6 research outputs found

    Measurement of fragment mass distributions in neutron-induced fission reactions at intermediate energies

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    Fragment mass distributions from neutron-induced fission of /sup 232/Th and /sup 238/U have been measured at quasi-monoenergetic neutron beam of the Louvain-la-Neuve cyclotron facility CYCLONE. The measurements have been carried out making use of a multi-section Frisch-gridded ionization chamber. The measurement technique as well as the data processing is described. Preliminary data on primary fragment mass yields are given for an incident neutron energy of 32.8 MeV.Anglai

    Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 175 MeV Neutrons with Iron and Bismuth

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    We have measured double-differential (angle and energy) cross sections for light-ion (p, d, t, (3)He, and a) production in the interaction of quasi-monoenergetic 175 MeV neutrons with iron and bismuth. Measurements have been performed at the The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala (Sweden), using the Medley setup which allows low-energy thresholds and wide energy and angular ranges. Medley is a spectrometer system consisting of eight three-element telescopes placed at angles from 20 degrees to 160 degrees, in steps of 20 degrees. Each telescope is composed of two silicon surface barrier detectors and a CsI(Tl) scintillator, to perform particle identification, fully stop the produced light-ions and measure their kinetic energy. The time-of-flight was used to reduce the contribution from the low energy tail in the accepted incident neutron spectrum. We report double-differential production cross sections for protons, deuterons, tritons, (3)He and alpha particles and compare them with model calculations with TALYS-1.2

    Fragment-mass distributions in neutron-induced fission of Th232 and U238 at 33, 45, and 60 MeV

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    We have measured fission fragment-mass yields for neutron-induced fission of Th232 and U238 at energies 32.8, 45.3, and 59.9 MeV. The experiments were done at quasimonoenergetic neutron beams of the Cyclotron Research Center at Louvain-la-Neuve. To detect the fission fragments, a multisection Frisch-gridded ionization chamber was used. The measurement and data analysis techniques are discussed in detail. The obtained mass yields are compared to model calculations with the intermediate-energy nuclear reaction code MCFX. The MCFX code is used to calculate the fraction of fissioning nuclei after cascade, preequilibrium, and statistical reaction stages. The formation of mass distributions is considered as a result of oscillations of the mass-asymmetry degree of freedom in the potential well calculated with the temperature-dependent shell correction method. The experimental results as well as the results of the model calculations demonstrate that the probability of symmetric fission increases with incident neutron energy for both nuclei. The comparison also shows that the symmetric fission is more enhanced for thorium than for uranium with increasing neutron energy. We also compare U238 results with available experimental data; the Th232 data were measured for the first time. © 2011 American Physical Society

    A Medley with over ten years of (mostly) light-ion production measurements at The Svedberg Laboratory

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    Over the past years an experimental programme has been run at the neutron beam of The Svedberg Laboratory with the aim to study light-ion production induced by 96 and 175 MeV neutrons for a wide variety of targets. The measurements have been conducted using the Medley facility which allows measurement of p, d, t, He-3 and alpha production at fixed angles (from 20 to 160 degrees in steps of 20 degrees) over a wide dynamic range. An overview of the results obtained at the now finished campaign at 96 MeV will be given. Since 2007 we have been running at 175 MeV with C, O, Si, Fe, Bi and U as target material. Preliminary results from these measurements will be shown and compared to model calculations with Talys-1.2. We also summarize the Medley measurements of elastic np and nd scattering and of angular distributions of fission fragments

    Mass distribution in the quasi-mono-energetic neutron-induced fission of 232Th

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    The cumulative yields of various fission products in 232Th(n, f) with average neutron energies of 6.35, 8.53 and 10.09 MeV have been determined using an off-line γ\gamma-ray spectrometric technique. The neutron beam was produced from the 7Li(p, n) reaction. From the cumulative fission yields, the mass chain yields were obtained by using charge distribution correction of medium energy. The peak-to-valley (P/VP/V) ratio, the average value of light mass (⟨AL⟩\langle A_{L}\rangle), heavy mass (⟨AH⟩\langle A_{H} \rangle) and the average number of neutrons (⟨ν⟩\langle\nu \rangle) at the three different neutron energies of the present work and at other energies from the literature in the 232Th(n, f) reaction were obtained from the mass yield data. The present and the existing literature data in the 232Th(n, f) reaction at various excitation energies were compared with similar data in the 238U(n, f) reaction. The fine structure in the mass yield distribution was interpreted from the point of nuclear structure effect such as shell closure proximity and even-odd effect. The role of standard I and standard II asymmetric mode of fission was discussed. The different types of mass-yield distributions between 232Th(n, f) and 238U(n, f) reactions were explained from different types of the potential energy between the two fissioning systems. The role of excitation energy was also investigated