6 research outputs found

    Relationship between instructor's entrepreneurship pedagogical content knowledge on student's entrepreneurial intention at Kuala Langat Community College

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    A preliminary studies to investigate the nature of pedagogical content knowledge developed in an entrepreneurship subject/ course and its association with entrepreneurial intention in a group of students, who were enrolled in Modul Asas Kemahiran Keusahawanan‘s subject at Kuala Langat Community College. Simple random sampling were implemented in distributing the questionnaire and a 187 respondent has returned the complete questionnaire. A simple curriculum overview of Modul Asas Keusahawanan was done and the collected data were analysed using descriptive and multiple stepwise linear regression in SPSS. The findings showed that there is no significant relationship between EPCK (β = .006, p = .962 and is >.05) towards entrepreneurial intention. However, the regression test in assessing the relationship between each subcontract demonstrates that a combination of knowledge of concepts representations and knowledge of learners represents 70.6% variance in the relationship between entrepreneurial PCK and entrepreneurial intentions. This study provides more emphasis on the needs of teachers to master the knowledge of student representation and knowledge, in delivering and teaching the Modul kemahiran Asas Keusahawanan to students. In addition, students believe that their instructors' knowledge in entrepreneurial pedagogy is sufficient

    Teachers entrepreneurial pedagogical content knowledge roles in human resource development

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    Among one of the strategic plan that's being enforced by Malaysia in generating a creative and innovative human resource is by strengthening the entrepreneurship education. This effort is in line with the aspiration of Malaysia’s Innovation Human Capital Development Plan, which emphasized entrepreneurship as an added value to alumnus employability, hence brought forth more quality human resources. However, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) showed that there is a gradual decrease in the entrepreneurial intention indicator among Malaysians since 2012. The decrement is a negative indication in Malaysia’s effort to achieve its vision of becoming a developed nation by the year 2020. Accordingly, Malaysia needs to reassess the planning and development of human resources. This paper discusses the views on the enforcement of teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge in entrepreneurship education which can contribute to the success of the human capital development in Malaysia

    Instructor's pedagogical content knowledge, student's entrepreneurial personality and learning style as predictors of entrepreneurial intention among community college students

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    Looking at broad perspective, we can conclude that education is about learning where most people agree that qualification (certificate or degree) are the products of that learning. If we as an educator think more in depth, we see that a higher grade or score in examinations cannot be the truest indicator to state that the students or graduate have become effective and independent learner. Similar as in this case of study, the more students or graduates that we train or taught in entrepreneurship education, it will not produce the same number of entrepreneurs. Yet the product (targeted number of entrepreneurs) out of the whole programs were still low due to many factors. Some factors such as how knowledgeable and experiences are the instructors in the subject matter and content knowledge and the students personality in creating their own entrepreneurial learning style will determine how deep is the student’s entrepreneurial intention. This paper will discuss further on the role of instructor’s pedagogical content knowledge, student’s entrepreneurial personality and learning style in predicting entrepreneurial intention among students at community colleges. Thus, an appropriate training- teaching-learning in entrepreneurship education at community college could be obtain to get more promising outcome

    Implementing pedagogical content knowledge in teaching and learning entrepreneurship at Community College: an instructional enrichment approach

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    Teachers plays an important role in class, not only to teach, but they also plays the role of model (in their subject matter) to the audience (students). A good teacher is such like an actor on the stage, the more they were in control and knowledgeable of the topic or subject of the play, the more easier the audience can understand the action of play. Sometimes it will be able to induce the audience to stand up voluntarily giving tribute and a big applause. To get an impression of this effective, teachers need to be skilled and knowledgeable in their own field. These kind of effect are try to be conveyed in the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship subject at Community Colleges. This concept paper embarks on the discussion of implementing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in Entrepreneurship Education (EE) at Community College. Many empirical studies confirmed that PCK will improve students understanding and encourage students critical thinking. This study also highlight the effects of PCK in producing a high quality of teaching and learning especially in EE. The implications for future research on the effects of PCK was also discussed

