunding projects in other sectors. Where crowdfunding health care appears to diverge from theory is the negative externality inefficient priority setting may have towards achieving broader public health goals. Therefore, the market for crowdfunding health care must be economically stable, as well as designed to optimally and equitably improve public health

    Phosphorylation Alters the Interaction of the Arabidopsis Phosphotransfer Protein AHP1 with Its Sensor Kinase ETR1

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    The ethylene receptor ethylene response 1 (ETR1) and the Arabidopsis histidine-containing phosphotransfer protein 1 (AHP1) form a tight complex in vitro. According to our current model ETR1 and AHP1 together with a response regulator form a phosphorelay system controlling the gene expression response to the plant hormone ethylene, similar to the two-component signaling in bacteria. The model implies that ETR1 functions as a sensor kinase and is autophosphorylated in the absence of ethylene. The phosphoryl group is then transferred onto a histidine at the canonical phosphorylation site in AHP1. For phosphoryl group transfer both binding partners need to form a tight complex. After ethylene binding the receptor is switched to the non-phosphorylated state. This switch is accompanied by a conformational change that decreases the affinity to the phosphorylated AHP1. To test this model we used fluorescence polarization and examined how the phosphorylation status of the proteins affects formation of the suggested ETR1−AHP1 signaling complex. We have employed various mutants of ETR1 and AHP1 mimicking permanent phosphorylation or preventing phosphorylation, respectively. Our results show that phosphorylation plays an important role in complex formation as affinity is dramatically reduced when the signaling partners are either both in their non-phosphorylated form or both in their phosphorylated form. On the other hand, affinity is greatly enhanced when either protein is in the phosphorylated state and the corresponding partner in its non-phosphorylated form. Our results indicate that interaction of ETR1 and AHP1 requires that ETR1 is a dimer, as in its functional state as receptor in planta

    Ethylene-regulated gene expression in tomato fruit: characterization of novel ethylene-responsive and ripeningrelated genes isolated by differential display.

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    Differential display was used to isolate early ethyleneregulated genes from late immature green tomato fruit in order to obtain a broader understanding of the molecular basis by which ethylene coordinates the ripening process. Nineteen novel ethylene-responsive (ER) cDNA clones were isolated that fell into three classes: (i) ethylene up-regulated (ii) ethylene downregulated, and (iii) transiently induced. Expression analysis revealed that ethylene-dependent changes in mRNA accumulation occurred rapidly (15 min) for most of the ER clones. The predicted proteins encoded by the ER genes are putatively involved in processes as diverse as primary metabolism, hormone signalling and stress responses. Although a number of the isolated ER clones correspond to genes already documented in other species, their responsiveness to ethylene is described here for the ®rst time. Among the ER clones sharing high homology with regulatory genes, ER43, a putative GTP-binding protein, and ER50, a CTR1-like clone, are potentially involved in signal transduction. ER24 is homologous to the multiprotein bridging factor MBF1 involved in transcriptional activation, and ®nally, two clones are homologous to genes involved in post-transcriptional regulation: ER49, a putative translational elongation factor, and ER68, a mRNA helicase-like gene. Six ER clones correspond to as yet unidenti®ed genes. The expression studies indicated that all the ER genes are ripening-regulated, and, depending on the clone, show changes in transcript accumulation either at the breaker, turning, or red stage. Analysis of transcript accumulation in different organs indicated a strong bias towards expression in the fruit for many of the clones. The potential roles for some of the ER clone