926 research outputs found

    Maternal vaccination as an additional approach to improve the protection of the nursling: Anti-infective properties of breast milk

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    Human milk constitutes a secretion with unique functions of both nourishing the nursling and providing protection against enteric and respiratory infections, mainly due to its content of secretory IgA antibodies but also due to the presence of a plethora of bioactive factors. Specific IgA antibodies are produced locally by plasma cells derived from B lymphocytes that migrate from other mucosae to the mammary gland during lactation, particularly from the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Therefore, here, the authors will provide a comprehensive review of the content and functions of different nutritional and bioactive anti-infectious components from breast milk, such as oligosaccharides, lactoferrin, haptocorrin, α-lactalbumin, k-casein, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, mucin, fatty acids, defensins, cytokines and chemokines, hormones and growth factors, complement proteins, leukocytes and nucleic acids, including microRNAs, among many others, and the induction of antibody responses in breast milk after maternal vaccination with several licensed vaccines, including the anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine preparations used worldwide. Currently, in the midst of the pandemic, maternal vaccination has re-emerged as a crucial source of passive immunity to the neonate through the placenta and breastfeeding, considering that maternal vaccination can induce specific antibodies if performed during pregnancy and after delivery. There have been some reports in the literature about milk IgA antibodies induced by bacterial antigens or inactivated virus vaccines, such as anti-diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, anti-influenza viruses, anti-pneumococcal and meningococcal polysaccharide preparations. Regarding anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, most studies demonstrate elevated levels of specific IgA and IgG antibodies in milk with virus-neutralizing ability after maternal vaccination, which represents an additional approach to improve the protection of the nursling during the entire breastfeeding period

    Spectrophotometric and HPLC determination of deflazacort in pharmaceutical dosage forms

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    Deflazacort (DFZ) is a glucocorticoid used as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drug. No official methods are available for DFZ determination in pharmaceutical formulations. The objective of this study was to develop, validate and compare spectrophotometric (UV and colorimetric) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods, for the quantitative determination of DFZ in tablets and oral suspension. For the UV method, ethanol was used as the solvent, with detection at 244 nm. The colorimetric method was based on the redox reaction with blue tetrazolium in alkaline medium, with detection at 524 nm. The method by HPLC was carried out using a C18 column, mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile:water (80:20, v/v) with a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1 and detection at 244 nm. The methods proved linear (r &gt; 0.999), precise (RSD < 5%) and accurate (recovery &gt; 97%). Statistical analysis of the results indicated that the UV and HPLC methods were statistically equivalent, while the values obtained for the colorimetric method differed significantly from the other methods.O deflazacorte (DFZ) é um fármaco glicocorticóide usado como antiinflamatório e imunossupressor. Métodos oficiais não estão disponíveis para a determinação de DFZ em formas farmacêuticas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver, validar e comparar métodos por espectrofotometria (UV e colorimetria) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), na determinação quantitativa de DFZ em comprimidos e suspensão oral. O método por UV utilizou etanol como solvente, com detecção em 244 nm. O método colorimétrico foi baseado na reação de redução com azul de tetrazólio em meio alcalino, com detecção em 524 nm. O método por CLAE utilizou coluna C18; fase móvel constituída de acetonitrila:água (80:20, v/v), com fluxo de 1,0 mL min-1 e detecção em 244 nm. Os métodos foram lineares (r &gt; 0,999); precisos (RSD < 5 %), e exatos (recuperação &gt; 97%). As análises estatísticas dos resultados obtidos indicaram que os métodos por UV e por CLAE foram estatisticamente equivalentes, enquanto os valores obtidos para o método colorimétrico diferiram significativamente dos demais métodos

    Detection of Treponema pallidum in whole blood samples of patients with syphilis by the polymerase chain reaction

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    Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The diagnosis is based on clinical data and serological analysis; however, the sensitivity and specificity of such tests may vary depending on the type of test and stage of the infection. In order to overcome this premise, this study utilized the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of T. pallidum DNA in whole blood samples of patients with syphilis. The blood samples from patients with or without symptoms of syphilis, but with positive results in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were included in this study. A venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test was performed for all collected sera samples. For PCR, the T. pallidum DNA was extracted from the collected blood samples and a specific primer set was designed to amplify 131 nucleotides of polA (Tp0105). The specificity of the primers was evaluated with the DNA of 17 different pathogens. From a total of 314 blood samples reactive in ELISA, 58.2% (183/314) of the samples were reactive in the VDRL test. In the PCR, 54% (168/314) of the ELISA-reactive samples were positive. In both tests (VDRL and PCR) 104 samples were positive. Of 104 positive samples for both tests, 71 were at the latent stage. Based on these results, it can be concluded that PCR with the designed set of primers can be utilized as a diagnostic method for T. pallidum detection in blood samples of patients with syphilis, especially those with latent infection. In addition, it can be utilized as a supplement for serological methods to improve the diagnosis of syphilis


