389 research outputs found

    An Effective Membrane Model of the Immunological Synapse

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    The immunological synapse is a patterned collection of different types of receptors and ligands that forms in the intercellular junction between T Cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs) during recognition. The synapse is implicated in information transfer between cells, and is characterized by different spatial patterns of receptors at different stages in the life cycle of T cells. We obtain a minimalist model that captures this experimentally observed phenomenology. A functional RG analysis provides further insights.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Rupture of multiple parallel molecular bonds under dynamic loading

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    Biological adhesion often involves several pairs of specific receptor-ligand molecules. Using rate equations, we study theoretically the rupture of such multiple parallel bonds under dynamic loading assisted by thermal activation. For a simple generic type of cooperativity, both the rupture time and force exhibit several different scaling regimes. The dependence of the rupture force on the number of bonds is predicted to be either linear, like a square root or logarithmic.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of disorder in location and size of fence barriers on molecular motion in cell membranes

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    The effect of disorder in the energetic heights and in the physical locations of fence barriers encountered by transmembrane molecules such as proteins and lipids in their motion in cell membranes is studied theoretically. The investigation takes as its starting point a recent analysis of a periodic system with constant distances between barriers and constant values of barrier heights, and employs effective medium theory to treat the disorder. The calculations make possible, in principle, the extraction of confinement parameters such as mean compartment sizes and mean intercompartmental transition rates from experimentally reported published observations. The analysis should be helpful both as an unusual application of effective medium theory and as an investigation of observed molecular movements in cell membranes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Descriptions of membrane mechanics from microscopic and effective two-dimensional perspectives

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    Mechanics of fluid membranes may be described in terms of the concepts of mechanical deformations and stresses, or in terms of mechanical free-energy functions. In this paper, each of the two descriptions is developed by viewing a membrane from two perspectives: a microscopic perspective, in which the membrane appears as a thin layer of finite thickness and with highly inhomogeneous material and force distributions in its transverse direction, and an effective, two-dimensional perspective, in which the membrane is treated as an infinitely thin surface, with effective material and mechanical properties. A connection between these two perspectives is then established. Moreover, the functional dependence of the variation in the mechanical free energy of the membrane on its mechanical deformations is first studied in the microscopic perspective. The result is then used to examine to what extent different, effective mechanical stresses and forces can be derived from a given, effective functional of the mechanical free energy.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, minor change

    Stress-Dependent Opioid And Adrenergic Modulation Of Newly Retrieved Fear Memory

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    Recent studies on the effect of stress on modulation of fear memory in our laboratory have uncovered endogenous opioid and adrenergic based modulation systems, working in concert, that limit the strengthening or weakening of newly acquired fear memory during consolidation under conditions of mild or intense stress, respectively. The present study sought to determine if similar stress-dependent modulation, mediated by endogenous opioid and adrenergic systems, occurs during reconsolidation of newly retrieved fear memory. Rats underwent contextual fear conditioning followed 24 h later by reactivation of fear memory; a retention test was administered the next day. Stress was manipulated by varying duration of recall of fear memory during reactivation. In the first experiment, vehicle or the opioid-receptor blocker naloxone was administered immediately after varied durations (30 or 120 s) of reactivation. The results indicate that (1) reactivation, in the absence of drug, has a marked effect on freezing behavior-as duration of reactivation increases from 30 to 120 s, freezing behavior and presumably fear-induced stress increases and (2) naloxone, administered immediately after 30 s (mild stress) or 120 s (intense stress) of reactivation, enhances or impairs retention, respectively, the next day. In the second experiment, naloxone and the g-adrenergic blocker propranolol were administered either separately or in combination immediately after 120 s (intense stress) reactivation. The results indicate that separate administration of propranolol and naloxone impairs retention, while the combined administration fails to do so. Taken together the results of the two experiments are consistent with a protective mechanism, mediated by endogenous opioid and adrenergic systems working in concert, that limits enhancement and impairment of newly retrieved fear memory during reactivation in a stress-dependent manner. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Stress-Dependent Enhancement And Impairment Of Retention By Naloxone: Evidence For An Endogenous Opioid-Based Modulatory System Protective Of Memory

