124 research outputs found

    Suppression of low-frequency noise in two-dimensional electron gas at degenerately doped Si:P \delta-layers

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    We report low-frequency 1/f noise measurements of degenerately doped Si:P \delta-layers at 4.2K. The noise was found to be over six orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk Si:P systems in the metallic regime and is one of the lowest values reported for doped semiconductors. The noise was found to be nearly independent of magnetic field at low fields, indicating negligible contribution from universal conductance fluctuations. Instead interaction of electrons with very few active structural two-level systems may explain the observed noise magnitudeComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of phosphorus segregation in silicon at the atomic-scale using STM

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    In order to fabricate precise atomic-scale devices in silicon using a combination of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and molecular beam epitaxy it is necessary to minimize the segregation/diffusion of dopant atoms during silicon encapsulation. We characterize the surface segregation/diffusion of phosphorus atoms from a δ\delta-doped layer in silicon after encapsulation at 250^{\circ}C and room temperature using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and STM. We show that the surface phosphorus density can be reduced to a few percent of the initial δ\delta-doped density if the phosphorus atoms are encapsulated with 5 or 10 monolayers of epitaxial silicon at room temperature. We highlight the limitations of SIMS and AES to determine phosphorus segregation at the atomic-scale and the advantage of using STM directly

    Effective mass theory of monolayer \delta-doping in the high-density limit

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    Monolayer \delta-doped structures in silicon have attracted renewed interest with their recent incorporation into atomic-scale device fabrication strategies as source and drain electrodes and in-plane gates. Modeling the physics of \delta-doping at this scale proves challenging, however, due to the large computational overhead associated with ab initio and atomistic methods. Here, we develop an analytical theory based on an effective mass approximation. We specifically consider the Si:P materials system, and the limit of high donor density, which has been the subject of recent experiments. In this case, metallic behavior including screening tends to smooth out the local disorder potential associated with random dopant placement. While smooth potentials may be difficult to incorporate into microscopic, single-electron analyses, the problem is easily treated in the effective mass theory by means of a jellium approximation for the ionic charge. We then go beyond the analytic model, incorporating exchange and correlation effects within a simple numerical model. We argue that such an approach is appropriate for describing realistic, high-density, highly disordered devices, providing results comparable to density functional theory, but with greater intuitive appeal, and lower computational effort. We investigate valley coupling in these structures, finding that valley splitting in the low-lying \Gamma band grows much more quickly than the \Gamma-\Delta band splitting at high densities. We also find that many-body exchange and correlation corrections affect the valley splitting more strongly than they affect the band splitting

    3-Dimensional Tuning of an Atomically Defined Silicon Tunnel Junction

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    A requirement for quantum information processors is the in-situ tunability of the tunnel rates and the exchange interaction energy within the device. The large energy level separation for atom qubits in silicon is well suited for qubit operation but limits device tunability using in-plane gate architectures, requiring vertically separated top-gates to control tunnelling within the device. In this paper we address control of the simplest tunnelling device in Si:P, the tunnel junction. Here we demonstrate that we can tune its conductance by using a vertically separated top-gate aligned with +-5nm precision to the junction. We show that a monolithic 3D epitaxial top-gate increases the capacitive coupling by a factor of 3 compared to in-plane gates, resulting in a tunnel barrier height tunability of 0-186meV. By combining multiple gated junctions in series we extend our monolithic 3D gating technology to implement nanoscale logic circuits including AND and OR gates

    Superexchange coupling of donor qubits in silicon

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    Atomic engineering in a solid-state material has the potential to functionalize the host with novel phenomena. STM-based lithographic techniques have enabled the placement of individual phosphorus atoms at selective lattice sites of silicon with atomic precision. Here, we show that by placing four phosphorus donors spaced 10-15 nm apart from their neighbours in a linear chain, it is possible to realize coherent spin coupling between the end dopants of the chain, analogous to the superexchange interaction in magnetic materials. Since phosphorus atoms are a promising building block of a silicon quantum computer, this enables spin coupling between their bound electrons beyond nearest neighbours, allowing the qubits to be spaced out by 30-45 nm. The added flexibility in architecture brought about by this long-range coupling not only reduces gate densities but can also reduce correlated noise between qubits from local noise sources that are detrimental to error correction codes. We base our calculations on a full configuration interaction technique in the atomistic tight-binding basis, solving the 4-electron problem exactly, over a domain of a million silicon atoms. Our calculations show that superexchange can be tuned electrically through gate voltages where it is less sensitive to charge noise and donor placement errors