67 research outputs found

    Assessment of obesity influence on quality of life and sexuality of women in menopause

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    Cilj rada: Ispitati uticaj gojaznosti i pridruţenih bolesti na kvalitet ţivota i seksualnost kod ţena u menopauzi. Metode: Studijom su obuhvaćene 73 ţene u menopauzi koje su podeljene u dve grupe: gojazne ţene (osnovna grupa, inteks telesne mase (ITM) ≥ 26.7 kg/m2) i normalno uhranjene ţene (kontrolna grupa, ITM < 26.7 kg/m2). Svim ispitanicama su merene antropometrijske karakteristike i krvni pritisak. Krv je uzima u 08:00 za: glikemiju našte, trigliceride, ukupni holesterol, HDL holesterol, LDL holesterol, apolipoprotein A (Apo A), apolipoprotein B (Apo B), lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), C-reactivni protein (CRP), fibrinogen, folikulostimulišući hormon (FSH), luteinizirajući hormon (LH), estradiol (E2), prolactin (PRL), progesteron (P), testosteron (T), polni hormon – vezujući globulin (SHBG), androstenedion (AD), 17-Hidroksiprogesteron (17OHP) i dehidroepiandrosteron sulfat (DHEAS). Sve ispitanice su popunjavale dva uputnika: McCoy upitnik o seksualnom ţivotu ţena (MFSO) i generički upitnik za ispitivanje kvaliteta ţivota - SF-36. Rezultati: Gojazne ţene su imale statistički značajno više vrednosti starosti, antropometrijskih parametara, trajanja menopauze, sistolnog i dijastolnog krvnog pritiska, E2 i CRP – a. Normalno uhranjene ţene su imale statistički značajno više vrednosti FSH, LH, SHBG – a, ukupnog i LDL holesterola. MFSO upitnik je pokazao da gojazne ţene značajno manje osećaju bol tokom seksualnog odnosa u odnosu na normalno uhranjene ţene. Ukupan skor za gojazne ţene je bio 3.48, a za kontrolnu grupu 4.09 od mogućih 7. Rezultati SF–36 upitnika su pokazali da nema značajne razlike u kvalitetu ţivota meĎu ispitivanim grupama. Konačan skor za fizičko zdravlje kod gojaznih ţena je iznosio 45.39, a kod normalno uhranjenih 48.12 od mogućih 100. Kada je u pitanju mentalno zdravlje, ukupan skor za gojazne ţene je iznosio 48.04, a za kontrolnu grupu 42.95. U osnovnoj grupi statistički značajne negativne korelacije su utvrĎene izmeĎu: HDL holesterola i zadovoljstva partnerom kao ljubavnikom, sistolnog krvnog pritiska i ograničenja zbog fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja; značajne pozitivne korelacije testosterona sa uzbuĎenjem, učestalošću orgazma, nedovoljnom vaginalnom lubrikacijom i zadovoljstvom partnerom kao ljubavnikom i estradiola sa opštim zdravljem, ograničenjima zbog emocionalnih problema, telesnim bolovima i emocionalnim blagostanjem...Objective: To assess influence of obesity and related disturbances on sexuality and quality of life (QoL) in the menopause. Methods: The study included 73 women in the menopause, who where divided into groups: obese (BMI ≥ 26.7 kg/m2) and controls (BMI < 26.7 kg/m2). Anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure were measured. Blood was taken at 08:00 for fasting glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A (Apo A), apolipoprotein B (Apo B), lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), estradiol (E2), progesterone, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), androstenedion (AD), 17- Hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). All the participants filled in two questionnaires: McCoy Female Sexual Questionnaire (MFSO) and SF- 36 questionnaire for the assessment of Quality of Life (QoL). Results: Obese women have had significantly higher values of age, anthropometric parameters, time since menopause, sistolic and diastolic blood pressure, E2 and CRP. Controls have had significantly higher values of FSH, LH, SHBG, total and LDL cholesterol. Related to McCoy questionnaire obese women have had less frequent pain during sexual intercourse. Total score for obese women was 3.48, while for controls 4.09 (maximum was 7). SF-36 questionnaire showed that there was no significant difference in the quality of life between two groups. Total score for physical health in obese women was 45.39, while in controls 48.12 (maximum was 100). Total score for mental health in obese participants was 48.04, while for controls 42.95. In basic group statistically significant negative correlations were found between: HDL cholesterol and satisfaction with partner as a lower, sistolic blood pressure and limitation due to physical and emotional health; significant positive correlations of testosterone with arousal, freqency of orgasm, insufficient vaginal lubrication and satisfaction with partner as a lower; significant positive correlations of estradiol with general health, limitation due to emotional health and pain. In controls statistically significant negative correlations were found between waist and frequency of orgasm, between triglycerides, general health and social functioning; significant positive correlations of glicaemia with pain and between estradiol and limitation due to emotional health. Very significant influence of age on frequency of sexual intercourse exists in all participants..

    Possible observation of parametrically amplified coherent phasons in K0.3MoO3 using time-resolved extreme-ultraviolet ARPES

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    We use time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (tr-ARPES) in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) to measure the time- and momentum-dependent electronic structure of photo-excited K0.3MoO3. Prompt depletion of the Charge Density Wave (CDW) condensate launches coherent oscillations of the amplitude mode, observed as a 1.7-THz-frequency modulation of the bonding band position. In contrast, the anti-bonding band oscillates at about half this frequency. We attribute these oscillations to coherent excitation of phasons via parametric amplification of phase fluctuations.Comment: 4 figure

    Optical constants modelling in silicon nitride membrane transiently excited by EUV radiation.

