117 research outputs found

    Fish Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Wadeable Iowa Streams: Current Status and Effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program Distribution Models

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    Effective conservation of fish species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) requires an understanding of species– habitat relationships and distributional trends. Thus, modeling the distribution of fish species across large spatial scales may be a valuable tool for conservation planning. Our goals were to evaluate the status of 10 fish SGCN in wadeable Iowa streams and to test the effectiveness of IowaAquatic Gap Analysis Project (IAGAP) species distribution models. We sampled fish assemblages from 86 wadeable stream segments in the Mississippi River drainage of Iowa during 2009 and 2010 to provide contemporary, independent fish species presence–absence data. The frequencies of occurrence in stream segments where species were historically documented varied from 0.0% for redfin shiner Lythrurus umbratilis to 100.0% for American brook lamprey Lampetra appendix, with a mean of 53.0%, suggesting that the status of Iowa fish SGCN is highly variable. Cohen’s kappa values and other model performance measures were calculated by comparing field-collected presence–absence data with IAGAP model–predicted presences and absences for 12 fish SGCN. Kappa values varied from 0.00 to 0.50, with a mean of 0.15. The models only predicted the occurrences of banded darter Etheostoma zonale, southern redbelly dace Phoxinus erythrogaster, and longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae more accurately than would be expected by chance. Overall, the accuracy of the twelve models was low, with a mean correct classification rate of 58.3%. Poor model performance probably reflects the difficulties associated with modeling the distribution of rare species and the inability of the large-scale habitat variables used in IAGAP models to explain the variation in fish species occurrences. Our results highlight the importance of quantifying the confidence in species distribution model predictions with an independent data set and the need for long-term monitoring to better understand the distributional trends and habitat associations of fish SGCN

    Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers

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    Live BW and carcass traits of steer calves were evaluated after feeding Optaflexx (200mg/day) for 35 days on an intermittent basis or continuously. The negative control consisted of 63 days on the same diet without Optaflexx, whereas the positive control consisted of Optaflexx supplemented daily during the last 35 days prior to harvest. The four-day intermittent treatment consisted of feeding Optaflexx for seven days, followed by four days of no Optaflexx, while the seven-day intermittent treatment consisted of seven days on Optaflexx, followed by seven days off. In both the four-day and seven-day intermittent treatments, cattle received Optaflexx for a total of 35 days. Regardless of the delivery pattern, feeding Optaflexx increased ADG, DMI, and live BW. Feeding 200 mg per steer daily of Optaflexx for a total of 35 days in either four-day or seven-day intermittent patterns was as effective but no more so as continuous feeding for a 35-day period

    Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers

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    Live BW and carcass traits of steer calves were evaluated after feeding Optaflexx (200mg/day) for 35 days on an intermittent basis or continuously. The negative control consisted of 63 days on the same diet without Optaflexx, whereas the positive control consisted of Optaflexx supplemented daily during the last 35 days prior to harvest. The four-day intermittent treatment consisted of feeding Optaflexx for seven days, followed by four days of no Optaflexx, while the seven-day intermittent treatment consisted of seven days on Optaflexx, followed by seven days off. In both the four-day and seven-day intermittent treatments, cattle received Optaflexx for a total of 35 days. Regardless of the delivery pattern, feeding Optaflexx increased ADG, DMI, and live BW. Feeding 200 mg per steer daily of Optaflexx for a total of 35 days in either four-day or seven-day intermittent patterns was as effective but no more so as continuous feeding for a 35-day period

    A dynamic H3K27ac signature identifies VEGFA-stimulated endothelial enhancers and requires EP300 activity

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    Histone modifications are now well-established mediators of transcriptional programs that distinguish cell states. However, the kinetics of histone modification and their role in mediating rapid, signal-responsive gene expression changes has been little studied on a genome-wide scale. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), a major regulator of angiogenesis, triggers changes in transcriptional activity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Here, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) to measure genome-wide changes in histone H3 acetylation at lysine 27 (H3K27ac), a marker of active enhancers, in unstimulated HUVECs and HUVECs stimulated with VEGFA for 1, 4, and 12 h. We show that sites with the greatest H3K27ac change upon stimulation were associated tightly with EP300, a histone acetyltransferase. Using the variation of H3K27ac as a novel epigenetic signature, we identified transcriptional regulatory elements that are functionally linked to angiogenesis, participate in rapid VEGFA-stimulated changes in chromatin conformation, and mediate VEGFA-induced transcriptional responses. Dynamic H3K27ac deposition and associated changes in chromatin conformation required EP300 activity instead of altered nucleosome occupancy or changes in DNase I hypersensitivity. EP300 activity was also required for a subset of dynamic H3K27ac sites to loop into proximity of promoters. Our study identified thousands of endothelial, VEGFA-responsive enhancers, demonstrating that an epigenetic signature based on the variation of a chromatin feature is a productive approach to define signal-responsive genomic elements. Further, our study implicates global epigenetic modifications in rapid, signal-responsive transcriptional regulation

    Habitat Associations of Fish Species of Greatest Conservation Need at Multiple Spatial Scales in Wadeable Iowa Streams

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    Fish and habitat data were collected from 84 wadeable stream reaches in the Mississippi River drainage of Iowa to predict the occurrences of seven fish species of greatest conservation need and to identify the relative importance of habitat variables measured at small (e.g., depth, velocity, and substrate) and large (e.g., stream order, elevation, and gradient) scales in terms of their influence on species occurrences. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to predict fish species occurrences, starting with all possible combinations of variables (5 large-scale variables, 13 small-scale variables, and all 18 variables) but limiting the final models to a maximum of five variables. Akaike’s information criterion was used to rank candidate models, weight model parameters, and calculate model-averaged predictions. On average, the correct classification rate (CCR = 80%) and Cohen’s kappa (Îș = 0.59) were greatest for multiple-scale models (i.e., those including both large-scale and small-scale variables), intermediate for small-scale models (CCR = 75%; Îș = 0.49), and lowest for large-scale models (CCR = 73%; Îș = 0.44). The occurrence of each species was associated with a unique combination of large-scale and small-scale variables. Our results support the necessity of understanding factors that constrain the distribution of fishes across spatial scales to ensure that management decisions and actions occur at the appropriate scale

    Impact of campaigns to control common ragweed on the pollen production in France

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    National audienceThe dispersion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is anthropogenic, and because it is an invasive plant, a number of control procedures have been implemented whose effectiveness was measured. Measures on pollen emissions were compared between areas with different level of management. In addition to pollen traps of the French aerobiology network (RNSA), passive traps (SLT: SIGMA2 Like Trap) were positioned near controlled or non-controlled areas. Two areas were selected: - infested areas, in RhĂŽne-Valley, 12 SLT were set up: 8 in Estrablin, with 2 in non-controlled areas and 6 in well-controlled areas; 4 near Valence, with one in non-controlled area and 3 in well controlled areas - a few infested area around Dijon with 4 traps located in lightly infested areas of which one in an area without ragweed plants and three in areas with presence of small amounts of ragweed plants. Ragweed pollen amounts collected from controlled and non-controlled areas are different, with a difference of ten to hundred times of the number of grains for controlled against non-treated areas. On the area not really infested, the quantities of pollen are limited to low tens of ragweed pollens grains. Periods of heavy pollination of ragweed pollens are similar for SLT and Hirst pollen traps. Even if the amounts of pollen collected from the wellcontrolled infested areas are still high, they are significantly less important than the amounts present on non-controlled areas. The set-up of management practices enables to locally reduce the pollen pressure but only a generalized and integrated control will actually enable to relieve allergy threats to people
