4 research outputs found
Le métier de modélisateur multinational
Cet article présente les principaux problèmes que posent la construction et l'utilisation des modèles macro-économétriques multinationaux. Il montre les disparités qui existent entre les différents modèles multinationaux. Il met l'accent sur la difficulté de mettre en évidence et d'expliquer les différences de comportement entre les différents pays. L'analyse de l'évolution du taux de change est également un point délicat. Les modèles multinationaux permettent de comparer les équilibres non coopératifs où chaque pays choisit isolément sa politique économique aux équilibres coopératifs où les politiques sont coordonnées.This article presents the main problems that economists face when they build or when they use multinational macroeconometric models. It shows the disparities between the existing multinational models. It insists on the difficulties to estimate and to explain behaviour disparities between countries. Analysis of the exchange rate evolution is also a delicate art. Multinational models allow to compare non-cooperative equilibria where each country fixes individually its policy instruments to cooperative equilibria where economie policies are coordinate
Staging Identities in Adult Education
The focus of this thesis is how identities are construed in adult education. According to the theoretical framework inspiring the study, identities are viewed as discursive constructions that are negotiated in social arenas. Hence, identities are considered versatile, plural and contradictory. The study has an ethnographic case study design and the field work was conducted 1998–2001. Various sources of data collection, such as interviews and participant observations were utilised. Every day practice at three different institutions of adult education in the case study municipality ”Nystad” were studied: Folk high school, Komvux and Liber Hermods flexgymnasium. Participants (27) were studied extensively, and a follow-up containing biographical interviews with the participants was also done 18 months after the main study. The result will show how the discourse of life long learning produce different technologies applying to different institutions of adult education defining what counts as knowledge, the relationships between actors and the demands participants will be posed with. Although the institutions of education are different, there are also similarities. The differences, however, are important in the recruitment of participants. The requirements of the education as to who you are supposed to be as a participant in adult education show a similar pattern, irrespective of the institution of education; the student with an interest in studying, prone to change, independent and well-behaved. Different strategies are detected when focusing the staging of participants’ identities, adaptive and defiant. An adaptive strategy means the adults meet the requirements of the education and a defiant strategy that they resist. The strategies may be applied by one and the same participant depending on the situation. Biographies show how different interpretative repertoires are used to stage different identities. The participants use four repertoires relevant to the subject: that of making a living, learning, earning credits and self realization. The repertoires applicable to the forms of teaching are teacher oriented, selfdirected and conversational. The repertoires used in relation to the teachers in adult education are expert, person, supervisor and administrator. The repertoires used by the adults in order to describe other participants are adult student, study mate and friend. The result of the study inspires the discussion of adult education in terms of social inclusion and exclusion
Staging Identities in Adult Education
The focus of this thesis is how identities are construed in adult education. According to the theoretical framework inspiring the study, identities are viewed as discursive constructions that are negotiated in social arenas. Hence, identities are considered versatile, plural and contradictory. The study has an ethnographic case study design and the field work was conducted 1998–2001. Various sources of data collection, such as interviews and participant observations were utilised. Every day practice at three different institutions of adult education in the case study municipality ”Nystad” were studied: Folk high school, Komvux and Liber Hermods flexgymnasium. Participants (27) were studied extensively, and a follow-up containing biographical interviews with the participants was also done 18 months after the main study. The result will show how the discourse of life long learning produce different technologies applying to different institutions of adult education defining what counts as knowledge, the relationships between actors and the demands participants will be posed with. Although the institutions of education are different, there are also similarities. The differences, however, are important in the recruitment of participants. The requirements of the education as to who you are supposed to be as a participant in adult education show a similar pattern, irrespective of the institution of education; the student with an interest in studying, prone to change, independent and well-behaved. Different strategies are detected when focusing the staging of participants’ identities, adaptive and defiant. An adaptive strategy means the adults meet the requirements of the education and a defiant strategy that they resist. The strategies may be applied by one and the same participant depending on the situation. Biographies show how different interpretative repertoires are used to stage different identities. The participants use four repertoires relevant to the subject: that of making a living, learning, earning credits and self realization. The repertoires applicable to the forms of teaching are teacher oriented, selfdirected and conversational. The repertoires used in relation to the teachers in adult education are expert, person, supervisor and administrator. The repertoires used by the adults in order to describe other participants are adult student, study mate and friend. The result of the study inspires the discussion of adult education in terms of social inclusion and exclusion
Stöd och referensmaterial om vuxnas lärande : Del 2. Idé och inspiration i arbetet med vuxnas lärande
Materialet avser att fungera som en inspirationskälla för Dig som arbetar med vuxnas lärande. Vi hoppas det ska väcka lust att botanisera vidare inom områden som kan vara till nytta i Ditt arbete som lärare, pedagog, studievägledare eller skolledare. Materialet består av en lättläst, löpande text som fungerar som guide i relation till några resmål. För den som vill fördjupa sig erbjuds sidospår, lästips eller allmänna citat. Materialet ställer också många frågor och vi vill uppmana till reflektion genom frågan som Astrid Lindgrens rumpnissar lärt oss ställa ”Varför gör Du på detta viset?”..