4,379 research outputs found

    Nisi credideritis non intelligentis : lectura d'Is VII, 9 per Ramon Llull

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    Group Work in Graduate Social Work Education: Where Are We Now?

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    This paper presents the preliminary results of a national survey assessing the extent of group work offerings within masters level social work programs in the United States. The study replicates and expands upon a 1994 investigation by Birnbaum and Auerbach. Findings are compared with the earlier study to identify changes and trends in group work education

    Summary of main conclusions reached in 25 reviews of the research literature on wind farms and health.

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    This document is a list of all known reviews of the evidence on the putative association between wind turbine exposure and health outcome

    Left ventricular heart failure and pulmonary hypertension

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    In patients with left ventricular heart failure (HF), the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction are frequent and have important impact on disease progression, morbidity, and mortality, and therefore warrant clinical attention. Pulmonary hypertension related to left heart disease (LHD) by far represents the most common form of PH, accounting for 65–80% of cases. The proper distinction between pulmonary arterial hypertension and PH-LHD may be challenging, yet it has direct therapeutic consequences. Despite recent advances in the pathophysiological understanding and clinical assessment, and adjustments in the haemodynamic definitions and classification of PH-LHD, the haemodynamic interrelations in combined post- and pre-capillary PH are complex, definitions and prognostic significance of haemodynamic variables characterizing the degree of pre-capillary PH in LHD remain suboptimal, and there are currently no evidence-based recommendations for the management of PH-LHD. Here, we highlight the prevalence and significance of PH and RV dysfunction in patients with both HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and provide insights into the complex pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary interaction in LHD, which may lead to the evolution from a ‘left ventricular phenotype’ to a ‘right ventricular phenotype’ across the natural history of HF. Furthermore, we propose to better define the individual phenotype of PH by integrating the clinical context, non-invasive assessment, and invasive haemodynamic variables in a structured diagnostic work-up. Finally, we challenge current definitions and diagnostic short falls, and discuss gaps in evidence, therapeutic options and the necessity for future developments in this context

    Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex Mediates Rapid Evaluations Predicting the Outcome of Romantic Interactions

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    Humans frequently make real-world decisions based on rapid evaluations of minimal information; for example, should we talk to an attractive stranger at a party? Little is known, however, about how the brain makes rapid evaluations with real and immediate social consequences. To address this question, we scanned participants with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they viewed photos of individuals that they subsequently met at real-life “speed-dating” events. Neural activity in two areas of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC), paracingulate cortex, and rostromedial prefrontal cortex (RMPFC) was predictive of whether each individual would be ultimately pursued for a romantic relationship or rejected. Activity in these areas was attributable to two distinct components of romantic evaluation: either consensus judgments about physical beauty (paracingulate cortex) or individualized preferences based on a partner's perceived personality (RMPFC). These data identify novel computational roles for these regions of the DMPFC in even very rapid social evaluations. Even a first glance, then, can accurately predict romantic desire, but that glance involves a mix of physical and psychological judgments that depend on specific regions of DMPFC

    Structure of the K-turn U4 RNA: a combined NMR and SANS study

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    K-turn motifs are universal RNA structural elements providing a binding platform for proteins in several cellular contexts. Their characteristic is a sharp kink in the phosphate backbone that puts the two helical stems of the protein-bound RNA at an angle of 60°. However, to date no high-resolution structure of a naked K-turn motif is available. Here, we present the first structural investigation at atomic resolution of an unbound K-turn RNA (the spliceosomal U4-Kt RNA) by a combination of NMR and small-angle neutron scattering data. With this study, we wish to address the question whether the K-turn structural motif assumes the sharply kinked conformation in the absence of protein binders and divalent cations. Previous studies have addressed this question by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, biochemical assays and molecular dynamics simulations, suggesting that the K-turn RNAs exist in equilibrium between a kinked conformation, which is competent for protein binding, and a more extended conformation, with the population distribution depending on the concentration of divalent cations. Our data shows that the U4-Kt RNA predominantly assumes the more extended conformation in the absence of proteins and divalent cations. The internal loop region is well structured but adopts a different conformation from the one observed in complex with proteins. Our data suggests that the K-turn consensus sequence does not per se code for the kinked conformation; instead the sharp backbone kink requires to be stabilized by protein binders