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    We hereby report on a set of transient optical reflectivity and transmissivity measurements performed on silicon nitride thin membranes excited by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from a free electron laser (FEL). Experimental data were acquired as a function of the membrane thickness, FEL fluence and probe polarization. The time dependence of the refractive index, retrieved using Jones matrix formalism, encodes the dynamics of electron and lattice excitation following the FEL interaction. The observed dynamics are interpreted in the framework of a two temperature model, which permits to extract the relevant time scales and magnitudes of the processes. We also found that in order to explain the experimental data thermo-optical effects and inter-band filling must be phenomenologically added to the model

    Extreme timescale core-level spectroscopy with tailored XUV pulses

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    A new approach for few-femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in condensed matter that balances the combined needs for both temporal and energy resolution is demonstrated. Here, the method is designed to investigate a prototypical Mott insulator, tantalum disulphide (1T-TaS2), which transforms from its charge-density-wave ordered Mott insulating state to a conducting state in a matter of femtoseconds. The signature to be observed through the phase transition is a charge-density-wave induced splitting of the Ta 4f core-levels, which can be resolved with sub-eV spectral resolution. Combining this spectral resolution with few-femtosecond time resolution enables the collapse of the charge ordered Mott state to be clocked. Precise knowledge of the sub-20-femtosecond dynamics will provide new insight into the physical mechanism behind the collapse and may reveal Mott physics on the timescale of electronic hopping.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Short-wavelength four wave mixing experiments using single and two-color schemes at FERMI

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    The development of ultra-bright extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray free electron laser (FEL) sources has enabled the extension of wave-mixing approaches into the short wavelength regime. Such a class of experiments relies upon nonlinear interactions among multiple light pulses offering a unique tool for exploring the dynamics of ultrafast processes and correlations between selected excitations at relevant length and time scales adding elemental and site selectivity as well. Besides the availability of a suitable photon source, the implementation of wave mixing methodology requires efforts in developing the instrumental set-up. We have realized at the FERMI FEL two dedicated set-ups to handle multiple FEL beams with preselected parameters in a non-collinear fashion and control their interaction sequence at the target. These unique apparatuses, combined with the exceptional characteristics of the seeded FERMI FEL, have allowed us to make the first steps into this field and further advances are foreseen in the near future

    {\AA}ngstr\"om-resolved Interfacial Structure in Organic-Inorganic Junctions

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    Charge transport processes at interfaces which are governed by complex interfacial electronic structure play a crucial role in catalytic reactions, energy storage, photovoltaics, and many biological processes. Here, the first soft X-ray second harmonic generation (SXR-SHG) interfacial spectrum of a buried interface (boron/Parylene-N) is reported. SXR-SHG shows distinct spectral features that are not observed in X-ray absorption spectra, demonstrating its extraordinary interfacial sensitivity. Comparison to electronic structure calculations indicates a boron-organic separation distance of 1.9 {\AA}, wherein changes as small as 0.1 {\AA} result in easily detectable SXR-SHG spectral shifts (ca. 100s of meV). As SXR-SHG is inherently ultrafast and sensitive to individual atomic layers, it creates the possibility to study a variety of interfacial processes, e.g. catalysis, with ultrafast time resolution and bond specificity.Comment: 19 page

    A novel free-electron laser single-pulse Wollaston polarimeter for magneto-dynamical studies

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    Here, we report on the conceptual design, the hardware realization, and the first experimental results of a novel and compact x-ray polarimeter capable of a single-pulse linear polarization angle detection in the extreme ultraviolet photon energy range. The polarimeter is tested by performing time resolved pump-probe experiments on a Ni80Fe20 Permalloy film at the M-2,M-3 Ni edge at an externally seeded free-electron laser source. Comparison with similar experiments reported in the literature shows the advantages of our approach also in view of future experiments

    Characterization of ultrafast free-electron laser pulses using extreme-ultraviolet transient gratings

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    The characterization of the time structure of ultrafast photon pulses in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral ranges is of high relevance for a number of scientific applications and photon diagnostics. Such measurements can be performed following different strategies and often require large setups and rather high pulse energies. Here, high-quality measurements carried out by exploiting the transient grating process, i.e. a third-order non-linear process sensitive to the time-overlap between two crossed EUV pulses, is reported. From such measurements it is possible to obtain information on both the second-order intensity autocorrelation function and on the coherence length of the pulses. It was found that the pulse energy density needed to carry out such measurements on solid state samples can be as low as a few mJ cm−2. Furthermore, the possibility to control the arrival time of the crossed pulses independently might permit the development of a number of coherent spectroscopies in the EUV and soft X-ray regime, such as, for example, photon echo and two-dimensional spectroscopy

    All-optical spin injection in silicon investigated by element-specific time-resolved Kerr effect

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    Understanding howa spin current flows across metal-semiconductor interfaces at pico- and femtosecond time scales is of paramount importance for ultrafast spintronics, data processing, and storage applications. However, the possibility to directly access the propagation of spin currents, within such time scales, has been hampered by the simultaneous lack of both ultrafast element-specific magnetic sensitive probes and tailoredwell-built and characterized metal-semiconductor interfaces. Here, by means of a novel free-electron laser-based element-sensitive ultrafast time-resolved Kerr spectroscopy, we reveal different magnetodynamics for the Ni M-2;3 and Si L-2;3 absorption edges. These results are assumed to be the experimental evidence of photoinduced spin currents propagating at a speed of similar to 0.2 nm/fs across the Ni/Si interface