1,075 research outputs found

    Hydrogen peroxide production during experimental protein glycation

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    AbstractThe accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) during incubations of protein with glucose (experimental glycation) has previously been too low for direct measurement although it is suggested to be the precursor of protein-damaging hydroxylating agents. We have thus developed a simple H2O2-measuring technique which relies upon the rapid peroxide-mediated oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ (catalysed by sorbitol) under acidic conditions followed by reaction of the latter cation with the dye, xylenol orange. We have used the method to demonstrate that incubation mixtures of protein and glucose generates nanomolar levels of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of protein under physiological conditions of pH and temperature

    Fourier Acceleration of Langevin Molecular Dynamics

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    Fourier acceleration has been successfully applied to the simulation of lattice field theories for more than a decade. In this paper, we extend the method to the dynamics of discrete particles moving in continuum. Although our method is based on a mapping of the particles' dynamics to a regular grid so that discrete Fourier transforms may be taken, it should be emphasized that the introduction of the grid is a purely algorithmic device and that no smoothing, coarse-graining or mean-field approximations are made. The method thus can be applied to the equations of motion of molecular dynamics (MD), or its Langevin or Brownian variants. For example, in Langevin MD simulations our acceleration technique permits a straightforward spectral decomposition of forces so that the long-wavelength modes are integrated with a longer time step, thereby reducing the time required to reach equilibrium or to decorrelate the system in equilibrium. Speedup factors of up to 30 are observed relative to pure (unaccelerated) Langevin MD. As with acceleration of critical lattice models, even further gains relative to the unaccelerated method are expected for larger systems. Preliminary results for Fourier-accelerated molecular dynamics are presented in order to illustrate the basic concepts. Possible extensions of the method and further lines of research are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, two illustrations included using graphic

    Lambda Boo stars with composite spectra

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    We examine the large sample of lambda Boo candidates collected in Table 1 of Gerbaldi et al. (2003) to see how many of them show composite spectra. Of the 132 lambda Boo candidates we identify 22 which definitely show composite spectra and 15 more for which there are good reasons to suspect a composite spectrum. The percentage of lambda Boo candidates with composite spectra is therefore > 17 and possibly considerably higher. For such stars the lambda Boo classification should be reconsidered taking into account the fact that their spectra are composite. We argue that some of the underabundances reported in the literature may simply be the result of the failure to consider the composite nature of the spectra. This leads to the legitimate suspicion that some, if not all, the lambda Boo candidates are not chemically peculiar at all. A thorough analysis of even a single one of the lambda Boo candidates with composite spectra, in which the composite nature of the spectrum is duly considered, which would demonstrate that the chemical peculiarities persist, would clear the doubt we presently have that the stars with composite spectra may not be lambda Boo at all.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A on June 3rd 200

    Applying laboratory thermal desorption data in an interstellar context: sublimation of methanol thin films

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    Methods by which experimental measurements of thermal desorption can be applied in astrophysical environments have been developed, using the sublimation of solid methanol as an example. The temperature programmed desorption of methanol from graphitic, amorphous silica and polycrystalline gold substrates was compared, with the kinetic parameters of desorption extracted by either a leading edge analysis or by fitting using a stochastic integration method. At low coverages, the desorption shows a substrate-dependent fractional order. However, at higher coverages methanol desorption is zeroth order with kinetic parameters independent of substrate. Using a kinetic model based on the stochastic integration analyses, desorption under astrophysically relevant conditions can be simulated. We find that the chemical and morphological nature of the substrate has relatively little impact on the desorption temperature of solid methanol, and that the substrate independent zeroth-order kinetics can provide a satisfactory model for desorption in astrophysical environments. Uncertainties in the heating rate and the distribution of grain sizes will have the largest influence on the range of desorption temperature. These conclusions are likely to be generally applicable to all species in dust grain ice mantles

    Detecting Latin-Based Medical Terminology in Croatian Texts

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    No matter what the main language of texts in the medical domain is, there is always an evidence of the usage of Latin-derived words and formative elements in terminology development. Generally speaking, this usage presents language-specific morpho-semantic behaviors in forming both technical-scientific and common-usage words. Nevertheless, this usage of Latin in Croatian medical texts does not seem consistent due to the fact that diferent mechanisms of word formation may be applied to the same term. In our pursuit to map all the diferent occurrences of the same concept to only one, we propose a model designed within NooJ and based on dictionaries and morphological grammars. Starting from the manual detection of nouns and their variations, we recognize some word formation mechanisms and develop grammars suitable to recognize Latinisms and Croatinized Latin medical terminology

    Words matter: a call for humanizing and respectful language to describe people who experience incarceration.

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    Words matter when describing people involved in the criminal justice system because language can have a significant impact upon health, wellbeing, and access to health information and services. However, terminology used in policies, programs, and research publications is often derogatory, stigmatizing, and dehumanizing. In response, health experts from Europe, the United States, and Australia recommend that healthcare professionals, researchers, and policy makers working with people in detention follow key principles that foster constructive and humanizing language. These principles include: engage people and respect their preferences; use stigma-free and accurate language; prioritize individuals over their characteristics; and cultivate self-awareness. The article offers examples of problematic terms to be avoided because they do not convey respect for incarcerated people and propose preferred wording which requires contextualization to local language, culture, and environment. The use of respectful and appropriate language is a cornerstone of reducing harm and suffering when working with people involved in the criminal justice system; the use of stigmatizing and dehumanizing language must therefore come to an end

    The R136 star cluster hosts several stars whose individual masses greatly exceed the accepted 150 Msun stellar mass limit

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    Spectroscopic analyses of H-rich WN5-6 stars within the young star clusters NGC 3603 and R136 are presented, using archival HST & VLT spectroscopy, & high spatial resolution near-IR photometry. We derive high T* for the WN stars in NGC 3603 (T*~42+/-2 kK) & R136 (T*~53+/-3 kK) plus clumping-corrected dM/dt ~ 2-5x10^-5 Msun/yr which closely agree with theoretical predictions. These stars make a disproportionate contribution to the global budget of their host clusters. R136a1 alone supplies ~7% of N(LyC) of the entire 30 Dor region. Comparisons with stellar models calculated for the main-sequence evolution of 85-500 Msun suggest ages of ~1.5 Myr & M_init in the range 105 - 170 Msun for 3 systems in NGC 3603, plus 165-320 Msun for 4 stars in R136. Our high stellar masses are supported by dynamical mass determinations for the components of NGC 3603 A1. We consider the predicted L_X of the R136 stars if they were close, colliding wind binaries. R136c is consistent with a colliding wind binary system. However, short period, colliding wind systems are excluded for R136a WN stars if mass ratios are of order unity. Widely separated systems would have been expected to harden owing to early dynamical encounters with other massive stars in such a dense environment. From simulated star clusters, whose constituents are randomly sampled from the Kroupa IMF, both clusters are consistent with a tentative upper mass limit of ~300 Msun. The Arches cluster is either too old, exhibits a deficiency of very massive stars, or more likely stellar masses have been underestimated - M_init for the most luminous stars in the Arches cluster approach 200 Msun according to contemporary stellar & photometric results. The potential for stars greatly exceeding 150 Msun within metal-poor galaxies suggests that such pair-instability SNe could occur within the local universe, as has been claimed for SN 2007bi (abridged).Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for MNRAS. Version with higher resolution figures is available from http://pacrowther.staff.shef.ac.uk/R136.pdf See also http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1030/ from Wed 21 from noon (CEST