75 research outputs found

    Compression, Generalization and Learning

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    A compression function is a map that slims down an observational set into a subset of reduced size, while preserving its informational content. In multiple applications, the condition that one new observation makes the compressed set change is interpreted that this observation brings in extra information and, in learning theory, this corresponds to misclassification, or misprediction. In this paper, we lay the foundations of a new theory that allows one to keep control on the probability of change of compression (which maps into the statistical "risk" in learning applications). Under suitable conditions, the cardinality of the compressed set is shown to be a consistent estimator of the probability of change of compression (without any upper limit on the size of the compressed set); moreover, unprecedentedly tight finite-sample bounds to evaluate the probability of change of compression are obtained under a generally applicable condition of preference. All results are usable in a fully agnostic setup, i.e., without requiring any a priori knowledge on the probability distribution of the observations. Not only these results offer a valid support to develop trust in observation-driven methodologies, they also play a fundamental role in learning techniques as a tool for hyper-parameter tuning.Comment: https://www.jmlr.org/papers/v24/22-0605.htm

    Scenario-based Economic Dispatch with Uncertain Demand Response

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    This paper introduces a new computational framework to account for uncertainties in day-ahead electricity market clearing process in the presence of demand response providers. A central challenge when dealing with many demand response providers is the uncertainty of its realization. In this paper, a new economic dispatch framework that is based on the recent theoretical development of the scenario approach is introduced. By removing samples from a finite uncertainty set, this approach improves dispatch performance while guaranteeing a quantifiable risk level with respect to the probability of violating the constraints. The theoretical bound on the level of risk is shown to be a function of the number of scenarios removed. This is appealing to the system operator for the following reasons: (1) the improvement of performance comes at the cost of a quantifiable level of violation probability in the constraints; (2) the violation upper bound does not depend on the probability distribution assumption of the uncertainty in demand response. Numerical simulations on (1) 3-bus and (2) IEEE 14-bus system (3) IEEE 118-bus system suggest that this approach could be a promising alternative in future electricity markets with multiple demand response providers

    An incremental scenario approach for building energy management with uncertain occupancy

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    We deal with the problem of energy management in buildings subject to uncertain occupancy. To this end, we formulate this as a finite horizon optimization program and optimize with respect to the windows' blinds position, radiator and cooling flux. Aiming at a schedule which is robust with respect to uncertain occupancy levels while avoiding imposing arbitrary assumptions on the underlying probability distribution of the uncertainty, we follow a data driven paradigm. In particular, we apply an incremental scenario approach methodology that has been recently proposed in the literature to our energy management formulation. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed implementation we provide a detailed numerical analysis on a stylized building and compare it with respect to a deterministic design and the standard scenario approach typically encountered in the literature. We show that our schedule is not agnostic with respect to uncertainty as deterministic approaches, while it requires fewer scenarios with respect to the standard scenario approach, thus resulting in a less conservative performance

    A stochastic strategy integrating wind compensation for trajectory tracking in aircraft motion control

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    This paper deals with the problem of steering an aircraft along a reference trajectory while counteracting the wind disturbance. We develop a control strategy where the aircraft nonlinear dynamics, physical limitations on the aircraft maneuverability, and passengers comfort are accounted for by feedback linearization and a suitable convex relaxation of constraints. A probabilistic constraint is introduced to account for the tracking error introduced by the stochastic wind disturbance. Since wind is represented by a Gaussian random field and its characteristics depend on both time and space, we identify on-the-fly a local autoregressive model via recursive least squares with forgetting factor. The probabilistic constraint formulation, the wind model update, and the re-computation of the control action jointly allow to account for the spatial variability of the random field and to obtain recursive feasibility in the receding horizon solution. A randomized method is adopted to obtain a convex relaxation of the resulting chance-constrained optimization problem, which can then be solved on-line, at low computational effort

    A randomized approach to stochastic model predictive control

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    In this paper, we propose a novel randomized approach to Stochastic Model Predictive Control (SMPC) for a linear system affected by a disturbance with unbounded support. As it is common in this setup, we focus on the case where the input/state of the system are subject to probabilistic constraints, i.e., the constraints have to be satisfied for all the disturbance realizations but for a set having probability smaller than a given threshold. This leads to solving at each time t a finite-horizon chance-constrained optimization problem, which is known to be computationally intractable except for few special cases. The key distinguishing feature of our approach is that the solution to this finite-horizon chance-constrained problem is computed by first extracting at random a finite number of disturbance realizations, and then replacing the probabilistic constraints with hard constraints associated with the extracted disturbance realizations only. Despite the apparent naivety of the approach, we show that, if the control policy is suitably parameterized and the number of disturbance realizations is appropriately chosen, then, the obtained solution is guaranteed to satisfy the original probabilistic constraints. Interestingly, the approach does not require any restrictive assumption on the disturbance distribution and has a wide realm of applicability
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