302 research outputs found
Fitness professionals’ pedagogical intervention
It is recognised the importance of fitness professionals’ intervention for fitness centres’ quality and participants’ satisfaction and retention. The objective of this article is to present several studies that show some particular aspects of pedagogical intervention which must be taken into account for participants’ satisfaction and retention, namely encouragement, instruction and pay attention to participants. Some implications for the practice of fitness professionals’ pedagogical intervention are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
100 Jogos para uma Escola Ativa – Brincar a Jogar para Exercitar!
Projeto I&D Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia do Alentejo, Laboratório de Investigação em Desporto e Saúde (LIDS) Operação Laboratório de Investigação em Desporto e Saúdeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Formação para Profissionais de Fitness: Exemplo da Licenciatura em Desporto, Condição Física e Saúde
Thermo-microstratigraphy of shells reveals invisible fire use and possible cooking in the archaeological record
The archaeological visibility of hearths related to shellfish cooking methods is limited, particularly in pre-ceramic shell midden contexts. Important evidence for use of fire is the thermal alteration of components, namely the identification of burnt shells. Mollusk shells that mineralize as aragonite are particularly indicative of burning due to the conversion of aragonite to calcite through recrystallization at known temperature thresholds. However, roasting temperatures needed to open bivalves, do not necessarily cause thermal alterations in the cooked shell. This complicates the significance of shell mineralogy by itself to recognize cooking, and discerning pre-depositional from in situ heating. To distinguish between cooking and burning, we combine micromorphological analyses with microscopic Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy to investigate mineralogical thermo-alterations alongside microstratigraphic formation studies. Experimentally heated specimens of Cerastoderma edule and Scrobicularia plana are used to identify the temperature thresholds of biogenic calcium carbonate phase alteration at the micro-scale. These results are then used to interpret mineral alterations in deposits from two Mesolithic shell midden contexts from Portugal. Micro-stratigraphically controlled mineralogy proved to be particularly useful to distinguish between pre-depositional heating from in situ heating, configuring a novel methodology for recognition of traces of cooking shellfish versus traces of fire used for other purposes. Mapping the mineral phase conversion at a micro stratigraphic scale also allows us to identify instances of in situ fire events that were invisible macroscopically. This combined microstratigraphic and mineralogical methodology considerably increases our capacity of deciphering intricate shell midden stratigraphy and occupational events.SEArch 101003409; BES-2012-053695; HAR2011-29907-C0300; HAR2014-51830-Pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
DHT and E2 as modulators of apoptotic signaling in rat Sertoli cells
Apoptosis is an important regulatory event in testicular homeostasis and optimization of sperm production. Sertoli cells (SCs) form the blood-testis barrier creating a special microenvironment where germ cells develop and are under strict hormonal control. Estrogens and androgens are known to play critical roles in SCs functioning, improving their in vitro survival by preventing apoptotic progression. Herein, the influence of 17β-estradiol (E2) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the apoptotic signaling pathways of immature rat cultured SCs was studied. For that purpose key points of the apoptotic pathway that interact with the mitochondria were chosen and the mRNA expression and/or protein levels of several apoptotic markers such as p53, the pro-apoptotic Bcl2 family member Bax, the apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and caspase-3 and 9 were evaluated. Caspase-3 activity was also evaluated as an endpoint marker of apoptosis.
E2 and DHT down-regulated the mRNA transcript levels of p53, Bax, caspase-9 and caspase-3. The protein levels of AIF were reduced after DHT treatment while E2-treated cells decreased the cleaved caspase-9 protein levels. The apoptotic endpoint Caspase-3 activity presented highly decreased levels after hormonal treatment.