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    The opiate-receptor antagonist naloxone was administered to rats after passive-avoidance training either alone or in combination with forced-swim stress. A retention test revealed that while naloxone enhanced retention when administered alone, it impaired retention when administered in combination with forced-swim stress. The findings provide evidence for a “protective” endogenous opioid-based system that, when not blocked pharmacologically, limits enhancement or impairment of retention under conditions of mild and intense stress, respectively

    Categorical Tinkertoys for N=2 Gauge Theories

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    In view of classification of the quiver 4d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories, we discuss the characterization of the quivers with superpotential (Q,W) associated to a N=2 QFT which, in some corner of its parameter space, looks like a gauge theory with gauge group G. The basic idea is that the Abelian category rep(Q,W) of (finite-dimensional) representations of the Jacobian algebra CQ/(W)\mathbb{C} Q/(\partial W) should enjoy what we call the Ringel property of type G; in particular, rep(Q,W) should contain a universal `generic' subcategory, which depends only on the gauge group G, capturing the universality of the gauge sector. There is a family of 'light' subcategories Lλrep(Q,W)\mathscr{L}_\lambda\subset rep(Q,W), indexed by points λN\lambda\in N, where NN is a projective variety whose irreducible components are copies of P1\mathbb{P}^1 in one--to--one correspondence with the simple factors of G. In particular, for a Gaiotto theory there is one such family of subcategories, LλN\mathscr{L}_{\lambda\in N}, for each maximal degeneration of the corresponding surface Σ\Sigma, and the index variety NN may be identified with the degenerate Gaiotto surface itself: generic light subcategories correspond to cylinders, while closed-point subcategories to `fixtures' (spheres with three punctures of various kinds) and higher-order generalizations. The rules for `gluing' categories are more general that the geometric gluing of surfaces, allowing for a few additional exceptional N=2 theories which are not of the Gaiotto class.Comment: 142 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Gorenstein homological algebra and universal coefficient theorems

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    We study criteria for a ring—or more generally, for a small category—to be Gorenstein and for a module over it to be of finite projective dimension. The goal is to unify the universal coefficient theorems found in the literature and to develop machinery for proving new ones. Among the universal coefficient theorems covered by our methods we find, besides all the classic examples, several exotic examples arising from the KK-theory of C*-algebras and also Neeman’s Brown–Adams representability theorem for compactly generated categories

    Ex Vivo

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    The measurement of vaccine-induced humoral and CD4+ and CD8+ cellular immune responses represents an important correlate of vaccine efficacy. Accurate and reliable assays evaluating such responses are therefore critical during the clinical development phase of vaccines. T cells play a pivotal role both in coordinating the adaptive and innate immune responses and as effectors. During the assessment of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) in subjects participating in a large-scale influenza vaccine trial, we identified the expansion of an IFN-γ-producing CD3+CD4-CD8-γδ+ T cell population in the peripheral blood of 90/610 (15%) healthy subjects. The appearance of CD3+CD4-CD8-γδ+ T cells in the blood of subjects was transient and found to be independent of the study cohort, vaccine group, subject gender and ethnicity, and ex vivo restimulation conditions. Although the function of this population and relevance to vaccination are unclear, their inclusion in the total vaccine-specific T-cell response has the potential to confound data interpretation. It is thus recommended that when evaluating the induction of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ and CD8+ immune responses following vaccination, the CD3+CD4-CD8-γδ+ T cells are either excluded or separately enumerated from the overall frequency determination

    'The nourishing soil of the soul': The role of horticultural therapy in promoting well-being in community-dwelling people with dementia.

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    Two-thirds of people with dementia reside in their own homes; however, support for community-dwelling people with dementia to continue to participate in everyday activities is often lacking, resulting in feelings of depression and isolation among people living with the condition. Engagement in outdoor activities such as gardening can potentially counteract these negative experiences by enabling people with dementia to interact with nature, helping to improve their physical and psychological well-being. Additionally, the collaborative nature of community gardening may encourage the development of a sense of community, thereby enhancing social integration. Despite increasing evidence supporting its therapeutic value for people with dementia in residential care, the benefits of horticultural therapy have yet to be transposed into a community setting. This paper will examine the theoretical support for the application of horticultural therapy in dementia care, before exploring the potential of horticultural therapy as a means of facilitating improved physical and psychological well-being and social integration for people living with dementia within the community