    El poder de l'art. L'art com hermenĂšutica i la llibertat de l'artista

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    El treball Ă©s una aproximaciĂł antropolĂČgica de l’art a partir de l’artista. Dos sĂłn els eixos vertebradors d’aquesta tesi, a partir dels quals se’n deriven els punts restants: 1. Considerar l’art una activitat fĂ­sico-psĂ­quico-espiritual innata a la naturalesa humana; aspecte analitzat en el primer apartat del treball, en A. QÜESTIONS PRELIMINARS; 2. El poder de l’art: a) en la seva relaciĂł amb els poders fĂ ctics, punt treballat en l’apartat B. ART I PODER; b) el poder que neix del propi dinamisme intern de l’art, punt treballat en l’apartat C. EL PODER DE L’ART Partint d’aquestes consideracions la tesi intenta respondre a la pregunta d’on provĂ© aquesta força que neix del propi art fins a fer-lo un «mitjà» atractiu per els poders fĂ ctics, especialment les ideologies polĂ­tiques i els totalitarismes. Alguns aspectes sĂłn treballats a travĂ©s de dues figures contemporĂ nies: Frida Kahlo i Marc Chagall. Temes no menys importants, que sense ser l’objectiu de la tesi, han sorgit necessĂ riament dels punts centrals, i que han hagut de ser estudiats en mĂ©s o menys profunditat sĂłn: a) quĂš s’entĂ©n per art i estĂštica avui, en un moment on la manca de definiciĂł Ă©s el que mĂ©s prolifera en tots els camps; b) la subjecciĂł i la llibertat de l’artista en el procĂ©s creatiu i de quina manera conviuen aquests dos aspectes en l’artista. Tant des de fora pel quĂš fa a les pressions i condicionaments externs a les que estĂ  sotmĂšs l’artista, com des de dins, pel propi mecanisme intern del procĂ©s creatiu i de la mateixa obra d’art; c) l’art com a «valor», en tant que activitat humana, mesura el grau d’humanitzaciĂł d’una societat perĂČ, a la vegada, pot esdevenir un mitjĂ  d’humanitzaciĂł i recuperaciĂł de valors perduts o menystinguts. AixĂ­ l’art Ă©s comprĂšs, tambĂ©, en el seu valor pedagĂČgic i comunicativo-expressiu, i serĂ  en aquest sentit que s’estudiarĂ  tambĂ© el poder de l’art i les seves relacions amb els poders hegemĂČnics. Ja que per la seva capacitat comunicativa tĂ© una capacitat transformadora, la manipulaciĂł de l’art resulta un capteniment temptador en ordre a una actuaciĂł dirigida per l’home envers l’home mateix provocant, aixĂ­, una desnaturalitzaciĂł de l’art i del propi Ă©sser humĂ . Un aspecte significatiu de la tesi Ă©s la comprensiĂł que es fa de l’art com a «mediació», i la «puresa» de l’art en tant que «genuĂŻnitat». Quan l’art Ă©s «pur», Ă©s a dir, «genuí» no cerca finalitats manipuladores ni es sotmet a poders fĂ ctics. És transformador i estĂ  obert a la possibilitat de l’«encontre» amb un «tu» i amb un «Tu« espiritual. Conscient que el tema Ă©s profundament infinit i obert, la tesi, per la prĂČpia naturalesa de la seva temĂ tica no pot deixar cap aspecte tancat perĂČ sĂ­, suggerir nous plantejaments.El estudio es una aproximaciĂłn antropolĂłgica del arte a partir del artista. Dos son los puntos centrales de esta tesis, a partir de los que se derivan los restantes: 1. Considerar el arte una actividad fĂ­sico-psĂ­quico-espiritual que nace de la propia naturaleza humana; aspecto analizado en el primer apartado A. QÜESTIONS PRELIMINARS; 2. El poder del arte: a) en su relaciĂłn con los poderes fĂĄcticos, parte B. ART I PODER; b) el poder que nace del propio dinamismo interno del arte, parte C. EL PODER DE L’ART Partiendo de estas consideraciones la tesis intenta responder a cerca del origen de la fuerza que emana del propio arte hasta hacerlo un «medio» atractivo a los poderes fĂĄcticos, especialmente las ideologĂ­as polĂ­ticas i los totalitarismos. Algunos aspectos son estudiados a partir de dos figuras contemporĂĄneas: Frida Kahlo i Marc Chagall. Temas no menos importantes, que sin ser objeto directo de anĂĄlisis de la tesis, han surgido necesariamente de los puntos centrales, y han tenido que ser estudiados con mĂĄs o menos profundidad. Estos son: a) quĂ© se entiende por arte y estĂ©tica hoy, en un momento en que la indefiniciĂłn se extiende a todos los campos de la sociedad; b) la sujeciĂłn y la libertad del artista en el proceso creativo; cĂłmo y de quĂ© manera conviven estos dos aspectos en el artista. Tanto desde fuera, en lo que respecta a las presiones y condicionamientos externos