636 research outputs found


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    New approach in crime suppression raises many complex issues in criminal proceedings arrangement. Current reforms of criminal proceedings follow contemporary trends in the field of fight against corruption and organized crime and active development in the area of rights and freedoms protection. Bosnia and Herzegovina has recently entered the period of long-reaching changes in the process of uncovering and proving criminal offenses and interfering with basic human rights and freedoms. The goal of all of these changes can be represented as: more efficient fight against rising corruption and organized crime; incorporating new methods of fight against complex forms of contemporary crimes; speeding up of the criminal proceedings; simplification of criminal procedure for minor criminal offenses; protection of human rights and freedoms and harmonization of criminal regulations within Bosnia and Herzegovina. By the Criminal Procedure Codes of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2003 changes have been achieved in those procedural norms and institutes that are related to uncovering of criminal offenses and their perpetrators, thus in part of criminal proceedings marked as investigation. Viewed as a whole, investigation as a part of preliminary proceedings is structured primarily on inquisitory and only certain accusatory elements. Thus, the prosecutor orders and conducts investigation independently rather than the court which implies that it carries out criminal prosecution but also investigation of criminal offense. In that sense, these laws depart form concept of investigative judge and conduct of investigation entrusted to prosecutor as well as to police, customs, tax and other authorities that must undertake their activities in accordance with the law and under supervision of the prosecutor. Rights and duties of the prosecutor during investigation and its relation towards other authorities in the stage of uncovering criminal offense are of special significance considering that results of trial to a considerable extent depend on well conducted and successful investigation as a beginning stage of criminal proceedings. Role of a judge in this stage of criminal proceedings comes into play in the event of application of procedural coercion measure and restriction of certain basic rights and freedoms of a suspect.Novi pristup u suzbijanju kriminaliteta otvara mnoga složena pitanja u uređenju krivičnog postupka. Sadašnje reforme krivičnog postupka prate savremene tendencije na području borbe protiv korupcije i organizovanog kriminaliteta, te dinamičan razvoj na području zaštite prava i sloboda čovjeka. U razdoblje dalekosežnih promjena u postupku otkrivanja i dokazivanja krivičnih djela i zahvata u osnovna prava i slobode čovjeka odnedavno je ušla i Bosni i Hercegovini. Cilj svih ovih promjena može se predstaviti kao: efikasnija borba protiv rastuće korupcije i organizovanog kriminaliteta; ugrađivanje novih metoda u borbi protiv složenih oblika savremenog kriminaliteta; ubrzanje krivičnog postupka; pojednostavljenje krivičnog postupka za lakša krivična djela; zaštita prava i Sloboda čovjeka i harmonizacija krivičnopravnih propisa unutar Bosne i Hercegovine. Zakonima o krivičnom postupku Bosne i Hercegovine iz 2003 godine realizovane su promjene i u onim procesnim normama i institutima koji su u vezi s otkrivanjem krivičinih djela i njegovih učinioca, dakle u dijelu krivičnog postupka koji se označava kao istraga. Posmatrano u cjelini, istraga je kao dio prethodnog postupka strukturirana prvenstveno na inkvizitornim i samo nekim akuzatornim elementima. Tako, nezavisno i potpuno samostalno istragu naređuje i sprovodi tužilac, a ne više sud, što znači da on vrši ne samo funkciju krivičnog gonjenja već i funkciju istraživanja krivičnog djela. U tom smislu, ovi zakoni napuštaju concept istražnog sudije i vođenje istrage povjeravaju tužiocu, kao i policijskim, carinskim, poreskim i drugim organima koji svoje aktivnosti moraju preduzimati u skladu sa zakonom i pod nadzorom tužioca. Prava i dužnosti tužioca tokom sprovođenja istrage i njegov odnos prema drugim organima u fazi otkrivanja krivičnog djela od naročitog su značaja s obzirom da rezultati suđenja u ozbiljnoj mjeri zavisi od kvalitetnog i uspješnog vođenja istrage kao početnog stadija krivičnog postupka. Funkcija sudije u ovoj fazi krivičnog postupka dolazi do izražaja u slučajevima primjene mjera procesne prinude, te ograničavanja određenih osnovnih prava i sloboda osumnjičenog lica