Taken together, these results showed that E2 and DHT act as apoptotic signaling modulators in in vitro immature rat SCs suggesting that androgens and estrogens may be capable of modulating independent pathways of the apoptotic event by regulating different pro-apoptotic factors.A apoptose é um evento regulador importante na homeostase testicular e na
otimização da produção de espermatozoides. As células de Sertoli formam a barreira hematotesticular, criando um microambiente especial onde as células germinativas se desenvolvem e
estão sob controle hormonal estrito. De facto, os estrogénios e os androgénios são conhecidos
por desempenharem um papel importante no funcionamento das células de Sertoli,
melhorando a sua sobrevivência in vitro e impedindo a progressão da apoptose.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a influência do 17β-estradiol (E2) e da 5αdihidrotestosterona (DHT) nas vias de sinalização apoptótica em culturas de células de Sertoli
de ratos imaturos. Para isso, foram selecionados pontos chave da via apoptótica que
interagem com a mitocôndria e foram avaliados os níveis de expressão de mRNA e/ou dos
níveis de proteína de vários desses marcadores apoptóticos, tais como o p53, o membro próapoptótico da família Bcl-2 designado por Bax, o factor de indução de apoptose (AIF) e as
caspase-9 e caspase-3. A actividade da caspase-3 foi também avaliada como um marcador da
fase final da apoptose.
Pudemos verificar que tanto o E2 como a DHT diminuíram os níveis de transcritos de
mRNA do p53, Bax, caspase-9 e caspase-3. Os níveis proteicos de AIF foram também reduzidos
após o tratamento com DHT, enquanto que nas células tratadas com E2, se verificou uma
diminuição nos níveis proteicos da caspase-9 clivada. A actividade da caspase-3 apresentou
uma acentuada diminuição após o tratamento hormonal quer com E2, quer com DHT.
Em conjunto, estes resultados demonstram que o E2 e a DHT actuam como
moduladores in vitro da sinalização apoptótica em células de Sertoli de ratos imaturos,
sugerindo que, nessas células, os androgénios e os estrogénios podem ser capazes de modular
vias independentes da apoptose, uma vez que parecem regular diferencialmente a expressão
de factores pró-apoptóticos distintos
A Qualidade em Atividades de Grupo de Fitness: Construção e Validação do Questionário “Qualidade do Instrutor de Fitness – Atividades de Grupo” (QIF-AG)
Sabendo que comportamentos inadequados ou não gostar do instrutor são motivos invocados
pelos praticantes de atividades de grupo de fitness para abandonar a prática, é cada vez mais
recomendado aos ginásios implementar estratégias para diminuir o abandono e aumentar a fidelização
dos praticantes (Franco, Pereira, & Simões, 2008). Pelo referido, é objetivo deste trabalho construir e
validar um questionário que permita avaliar a qualidade do instrutor em atividades de grupo de fitness. A
construção teve por base um modelo teórico constituído por 4 dimensões e 25 categorias (Campos,
2015). Após cumprimento das várias fases subjacentes a este processo, nomeadamente após análise
fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, o questionário QIF-AG é considerado válido, apesar de com algumas
limitações, apresentando uma estrutura fatorial com 2 fatores correlacionados: Qualidade Relacional (11
itens) e Qualidade Técnico-pedagógica (14 itens).The quality in fitness group activities: construction and validation of the questionnaire "Fitness
Instructor Quality - Group Activities" (QIF-AG): Knowing that inadequate behaviors or don’t like of the
instructor are reasons presented by group fitness participants to dropout, it is increasingly recommended
to gyms to apply strategies do decrease the dropout and increase the loyalty of participants (Franco,
Pereira, & Simões, 2008). By that, the aim of this study is to construct and validate a questionnaire to
assess the quality of the group fitness instructor. The construction was based on a theoretical model with
4 dimensions and 25 categories (Campos, 2015). After completing of the several underlying phases of this
process, in particular after the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the questionnaire QIF-AG is
considered valid, although with some limitations, presenting a factorial structure with 2 correlated
factors: Relational Quality (11 items) and Technical-pedagogical Quality (14 items).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estudo do feedback pedagógico em instrutores de ginástica localizada com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional
DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO EM PSICOLOGIA DO DESPORTO E EXERCÍCIO, por VERA ALEXANDRA DA COSTA SIMÕES, em Vila Real,Fevereiro de 2008.Esta tese é submetida como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de mestre em
Psicologia do Desporto da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro e da Escola
Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior.Pretende-se com a realização do presente estudo caracterizar o feedback pedagógico
(feedback) emitido pelos instrutores de Fitness na actividade de Localizada, verificar se existem
diferenças significativas, na frequência da emissão de feedbacks por minuto, nos instrutores de
Fitness com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional nas aulas de Localizada e comparar
este tipo de comportamento em instrutores com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional.A amostra do estudo foi constituída por 62 instrutores de Ginástica Localizada, sendo
estes, inseridos em grupos com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional, experiência
profissional como instrutor de Fitness com ≤ 3 anos de experiência (grupo A); com + 3 a 5 anos
de experiência (grupo B); com > 5 anos de experiência (grupo C), distribuídos por Portugal.Estudou-se o feedback emitido pelos instrutores, através das filmagens das aulas, com
a utilização de um sistema de observação (Piéron 1999; Sarmento, Veiga, Rosado, Rodrigues
& Ferreira 1998; Schmidt & Lee, 1999) composto por 7 dimensões e 24 categorias.
