1,527 research outputs found

    Variation of quantum well infrared photodetectors parameter with an applied electric field

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    A model is presented for the performance of quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) utilizing intersubband electron transitions and tunneling injection electrons. The dark current and the responsivity are derived as functions of the QWIP parameters, including the number of the QWs and electric field dependent capture probability in an analytical form. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2789

    Variation of quantum well infrared photodetectors parameter with an applied electric field

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    A model is presented for the performance of quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) utilizing intersubband electron transitions and tunneling injection electrons. The dark current and the responsivity are derived as functions of the QWIP parameters, including the number of the QWs and electric field dependent capture probability in an analytical form. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2789

    Hemolytic and DNA binding studies of divalent transition metal ion based macrocyclic complexes

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    New tetra-azamacrocyclic complexes of Ni (II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized by template methodology leading to the formation of complex of type [MLX2] where L is a macrcocyclic ligand obtained from the condensation of 4-Methyl-o-phenylenediamine (DAT) and 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione (DBM)and X= NO3-, Cl-, and CH3COO-. Characterization of newly prepared complexes has been  done by using various physico-analytical techniques like UV-visible, IR, ESR, CHN, Magnetic susceptibilities and PXRD.The non-electrolytic nature of the complexes was elucidated by lower value of molar conductance. The data received from various techniques give an indication towards the octahedral geometry of the complexes. The macrocyclic ring is present at the equatorial position whereas the axial positions are occupied by the ligands Cl-, NO3- and CH3COO-. Screening of all the complexes has been performed against the pathogenic strains of microbes in order to check their antimicrobial potential. Invitro-hemolytic activity reveals about the extent to which lyses of hemoglobin takes place. The Herring fish sperm DNA interaction studies are carried out with the help of UV-absorption spectra. Molecular modeling was done through the assistance of  software Chem 3D Ultra that gives the energy calculation and their quantum chemical parameter

    New records of desmids from Ropar wetland (a Ramsar Site) of Punjab, India

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    This study deals with exploration of freshwater desmids for the first time from Ropar wetland (Ramsar site) of Punjab (India) to assess their taxonomic aspects and bio-geographical distribution. During this study, samples of planktonic, epiphytic and epilithic desmids were collected from littoral zone and were observed under light microscope for their morphometric characteristics based identification. Total 21 desmids species belonging to 4 genera of 2 families (Closteriaceae and Desmidiaceae) were identified from the collected samples. Among them, Cosmarium with 11 species (C. awadhense, C. bioculatum, C. trilobatum, C. divergens, C. granatum, C. moniliforme, C. nitidulum, C. subtumidum, C. reniforme, C. undulatum and C. obtusatum) was found to be most abundant followed by Closterium with 7 species (C. acerosum, C. dianae, C. incurvum, C. leibleinii, C. lunula, C. pritchardianum and C. aciculare), Euastrum with 2 species (E. spinulosum and E. platycerum) and Staurastrum with 1 species (S. crenulatum). The geographic distribution of identified desmid taxa in India has been also recorded. All the desmid taxa identified during this study are new record for the Punjab state of India. The results of this study provide significant baseline data for the future taxonomic and ecological studies from the similar habitats

    Hexaaquazinc(II) dinitrate bis[5-(pyridinium-3-yl)tetrazol-1-ide]

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    Indexación: Scopus.Funding for this research was provided by: Fondecyt Regular (award No. 1151527); Proyecto REDES ETAPA INICIAL, Convocatoria 2017 (award No. REDI170423); Millennium Institute for Research in Optics (MIRO); Basal USA (award No. 1799).Hexaaquazinc(II) dinitrate 5-(pyridinium-3-yl)tetrazol-1-ide, [Zn(H2 O)6](NO 3)2 ·2C6H5 N 5, crystallizes in the space group P. The asymmetric unit contains one zwitterionic 5-(pyridinium-3-yl)tetrazol-1-ide molecule, one NO3-anion and one half of a [Zn(H2 O)6]2+ cation (symmetry). The pyridinium and tetrazolide rings in the zwitterion are nearly coplanar, with a dihedral angle of 5.4 (2)°. Several O-H..N and N-H..O hydrogen-bonding interactions exist between the [Zn(H2 O)6]2+ cation and the N atoms of the tetrazolide ring, and between the nitrate anions and the N-H groups of the pyridinium ring, respectively, giving rise to a three-dimensional network. The 5-(pyridinium-3-yl)tetrazol-1-ide molecules show parallel-displaced π-π stacking interactions; the centroid-centroid distance between adjacent tetrazolide rings is 3.6298 (6) Å and that between the pyridinium and tetrazolide rings is 3.6120 (5) Å. © 2018 Chi-Duran et al.http://journals.iucr.org/e/issues/2018/09/00/cq2025/index.htm