    The End of Utopia as the End of Truth

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    U tekstu se razmatraju različite varijante upotrebe pojma utopije, kao i teze o »kraju utopije«. Ispituje se epistemološka pozadina ovih pojmova i odnos različitih utopijskih projekata prema »nauci« i »imaginaciji«. Pojmovi utopije su podjeljeni na klasične i romantičke, pri čemu se klasični pojmovi posmatraju u dva modusa: kao »projekcije identiteta« i kao »projekcije želja«, dok se romantički pojmovi ispituju u kontekstu njihovog preuzimanja teleološkog shvatanja istorije i antropološke teze o otvorenosti ljudske prirode. Analiza govora o »kraju utopije« pokazuje da postoji nekoliko varijanti tvrđenja ove teze. O kraju utopije se govori kao o kraju nade, mirenju sa sudbinom i nespremnosti na promene; kao o kraju imaginacije — prelasku na »naučno predviđanje budućnosti«; kao o kraju iluzije i ideologije koja je zahtevala žrtvovanje sadašnjih generacija u ime buduće sreće; konačno kao o kraju istine — na koju se veliki utopijski projekti Modeme pozivaju kao na svoje utemeljenje.The paper discusses different variants in the usage of the concept of Utopia, as well as the theses of »the end of Utopia«. The epistemological background of these concepts and the relationship of various utopian projects towards »science« and »imagination« are analysed The concepts of Utopia are divided into the classical and the romantic ones, where the classical concepts are observed in two ways: as »projections of ideality« and as »projections of wishes«, while the romantic concepts are observed in the context of their taking over the theological understanding of history and the anthropological thesis of the openness of human nature. An analysis of the discourse about the »end of Utopia« shows that there are several ways of expressing this idea. The end of Utopia is discussed as the end of hope, a reconciliation with destiny and an unwillingness to change; as the end of imagination, a turning to the »scientific prediction of the future«; as the end of illusion and the ideology that demanded the sacrificing of the contemporary generations in the name of some future happiness; and, finally, as the end of truth, that the great Utopian projects of Modernism refer to as their basis

    Le texte littéraire en classe de langue : quel usage pour quel objectif ?

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    RésuméVu la spécificité du texte littéraire en tant que document authentique, dans ce travail nous nous intéressons à la fonction de ce support dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du français langue étrangère (FLE), aux objectifs d’apprentissage associés à l’usage du texte littéraire en classe de langue, ainsi qu’aux activités proposées pour atteindre ces objectifs. Dans ce sens, nous nous proposons d’analyser les manuels actuels de FLE, les pratiques de classe des enseignants et d’en finir avec les approches possibles du texte littéraire qui souligneraient son caractère spécifique

    The potential of the e-business and specialized internet services in terms of reducing the level of unemployment in Serbia

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    Internet may be used in various ways when in it comes to finding an employment online. The fact that the Internet is used by around 2.4 billion people worldwide is very significant in terms of conducting a business online, thus creating a great employment opportunities for many job seekers. The business usage of Internet in Serbia is underdeveloped, but with the proper action plan the results can be significantly improved in the near future. This paper points out the potential of the Internet in terms of employment as well as the key reasons of the insufficient business use of the Internet in Serbia

    Podizanje nivoa informatičke konkurentnosti i razvoj različitih servisa elektronskog poslovanja kao strateška šansa Srbije

