2,438 research outputs found

    Event Data Definition in LHCb

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    We present the approach used for defining the event object model for the LHCb experiment. This approach is based on a high level modelling language, which is independent of the programming language used in the current implementation of the event data processing software. The different possibilities of object modelling languages are evaluated, and the advantages of a dedicated model based on XML over other possible candidates are shown. After a description of the language itself, we explain the benefits obtained by applying this approach in the description of the event model of an experiment such as LHCb. Examples of these benefits are uniform and coherent mapping of the object model to the implementation language across the experiment software development teams, easy maintenance of the event model, conformance to experiment coding rules, etc. The description of the object model is parsed by means of a so called front-end which allows to feed several back-ends. We give an introduction to the model itself and to the currently implemented back-ends which produce information like programming language specific implementations of event objects or meta information about these objects. Meta information can be used for introspection of objects at run-time which is essential for functionalities like object persistency or interactive analysis. This object introspection package for C++ has been adopted by the LCG project as the starting point for the LCG object dictionary that is going to be developed in common for the LHC experiments. The current status of the event object modelling and its usage in LHCb are presented and the prospects of further developments are discussed.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 eps figures. PSN MOJT00

    Particularidades en la espermiogénesis de una especie que almacena esperma:Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae)

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    A study of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of Helicolenus dactylopterus was conducted. Females of this species have the capacity to store sperm within their ovaries, and male gametes have a considerable cytoplasmic mass surrounding their heads to survive the long period of intraovarian sperm storage. Our observations show that early spermatids are round-shaped cells and have a spherical nucleus with diffuse chromatin. The nuclear volume decreases as a result of progressive chromatin condensation during spermiogenesis, causing the nucleus to take on a U-shape. Flagellar insertion is not central to the nucleus but consistently occurs at an oblique angle towards one side of it. The flagellum is inserted into the nuclear fossa, without subsequent nuclear rotation. In mature spermatozoa, the flagellum is adjacent to the nucleus. A comparison of the spermatozoa in the testicular lobules and those in the intraovarian storage structures suggests that the increase in volume of the cytoplasmic mass may occur in the posterior region of the testis, in the testicular duct. Spermatozoa enter the ovary in groups that reach the ovarian lumen and are surrounded by the ovarian epithelium for storage in sperm storage crypts.Se estudian la espermatogénesis y el espermatozoide de la especie Helicolenus dactylopterus. Las hembras de esta especie tienen la capacidad de almacenar espermatozoides en el interior de sus ovarios y los gametos masculinos presentan una evidente masa citoplasmática rodeando sus cabezas para soportar el largo período de almacenaje intraovárico. Nuestras observaciones evidencian que las espermátidas tempranas son células redondas con un núcleo esférico que contiene cromatina difusa. El volumen nuclear disminuye debido a una progresiva condensación de la cromatina, provocando que el núcleo adopte forma de “U”. La inserción flagelar no es central respecto al núcleo sino que se realiza a un lado de éste, siempre de forma oblicua. El flagelo se inserta en la fosa nuclear y no existe rotación nuclear posterior. En los espermatozoides maduros, el flagelo es una estructura adyacente al núcleo. El aumento de volumen de las masas citoplasmáticas posiblemente ocurre en la región posterior del testículo, comparando los espermatozoides del interior del lóbulo testicular con los que están dentro las estructuras de almacenaje intraováricas. Éstos entran en el ovario en grupos más o menos organizados y son envueltos por el epitelio ovárico de la zona lamelar para ser guardados en criptas de almacenaje de esperma

    Tira reactiva impregnada en pañal como método diagnóstico de infección urinaria en ancianos incontinentes

