18 research outputs found

    Nanotechnology in peripheral nerve repair and reconstruction

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    The recent progress in biomaterials science and development of tubular conduits (TCs) still fails in solving the current challenges in the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs), in particular when disease-related and long-gap defects need to be addressed. Nanotechnology-based therapies that seemed unreachable in the past are now being considered for the repair and reconstruction of PNIs, having the power to deliver bioactive molecules in a controlled manner, to tune cellular behavior, and ultimately guide tissue regeneration in an effective manner. It also offers opportunities in the imaging field, with a degree of precision never achieved before, which is useful for diagnosis, surgery and in the patientâ s follow-up. Nanotechnology approaches applied in PNI regeneration and theranostics, emphasizing the ones that are moving from the lab bench to the clinics, are herein overviewed.The authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the financial support provided to Joaquim M. Oliveira (IF/01285/2015) and Joana Silva-Correia (IF/00115/2015) under the program “Investigador FCT”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Four Seasons for Schwann Cell Biology, Revisiting Key Periods: Development, Homeostasis, Repair, and Aging

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    Like the seasons of the year, all natural things happen in stages, going through adaptations when challenged, and Schwann cells are a great example of that. During maturation, these cells regulate several steps in peripheral nervous system development. The Spring of the cell means the rise and bloom through organized stages defined by time-dependent regulation of factors and microenvironmental influences. Once matured, the Summer of the cell begins: a high energy stage focused on maintaining adult homeostasis. The Schwann cell provides many neuron-glia communications resulting in the maintenance of synapses. In the peripheral nervous system, Schwann cells are pivotal after injuries, balancing degeneration and regeneration, similarly to when Autumn comes. Their ability to acquire a repair phenotype brings the potential to reconnect axons to targets and regain function. Finally, Schwann cells age, not only by growing old, but also by imposed environmental cues, like loss of function induced by pathologies. The Winter of the cell presents as reduced activity, especially regarding their role in repair; this reflects on the regenerative potential of older/less healthy individuals. This review gathers essential information about Schwann cells in different stages, summarizing important participation of this intriguing cell in many functions throughout its lifetime