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    O presente estudo pretende a partir de mapeamento de solo urbano, com a utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento e dados coletados nas unidades do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), fazer uma avaliação da variação espaço-temporal dos níveis de bem estar e qualidade de vida da cidade de Rondonópolis, bem como verificar se há correlação entre essas variáveis e os padrões de uso e ocupação do solo na referida cidade. Uma análise exploratória sobre os dados do Sistema de Informação e Atenção básica, referente ao período de 2010 a 2014, revelou que os problemas respiratórios e circulatórios são os de maior ocorrência, pressupondo em seus tratamentos, a realização de atividades físicas. Para tanto, a utilização de espaços públicos para este fim, ressoa como desafio nas pequenas e médias cidades, principalmente em suas áreas periféricas, onde, normalmente, existem poucos ou nenhum espaço público que possa ser aproveitado para a realização de atividades no âmbito do setor de saúde. Nesta perspectiva, espera-se com os resultados deste estudo propor novas possibilidades de intervenção no planejamento urbano da cidade de Rondonópolis, com relação à localização, manutenção e ornamentação desses espaços em prol da saúde e qualidade de vida de sua população

    Retinoblastoma in a pediatric oncology reference center in southern brazil

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    Background: Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common intraocular tumor diagnosed in children in Brazil. However, detailed information is lacking regarding patient clinical demographics. This study aimed to determine the clinical profile of patients with Rb who were treated in a public university hospital in southern Brazil from 1983 to 2012. Methods: Patients’ medical records were reviewed to retrospectively identify patients with a principal diagnosis of Rb. Rb was classified as hereditary or non-hereditary. Clinical staging was reviewed by an ophthalmologist. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Results: Of 165 patients with a diagnosis of Rb during this period, 140 were included in the study. Disease was unilateral in 65.0 % of patients, bilateral in 32.9 %, and trilateral in 2.1 %. The mean age at onset of the first sign/ symptom was 18.1 month, and 35.7 % of patients were diagnosed during the first year of life. The most common presenting signs were leukocoria (73.6 %) and strabismus (20.7 %). The mean age at diagnosis was 23.5 months, and time to diagnosis was 5.4 months. In patients with clinical features of hereditary Rb, both onset of the first sign/symptom and diagnosis were at an earlier age than in patients without these features (12.3 vs 21.6 months [P = 0.001] and 15.9 vs 28.0 months [P < 0.001], respectively). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the two groups. Ocular stage at diagnosis was advanced in 76.5 % (Reese V) and 78.1 % (International Classification D or E). Of patients with unilateral and bilateral disease, 35.2 % and 34.8 %, respectively, had extraocular disease at diagnosis; 10.7 % had metastatic disease at diagnosis. Enucleation was observed in 88.1 % and exenteration in 11.9 % of patients; 93.6 % patients were followed until 2012, and 22.9 % relapsed. Overall survival was 86.4 %. Conclusions: Most Rb diagnoses are still diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease, considerably reducing overall survival time and the rate of eye and vision preservation

    Barriers to treatment of hepatitis C in HIV/HCV coinfected adults in Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of barriers to interferon treatment in a population of HIV/HCV coinfected patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted at two AIDS Outpatient Clinics in Brazil. the study included all HIV infected patients followed at these institutions from January 2005 to November 2007. Medical records of 2,024 HIV-infected patients were evaluated. the prevalence of anti-HCV positive patients among them was 16.7%. Medical records of HCV/HIV coinfected patients were analyzed. 189 patients with the following characteristics were included in our study: mean age 43 years; male gender 65%; former IDUs (52%); HCV genotype 1 (66.4%); HCV genotype 3 (30.5%); median CD4+ T cell count was 340 cells/mm(3). Among 189 patients included in the analyses, only 75 (39.6%) were considered eligible for HCV treatment. the most frequent reasons for non-treatment were: non-compliance during clinical follow-up (31.4%), advanced HIV disease (21.9%), excessive alcohol consumption or active drug use (18.7%), and psychiatric disorders (10.1%). Conclusions: in Brazil, as in elsewhere, more than half of HIV/HCV coinfected patients (60.4%) have been considered not candidates to received anti-HCV treatment. the main reasons may be deemed questionable: non-adherence, drug abuse, and psychiatric disease. Our results highlight the importance of multidisciplinary teams to optimize the access of coinfected patients to HCV treatment.Fac Med ABC, Infect Dis Res Unit, São Paulo, BrazilAIDS Outpatient Clin, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, AIDS Outpatient Clin, Fac Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, AIDS Outpatient Clin, Fac Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Decidual factors and vasoactive intestinal peptide guide monocytes to higher migration, efferocytosis and wound healing in term human pregnancy