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    Objective: The rich plant diversity of mountains has been used by the indigenous people for thousands of years as health-care remedies. A study on the important plant communities of scrub ecosystems of Dachigam National Park was carried out with the special aim of enlisting the ethnobotanical, and ethnoveterinary uses of plants being used by the people of the area. Methods: Data were collected by visual appraisal approach, rapid rural approach, and questionnaire methods coupled with group meetings and field discussions. Results: Data collected from the present investigation indicate that 59 plants belonging to 33 families with Rosaceae, the dominant family, were exclusively used for ethnobotanical purposes and 10 plant species belonging to 8 families were having ethnoveterinary use. These species include 14 medicinal species, 10 vegetable species, 10 with edible species, 6 fodder species, 6 species used as tea substitutes, 3 species for menstrual problems, 3 species used for religious ceremonies, 2 species used for chutney, 2 art and craft species, and 1 species used for ornamental, fuelwood, and agricultural tools each. Conclusion: The people of the area are exclusively dependent on medicinal plants using traditional knowledge that provides them with the best therapeutic and economic benefits. Such traditional knowledge could be valuable for developing local and regional conservation strategies for these fragile ecosystems. There is an urgent need to thoroughly analyze the secondary metabolite properties of such plants to validate their authenticity in the local health-care systems

    Velocity Distribution in the Annuli of a Plane Reverse-Flow Combustor Model

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    This paper reports the yclodity profiles and flow distribution in the annuli of a plane reverse-flow gas turbine GOmbustor model. Based on these, flow-split through different liner holes and swirlers has been estimated. it is seen that percentage flow-split through the outer liner surface holes, compared to that through liner dome and inner liner surface holes, is not affected  significantly by increase in theinlet flow velocity

    Morpho-physiological and Molecular Variability in Salt Tolerant and Susceptible Popular Cultivars and their Derivatives at Seedling Stage and Potential Parental Combinations in Breeding for Salt Tolerance in Rice

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    Saltol, a major QTL for salt exclusion, was derived from ‘Pokkali’, a salt-tolerant rice cultivar. Apart from Pokkali, many genotypes with wide variation for salinity tolerance offer ample scope for identifying new genes or QTLs underlying various tolerance mechanisms. Such genes could be aggregated into high-yielding backgrounds to reinforce a breeding programme. To identify potential donors for salt tolerance and prospective parental combinations for developing high-yielding salt-tolerant cultivars, ten genotypes were subjected to salt stress and evaluated for morpho-physiological traits and marker-allele polymorphism in the Saltol-QTL region. Although the salt-susceptible high-yielding varieties clustered together in a 3-D plot, principal component analysis showed marked spatial isolation among the tolerant genotypes. Unlike Pokkali and its derivative FL496, Rahspunjar maintained a higher level of K+ despite high Na+ influx in shoots. The wider genetic distances observed at both phenotypic and genotypic levels suggest the possibility of getting transgressive segregants among the offspring of crosses between Rahspunjar and Gayatri or Swarna Sub1. Similarly, SR 26B, which coped with the stress by diluting the Na+ load by maintaining a higher growth rate, differed from Pokkali or Nona Bokra: these two coped with the stress by regulating the transmission of Na+ from roots to photosynthetically active sites. The F2:3 population derived from Savitri × SR 26B showed wide morpho-physiological diversity for salt tolerance. SR 26B was the most distant genotype from Pokkali in the Saltol QTL region and was salt tolerant despite the absence of Pokkali alleles in this region