118 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa

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    Tribhuvanakirti Rasa is an important Kharaliya Rasayana. It is prepared by using Hingula (cinnabar), Tankana (borax), Vatsanabha (Aconitum), Trikatu (Sunthi, Maricha, Pippali), Pippalimoola in equal proportion. This mixture is to be subjected for 3 Bhavanas each with Tulsipatra, Adraka, Dhaturapatra, and then last with Nirgundipatra Swarasa.  In the present study keeping the chief aim of elucidating pharmaceutical and physiochemical analysis of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa (TKR) are prepared adopting methods advocated in Rasamrutam/AFI.  The study was carried out in 2 stages - purification of Raw materials (Ashodhita - Hingula, Tankana, Vatsanabha), and preparation of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa. Physiochemical parameters such as LOD (12%), Total ash (16%), acid-insoluble ash (1.6%), Alcohol-soluble extractive (10.4%), water- soluble extractive (37.6%), pH (8.20) and TLC revealed maximum 6 spot in short wave. TKR requires continuous Trituration, until it dry, 60 hour’s duration of repeated levigation was required Bhavana by 4 Swarasa (each 3 times). Total weight gain after preparation of TKR was 12%. The inference from this study may be used as reference standard in the further quality control and clinical researches.  &nbsp

    Progress of auxetic and semi-auxetic materials

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    Auxetic materials with negative Poisson\u27s ratios, display the unique behavior owing to their micro-structure or geometrical build. Auxetic materials resist deformities when subjected to uniaxial, biaxial, and shearing stresses. Cellular based materials are known for their excellent impact and shock energy absorption. When foams are incorporated with auxetic geometry, their impact energy absorption increases. Combination of auxetic materials with conventional materials yield semi-auxetic materials. Ideally, layered structures where facing materials are metallic sheets sandwiching polymeric foam cores are popular. The auxetic materials can be combined with conventional materials to obtain P-N-P and N-P-N semi-auxetic sandwiched structures with diverse potential in several applications like automotive, aerospace, sports equipment, and protective armors

    Water-deficit stress - Induced physio-biochemical changes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cultivars

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    83-90Water stress is a serious global issue regarding growth of agricultural crops and sustainable food production for the large population. In the present situation due to low rainfall and unavailability of advanced irrigation methods, water deficit stress is the most limiting factor decreasing crop production in many regions of the world. In this study, to assess the drought tolerance mechanism in cotton cultivars was monitored by drought- induced physio-biochemical changes. To assess the tolerance in cotton cultivars, a field experiment was conducted in split- plot design in which the main plot consists of irrigated and complete rainfed conditions as a stress and cotton cultivars arranged in the main plot as a subplot. The overall comparative analysis revealed that hybrid was superior over their parents under well-watered as well as in water deficit conditions in terms of chlorophyll content, wax content, accumulation of compatible solutes, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and yield parameters. The findings from the results indicate that under water deficit conditions plants having a different adaptive mechanisms for coping with the stress situation. So, some of the adaptive mechanisms such as accumulation of sugars, polyphenols, amino acids, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and wax deposition helps to maintain osmotic balance, to protect cellular macromolecules, to detoxify the cells, and to scavenge free radicals under water deficit condition

    Water-deficit stress - Induced physio-biochemical changes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cultivars

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    Water stress is a serious global issue regarding growth of agricultural crops and sustainable food production for the large population. In the present situation due to low rainfall and unavailability of advanced irrigation methods, water deficit stress is the most limiting factor decreasing crop production in many regions of the world. In this study, to assess the drought tolerance mechanism in cotton cultivars was monitored by drought induced physio-biochemical changes. To assess the tolerance in cotton cultivars, a field experiment was conducted in split plot design in which the main plot consists of irrigated and complete rainfed conditions as a stress and cotton cultivars arranged in the main plot as a subplot. The overall comparative analysis revealed that hybrid was superior over their parents under well-watered as well as in water deficit conditions in terms of chlorophyll content, wax content, accumulation of compatible solutes, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and yield parameters. The findings from the results indicate that under water deficit conditions plants having a different adaptive mechanisms for coping with the stress situation. So, some of the adaptive mechanisms such as accumulation of sugars, polyphenols, amino acids, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and wax deposition helps to maintain osmotic balance, to protect cellular macromolecules, to detoxify the cells, and to scavenge free radicals under water deficit condition

    Time-Dependent Effects of Temperature and Humidity on Quality of DNA in samples of Human Saliva, Blood and Semen in Kuwait