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    Aim: To explore the functional profile of circulating monocytes and decidual macrophages at term human pregnancy and their contribution to tissue repair upon stimulation ex vivo with decidual factors and the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Methods: Peripheral blood monocytes were isolated from pregnant and non-pregnant volunteers and tested in vitro with decidual explants from term placenta and VIP. The effect of VIP on decidual explants and the effect of its conditioned media on monocytes or decidual macrophages isolated by magnetic beads was carried out by RT-qPCR and ELISA for cytokines expression and release. Migration assays were performed in transwell systems. Efferocytosis was assessed in monocytes or decidual macrophages with CFSE-labelled autologous apoptotic neutrophils and quantified by flow cytometry. Monocyte and decidual macrophages wound healing capacity was evaluated using human endometrial stromal cell monolayers. Immunohistochemistry was performed in serial tissue sections of different placentas. Results: VIP is expressed in the villi as well as in trophoblast giant cells distributed within the decidua of term placenta. VIP induced the expression of antiinflmammatory markers and monocyte chemoattractant CCL2 and CCL3 in decidual tissues. Monocytes presented higher migration towards decidual explants than CD4 and CD8 cells. VIP-conditioned monocytes displayed an enhanced efferocytosis and wound healing capacity comparable to that of decidual macrophages. Moreover limited efferocytosis of pregnant women monocytes was restored by VIP-induced decidual factors. Conclusion: Results show the conditioning of monocytes by decidual factors and VIP to sustain processes required for tissue repair and homeostasis maintenance in term placenta.Fil: Paparini, Daniel Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Grasso, Esteban Nicolas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Laura del Carmen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Merech, Fátima Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Weingrill Barbano, Rodrigo. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas; BrasilFil: Correa Silva, Simone. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas; BrasilFil: Izbizky, Gustavo Hernán. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Abasolo, José I.. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Hauk, Vanesa Cintia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Ramhorst, Rosanna Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Bevilaqcua, Estela. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas; BrasilFil: Perez Leiros, Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Resíduos sólidos, mais que uma Questão Ambiental, uma Questão Social

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    Este Trabalho visa relatar a experiência e os conhecimentos obtidos sobre o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, a partir de  um diagnóstico realizado no Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso (IFMT - CAMPUS CUIABÁ),  Campus Octayde Jorge da Silva. O projeto de extensão contou com apoio financeiro do CNPq, Chamada CNPq/VALE S.A. Nº 05/2012 - Forma-Engenharia, projeto nº 454837/2012-7 e  integrou o Projeto Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos e Resíduos sólidos. Este projeto teve duração de 14 meses e foi dividido em três etapas. Na primeira etapa foi realizado o levantamento das  normas técnicas relativas a resíduos sólidos. Na segunda foi feito o diagnóstico da produção de resíduos sólidos na Instituição, tanto no quesito qualidade, quanto no quesito quantidade. Na terceira etapa realizou-se a análise das informações e  o desenvolvimento de algumas técnicas de educação ambiental com o intuito de contribuir na conscientização dos frequentadores do IFMT - CAMPUS CUIABÁ. Durante o desenvolvimento da pesquisa notaram-se várias irregularidades com relação ao armazenamento e o destino dos resíduos sólidos produzidos na Instituição. Os dados levantados, assim como as medidas tomadas com o intuito de minimizar os problemas que apareceram de forma cotidiana no Campus serão apresentados ao longo do artigo. Observou-se que as ações de educação ambiental adotadas não surtiram o efeito esperado junto à comunidade da instituição avaliada, talvez devido ao tempo curto ou à forma de abordagem. O artigo traz um breve relato sobre a importância da reciclagem dos resíduos sólidos na área da construção civil, inclusive analisando a visita à Eco Ambiental, empresa responsável pelo recolhimento e pela reciclagem de todos os resíduos sólidos referentes à construção civil da grande Cuiabá

    Retrograde flow medial plantar artery flap reconstruction for defects of the dorsal metatarsophalangeal region

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    INTRODUCTION: Complex reconstructions of the foot region are planned based on the anatomical subunits affected by the etiological factors of lesions. We have several options for covering defects of the back of the feet, from the simpler ones, such as local graft and local flap at random and locoregional pedicled flaps, to the more complex ones, such as free flaps. Here, we report a case in which an unpublished technique using a retrograde flow medial plantar flap in the reconstruction of dorso-distal structures of the foot was used. Its originality consisted in the passage of the flap of the plant to the back through the first intermetatarsal space. METHODS: The patient was a 20-year-old woman who had a motorcycle accident, wherein she sustained foot trauma with loss of back substance at the first to fifth metatarsal level, with bone and tendon exposure, and retrograde flow medial plantar flap was used, with transposition to the back of the foot. RESULTS: The reconstruction of the distal region of the forefoot and fingers is a challenge. Grafts are not ideal for deep defects and exposure of noble structures. Local flaps are inaccessible for finger defects. Furthermore, the free flaps are well indicated for large defects. The flaps of the medial plantar artery are indicated and consecrated to the forefoot region, and some authors have modified to the dorsum region of the first metatarsal. CONCLUSION: This flap is useful for reconstruction of feet with dorsal lesions through this new technique that is unpublished in the literature, with the originality of the passage of the pedicle from the plant to the back through the first intermetatarsal space