Foram utilizadas as dimensões momento de ocorrência, retrospectiva, forma, objectivo,
afectividade, direcção, acompanhamento de prática consequente ao feedback e respectivas
categorias de feedback. Estudou-se o feedback emitido pelos instrutores, quando estes, eventualmente, também
assumiam um posicionamento de outlier relativamente ao grupo em que estavam inseridos.
Foi realizada uma análise com e sem outliers. Para testar as hipóteses formuladas, foi
utilizada a análise de variância a um factor (One Way Anova), o teste de Bonferroni e os testes
não paramétricos Krusskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Assim, verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas entre os 3 grupos de experiência
profissional como instrutor de Fitness nas aulas de Localizada, relativamente à frequência de
emissão de feedbacks por minuto, quando considerados todos os sujeitos, como quando
retirados os outliers de cada grupo. Relativamente à frequência de emissão de
feedbacks/minuto, quando analisados os 3 grupos com e sem outliers o grupo C foi o que mais
feedbacks/minuto emitiu; e o grupo B o que menos feedbacks/minuto emitiu.
Quanto ao comportamento de feedback observado no grupo A, tanto com todos os
sujeitos como quando retirados os outliers, constatou-se que os tipos de feedback mais
frequentemente utilizados foram os seguintes: momento de ocorrência, concorrente;
retrospectiva, separado; forma, auditivo; objectivo, avaliativo positivo; afectividade, positivo;
direcção, individual; acompanhamento de prática consequente ao feedback, ciclo de feedback.
Relativamente ao comportamento de feedback observado no grupo B, tanto com todos os
sujeitos, como quando retirados os outliers, constatou-se que os tipos de feedback mais
frequentemente utilizados foram os seguintes: momento de ocorrência, concorrente; retrospectiva, separado; forma, auditivo; objectivo, prescritivo positivo; afectividade, positivo;
direcção, individual; acompanhamento de prática consequente ao feedback, ciclo de feedback.
No que diz respeito ao comportamento de feedback observado no grupo C, tanto com
todos os sujeitos, como quando retirados os outliers, constatou-se que os tipos de feedback
mais frequentemente utilizados foram os seguintes: momento de ocorrência, concorrente;
retrospectiva, separado; forma, auditivo; objectivo, avaliativo positivo; afectividade, positivo;
direcção, individual; acompanhamento de prática consequente ao feedback, ciclo de feedback.
Relativamente às hipóteses de estudo, no que diz respeito à frequência de emissão de
feedback entre os sujeitos com diferentes anos de experiência profissional como instrutores de
Fitness, nas aulas de Localizada, concluiu-se o seguinte: Na hipótese 1 verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos na dimensão
momento de ocorrência, nas categorias: concorrente (quando retirados os outliers); terminal
imediato (quando retirados os outliers); terminal retardado (quando retirados os outliers).
Na hipótese 2 verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos na dimensão
retrospectiva, nas categorias: acumulado (quando retirados os outliers); e separado (quando
retirados os outliers).