    Kesediaan pelajar Kolej Komuniti Selayang dari aspek minat dan sikap terhadap bidang kemahiran pendidikan teknik dan vokasional (PTV) dalam Sistem Modular Kebangsaan

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    Kajian ini merupakan kajian awal yang dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti kesediaan pelajar Kolej Komuniti Selayang dari aspek minat dan sikap terhadap bidang kemahiran pendidikan teknik dan vokasional (PTV) dalam Sistem Modular Kebangsaan. Pelajar-pelajar Kolej Komuniti Selayang ini dipilih sebagai responden kerana mereka sedang mengikuti kurikulum baharu Sistem Modular Kebangsaan yang berasaskan kepada kaedah pembelajaran tindakan atau AOL (Action Oriented Learning). Seramai 50 orang respoden daripada bidang Kulinari CC301 yang sedang mengikuti pengajian dalam bulan Disember 2012 di Kolej Komuniti Selayang terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini merupakan kajian tinjauan dan data dikumpul melalui borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 18 item untuk mengukur minat dan 16 item untuk mengukur sikap pelajar. Kesahan item dibuktikan daripada kajian terdahulu, manakala nilai indeks kebolehpercayaan item diuji menggunakan cronbach alpha di mana soal selidik bagi minat adalah alpha (α) = 0.926 dan bagi sikap adalah alpha (α) =0.951. Data yang dikumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan perisian SPSS V21.0. Statistik deskriptif melibatkan pengukuran min, sisihan piawai dan pekali korelasi untuk dapatan data dan penilaian soal selidik. Dapatan kajian mendapati pelajar mempunyai tahap minat yang tinggi (min keseluruhan = 4.00) dan mempunyai sikap yang sangat positif (min keseluruhan = 4.11) dengan bidang kemahiran (pendidikan teknik dan vokasional). Dapatan analisa SPSS pekali korelasi Pearson menunjukkan dapatan p adalah .00 dan pengkaji merumuskan bahawa sikap dengan minat adalah berkait secara signifikan dengan nilai pekali r =.836 menunjukkan perkaitan yang kuat. Dapatan kajian memberi implikasi kepada kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh pensyarah. Bagi meningkatkan pencapaian dan meningkatkan minat serta motivasi kepada sikap pelajar seharusnya pendekatan pengajaran berpusatkan pelajar (contohnya kooperatif, simulasi, konseptual) diamalkan agar dapat membentuk sikap yang lebih positif di kalangan pelajar

    A preliminary analysis for assessing intructor's pedagogical content knowledge in entrepreneurship

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    Currently, a graduate with good entrepreneurship skills were having greater advantage, much preferred by most industries and firms, compared to other graduate with low entrepreneurship’s skill. Yet, to be able to instill good entrepreneurship’s skill among graduate, student’s should be taught by teacher’s or instructor’s with a strong pedagogical content knowledge in entrepreneurship. This study was conducted to validate a 28 items of Entrepreneurship Pedagogical Content Knowledge scale (EPCK), adopted from the literature. The validation analysis was done using two approaches: the alpha cronbach reliability scale in SPSS and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in structural equation modelling (SEM). A 222 sample was collected in this preliminary analysis from six community college students. The students need to give response to a 5 point Likert scale instrument which consists of four construct’s, namely i) subject matter knowledge in entrepreneurship (SMKE), ii) instructional representative and strategy in entrepreneurship (IRSE), iii) instructional objective and context in entrepreneurship (IOCE), and iv) knowledge of the student’s understanding of entrepreneurship (KSUE). After the confirmatory factor analysis was done, only 16 items showed satisfactory results. The final model of this EPCK was significant (p=. 012 at α =.05) (CMIN/DF = 1.348; TLI =.968; RMSEA =.040; and factor loading, (>.6). The EPCK scale was reliable (α = .898; and CR = .952), and valid (AVE = .5) to measure instructor’s pedagogical content knowledge in entrepreneurship