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    Forensic science is growing rapidly in the world today. During the past ten years, medico-legal investigations highly expanded to include all areas of forensic science. The present aim of project investigated 29 samples of blood and 29 samples of saliva swabs that were collected from human volunteers. The saliva samples were collected by buccal swab but the blood samples were collected by Bode Secur Swab S.I.T. Collector. The experiments were done at four different temperatures (55°C, 37°C, 24°C and 4°C) for 28 days. The results showed that, DNA quantity that was investigated at a temperature of 4°C and 24°C in both blood and saliva samples was more or less remained the same during the whole period of the study, comparing values for day one with all other days including day 28. DNA quantification of human blood following extraction at 37°C was 46.14 ng/μl ± 0.22 at day one then starts to decrease until it reached 36.05 ng/μl ± 0.07 at day 28. In contrast, the result obtained from real-time PCR showed that, when the temperature was raised to 55°C, the DNA started to degrade with time until it reaches zero at day 12. The results clearly show that DNA is extremely sensitive to heat. In conclusion, the present project has shown that accidental deaths are the major cause for un-natural deaths in Kuwait. Moreover, the study concluded that an environmental temperature of 55°C, revealed no DNA survival after 12 days of exposure

    Functional outcome of operative management of Haglund deformity in non-athletic individuals-a case series

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    Haglund’s deformity is a symptomatic osseous outgrowth or prominence of the posterolateral corner of calcaneus usually in young individuals which presents in the form of posterior heel pain, sometimes intractable in chronic cases, which aggravates on walking or on dorsiflexion of the foot and is relieved with rest and anti-inflammatory medications in the initial phases. Management involves an initial conservative trial involving lifestyle changes and medical management, failure of which warrants surgical management for symptomatic relief along with ability to return to perform activities of daily living. We have a series of 4 patients with a Haglund’s deformity who presented to us with chronic posterior heel pain of varying duration with episodic exacerbations who were initially managed with a conservative trial with medications, physiotherapy, lifestyle modifications, usage of soft silicon sole for the footwear; the failure of which prompted us to go ahead with surgical management of these patients-all 4 patients were managed with a lateral wedge removal of the calcaneus with excision of the retrocalcaneal bursa. All 4 patients reported significant improvement in the symptoms with adequate postoperative care and rehabilitation. As we have seen in this case series of 4 patients presented here, Haglund’s deformity which is a part of a larger Haglund’s syndrome, has a chronic progression over a period of time with episodic exacerbations and remissions, which could be managed conservatively for a significant period initially but, if need be, surgical management should not be deferred not only to provide symptomatic relief as a major goal, but also to avoid permanent degenerative damages to the concerned soft tissues

    A balancing act: RNA binding protein HuR/TTP axis in endometriosis patients

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    Endometriosis, a major reproductive pathology affecting 8-10% of women is characterized by chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction. Human antigen R (HuR) and Tristetraprolin (TTP) are RNA binding proteins that competitively bind to cytokines involved in inflammation including: tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 6 (IL-6) among others, and stabilize and destabilize them, respectively. The aim of this study was to examine RNA binding protein (RNABP) HuR/TTP axis in endometriosis patients compared to menstrual stage matched healthy fertile controls in hopes of better understanding their contribution to the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Additionally, using a targeted in vitro siRNA approach, we examined whether knock-down of TTP can play a functional role on other RNABPs that competitively bind to inflammatory targets of TTP in both endometriotic and endometrial epithelial cell lines. Our results suggest that RNABPs TTP and HuR are dysregulated in endometriotic lesions compared to matched eutopic patient samples as well endometrium from healthy controls. Silencing of TTP in endometriotic and endometrial epithelial cells revealed differential response to inflammatory cytokines and other RNABPs. Our results suggest potential involvement of HuR/TTP RNA binding protein axis in regulation of inflammation in endometriosis

    Prevalence of Household-level Food Insecurity and Its Determinants in an Urban Resettlement Colony in North India

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    An adequate food intake, in terms of quantity and quality, is a key to healthy life. Malnutrition is the most serious consequence of food insecurity and has a multitude of health and economic implications. India has the world\u2019s largest population living in slums, and these have largely been underserved areas. The State of Food Insecurity in the World (2012) estimates that India is home to more than 217 million undernourished people. Various studies have been conducted to assess food insecurity at the global level; however, the literature is limited as far as India is concerned. The present study was conducted with the objective of documenting the prevalence of food insecurity at the household level and the factors determining its existence in an urban slum population of northern India. This cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban resettlement colony of South Delhi, India. A pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire was used for collecting socioeconomic details and information regarding dietary practices. Food insecurity was assessed using Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the factors associated with food insecurity. A total of 250 women were interviewed through house-to-house survey. Majority of the households were having a nuclear family (61.6%), with mean familysize being 5.5 (SD\ub12.5) and the mean monthly household income being INR 9,784 (SD\ub1631). Nearly half (53.3%) of the mean monthly household income was spent on food. The study found that a total of 77.2% households were food-insecure, with 49.2% households being mildly food-insecure, 18.8% of the households being moderately food-insecure, and 9.2% of the households being severely food-insecure. Higher education of the women handling food (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.15-0.92; p 640.03) and number of earning members in the household (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48-0.98; p 640.04) were associated with lesser chance/odds of being food-insecure. The study demonstrated a high prevalence of food insecurity in the marginalized section of the urban society. The Government of India needs to adopt urgent measures to combat this problem
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