255 research outputs found

    System and method for commissioning lighting using sound

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    A system and methods for automatically commissioning electrical fixtures using sound are disclosed. Electrical fixtures (140-149) detect sounds produced by a sound generator moved along a path (300) through installed fixtures according to a building plan (100). Each electrical fixture may be associated with a mapped fixture location in the building plan by correlating the detected sound with the location of the sound generator along the path

    Towards a clinical and empirical definition of burn scarring: a template analysis using qualitative data

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    This study aimed to describe the nature, scope or meaning of the concept 'burn scar', from the perspective of adults and children with burn scarring, caregivers of children with burn scarring and health professionals who were considered experts in the treatment of burn scarring. The impact of the identified characteristics on burn scar health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was also examined.Using a phenomenological qualitative approach, 43 transcripts from semi-structured interviews with people with burn scars (n=10 adults and n=11 children), their caregivers (n=9) and health professionals (n=13) were analyzed using template analysis.Ten characteristics of burn scars were identified by health professionals: 'stretchability', 'hardness', 'raised', 'thickness', 'surface area', 'scar sensitivity', 'scar surface appearance', 'hydration', 'fragility', and 'color'. However, 'thickness', 'scar surface area' and 'hydration' were not described by children with burn scars and 'scar surface area' was not described by adults with burn scars or caregivers. All groups (adults, children, caregivers and health professional) perceived that the burn scar characteristics of 'stretchability' and 'scar sensitivity' impacted upon all indicators of burn scar HRQOL. The burn scar characteristics of 'fragility', 'scar surface appearance' and 'color' were largely perceived by all groups to impact upon the emotional and physical indicators of burn scar HRQOL alone.This study identified there are differences in the burn scar characteristics considered important by health professionals and those characteristics that adult/child/caregivers perceived to impact on indicators of burn scar HRQOL. It is recommended that outcome measures of burn scarring include the burn scar characteristics of 'stretchability' and 'scar sensitivity' at a minimum. The inclusion of 'fragility', 'scar surface appearance' and 'color' should also be considered

    Genetic Relationships of Crown Rust Resistance, Grain Yield, Test Weight, and Seed Weight in Oat

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    Integrating selection for agronomic performance and quantitative resistance to crown rust, caused by Puccinia coronata Corda var. avenae W.P. Fraser & Ledingham, in oat (Avena sativa L.) requires an understanding of their genetic relationships. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic relationships of crown rust resistance, grain yield, test weight, and seed weight under both inoculated and fungicide-treated conditions. A Design II mating was performed between 10 oat lines with putative partial resistance to crown rust and nine lines with superior grain yield and grain quality potential. Progenies from this mating were evaluated in both crown rust-inoculated and fungicide-treated plots in four Iowa environments to estimate genetic effects and phenotypic correlations between crown rust resistance and grain yield, seed weight, and test weight under either infection or fungicide-treated conditions. Lines from a random-mated population derived from the same parents were evaluated in three Iowa environments to estimate heritabilities of, and genetic correlations between, these traits. Resistance to crown rust, as measured by area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), was highly heritable (H = 0.89 on an entry-mean basis), and was favorably correlated with grain yield, seed weight, and test weight measured in crown rust-inoculated plots. AUDPC was unfavorably correlated or uncorrelated with grain yield, test weight, and seed weight measured in fungicide-treated plots. To improve simultaneously crown rust resistance, grain yield, and seed weight under both lower and higher levels of crown rust infection, an optimum selection index can be developed with the genetic parameters estimated in this stud

    Elastic deformation of a fluid membrane upon colloid binding

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    When a colloidal particle adheres to a fluid membrane, it induces elastic deformations in the membrane which oppose its own binding. The structural and energetic aspects of this balance are theoretically studied within the framework of a Helfrich Hamiltonian. Based on the full nonlinear shape equations for the membrane profile, a line of continuous binding transitions and a second line of discontinuous envelopment transitions are found, which meet at an unusual triple point. The regime of low tension is studied analytically using a small gradient expansion, while in the limit of large tension scaling arguments are derived which quantify the asymptotic behavior of phase boundary, degree of wrapping, and energy barrier. The maturation of animal viruses by budding is discussed as a biological example of such colloid-membrane interaction events.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, REVTeX style, follow-up on cond-mat/021242

    Universal features of the order-parameter fluctuations : reversible and irreversible aggregation

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    We discuss the universal scaling laws of order parameter fluctuations in any system in which the second-order critical behaviour can be identified. These scaling laws can be derived rigorously for equilibrium systems when combined with the finite-size scaling analysis. The relation between order parameter, criticality and scaling law of fluctuations has been established and the connexion between the scaling function and the critical exponents has been found. We give examples in out-of-equilibrium aggregation models such as the Smoluchowski kinetic equations, or of at-equilibrium Ising and percolation models.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Ontogeny of Renal Drug Transporters: mRNA Analyses, Quantitative Proteomics, and Localization

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    Contains fulltext : 209000.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Human renal membrane transporters play key roles in the disposition of renally cleared drugs and endogenous substrates, but their ontogeny is largely unknown. Using 184 human postmortem frozen renal cortical tissues (preterm newborns to adults) and a subset of 62 tissue samples, we measured the mRNA levels of 11 renal transporters and the transcription factor pregnane X receptor (PXR) with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and protein abundance of nine transporters using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry selective reaction monitoring, respectively. Expression levels of p-glycoprotein, urate transporter 1, organic anion transporter 1, organic anion transporter 3, and organic cation transporter 2 increased with age. Protein levels of multidrug and toxin extrusion transporter 2-K and breast cancer resistance protein showed no difference from newborns to adults, despite age-related changes in mRNA expression. Multidrug and toxin extrusion transporter 1, glucose transporter 2, multidrug resistance-associated protein 2, multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 (MRP4), and PXR expression levels were stable. Using immunohistochemistry, we found that MRP4 localization in pediatric samples was similar to that in adult samples. Collectively, our study revealed that renal drug transporters exhibited different rates and patterns of maturation, suggesting that renal handling of substrates may change with age

    Quantum Chaos in Open versus Closed Quantum Dots: Signatures of Interacting Particles

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    This paper reviews recent studies of mesoscopic fluctuations in transport through ballistic quantum dots, emphasizing differences between conduction through open dots and tunneling through nearly isolated dots. Both the open dots and the tunnel-contacted dots show random, repeatable conductance fluctuations with universal statistical proper-ties that are accurately characterized by a variety of theoretical models including random matrix theory, semiclassical methods and nonlinear sigma model calculations. We apply these results in open dots to extract the dephasing rate of electrons within the dot. In the tunneling regime, electron interaction dominates transport since the tunneling of a single electron onto a small dot may be sufficiently energetically costly (due to the small capacitance) that conduction is suppressed altogether. How interactions combine with quantum interference are best seen in this regime.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, PDF 2.1 format, to appear in "Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
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