a les que estĂĄ sometido el propio artista, como desde dentro, por el propio mecanismo interno del proceso creativo, asĂ­ como por la misma obra de arte; c) el arte como «valor», en tanto que actividad humana, mide el grado de humanizaciĂłn de una sociedad pero, a la vez, puede convertirse en un medio de humanizaciĂłn y de recuperaciĂłn de valores olvidados o depreciados. AsĂ­ el arte es comprendido, tambiĂ©n, en su valor pedagĂłgico y comunicativo-expresivo, y en este sentido serĂĄ estudiado tambiĂ©n el poder del arte y sus relaciones con los poderes hegemĂłnicos. Por su capacidad comunicativa y, por tanto transformadora, la manipulaciĂłn a que puede someter el hombre al arte, dirigida a una actuaciĂłn sobre el hombre mismo, resulta un hecho evidente, provocando asĂ­ una desnaturalizaciĂłn del arte y del propio hombre. Un aspecto significativo del estudio es la comprensiĂłn del arte cĂłmo «mediaciĂłn», y la «pureza» del arte, entendiendo por pureza la «genuinidad» del arte. AsĂ­, en este sentido, cuando el arte es «puro» huye de todo sometimiento a poderes fĂĄcticos. Es transformador y estĂĄ abierto a la posibilidad del «encuentro» con un «tu» y con un «Tu» espiritual. Consciente que el tema es profundamente abierto, la tesis, por la prĂČpia naturaleza de su temĂĄtica, no puede dejar el estudio como un todo cerrado, perĂČ sĂ­, presentar nuevos y sugerentes planteamientos.The thesis is an anthropological approach on the art in its different forms: Painting, music, literature and sculpture. And all these forms are examined starting from the artist. The axes vertebrating this study are two, on which depend the other points, as follow: 1. Considers the art as an innate physic-psychological-spiritual activity of the human nature. This point is analyzed in the first part of the work, specifically in the A. PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. 2. The second axis deals with the power of art: a) in its relation with the factual powers. This aspect is dealed to a large extent in the section B. ART AND POWER, and b) the power which comes out from the internal dynamism self of the art. This point is developed in the section C. THE POWER OF ART. According to the basis of these thoughts the doctoral dissertation intents to answer to the question from where comes the strength that is born in the art itself, even to become attractive to the factual powers, to the political ideologies to the political totalitarism. Some of these aspects are developed starting from tow wellknown contemporaneous artists: Frida Kahlo and Marc Chagall. There are some non the important subjects, which without being the direct matter of this thesis, have rose necessarily from its central points, and so they have been approached more or less deeply. These secondary aspects are: a) What do we understand today when we speak about art and aesthetics?; b) Subjection and freedom of the artist in the creative process and how both can live together in the artist (Unfortunately the tack of clear definition proliferates in this field). Both outside the external pressions and conditions to which is subjected and inside due to creative process itself and to the work of art; c) The art as «value» as human activity, measures the level of humanity of the society. In fact, the art can become means of humanization and recovery of the lost and despised values. And consequently the art is also understood in its pedagogical and communicating value. And is of course in this sense that our work approaches the power of the art and the relation between power and art. And the reality is so because its communicative strength is also transformating capacity. And precisely this capacity can become a man’s manipulation by the man, and consequently the perversion of the art’s nature and of the human being. A signification aspect of this thesis is the art’s presentation as mediation and the art’s pureness as genuineness. The pure art does not look for manipulating aims, and does not submit to the leading powers. The true art is transformer and open to the possibility of the meeting with a «you» and with the spiritual «You». The thesis is fully aware that the subject is deeply infinite and open, so the work according its own nature can’t close all the aspects, but can suggest new statements