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    U radu se analiza mogućnost za podizanje konkurentnosti srpske privrede kroz jačanje informatičkog sektora i servisa elektronskog poslovanja. Trenutni nivo razvoja informacionog društva u Srbiji je nedovoljan, a imajući u vidu dinamičan tehnološki razvoj i veliku globalnu potrebu za proizvodima i uslugama informatičke industrije, postoji veliki potencijal za razvoj ovog sektora u Srbiji. Servisi elektronskog poslovanja u oblasti elektronske uprave, elektronskog zdravstvenog sistema, elektronskih platnih sistema, e-obrazovanja i izvedenih usluga su još uvek nedovoljno razvijeni u Srbiji, ali veliki potencijal i velike očekivane uštede po tom osnovu, su razlog zbog kojeg treba raditi na njihovom razvoju, a sve u službi podizanja konkurentnosti srpske privrede. U radu se analizira trenutno stanje i daju predlozi i mere za budući razvoj u oblasti razvoja elektronske uprave, e-obrazovanja, elektronskih platnih sistema, elektronske trgovine i drugim izvedenim servisima


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    La littérature, considérée traditionnellement comme la meilleure expression de la langue, a toujours été liée à l’enseignement des langues étrangères. Le statut de la littérature a beaucoup changé lors de l’évolution des méthodologies de l’apprentissage/enseignement des langues allant de la consécration de l’apprentissage d’une langue jusqu’au évincement de la classe de langue au niveau débutant. Pourtant, elle a gardé sa place dans l’apprentissage/enseignement des langues jusqu’à nos jours. Considéré actuellement comme un document authentique témoignant des pratiques quotidiennes des natifs et de plus comme un document communicatif, le texte littéraire reste incontournable dans l’apprentissage des langues. Dans la présente contribution, nous nous proposons de montrer les modalités et les avantages de l’utilisation de la littérature pour l’apprentissage de la langue, plus précisément la langue française

    The accuracy of the information presented in credit bureau reports: research and comparative analysis

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    This paper presents research results regarding information accuracy in the Serbian credit bureau reports and tries to identify the reasons which affect the accuracy of the information presented in credit bureau reports, in global terms. The research was conducted by interviewing respondents. Comparative analysis was used in order to formulate proposal of factors which determine information accuracy in the credit bureau reports. The results show that the materially significant errors in information presented in Serbian credit bureau reports make 0.5% of the sample. This implies that creditors in Serbia base their credit decisions on reliable information. The results of this study were compared to results of the studies conducted in USA and Germany in order to formulate proposal of factors which influence the information accuracy in the credit bureau reports. In order to improve information accuracy in credit bureau reports, in global terms, special attention should be paid to formulation of international standards of credit reporting and identification systems of natural persons and legal entities


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    By the adoption of the Protection and Treatment of Children andJuveniles in Criminal Procedure Act 2014(which started applying in early 2015)the criminal and legal position of juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences inthe Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was regulated in a new way. TheRepublika Srpska and Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been applyinglaws of similar content from before. Education measures are providedas the most important measure of social reaction towards these persons. Thelaw recognizes several types of these measures with different content, purpose,duration and manner of implementation which are subject matter of this paper

    Influence of sugar beet dietary fibers on cookies shelf life

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    The structure and composition of sugar beet fibers, a unique combination of naturally occurring soluble and insoluble fibers and calcium, result in many beneficial physiological and functional properties. Sugar beet dietary fibers have also antioxidant properties, and have been successfully used in the formulations of cookies to improve their functional characteristics. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of sugar beet fibers on cookies shelf life, comparing with commercially available sugar beet fibers - Fibrex. Control cookies and cookies with sugar beet fibers (0, 7, 9 and 11%) were tested every 7 days by DPPH radical scavenging activity, expressed as IC50 values, during 6 weeks of storage. The obtained results indicated that the substitution of wheat flour with dietray fibers in the cookies upgrades their antioxidant activity and prolongs their shelf life. The highest antioxidant activity, and lowest IC50 values (about 0,49 g/ml) were measured in the cookies with 11% of sugar beet fibers three weeks of storage. The cookies containing 9% of Fibrex has the best antioxidant properties (IC50 0.58 g/ml) after six weeks of storage