Na hipótese 3 verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos na dimensão
forma, na categoria: quinestésico (com todos os sujeitos da amostra ou quando retirados os
Na hipótese 4 verificou-se existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos na dimensão
objectivo, nas categorias: prescritivo negativo (quando retirados os outliers); interrogativo (tanto
com todos os sujeitos como quando retirados os outliers); descritivo negativo (quando retirados
os outliers)
Na hipótese 5 não se verificou existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos para a
dimensão afectividade nas categorias, positivo e negativo.
Na hipótese 6 não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para a
dimensão direcção. nas categorias: individual; grupo e classe.
Também na hipótese 7 não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para a
dimensão acompanhamento da prática consequente ao feedback. nas categorias: feedback
isolado; feedback seguido de observação e ciclo de feedback. - The propose of this study was characterize pedagogic feedback from Fitness Instructors in
resistance training activity, examine if there are significant differences in Fitness instructors
feedback frequency per minute with different levels of professional experience at resistance
training classes and, compare this behaviour type in Fitness Instructors with different levels of
professional experience.
The sample involved 62 resistance training instructors insert in different levels of professional
experience: professional experience as Fitness instructor with ≤ 3 years of experience (group
A); with + 3 to 5 years of experience (group B); and with > 5 years of experience. The
instructors were from Portugal.
The feedback provided by the instructors was observed through the record videos of the
respective classes.
It was used the pedagogical feedback observation systems (Piéron 1999; Sarmento, Veiga,
Rosado, Rodrigues & Ferreira 1998; Schmidt & Lee, 1999) with 7 dimensions with 24
categories. The recording procedure used was event recording.
The dimensions that were used: timing, retrospective, form, objective affectivity, direction,
practice accompaniment after feedback.
The feedback provided by instructors was study when they have a position like an outlier in the
group they were insert.
A analyse was made with and without outliers. For testing the study hypotheses was made a
analyse of variance at one factor (One Way Anova), the test Boferroni, and the non parametric
tests Krusskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney.
It was verificated that there are significative differences between the 3 professional experience
groups as Fitness instructor in resistance training classes, in respect to emission frequency
feedback/minute, such as when were considerate all instructors, or when the outliers were
getting out of each group. When the 3 groups were analysed, with and without outliers, it was
the group C that more feedbacks provided, and it was the group B that less feedback provided.
In relation to feedback behaviour observed in group A with and without outliers, it was
verificated that the feedbacks more provided were: timing, concurrent; retrospective, separated;
form, auditory; objective, positive evaluate; affectivity, positive; direction, individual; practice
accompaniment feedback, feedback cycle.
In respect to feedback behaviour observed in group B with and without outliers, it was
verificated that the feedbacks more provided were: timing, concurrent; retrospective, separated;
form, auditory; objective, positive prescriptive; affectivity, positive; direction, individual; practice
accompaniment feedback, feedback cycle.In relation to feedback behaviour observed in group C with and without outliers, it was
verificated that the feedbacks more provided were: timing, concurrent; retrospective, separated;
form, auditory; objective, positive evaluate; affectivity, positive; direction, individual; practice
accompaniment feedback, feedback cycle.
Related with study hypothesis in respected to emission feedback frequency between instructors
with different levels of professional experience as Fitness instructor in resistance training
classes it was conclude that:
Hypothesis 1, verificated that there are significant differences between groups in timing
dimension in the categories concurrent (without outliers), terminal immediate (without outliers),
terminal delayed (without outliers).
Hypothesis 2, verificated that there are significant differences between groups in retrospective
dimension in the categories accumulated (without outliers), separated (without outliers).
Hypothesis 3, verificated that there are significant differences between groups in form
dimension in the categories kinaesthetic (with all instructors and without outliers).
Hypothesis 4, verificated that there are significant differences between groups in objective
dimension in the categories negative prescription (without outliers), interrogative (with all
instructors and without outliers), negative descriptive (without outliers).
Hypothesis 5, verificated that there are not significant differences between groups in affectivity
dimension in the categories positive, negative.
Hypothesis 6 that there are not significant differences between groups in direction dimension in
the categories individual, group and class.
