6,809 research outputs found

    Detecting the signatures of helium in type Iax supernovae

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    Recent studies have argued that the progenitor system of type Iax supernovae must consist of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf accreting from a helium star companion. Based on existing explosion models invoking the pure deflagration of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, we investigate the likelihood of producing spectral features due to helium in type Iax supernovae. From this scenario, we select those explosion models producing ejecta and 56^{56}Ni masses that are broadly consistent with those estimated for type Iax supernovae (0.014 - 0.478~M⊙M_{\odot} and ∼0.003\sim0.003 - 0.183~M⊙M_{\odot}, respectively). To this end, we present a series of models of varying luminosities (−18.4≲MV≲−14.5-18.4 \lesssim M_{\rm{V}} \lesssim -14.5~mag) with helium abundances accounting for up to ∼\sim36\% of the ejecta mass, and covering a range of epochs beginning a few days before B−-band maximum to approximately two weeks after maximum. We find that the best opportunity for detecting \ion{He}{i} features is at near-infrared wavelengths, and in the post-maximum spectra of the fainter members of this class. We show that the optical spectrum of SN~2007J is potentially consistent with a large helium content (a few 10−2 M⊙^{-2}~M_{\odot}), but argue that current models of accretion and material stripping from a companion struggle to produce compatible scenarios. We also investigate the presence of helium in all objects with near-infrared spectra. We show that SNe~2005hk, 2012Z, and 2015H contain either no helium or their helium abundances are constrained to much lower values (≲\lesssim10−3 M⊙^{-3}~M_{\odot}). Our results demonstrate the differences in helium content among type Iax supernovae, perhaps pointing to different progenitor channels. Either SN~2007J is an outlier in terms of its progenitor system, or it is not a true member of the type Iax supernova class.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Type Ia Supernovae and Accretion Induced Collapse

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    Using the population synthesis binary evolution code StarTrack, we present theoretical rates and delay times of Type Ia supernovae arising from various formation channels. These channels include binaries in which the exploding white dwarf reaches the Chandrasekhar mass limit (DDS, SDS, and helium-rich donor scenario) as well as the sub-Chandrasekhar mass scenario, in which a white dwarf accretes from a helium-rich companion and explodes as a SN Ia before reaching the Chandrasekhar mass limit. We find that using a common envelope parameterization employing energy balance with alpha=1 and lambda=1, the supernova rates per unit mass (born in stars) of sub-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia exceed those of all other progenitor channels at epochs t=0.7 - 4 Gyr for a burst of star formation at t=0. Additionally, the delay time distribution of the sub-Chandrasekhar model can be divided in to two distinct evolutionary channels: the `prompt' helium-star channel with delay times < 500 Myr, and the `delayed' double white dwarf channel with delay times > 800 Myr spanning up to a Hubble time. These findings are in agreement with recent observationally-derived delay time distributions which predict that a large number of SNe Ia have delay times < 1 Gyr, with a significant fraction having delay times < 500 Myr. We find that the DDS channel is also able to account for the observed rates of SNe Ia. However, detailed simulations of white dwarf mergers have shown that most of these mergers will not lead to SNe Ia but rather to the formation of a neutron star via accretion-induced collapse. If this is true, our standard population synthesis model predicts that the only progenitor channel which can account for the rates of SNe Ia is the sub-Chandrasekhar mass scenario, and none of the other progenitors considered can fully account for the observed rates.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in proceedings for "Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion and Mergers

    Type Ia Supernovae and Accretion Induced Collapse

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    Using the population synthesis binary evolution code StarTrack, we present theoretical rates and delay times of Type Ia supernovae arising from various formation channels. These channels include binaries in which the exploding white dwarf reaches the Chandrasekhar mass limit (DDS, SDS, and helium-rich donor scenario) as well as the sub-Chandrasekhar mass scenario, in which a white dwarf accretes from a helium-rich companion and explodes as a SN Ia before reaching the Chandrasekhar mass limit. We find that using a common envelope parameterization employing energy balance with alpha=1 and lambda=1, the supernova rates per unit mass (born in stars) of sub-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia exceed those of all other progenitor channels at epochs t=0.7 - 4 Gyr for a burst of star formation at t=0. Additionally, the delay time distribution of the sub-Chandrasekhar model can be divided in to two distinct evolutionary channels: the `prompt' helium-star channel with delay times < 500 Myr, and the `delayed' double white dwarf channel with delay times > 800 Myr spanning up to a Hubble time. These findings are in agreement with recent observationally-derived delay time distributions which predict that a large number of SNe Ia have delay times < 1 Gyr, with a significant fraction having delay times < 500 Myr. We find that the DDS channel is also able to account for the observed rates of SNe Ia. However, detailed simulations of white dwarf mergers have shown that most of these mergers will not lead to SNe Ia but rather to the formation of a neutron star via accretion-induced collapse. If this is true, our standard population synthesis model predicts that the only progenitor channel which can account for the rates of SNe Ia is the sub-Chandrasekhar mass scenario, and none of the other progenitors considered can fully account for the observed rates.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in proceedings for "Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion and Mergers