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    [Resumen] Proyecto de investigación para un estudio observacional de seguimiento prospectivo, desarrollado en varias residencias geriátricas de la provincia de La Coruña (España). Se pretende determinar la validez para el diagnóstico de infección urinaria, de la detección de leucocitoesterasa y/o nitritos mediante tira reactiva impregnada en la orina del pañal, en ancianos incontinentes institucionalizados con sospecha de infección urinaria. A cada sujeto incluido en el estudio se le realizarán tres pruebas: tira reactiva impregnada en el pañal húmedo tras haber retirado la capa superior del pañal, tira reactiva en orina obtenida mediante sondaje vesical y urocultivo como prueba de referencia (Gold Standard). Se calculará la sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos y coeficientes de verosimilitud de la prueba diagnóstica evaluada, y se estudiará, mediante el índice Kappa, la concordancia entre las pruebas diagnósticas realizadas. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán valorar si la detección de leucocitoesterasa y/o nitritos en la orina del pañal tiene la validez suficiente para evitar el sondaje vesical en la obtención de muestras de orina para análisis con tira reactiva.[Abstract] Investigation project for an observational, prospective study, developed in several geriatric long-term care facilities in the province of La Coruña (Spain). The aim of this study is to determine the validity in the urinary tract infection diagnostic for detection of leukocyte esterase and/or nitrites of a dipstick pressed into urine from incontinence pads in case of suspect of urinary tract infection in institutionalised elderly. Three tests will be applied to each subject: dipstick pressed into wet incontinence pad after removal of the top layer, dipstick from urine collected by in-and-out catheterisation and culture (as Gold Standard test). Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios of evaluated test will be calculated and the agreement between the diagnostic tests will be studied with kappa statistic. These results will allow evaluating if validity of detection of leukocyte esterase and/or nitrites in urine from incontinence pad if enough to avoid collecting urine samples by in-and-out catheterisation for dipstick screening.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2012/201

    Analysis of mobility patterns and intended use of shared mobility services in the Barcelona region

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    Social and economic trends have strongly changed in the last years due to the economic crisis and the evolution of technology. These factors have influenced a sharing revolution, also in the mobility sector motivated for the increasing urbanisation and environmental consciousness. The paper focuses on the intended use of shared mobility services by citizens of the metropolitan Barcelona region, relying on a quantitative analysis of their mobility patterns, behaviours, needs and expectations. Six hundred surveys with commuting travellers were conducted in order to identify the differences among customers regarding different factors, such as their age, daily trips or personal incomes. Results show clear different patterns depending on whether commuting trips are within or out of the city and a greater intended use of ridesharing, carsharing and ride-hailing services of the youngest population. Besides, data indicates that travellers do not have preferences for a single mean of transport but for the service that best meets their needs in each occasion.Postprint (published version

    Development of quality standards for Vitis vinifera L. cv. Malbec and Syrah grapes

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar estándares de calidad de uva basados en atributos físicos y químicos, capaces de predecir la calidad del vino. Se instaló una red de ensayos en Mendoza (Norte, Este y Valle de Uco), San Juan (Valle de Zonda), La Rioja (Chilecito), Catamarca y Salta (Valles Calchaquíes) (Argentina). Se ensayaron niveles de carga de uva (desbrote 30 y 50%, raleo 30 y 50% y testigo) en Malbec y Syrah. En la cosecha, las uvas fueron analizadas (tamaño baya, concentración azucarina, pH, antocianos, catequinas, taninos, fenoles totales) y vinificadas. Los vinos fueron analizados (alcohol, extracto seco, intensidad colorante, matiz, antocianos, catequinas, taninos, fenoles totales, color polimérico) y evaluados por un panel de degustadores. Empleando todos las variables de los vinos, mediante un análisis de componentes principales, se generaron dos índices que resumieron los atributos con mayor peso explicativo de la variabilidad observada (80%); ellos fueron: Riqueza Fenólica (RF, asociado a antocianos, taninos, catequinas, fenoles totales y concentración) y Peligro Oxidativo (PO, asociado a pH, matiz y tonalidad percibida). No existieron diferencias en cuanto a RF entre variedades ni entre niveles de producción de uva. Los vinos con RF mayor y PO menor se consideraron de mayor calidad. Las uvas cultivadas en zonas más frías tuvieron una mayor RF. En Malbec, las zonas frías y los bajos niveles productivos generaron un PO menor. Para cada variedad se desarrollaron predictores para RF y PO del vino. Se usó la regresión múltiple lineal paso a paso, seleccionando las variables de la uva con mayor poder predictivo. Se definieron las funciones de ajuste RFpred (Malbec R2 = 80%; Syrah R2 = 62%) y POpred (Malbec R2 = 80%; Syrah R2 = 62%). Los índices se tradujeron en estándares de calidad que mostraron concordancia entre uvas y vinos. La metodología puede ser válida para otras variedades tintas, pero debe ajustarse para cada caso. Los estándares permitirían asociar un precio a cada calidad y aumentar la transparencia del mercado.The goal of the work was to develop grape quality standards based on physical and chemical attributes that may allow to predict wine quality. A treatments Network was installed in Mendoza (North, East and Uco Valley), San Juan (Valle de Zonda), La Rioja (Chilecito), Catamarca and Salta (Calchaquí Valleys), (Argentina). Different crop loads were tested (30 and 50% shoot thinning, 30 and 50% cluster thinning and control) on Malbec and Syrah. During harvest, grapes were analyzed (berry size, sugar concentration, pH, anthocyanins, catechins, tannins, and total phenols) and wine was made with them. The corresponding wines were also analyzed (alcohol, dry matter, color intensity, shade, anthocyanins, catechins, tannins, total phenols, and polymeric color) and evaluated by a panel of wine tasters. By PCA (Principal Component Analysis) two indexes were generated. These indexes summarized the attributes that better explained the observed variability (80%). The indexes were denominated Phenolic richness (RF, associated to anthocyanins, tannins, catechins, total phenols and concentration) and Oxidative threat (PO, associated to pH and hue). There were not differences in RF between varieties or crop levels. Wines with high RF and low PO were considered the most valuables. Cold climate zones had higher RF than hot ones. In Malbec, cold climate zones and low crop level promoted low PO. Predictors of RF and PO in wine were developed for each cultivar. In order to select the most predictive variables, step wise Multiple Linear Regression was used. The adjustment functions RFpred (Malbec R2 = 80%; Syrah R2 = 62%) and POpred (Malbec R2 = 80%; Syrah R2 = 62%) were defined. The indexes, translated to quality standards, showed agreement between grapes and wines. The methodology may be valid for other red cultivars, but needs to be adjusted for each case. The standards will allow associations between prices and qualities and also permit achieving a more transparent market.Fil: Vila, Hernán. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza.Fil: Paladino, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Nazrala, Jorge José Bautista. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Galiotti, Hugo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y Agroalimentaria

