154 research outputs found

    Bisulfite-free analysis of 5MeC-binding proteins and locus-specific methylation density using a microparticle-based flow cytometry assay

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    DNA methylation analysis is emerging as a new technique with potential capabilities for early cancer detection. However, current state-of-the-art techniques are not easily translatable into routine clinical methods. Herein we describe a bead-based flow cytometry assay which combines DNA hybridization to microparticles with 5MeC-specific proteins/antibodies. These assays can be used to study the binding properties of current and emerging 5MeC-binding proteins and may also have potential in the measurement of 5MeC density in clinical samples for cancer detection

    Concerns raised by people treated for head and neck cancer : a secondary analysis of audiotaped consultations in a health services follow-up clinic

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    Purpose People treated for head and neck cancer (HNC) face various barriers in communicating concerns with consultants. Our aim was to investigate the number of concerns raised between patients using the Patient Concerns Inventory (PCI) and those who did not. The PCI is a 57-item prompt list used in routine HNC follow-up clinics. Additionally, we aimed to examine whether who initiated the concerns differed between groups and the factors that may predict this initiation. Methods   Secondary data analysis included 67 participants across 15 HNC consultants from specialist cancer centres in Liverpool and Leeds. Seven consultants utilised the PCI and eight did not, assigned by preferential and random assignment. Results   Patients in the PCI group raised on average 2.5 more concerns than patients in the non-PCI group (p < .001). There was no significant relationship between group and who initiated the first concern (p = .28). A mixed-effects logistic regression was found to significantly predict who initiated the first concern in consultations (p < .05). Discussion   The number of concerns raised by patients increased when the PCI was introduced pre-HNC consultation. A number of factors were shown to predict the number of concerns raised in consultations by both patient and consultant. As concerns may not be raised further following the concern mentioned, we propose that the discussion of concerns needs to be maintained by the clinician throughout the consultation and not solely at the start. Conclusion   The PCI promoted the sharing of concerns in follow-up consultations between patient and consultant.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnany and Offspring Cardiac Structure and Function in Adolescence

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    Background-Fetal exposure to preeclampsia is associated with higher blood pressure and later risk of stroke. We aimed to investigate the associations of maternal preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, and maternal blood pressure change in pregnancy with offspring cardiac structure and function in adolescence. Methods and Results-Using data from a prospective birth cohort study, we included offspring who underwent echocardiography (mean age, 17.7 years; SD, 0.3; N=1592). We examined whether hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were associated with offspring cardiac structure and systolic/diastolic function using linear regression. Using multilevel linear spline models (measurement occasions within women), we also investigated whether rate of maternal systolic/diastolic blood pressure change during pregnancy (weeks 8-18, 18-30, 30-36, and 36 or more) were associated with offspring outcomes. Main models were typically adjusted for maternal age, offspring age and sex, prepregnancy body mass index, parity, glycosuria/diabetes mellitus, education, and maternal smoking. Exposure to maternal preeclampsia (0.025; 95% CI, 0.008-0.043) and gestational hypertension (0.010; 0.002-0.017) were associated with greater relative wall thickness. Furthermore, preeclampsia was also associated with a smaller left ventricular end-diastolic volume (-9.0 mL; -15 to -3.1). No associations were found between hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and offspring cardiac function. Positive rate of maternal systolic blood pressure change during weeks 8 to 18 was associated with greater offspring left ventricular end-diastolic volume, left ventricular mass indexed to height2.7, and E/A. Conclusions-Adolescent offspring exposed to maternal preeclampsia had greater relative wall thickness and reduced left ventricular end-diastolic volume, which could be early signs of concentric remodeling and affect future cardiac function as well as risk of cardiovascular disease

    Multiplex Microsphere PCR (mmPCR) Allows Simultaneous Gram Typing, Detection of Fungal DNA, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes

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    Objective: To show the high analytical specificity of our multiplex microsphere polymerase chain reaction (mmPCR) method, which offers the simultaneous detection of both general (eg, Gram type) and specific (eg, Pseudomonas species) clinically relevant genetic targets in a single modular multiplex reaction. Materials and Methods: Isolated gDNA of 16S/rRNA Sanger-sequenced and Basic Local Alignment Tool–identified bacterial and fungal isolates were selectively amplified in a custom 10-plex Luminex MagPlex-TAG microsphere-based mmPCR assay. The signal/noise ratio for each reaction was calculated from flow cytometry standard data collected on a BD LSR Fortessa II flow cytometer. Data were normalized to the no-template negative control and the signal maximum. The analytical specificity of the assay was compared to single-plex SYBR chemistry quantitative PCR. Results: Both general and specific primer sets were functional in the 10-plex mmPCR. The general Gram typing and pan-fungal primers correctly identified all bacterial and fungal isolates, respectively. The species-specific and antibiotic resistance–specific primers correctly identified the species- and resistance-carrying isolates, respectively. Low-level cross-reactive signals were present in some reactions with high signal/noise primer ratios. Conclusion: We found that mmPCR can simultaneously detect specific and general clinically relevant genetic targets in multiplex. These results serve as a proof-of-concept advance that highlights the potential of high multiplex mmPCR diagnostics in clinical practice. Further development of specimen-specific DNA extraction techniques is required for sensitivity testing

    Multiplexed microsphere diagnostic tools in gene expression applications: factors and futures