Hypothesis 7 that there are not significant differences between groups in practice
accompaniment after feedback dimension in the categories, isolated feedback, feedback
followed by observation and feedback cycle.
Análise do Feedback Pedagógico em Instrutores Estagiários e Experientes na Atividade de Localizada - Comportamento observado, auto-perceção dos instrutores e preferências dos praticantes
Tese apresentada na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, com vista à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências do Desporto, nos termos do Decreto-Lei nº206/92 de 13 de outubro, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Susana Carla Alves Franco (ESDRM-IPS) e coorientação do Professor Doutor José Jesus Fernandes Rodrigues (ESDRM-IPS).A presente investigação centra-se no estudo do comportamento de feedback de
instrutores de localizada, com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional, sob
diferentes perspetivas: comportamento observado dos instrutores, auto-perceção dos
instrutores e preferências dos praticantes.
Para o efeito, inicialmente foi realizada uma introdução geral sobre a problemática
subjacente a esta investigação e definidos os objetivos do trabalho. Seguidamente
foram efetuados 5 estudos, designadamente: estudo 1 – desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação piloto do sistema de observação de feedback de instrutores de fitness em
aulas de grupo (SOFIF – AG); estudo 2 – desenvolvimento e validação do questionário
de feedback de instrutores de fitness em aulas de grupo (QUEFIF-AG), versões auto-perceção do instrutor e preferências dos praticantes; estudo 3 – o feedback dos
instrutores de localizada com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional,
caracterização e comparação entre grupos; estudo 4 – o feedback dos instrutores de
localizada com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional, relação entre
comportamento observado e auto-perceção; estudo 5 – o feedback dos instrutores de
localizada com diferentes níveis de experiência profissional e preferências dos
praticantes, relação entre comportamento observado e preferências.
Os resultados obtidos nos diferentes estudos indicaram a validade e fiabilidade dos
instrumentos SOFIF-AG e QUEFIF-AG. Foram identificadas, em algumas categorias
de feedback, diferenças significativas entre os instrutores estagiários e experientes.
Verificou-se a existência de algumas relações significativas entre o comportamento de
feedback observado e auto-perceção dos instrutores, em cada um dos grupos, bem
como a existência de algumas relações entre o comportamento observado, em ambos
os grupos de instrutores, e as preferências dos praticantes.
Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, espera-se dar um contributo no conhecimento
sobre o comportamento de feedback no contexto do fitness, convidando à reflexão desta temática.ABSTRACT
This research focuses on feedback behavior of group resistance training instructors,
with different levels of professional experience, from different perspectives: observed
behavior, instructors’ self-perception and participants’ preferences.
For this purpose, first a general introduction about the problematic underlying this
research was made and the objectives were defined. Then 5 studies were made,
namely: study 1 – development, validation and pilot application of an observation
system feedback instructors’ behavior, in group fitness classes (SOFIF-AG); study 2 –
development and validation of the questionnaire instructors’ feedback behavior in
group fitness classes (QUEFIF-AG), versions instructors’ self-perception and
participants’ preferences; study 3 – the feedback behavior of group resistance training
instructors with different levels of professional experience, characterization and
comparison; study 4 – the feedback behavior of group resistance training instructors
with different levels of professional experience, relationship between observed
behavior and self-perception; study 5 – the feedback behavior of group resistance
training instructors with different levels of professional experience and participants’
preferences, relationship between observed behavior and preferences.
The results achieved in different studies indicate that the QUEFIF-AG and SOFIF-AG
instruments have validity and reliability. In some categories of feedback, significant
differences between trainees and experienced instructors were identified. It was
verified the existence of some significant relationships between the frequency of
feedback behaviors observed and instructors’ self-perception, in each group, as well it
was verified some significant relationships between the frequency of feedback
behaviors observed and participants’ preferences.