    Quantum states in a magnetic anti-dot

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    We study a new system in which electrons in two dimensions are confined by a non homogeneous magnetic field. The system consists of a heterostructure with on top of it a superconducting disk. We show that in this system electrons can be confined into a dot region. This magnetic anti-dot has the interesting property that the filling of the dot is a discrete function of the magnetic field. The circulating electron current inside and outside the anti-dot can be in opposite direction for certain bound states. And those states exhibit a diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition with increasing magnetic field. The absorption spectrum consists of many peaks, some of which violate Kohn's theorem, and which is due to the coupling of the center of mass motion with the other degrees of freedom.Comment: 6 pages, 12 ps figure

    Double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar supernovae: synthetic observables for minimum helium shell mass models

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    Abridged. In the double detonation scenario for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) a detonation initiates in a shell of He-rich material accreted from a companion star by a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass White Dwarf (WD). This shell detonation drives a shock front into the carbon-oxygen (C/O) WD that triggers a secondary detonation in the core. The core detonation results in a complete disruption of the WD. Earlier studies concluded that this scenario has difficulties in accounting for the observed properties of SNe Ia since the explosion ejecta are surrounded by the products of explosive He burning in the shell. Recently, it was proposed that detonations might be possible for much less massive He shells than previously assumed. Moreover, it was shown that even detonations of these minimum He shell masses robustly trigger detonations of the C/O core. Here we present time-dependent multi-wavelength radiative transfer calculations for models with minimum He shell mass and derive synthetic observables for both the optical and {\gamma}-ray spectral regions. These differ strongly from those found in earlier simulations of sub-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions in which more massive He shells were considered. Our models predict light curves which cover both the range of brightnesses and the rise and decline times of observed SNe Ia. However, their colours and spectra do not match the observations. In particular, their B-V colours are generally too red. We show that this discrepancy is mainly due to the composition of the burning products of the He shell of our models which contain significant amounts of Ti and Cr. Using a toy model, we also show that the burning products of the He shell depend crucially on its initial composition. This leads us to conclude that good agreement between sub-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions and observed SNe Ia may still be feasible but further study of the shell properties is required.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication by Ap

    Gamma-ray diagnostics of Type Ia supernovae: Predictions of observables from three-dimensional modeling

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    Besides the fact that the gamma-ray emission due to radioactive decays is responsible for powering the light curves of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), gamma rays themselves are of particular interest as a diagnostic tool because they provide a direct way to obtain deeper insights into the nucleosynthesis and the kinematics of these explosion events. Focusing on two of the most broadly discussed SN Ia progenitor scenarios - a delayed detonation in a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (WD) and a violent merger of two WDs - we use three-dimensional explosion models and perform radiative transfer simulations to obtain synthetic gamma-ray spectra. Both chosen models produce the same mass of 56Ni and have similar optical properties that are in reasonable agreement with the recently observed supernova SN 2011fe. In contrast to the optical regime, the gamma-ray emission of our two chosen models proves to be rather different. The almost direct connection of the emission of gamma rays to fundamental physical processes occuring in SNe Ia permits additional constraints concerning several explosion model properties that are not easily accessible within other wavelength ranges. Proposed future MeV missions such as GRIPS will resolve all spectral details only for nearby SNe Ia, but hardness ratio and light curve measurements still allow for a distinction of the two different models at 10 and 16 Mpc for an exposure time of 10^6 s, respectively. The possibility to detect the strongest line features up to the Virgo distance will offer the opportunity to build up a first sample of SN Ia detections in the gamma-ray energy range and underlines the importance of future space observatories for MeV gamma rays.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Deflagrations in hybrid CONe white dwarfs: a route to explain the faint Type Iax supernova 2008ha

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    Stellar evolution models predict the existence of hybrid white dwarfs (WDs) with a carbon-oxygen core surrounded by an oxygen-neon mantle. Being born with masses ~1.1 Msun, hybrid WDs in a binary system may easily approach the Chandrasekhar mass (MCh) by accretion and give rise to a thermonuclear explosion. Here, we investigate an off-centre deflagration in a near-MCh hybrid WD under the assumption that nuclear burning only occurs in carbon-rich material. Performing hydrodynamics simulations of the explosion and detailed nucleosynthesis post-processing calculations, we find that only 0.014 Msun of material is ejected while the remainder of the mass stays bound. The ejecta consist predominantly of iron-group elements, O, C, Si and S. We also calculate synthetic observables for our model and find reasonable agreement with the faint Type Iax SN 2008ha. This shows for the first time that deflagrations in near-MCh WDs can in principle explain the observed diversity of Type Iax supernovae. Leaving behind a near-MCh bound remnant opens the possibility for recurrent explosions or a subsequent accretion-induced collapse in faint Type Iax SNe, if further accretion episodes occur. From binary population synthesis calculations, we find the rate of hybrid WDs approaching MCh to be on the order of 1 percent of the Galactic SN Ia rate.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
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