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    Microarrays have received significant attention in recent years as scientists have firstly identified factors that can produce reduced confidence in gene expression data obtained on these platforms, and secondly sought to establish laboratory practices and a set of standards by which data are reported with integrity. Microsphere-based assays represent a new generation of diagnostics in this field capable of providing substantial quantitative and qualitative information from gene expression profiling. However, for gene expression profiling, this type of platform is still in the demonstration phase, with issues arising from comparative studies in the literature not yet identified. It is desirable to identify potential parameters that are established as important in controlling the information derived from microsphere-based hybridizations to quantify gene expression. As these evolve, a standard set of parameters will be established that are required to be provided when data are submitted for publication. Here we initiate this process by identifying a number of parameters we have found to be important in microsphere-based assays designed for the quantification of low abundant genes which are variable between studies

    Exploring parents’ screen-viewing behaviours and sedentary time in association with their attitudes toward their young child’s screen-viewing

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    Sedentary time and screen-viewing (SV) are associated with chronic disease risk in adults. Parent and child sedentary time and SV are associated. Parents influence children's SV through parenting styles and role modelling. Understanding whether parents' attitudes toward child SV are associated with their own SV and sedentary time will aid development of family interventions to reduce sedentary behaviours. Cross-sectional data with 809 parents from Bristol, UK were collected in 2012–2013 and analysed in 2016. Parental total sedentary time was derived from accelerometer data. Parents self-reported daily television viewing, use of computers, games consoles, and smartphone/tablets (none, 1–59 min, 1–2 h, >2 h) and attitudes toward child SV. Adjusted linear and logistic regression models were used to examine associations, separately for weekdays and weekend days. Having negative attitudes toward child SV was associated with lower weekend sedentary time (Coeff: −6.41 [95% CI: −12.37 to −0.45] min/day). Limiting behaviours and having negative attitudes toward child SV were associated with lower weekday television viewing (OR: 0.72 [0.57–0.90] and 0.57 [0.47–0.70] respectively), weekend television viewing (0.75 [0.59–0.95] and 0.61 [0.50–0.75]), and weekend computer use (0.73 [0.58–0.92] and 0.80 [0.66–0.97]). Negative attitudes were also associated with lower smartphone use on weekdays (0.70 [0.57–0.85]) and weekends (0.70 [0.58–0.86]). Parent self-efficacy for limiting child SV and setting SV rules were not associated with sedentary time or SV. Reporting negative attitudes toward child SV was associated with lower accelerometer-assessed weekend total sedentary time and self-reported SV behaviours, while limiting child SV was also associated with lower self-reported SV

    Association of parents' and children's physical activity and sedentary time in Year 4 (8-9) and change between Year 1 (5-6) and Year 4:a longitudinal study

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    Abstract Background Parents could be important influences on child physical activity and parents are often encouraged to be more active with their child. This paper examined the association between parent and child physical activity and sedentary time in a UK cohort of children assessed when the children were in Year 1 (5–6 years old) and in Year 4 (8–9 years old). Methods One thousand two hundred twenty three children and parents provided data in Year 4 and of these 685 participated in Year 1. Children and parents wore an accelerometer for five days including a weekend. Mean minutes of sedentary time and moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) were derived. Multiple imputation was used to impute all missing data and create complete datasets. Linear regression models examined whether parent MVPA and sedentary time at Year 4 and at Year 1 predicted child MVPA and sedentary time at Year 4. Change in parent MVPA and sedentary time was used to predict change in child MVPA and sedentary time between Year 1 and Year 4. Results Imputed data showed that at Year 4, female parent sedentary time was associated with child sedentary time (0.13, 95% CI = 0.00 to 0.27 mins/day), with a similar association for male parents (0.15, 95% CI = −0.02 to 0.32 mins/day). Female parent and child MVPA at Year 4 were associated (0.16, 95% CI = 0.08 to 0.23 mins/day) with a smaller association for male parents (0.08, 95% CI = −0.01 to 0.17 mins/day). There was little evidence that either male or female parent MVPA at Year 1 predicted child MVPA at Year 4 with similar associations for sedentary time. There was little evidence that change in parent MVPA or sedentary time predicted change in child MVPA or sedentary time respectively. Conclusions Parents who were more physically active when their child was 8–9 years old had a child who was more active, but the magnitude of association was generally small. There was little evidence that parental activity from three years earlier predicted child activity at age 8–9, or that change in parent activity predicted change in child activity

    A longitudinal study of the associations of children’s body mass index and physical activity with blood pressure

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    <div><p>Childhood blood pressure is a marker of cardiovascular disease risk in later life. We examined how body mass index (BMI) and physical activity, and changes in these, are associated with blood pressure in primary school-aged children. Data are from 1223 children aged 9 years (Year 4) in Bristol, UK, 685 of whom had been assessed at 6 years (Year 1). Child height and weight were measured, and children wore accelerometers for five days, from which average counts per minute, and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity and sedentary minutes per day were derived. At age 9 years, blood pressure was measured. Multiple imputation of missing data and adjusted linear regression models were used to examine associations. Child BMI at 9 years was cross-sectionally associated with higher systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure (mean difference [95% CI]: 1.10 [0.34, 1.87] mmHg and 0.86 [0.13, 1.60] mmHg, respectively, per SD of BMI). Prospective associations of BMI at age 6 with blood pressure at age 9 were consistent with these cross-sectional associations. However, change in BMI between 6 and 9 years was not strongly associated with subsequent SBP or DBP (0.68 [-0.61, 1.98] mmHg and 1.23 [-0.09, 2.54] mmHg, respectively). There was little evidence that physical activity or sedentary time were associated with blood pressure in either cross-sectional or prospective analyses. Greater childhood BMI is associated with higher blood pressure, and this association persists over several years. Prevention of excessive bodyweight from early childhood may be important in stemming the development of cardiovascular risk.</p></div
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