With the development of this work it is expected give some knowledge contributes,
about feedback behavior in fitness context, inviting reflection on this subject
Contribution of β-lactamases, porins and efflux pumps to carbapenem and/or fluoroquinolone resistance in clinical isolates
Carbapenems, a class of β-lactam antibiotics with very broad activity, are often last resort antibiotics used to treat infections due to extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)- or plasmid-mediated AmpC (PMAβ)-producing Gram-negative bacteria. Considering the emerging rates of resistance to these antibiotics, the investigation of related resistance mechanisms constitutes an important assignment. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the carbapenem resistance mechanisms harbored by Gram-negative isolates and the co-resistance to structurally unrelated antibiotics (such as fluoroquinolones).
A total of 426 isolates (2 Acinetobacter baumannii, 1 Citrobacter freundii, 7 Enterobacter spp., 153 Escherichia coli, 251 Klebsiella spp., 3 Morganella morganii, 6 Proteus spp., 3 Pseudomonas spp.) were screened for the susceptibility to ertapenem by disc diffusion, and interpreted by SFM guidelines. Non-susceptible isolates were retained and studied against other classes of antibiotics, using the same phenotypic method.
Mechanisms justifying the resistance to carbapenemes were searched: 1) carbapenemase production by using molecular methods and isoelectric focusing; 2) modification of outer membrane porins (OMPs) after migration in SDS-PAGE (OmpK35/OmpK36/OmpK37 for 15 Klebsiella pneumoniae, OmpC/OmpF for 1 E. coli, 1 Enterobacter cloacae and 1 Enterobacter cancerogenus, Omp35/Omp36 for 4 Enterobacter aerogenes) and complete characterization of OMP-encoding genes, performed by PCR amplification and sequencing. Deduced amino acid modifications were interpreted by comparing both clinical and wild-type sequences, using the EMBL database. In addition to carbapenemase-encoding genes, other bla, as well as plasmid-mediated quinolone-resistance (PMQR)-encoding genes were also searched by PCR and sequencing.
Among the isolates studied, 22 (5%) revealed to be non-susceptible to ertapenem of which 4% were multidrug resistant. Their antibiotic susceptibility evaluation enabled the prediction of the respective resistance mechanisms and guided the remaining biochemical and molecular studies. We identified and characterized the expression of carbapenemases (3 KPC-3 and 1 GES-5), PMAβ (MIR-type) and ESBLs CTX-M-15 (n=11), co-expressed with OXA-1 and TEM-1, and one SHV-12 plus GES-5. Amino acid substitutions were identified in 21 out of 22 isolates, due to insertions, deletions and/or mutations in the nucleotide sequence of OMP-encoding genes in the main regions related to the porin functions, suggesting a role in carbapenem resistance. The acetyltransferase Aac(6’)-Ib-cr variant (n=8) and the efflux pump OqxAB (n=5) were also identified, contributing to fluoroquinolone resistance.
Globally, this study provides meaningful insights towards the understanding of emergent carbapenem resistance, as well as PMQR mechanisms, particularly in a worrying multidrug resistant scenario
Comparison of Techniques and Solvents on the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Potential of Extracts from Acacia dealbata and Olea europaea
Ethnopharmacological use of plant natural extracts has been known since ancient times. The optimization of plant molecule extraction is fundamental in obtaining relevant extraction yields. The main purpose of this study was to understand the role of different extraction techniques (solid-liquid, ultrasound, Soxhlet, and microwave) and solvents (water, methanol, ethanol, acetone, dichloromethane, and hexane) on the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts from Olea europaea (olive) and Acacia dealbata (mimosa). Crude plant extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by the disk diffusion method. The antioxidant capacity of the extracts was determined by ABTS (2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) methods. In terms of extraction yield, ultrasound extraction and the solvents methanol, acetone (O. europaea) or water (A. dealbata) were found to be the best options. However, ethanol and acetone proved to be the best solvents to extract compounds with antimicrobial activity and antioxidant capacity, respectively (regardless of the extraction method employed). Soxhlet and microwave were the best techniques to extract compounds with antimicrobial activity, whereas any of the tested techniques showed the ability to extract compounds with antioxidant capacity. In most of the cases, both plant extracts (mimosa and olive) were more efficient against S. aureus than E. coli. In the present study, both mimosa and olive leaf crude extracts proved to have antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, increasing the demand of these natural products as a source of compounds with health benefits.</jats:p
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