25 research outputs found

    Temporal relationships between Mg-K mafic magmatism and catastrophic melting of the Variscan crust in the southern part of Velay Complex (Massif Central, France)

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    Mg-K mafic intrusive rocks are commonly observed during the late stages of the evolution of orogenic belts. The Variscan French Massif Central has many outcrops of these rocks, locally called vaugnerites. Such magmas have a mantle-derived origin and therefore allow discussion of the role of mantle melting and crust-mantle interactions during late-orogenic processes. In the Southern Velay area of the French Massif Central, LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating on zircons and monazites from three vaugnerites and four coeval granites reveals that the two igneous suites formed simultaneously, at c. 305 Ma. This major igneous event followed after an early, protracted melting stage that lasted for 20-30 My and generated migmatites, but the melt was not extracted efficiently and therefore no granite plutons were formed. This demonstrates that widespread crustal anatexis, melt extraction and granite production were synchronous with the intrusion of vaugneritic mantle-derived melts in the crust. The rapid heating and subsequent melting of the crust led to upward flow of partially molten rocks, doming and collapse of the belt.JHS was financially supported by the Spanish grant CGL2008–02864 and the Andalusian grant RNM1595

    Cadomian S-type granites as basement rocks of the Variscan belt (Massif Central, France): Implications for the crustal evolution of the north Gondwana margin

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    International audienceFrom the Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic, the northern Gondwana margin was sequentially shaped by the Cadomian accretionary and the Variscan collisional orogens which offers the opportunity to investigate the relative extent of crust production/reworking in both geodynamic settings. In the eastern part of the Variscan French Massif Central (FMC), the Velay Orthogneiss Formation (VOF) represents a consistent lithological unit of the pre-Variscan basement and comprises augen gneisses and leucogneisses. Such rocks constitute a unique record of the pre-Variscan magmatic history and bear critical information on the crustal evolution of the northern Gondwana margin.Here, we present whole–rock major and trace element compositions indicating that: (i) the VOF shows a remarkable geochemical homogeneity; (ii) the protolith of the augen gneisses corresponds to strongly peraluminous, “S-type” porphyritic granites originating from partial melting of an Ediacaran sedimentary sequence; (iii) the leucogneisses are former leucogranites generated by fractionation of the magma at the origin of the porphyritic granites; and (iv) the whole suite emplaced at shallow crustal levels (< 7 km). U–Pb LA–(MC–)ICP–MS analyses on zircon yielded similar emplacement ages of c. 542 Ma and a narrow range of ΔHf(t) clustering around 0 for the protoliths of both augen and leucogneisses. This homogeneous Hf isotope signature, notably uncommon for S-type granites, would originate from a sequential process of: (i) inherited zircon dissolution during melting and ascent in the crust due to Zr-undersaturated conditions, (ii) isotopic homogenization of the melt by advection and elemental/isotopic diffusion, followed by (iii) early saturation upon emplacement owing to rapid cooling at shallow crustal levels.We propose that partial melting of Ediacaran sediments occurred during inversion of a Cadomian back-arc basin and was promoted by the high thermal gradient typical of thinned crust domains. Therefore, the VOF and other Cadomian S-type granitoids from the northern Gondwana margin are indicative of substantial crust reworking away from any proper continental collision zone

    Flow of partially molten crust controlling construction, growth and collapse of the Variscan orogenic belt: 1 the geologic record of the French Massif Central

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    We present here a tectonic-geodynamic model for the generation and flow of partially molten rocks and for magmatism during the Variscan orogenic evolution from the Silurian to the late Carboniferous based on a synthesis of geological data from the French Massif Central. Eclogite facies metamorphism of mafic and ultramafic rocks records the subduction of the Gondwana hyperextended margin. Part of these eclogites are forming boudins-enclaves in felsic HP granulite facies migmatites partly retrogressed into amphibolite facies attesting for continental subduction followed by thermal relaxation and decompression. We propose that HP partial melting has triggered mechanical decoupling of the partially molten continental rocks from the subducting slab. This would have allowed buoyancy-driven exhumation and entrainment of pieces of oceanic lithosphere and subcontinental mantle. Geochronological data of the eclogite-bearing HP migmatites points to diachronous emplacement of distinct nappes from middle to late Devonian. These nappes were thrusted onto metapelites and orthogneisses affected by MP/MT greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism reaching partial melting attributed to the late Devonian to early Carboniferous thickening of the crust. The emplacement of laccoliths rooted into strike-slip transcurrent shear zones capped by low-angle detachments from c. 345 to c. 310 Ma is concomitant with the southward propagation of the Variscan deformation front marked by deposition of clastic sediments in foreland basins. We attribute these features to horizontal growth of the Variscan belt and formation of an orogenic plateau by gravity-driven lateral flow of the partially molten orogenic root. The diversity of the magmatic rocks points to various crustal sources with modest, but systematic mantle-derived input. In the eastern French Massif Central, the southward decrease in age of the mantle- and crustal-derived plutonic rocks from c. 345 Ma to c. 310 Ma suggests southward retreat of a northward subducting slab toward the Paleotethys free boundary. Late Carboniferous destruction of the Variscan belt is dominantly achieved by gravitational collapse accommodated by the activation of low-angle detachments and the exhumation-crystallization of the partially molten orogenic root forming crustal-scale LP migmatite domes from c. 305 Ma to c. 295 Ma, coeval with orogen-parallel flow in the external zone. Laccoliths emplaced along low-angle detachments and intrusive dykes with sharp contacts correspond to the segregation of the last melt fraction leaving behind a thick accumulation of refractory LP felsic and mafic granulites in the lower crust. This model points to the primordial role of partial melting and magmatism in the tectonic-geodynamic evolution of the Variscan orogenic belt. In particular, partial melting and magma transfer (i) triggers mechanical decoupling of subducted units from the downgoing slab and their syn-orogenic exhumation; (ii) the development of an orogenic plateau by lateral flow of the low-viscosity partially molten crust; and, (iii) the formation of metamorphic core complexes and domes that accommodate post-orogenic exhumation during gravitational collapse. All these processes contribute to differentiation and stabilisation of the orogenic crust

    L’évolution de la croute continentale vue par le zircon, rĂ©sultats et limites de l’approche Ă  partir de l’exemple du Massif Central français

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    The formation of the continental crust is a major consequence of Earth differentiation. Understanding how the crust formed and evolved through time is paramount to locate the vast mineral deposits hosted therein and address its influence on the global climate, ultimately affecting the development of terrestrial life. Recent advances on the topic of continental crust evolution benefited from improvements of analytical techniques enabling in situ measurements of U-Pb- Hf-O isotope compositions in zircon, a widespread accessory mineral of continental igneous rocks. The time constrains derived from the U-Pb chronometer coupled with the petrogenetic information retrieved from Hf-O isotope signatures are currently used to unravel the diversity and succession of magmatic events affecting the continental crust at the regional and global scales. This study reconstructs the evolutionary path followed by the crust segment today exposed in the eastern part of the French Massif Central (FMC), a portion of the Variscan belt of Western Europe, with the aim to investigate the potential flaws of the zircon record of crust evolution. In this scope, the origin and geodynamic significance of the constituent FMC lithological units are tackled by combining conventional petrological observations with zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope data. The results obtained following this integrated approach are then confronted to the conclusions that would have been drawn solely from zircon isotopic signatures, taken out of their petrological context, as is commonly performed in studies investigating crust evolution. The oldest rocks of the FMC correspond to Ediacaran (590_550 Ma) meta-sediments deposited in back-arc basins along the northern Gondwana margin. Such basins were fed by a mixed detritus originating from the adjacent Cadomian magmatic arc and a distal Gondwana source, presumably the Sahara Metacraton. Partial melting of these meta-sediments at the Ediacaran/Cambrian boundary led to voluminous S-type granitic magmatism, pinpointing a first major crust reworking event in the FMC. The origin of anatexis likely stems from the transient thickening of the hot, back-arc crust caused by the flattening of the Cadomian subduction. Subordinate melting of the depleted backarc mantle at that time is also documented. During the Lower Paleozoic, rifting of the northern Gondwana provoked coeval crust and (limited) mantle melting. Mantle-derived igneous rocks show markedly diverse trace element and isotopic signatures, consistent with a very heterogeneous mantle source pervasively modi_ed by the Cadomian subduction. Finally, the Variscan collision resulted in crustal melting as evidenced by the emplacement of S-type granites and the formation of migmatite domes, the spatial distribution of which being partly controlled by the crustal architecture inherited from pre-orogenic events. Synchronous intrusion of mafic mantle-derived magmas and their differentiates testify for Variscan post-collisional new continental crust production in the FMC. Two major inconsistencies exist between these results and the zircon record. First, zircon Hf model ages would point to substantial Mesoproterozoic crust formation in the FMC whereas more than 60% of the crust is actually Neoproterozoic in age. Second, new additions to the continental crust volume during the Variscan orogeny are not recorded even though 5 to 10% of the exposed crust formed at that time. The origin of both discrepancies inherently lies in the mixed isotopic signature carried by many zircon grains. Such equivocal information can only be detected when additional petrological constrains on the zircon host rocks are available and provide guidance in interpreting the zircon record of crust evolutionLa formation de la croute continentale est une des consĂ©quences majeures de la diffĂ©renciation de la Terre. Les avancĂ©es rĂ©centes dans la comprĂ©hension de ce phĂ©nomĂšne rĂ©sultent de l’amĂ©lioration des techniques analytiques permettant la mesure in situ des compositions isotopiques en U-Pb-Hf-O de grains de zircon, minĂ©ral abondant dans les roches crustales. Cette Ă©tude reconstitue l’histoire du segment de croute affleurant dans l’est du Massif Central français (MCF), portion de la chaine Varisque d’Europe de l’Ouest, dans le but d’évaluer les limites d’utilisation des zircons pour retracer l’évolution crustale. L’origine et la signification gĂ©odynamique des principales unitĂ©s lithologiques du MCF ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es en combinant les approches classiques de la pĂ©trologie avec des donnĂ©es isotopiques U-Pb-Hf-O acquises sur zircon. Deux incohĂ©rences majeures existent entre nos rĂ©sultats et les conclusions tirĂ©es de l’étude des zircons considĂ©rĂ©s hors de leur contexte pĂ©trologique, approche gĂ©nĂ©ralement suivie pour analyser l’évolution crustale. Les Ăąges modĂšles calculĂ©s Ă  partir des donnĂ©es Hf suggĂšrent une importante croissance crustale au MĂ©soproterozoique dans le MCF, en contradiction avec le fait que 60% de la croute locale soit d’ñge NĂ©oproterozoĂŻque. De plus, 5 Ă  10% de la croute du MCF a Ă©tĂ© formĂ©e durant l’orogĂšnese Varisque sans que cela ne soit enregistrĂ© par le zircon. Dans les deux cas, ces incohĂ©rences rĂ©sultent du caractĂšre hybride des signatures isotopiques portĂ©es par les zircons. Celles-ci ne peuvent ĂȘtre correctement dĂ©tectĂ©es et interprĂ©tĂ©es qu’en disposant de donnĂ©es pĂ©trologiques complĂ©mentaires sur les roches contenant les grains analysĂ©

    Timescales of ultra-high temperature metamorphism and crustal differentiation: Zircon petrochronology from granulite xenoliths of the Variscan French Massif Central

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    International audienceLower crustal ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism and the resulting production and transfer of granitic magmas represent key processes of intracrustal differentiation. The timescales of these phenomena are debated, due to the complexity of the granulite zircon U-Pb record and because direct links between granulites and granites are difficult to establish. To address these issues, we present the results of zircon petrochronology (coupled U-Pb dating, trace element and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses) for lower crustal felsic and mafic granulite xenoliths from the Variscan eastern French Massif Central and compare them with data from well-characterized mid-/upper crustal migmatites and granites. The felsic and mafic granulites represent pre-Variscan meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous mafic rocks, respectively; which experienced Variscan UHT peak metamorphism at 940-970 °C and 8 ± 2 kbar. Zircons from the felsic granulites show U-Pb dates spreading over ∌50 Myr between ∌315 and ∌265 Ma, correlated to Ti-in-zircon temperatures decreasing from 940-970 °C to 800 °C and REE contents consistent with growth in equilibrium with garnet at (U)HT conditions. This is best explained by continuous crystallization of zircon upon cooling from the thermal peak owing to decreasing Zr solubility of residual melt, despite significant prograde melt loss. Zircons from the mafic granulite only record the last stage of this time-temperature evolution (295-265 Ma; 800-900 °C) due to later zircon saturation. Upper crustal granite emplacement started at 340 Ma and culminated at the age of the lower crustal thermal peak of 313 ± 3 Ma (defined by the highest-temperature zircons from felsic granulites), reflecting melt extraction along the ∌27 Myr prograde path of the lower crust. In turn, the crystallization ages of mid-crustal migmatites (315-300 Ma) and the lower crustal granulites (315-265 Ma) are consistent with slow cooling in the presence of melt. These results provide a direct assessment of the timescales of melt production and residence at the crustal scale; and validate the granulite-granite connection in the framework of the melt loss theory in migmatitic systems

