102 research outputs found

    The nutritive value of guar meal (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) for poultry

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    Synthesis, Characterization and Antitumour Activity of Metal Complexes of 5-Carboxy-2-Thiouracil

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    Metal complexes of 5-carboxy-2-thiouracil with Mn(ll), Co(ll), Ni(ll), Cu(ll), Zn(ll) and Cd(ll) ions were synthesized, characterized, and subjected to a screening system for evaluation of antitumour activity against Sarcoma-180 (S-180) tumour cells. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared, electronic spectra, room temperature magnetic measurements and powder X-ray diffraction. The antitumour activity results indicate that some complexes have antitumour activity both in vivo and in vitro against S-180 tumour cells

    Antitumor Effect of Some 3d-Metal Complexes of N-Isonicotinoyl-N'-o-Hydroxythiobenzhydrazide

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    A new ligand, N-isonicotinoyl-N'-o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazide (H2Iotbh), forms complexes [Co(Iotbh)(H2O)2], [M(Iotbh)] [M Ni(II) Cu(II) and Zn(ll)] and [M(Iotbh-H)(H2O)2] [M Mn(III), Fe(III)], which were characterized by various physico-chemical techniques. DMSO solution of metal complexes was observed to inhibit the growth of tumor in vitro, whereas the ligand did not. In vivo administration of these complexes resulted in prolongation of survival of tumor-bearing mice. Tumor-bearing mice administered with the solution of metal complexes showed reversal of tumor growth associated induction of apoptosis in lymphocytes. The paper discusses the possible mechanisms and therapeutic implications of the H2lotbh and its metal complexes in tumor regression and tumor growth associated immunosuppression

    CSR Reporting and its Links to Financial Performance in Malaysia

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    The overwhelming predominance of global trade in todays world greatly enhances the power vested in the hands of corporations, whilst with power comes responsibility and this power ought to be exercised with due care so that the risk of those with lesser power being harmed can be avoided and overall harmony exists. At the same time, corporations like Exxon Mobil, in the name of trade, campaign against the Kyoto Protocol which if implemented could lead to controls on hydrocarbon fuel usage (New Scientist, 2002; Godd and Lowen, 2001) and in Southeast Asia, large corporations like Asia Pulp and Paper were allowed to significantly damage the Indonesian rainforest (New Scientist, 2002)

    Non-invasive biomarkers and pulmonary function in smokers

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    Limited information exists regarding measurement, reproducibility and interrelationships of non-invasive biomarkers in smokers. We compared exhaled breath condensate (EBC) leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and 8-isoprostane, exhaled nitric oxide, induced sputum, spirometry, plethysmography, impulse oscillometry and methacholine reactivity in 18 smokers and 10 non-smokers. We assessed the relationships between these measurements and within-subject reproducibility of EBC biomarkers in smokers. Compared to non-smokers, smokers had significantly lower MMEF % predicted (mean 64.1 vs 77.7, p = 0.003), FEV1/FVC (mean 76.2 vs 79.8 p = 0.05), specific conductance (geometric mean 1.2 vs 1.6, p = 0.02), higher resonant frequency (mean 15.5 vs 9.9, p = 0.01) and higher EBC 8-isoprostane (geometric mean 49.9 vs 8.9 pg/ml p = 0.001). Median EBC pH values were similar, but a subgroup of smokers had airway acidification (pH < 7.2) not observed in non-smokers. Smokers had predominant sputum neutrophilia (mean 68.5%). Repeated EBC measurements showed no significant differences between group means, but Bland Altman analysis showed large individual variability. EBC 8-isoprostane correlated with EBC LTB4 (r = 0.78, p = 0.0001). Sputum supernatant IL-8 correlated with total neutrophil count per gram of sputum (r = 0.52, p = 0.04) and with EBC pH (r = −0.59, p = 0.02). In conclusion, smokers had evidence of small airway dysfunction, increased airway resistance, reduced lung compliance, airway neutrophilia and oxidative stress

    Quality management in coastal container liner shipping from the point of view of cost management

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    S ciljem poboljšanja upravljanja kvalitetom i sigurnošću u pomorskom prometu međunarodne pomorske organizacije propisale su i uvele mnoga pravila i standarde. U posljednje vrijeme ta pravila i standardi dodatno su se postrožili sa svrhom uklanjanja podstandardnih brodova i brodara iz pomorstva. Primjena tih novih pravila i standarda upravljanja sigurnošću i kvalitetom na brodovima iziskuje od brodara povećane troškove. Troškovi upravljanja kvalitetom imaju sve značajniji udio u troškovima poslovanja brodara. Iz tog razloga uobičajenoj podjeli troškova broda na fiksne i komercijalne troškove te troškove goriva i maziva potrebno je dodati i troškove upravljanja kvalitetom. Zahvaljujući takvoj podjeli troškova, brodaru je omogućeno preciznije upravljanje troškovima poslovanja te planiranje poslovnih odluka.In order to improve quality and safety management in maritime transport the International Maritime Organization has brought in a large number of regulations and standards. Those rules and standards have lately become stricter in order to remove sub-standard vessels and shipping operators from the market. Application of the new regulations and standards regarding quality and safety management on board a vessel has incurred additional costs on shipping operators. Quality management costs are an increasingly important part of a shipping operator’s business costs. For that reason the common division of vessel costs into fixed costs, commercial costs and fuelling costs should be added quality management costs. Thanks to such a division of costs shipping operators can have more efficient business cost management and more accurate business plans

    Blood and sputum eosinophils in COPD; relationship with bacterial load.

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    BACKGROUND: Sputum and blood eosinophil counts predict corticosteroid effects in COPD patients. Bacterial infection causes increased airway neutrophilic inflammation. The relationship of eosinophil counts with airway bacterial load in COPD patients is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that bacterial load and eosinophil counts are inversely related. METHODS: COPD patients were seen at stable state and exacerbation onset. Sputum was processed for quantitative polymerase chain reaction detection of the potentially pathogenic microorganisms (PPM) H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis and S. pneumoniae. PPM positive was defined as total load ≥1 × 104copies/ml. Sputum and whole blood were analysed for differential cell counts. RESULTS: At baseline, bacterial counts were not related to blood eosinophils, but sputum eosinophil % was significantly lower in patients with PPM positive compared to PPM negative samples (medians: 0.5% vs. 1.25% respectively, p = 0.01). Patients with PPM positive samples during an exacerbation had significantly lower blood eosinophil counts at exacerbation compared to baseline (medians: 0.17 × 109/L vs. 0.23 × 109/L respectively, p = 0.008), while no blood eosinophil change was observed with PPM negative samples. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate an inverse relationship between bacterial infection and eosinophil counts. Bacterial infection may influence corticosteroid responsiveness by altering the profile of neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation