64 research outputs found

    Fine Scale Analysis of Crossover and Non-Crossover and Detection of Recombination Sequence Motifs in the Honeybee (Apis mellifera)

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    BACKGROUND: Meiotic exchanges are non-uniformly distributed across the genome of most studied organisms. This uneven distribution suggests that recombination is initiated by specific signals and/or regulations. Some of these signals were recently identified in humans and mice. However, it is unclear whether or not sequence signals are also involved in chromosomal recombination of insects. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed recombination frequencies in the honeybee, in which genome sequencing provided a large amount of SNPs spread over the entire set of chromosomes. As the genome sequences were obtained from a pool of haploid males, which were the progeny of a single queen, an oocyte method (study of recombination on haploid males that develop from unfertilized eggs and hence are the direct reflect of female gametes haplotypes) was developed to detect recombined pairs of SNP sites. Sequences were further compared between recombinant and non-recombinant fragments to detect recombination-specific motifs. CONCLUSIONS: Recombination events between adjacent SNP sites were detected at an average distance of 92 bp and revealed the existence of high rates of recombination events. This study also shows the presence of conversion without crossover (i. e. non-crossover) events, the number of which largely outnumbers that of crossover events. Furthermore the comparison of sequences that have undergone recombination with sequences that have not, led to the discovery of sequence motifs (CGCA, GCCGC, CCGCA), which may correspond to recombination signals

    The Effect of Gas Permeability of Film Dressings on Wound Environment and Healing

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    We have determined the effect of oxygen and carbon dioxide permeability of thin film dressings on wound exudate P O2, P CO2, pH, and epithelialization in shallow wounds on domestic pigs. Three kinds of films were compared: polyvinylidine chloride, a low gas permeability film polyurethane, a medium gas permeability film; and poly(dimethyl silicone), a high gas permeability flim. Exudate under the silicone film had the highest P O2 and the lowest P CO2 exudate under the polyurethane had intermediate P O2 and P CO2 and exudate under the polyvinylidine chloride had the lowest P O2 and highest P CO2. Values for pH under the films correlated inversely with P CO2. The gas tensions and pH are a reflection of the ability of the films to control the diffusion of oxygen into and the loss of carbon dioxide from the wound exudate. Mean epithelialization values at 2 and 3 d were not significantly different under polyvinylidine chloride and polyurethane, but both were higher than under the silicone film. We infer from the data that the use of oxygen and carbon dioxide impermeable film dressings do not affect epithelialization in well-perfused, shallow wounds. The use of the silicone film (highly permeable to both oxygen and carbon dioxide) led to a loss of carbon dioxide. The resulting relatively high pH may have been responsible for the reduced rate of epithelialization which occurred beneath the silicone film

    Repairable systems with dependent components: Stochastic process techniques and models

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    We consider three approaches to the modeling of systems with repairable components by a multivariate stochastic on-off process. First, we discuss the Palm calculus framework for stationary processes and its power in the derivation of general formulae for joint downtime statistics in the case of statisti- cally independent components. Second, a class of Generalized Semi-Markov (GSMP) models is proposed for incorporating both arbitrary component downtime distributions and statistical dependence of component failures. The case of two components is studied in detail. Third, we define the property referred to as weakened-by-failures for a system of repairable components, and prove that it implies association under fairly general conditions. We also give sufficient conditions for our GSMP models to possess this property

    Quoi de neuf en chirurgie [Novelties in surgery in 2013?].

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    Multidisciplinary management of colorectal liver metastases allows an increase of about 20% in the resection rate of liver metastases. It includes chemotherapy, interventional radiology and surgery. In 2013, the preliminary results of the in-situ split of the liver associated with portal vein ligation (ALLPS) are promising with unprecedented mean hypertrophy up to 70% at day 9. However, the related morbidity of this procedure is about 40% and hence should be performed in the setting of study protocol only. For pancreatic cancer, the future belongs to the use of adjuvant and neo adjuvant therapies in order to increase the resection rate. Laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery is still in evolution with significant benefits in the reduction of cost, hospital stay, and postoperative morbidity. Finally, enhanced recovery pathways (ERAS) have been validated for colorectal surgery and are currently assessed in other fields of surgery like HPB and upper GI surgery

    Exceptionally high levels of recombination across the honey bee genome

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    The first draft of the honey bee genome sequence and improved genetic maps are utilized to analyze a genome displaying 10 times higher levels of recombination ( 19 cM/Mb) than previously analyzed genomes of higher eukaryotes. The exceptionally high recombination rate is distributed genome-wide, but varies by two orders of magnitude. Analysis of chromosome, sequence, and gene parameters with respect to recombination showed that local recombination rate is associated with distance to the telomere, GC content, and the number of simple repeats as described for low-recombining genomes. Recombination rate does not decrease with chromosome size. On average 5.7 recombination events per chromosome pair per meiosis are found in the honey bee genome. This contrasts with a wide range of taxa that have a uniform recombination frequency of about 1.6 per chromosome pair. The excess of recombination activity does not support a mechanistic role of recombination in stabilizing pairs of homologous chromosome during chromosome pairing. Recombination rate is associated with gene size, suggesting that introns are larger in regions of low recombination and may improve the efficacy of selection in these regions. Very few transposons and no retrotransposons are present in the high-recombining genome. We propose evolutionary explanations for the exceptionally high genome-wide recombination rate