    Explorando el impacto del confinamiento escolar en los centros de clase trabajadora en Madrid y Barcelona por estatus migratorio y género.

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    El impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en la vida académica y social de la infancia y la adolescencia sigue siendo preocupante por las graves consecuencias que puede tener para toda una generación del alumnado, especialmente para quienes se encontraban en situaciones más vulnerables por diferentes motivos y, en especial, para el alumnado de origen extranjero. Paradójicamente, desde el inicio del cierre y cuando las escuelas volvieron a abrir para impartir clases presenciales de forma intermitente, las necesidades específicas de este grupo de estudiantes y los efectos del aislamiento académico y social como posibles factores agravantes de riesgo han estado ausentes del debate público sobre la educación en la pandemia, más allá de menciones generales al empobrecimiento familiar y a la brecha digital. Tampoco se han abordado cuestiones que ya eran alarmantes, como las diferencias entre la vinculación escolar de chicos y chicas, que se superponen a las anteriores. Este artículo presenta algunos de los hallazgos y conclusiones de un estudio prospectivo dentro del proyecto IntegratED. Promoting Meaningful Integration of Third-Country Nationals Children to Education (776143-EU-AMIF). A partir de entrevistas con el profesorado de ocho centros de secundaria de Madrid y Barcelona en otoño de 2020, nos centramos en el impacto de la pandemia y el cierre de la escuela en el alumnado desde un enfoque comparativo de origen nacional y género, en el contexto más amplio de las transformaciones, reajustes y consecuencias experimentadas por todos los estudiantes de entornos socioeconómicos desfavorecidos

    Targeted aspect-based emotion analysis to detect opportunities and precaution in financial Twitter messages

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    Microblogging platforms, of which Twitter is a representative example, are valuable information sources for market screening and financial models. In them, users voluntarily provide relevant information, including educated knowledge on investments, reacting to the state of the stock markets in real-time and, often, influencing this state. We are interested in the user forecasts in financial, social media messages expressing opportunities and precautions about assets. We propose a novel Targeted Aspect-Based Emotion Analysis (tabea) system that can individually discern the financial emotions (positive and negative forecasts) on the different stock market assets in the same tweet (instead of making an overall guess about that whole tweet). It is based on Natural Language Processing (nlp) techniques and Machine Learning streaming algorithms. The system comprises a constituency parsing module for parsing the tweets and splitting them into simpler declarative clauses; an offline data processing module to engineer textual, numerical and categorical features and analyse and select them based on their relevance; and a stream classification module to continuously process tweets on-the-fly. Experimental results on a labelled data set endorse our solution. It achieves over 90% precision for the target emotions, financial opportunity, and precaution on Twitter. To the best of our knowledge, no prior work in the literature has addressed this problem despite its practical interest in decision-making, and we are not aware of any previous nlp nor online Machine Learning approaches to tabea.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021-118Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-093Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    What are the main factors influencing the presence of faecal bacteria pollution in groundwater systems in developing countries?

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    Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in most rural areas in developing countries. This resource is threatened by the potential presence of faecal bacteria coming from a variety of sources and pollution paths, the former including septic tanks, landfills, and crop irrigation with untreated, or insufficiently treated, sewage effluent. Accurately assessing the microbiological safety of water resources is essential to reduce diseases caused by waterborne faecal exposure. The objective of this study is to discern which are the most significant sanitary, hydrogeological, geochemical, and physical variables influencing the presence of faecal bacterial pollution in groundwater by means of statistical multivariate analyses. The concentration of Escherichia coli was measured in a number of waterpoints of different types in a rural area located in the coast of Kenya, assessing both a dry and a wet season. The results from the analyses reaffirm that the design of the well and their maintenance, the distance to latrines, and the geological structure of the waterpoints are the most significant variables affecting the presence of E. coli. Most notably, the presence of faecal bacteria in the study area correlates negatively with the concentration of ion Na+ (being an indirect indicator of fast recharge in the study site), and also negatively with the length of the water column inside the well.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effect of pH on red wine oxidation

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    Las uvas provenientes de zonas cálidas tienen alto contenido azucarino y baja acidez. Los vinos elaborados con estas uvas tienden a evolucionar muy rápidamente durante su conservación. Uno de los factores que condiciona la velocidad de oxidación es el pH. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron comparar la tendencia a la oxidación de tres vinos de diferente pH (3,34; 4,14 y 4,33), elaborados con la variedad Malbec, de un año de conservación, y verificar la factibilidad de utilizar la prueba de oxidación acelerada para diagnosticar riesgo de oxidación en vinos tintos. Los vinos fueron obtenidos en la Bodega Experimental de las Cátedras de Enología I y II de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; las uvas provinieron del este (vino pH 4,14), del norte (vino pH 4,33) y del sur (vino pH 3,34) de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Los ensayos se realizaron con tres repeticiones. La tendencia a la oxidación fue determinada por medio del test de Singleton y Kramling. Las variables medidas fueron: absorbancia a 420 nm, absorbancia a 520 nm e intensidad colorante. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente por medio del análisis de la varianza, prueba de Tukey, para un 95% de confianza. En los tres vinos existieron diferencias significativas entre las medianas del incremento de intensidad colorante al quinto día. El vino de pH más elevado sufrió un incremento mayor de la intensidad colorante que los vinos de menor pH, lo que implica un mayor riesgo de oxidación. La tendencia a la oxidación de los vinos tintos puede ser evaluada empleando el test de Singleton y Kramling, incorporando algunas modificaciones: i. e. registrar también la absorbancia a 520 nm y, a partir de estos datos, calcular la intensidad colorante. El tiempo de duración de la prueba debe ser reducido a cuatro días.Grapes cultivated in warm zones have high sugar content and low acidity. The wines made with such grapes are more prone to evolution fast during maturation. Oxidation rate is pH-dependant. The purpose of this study was to compare oxidation risk in three different Malbec wines (pH levels 3.34; 4.14 y 4.33). Wines were made at the Experimental Winery, Enology I and II Chairs, of Agricultural Faculty, grapes were cultivated in the East (wine pH 4.14), North (wine pH 4.33) and South (wine pH 3.34) of Mendoza, Argentina. Assays were made in triplicate. The oxidation risk was determined by Singleton and Kramling test. Absorbance at 420 nm, absorbance at 520 nm and color density were measured. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA, Tukey test at the 95% confidence level. Higher pH wine registered a bigger color density increase than lower pH wines. High color density increase is related to high oxidation risk. Red wine oxidation risk can be evaluated by the Singleton and Kramling test modificated. Absorbance at 520 nm must be registered and color density must be calculated. The test period might be shortened up to four days.Fil: Paladino, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Nazrala, Jorge José Bautista. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Vila, Hernán. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Genovart, Javier. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Sánchez, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Maza, Marcos Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y Agroalimentaria