    Cambro–Ordovician ferrosilicic magmatism along the northern Gondwana margin: constraints from the CĂ©zarenque–Joyeuse gneiss complex (French Massif Central)

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    It is well-acknowledged that the northern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent was affected by a major magmatic event at late Cambrian (Furongian) to early Ordovician (Tremadocian) times. However, an accurate assessment of its extent, origin, and significance is partly hampered by the incomplete characterization of the numerous gneiss massifs exposed in the inner part of the Variscan belt, as some of them possibly represent dismembered and deformed Furongian–Tremadocian igneous bodies. In this study, we document the case of the “CĂ©zarenque–Joyeuse” gneisses in the CĂ©vennes parautochton domain of the French Massif Central. The gneisses form decametre- to kilometre-thick concordant massifs interlayered within a pluri-kilometric sequence of mica- and quartz schists. They encompass two main petrological types: augen gneisses and albite gneisses, both typified by their blue and engulfed quartz grains with the augen facies differing by the presence of centimetre-sized pseudomorphs after K-feldspar and the local preservation of igneous textures. Whole-rock geochemistry highlights that many gneisses have magmatic ferrosilicic (acidic with anomalously high FeOt and low CaO) compositions while others are akin to grauwackes. Collectively, it is inferred that the bulk of the CĂ©zarenque–Joyeuse gneisses represent former rhyodacite lava flows or ignimbrites and associated epiclastic tuffs. Volumetrically subordinate, finer-grained, and strongly silicic leucogneisses are interpreted as microgranite dykes originally intrusive within the volcanic edifices. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of magmatic zircon grains extracted from an augen gneiss and a leucogneiss brackets the crystallization age of the silicic magmas between 486.1±5.5 Ma and 483.0±5.5 Ma which unambiguously ties the CĂ©zarenque–Joyeuse gneisses to the Furongian–Tremadocian volcanic belt of SW Europe. Inherited zircon date distributions, Ti-in-zircon and zircon saturation thermometry demonstrate that they formed by melting at 750–820 °C of Ediacaran sediments. Zircon Eu/Eu* and Ce/Ce* systematics indicate that the melts were strongly reduced (fO2 probably close to the values expected for the iron–wustite buffer), possibly because they interacted during ascent with Lower Cambrian black shales. This would have enhanced Fe solubility in the melt phase and may explain the peculiar ferrosilicic signature displayed by many Furongian–Tremadocian igneous rocks in the northern Gondwana realm. We infer that crustal melting resulted from a combination of mantle-derived magma underplating in an extensional environment and anomalously elevated radiogenic heat production within the Ediacaran sedimentary sequences

    Trace element partitioning during incipient melting of phlogopite-peridotite in the spinel and garnet stability fields

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    International audiencePotassium-rich magmatism represents subordinate magma volumes worldwide but has been observed in many geodynamic settings. Most potassic magmas are thought to derive from very-low degrees of melting of metasomatized mantle lithologies. We performed piston-cylinder experiments to determine trace element partition coefficients between incipient potassic silicate melts and phlogopite ± pargasite peridotite in the spinel (1 GPa) and garnet stability fields (3 GPa). Most of the rare Earth elements (REEs) are compatible in pargasite but incompatible in phlogopite. Although garnet remains the mineral phase most efficiently fractionating heavy from light REEs (DYbgrt/melt/DLagrt/melt > 750), orthopyroxene can also significantly fractionate REEs, e.g., achieving DYbopx/melt/DLaopx/melt > 100 at 3 GPa. Mineral-liquid partition coefficients vary by about one order of magnitude between incipient melts derived from the spinel and garnet stability fields. We thus show that trace element partitioning at the onset of melting is controlled more by pressure (through melt composition) than by the extent of melting. With increasing pressure, Rb and Ba exhibit different behaviors in phlogopite, with DBaphl/melt > DRbphl/melt at 1 GPa and the opposite at 3 GPa. At 1 GPa, a decrease of melt polymerization (lower NBO/T) with increasing melt fraction translates into a significant decrease of most phlogopite partition coefficients. Finally, we show that resolvable inter-element fractionations do occur when phlogopite- (and pargasite)-bearing peridotite are melted, indicating that trace element ratios are not always faithfully representative of that of their sources but bear the imprint of varied P-T conditions of melting and contrasted pre-metasomatic histories. This self-consistent partition coefficient dataset thus gives a new scope to understand the complex petrogenesis of K-rich magmas in orogenic settings