174 research outputs found

    Reliability in reporting perceptual experience: behaviour and electrophysiology in hemianopic patients

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    Patients with hemianopia can present with the so called blindsight phenomenon: the ability to perform above chance in the absence of acknowledged awareness. Proper awareness reports are, thus, crucial to distinguish pure forms of blindsight from forms of conscious, yet degraded, vision. It has in fact been recently shown that 1) dichotomous and graded measures to assess awareness can lead to different behavioural results in patients with hemianopia and that 2) different grades of perceptual clarity show different electrophysiological correlates in healthy participants. Here, in hemianopic patients, we assessed awareness by means of the four-point Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS) and investigated its neural correlates with Event Related Potentials (ERPs). Results showed that patients, in most of the cases, can rate the clarity of their perceptual experience in a graded manner. Moreover, graded perceptual experiences correlated with the amplitude of deflections in ERPs. These results call for the need to assess perceptual awareness with graded measures and for the importance to use electrophysiological data to correlate behaviour with neural processing

    Salmonella serotypes in wild boars (Sus scrofa) hunted in northern Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Salmonella species (spp.) are zoonotic enteric bacteria able to infect humans, livestock and wildlife. However, little is known about the prevalence and the presence of the different serovars in wildlife. Considering the wide distribution of wild boars and the feeding behaviour (omnivorous scavengers), wild boars may be a good indicator for environmental presence of Salmonella spp. The aims of this study were to determine the presence of Salmonella spp. in hunted wild boars and to determine the serotype the isolated strains. FINDINGS: Over three hunting seasons, the intestinal contents of 1,313 boars hunted in northern Italy were sampled and cultured. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 326 boars (24.82%). Thirty different serovars belonging to three different S. enterica spp. were found. Twenty-one serovars of S. enterica subsp. Enterica were found including the human pathogens S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis. In addition, nine serovars belonging to S.enterica subsp. diarizonae and S. enterica subsp. houtenae were detected. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the widespread occurrence of wild boars in Europe, the epidemiological role of this species in relation to salmonellosis might be relevant and should be further investigated. Wild boars may act as healthy carriers of a wide range of Salmonella serotypes

    Virulence - associated genes in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli of turkey

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    50 Escherichia coli (APEC-Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli) strains and 15 E. coli (AFEC-Avian Faecal Escherichia coli) from turkeys affected by colibacillosis and from healthy turkeys were tested for the presence of eight different virulence-associated genes. Besides, APEC were serotyped. O78 has been the most detected serotyped. The presence of the tested virulence genes was prevalently related to the APEC isolates. With reference to serogroup, all the tested O78 resulted iss and irp2 positive. Besides, tsh e cva/cvi were respectively present in 88.9 and 83.3% of O78. Nevertheless, the finding of a not typeable strains equipped with all the eight tested virulence genes among the APEC isolates suggest the importance of a careful and complete characterisation of the isolate to evaluate the real potential pathogenic attitude of the bacterium

    Prestimulus EEG power predicts conscious awareness but not objective visual performance

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    Prestimulus oscillatory neural activity has been linked to perceptual outcomes during performance of psychophysical detection and discrimination tasks. Specifically, the power and phase of low frequency oscillations have been found to predict whether an upcoming weak visual target will be detected or not. However, the mechanisms by which baseline oscillatory activity influences perception remain unclear. Recent studies suggest that the frequently reported negative relationship between power and stimulus detection may be explained by changes in detection criterion (i.e., increased target present responses regardless of whether the target was present/absent) driven by the state of neural excitability, rather than changes in visual sensitivity (i.e., more veridical percepts). Here, we recorded EEG while human participants performed a luminance discrimination task on perithreshold stimuli in combination with single-trial ratings of perceptual awareness. Our aim was to investigate whether the power and/or phase of prestimulus oscillatory activity predict discrimination accuracy and/or perceptual awareness on a trial-by-trial basis. Prestimulus power (3–28 Hz) was inversely related to perceptual awareness ratings (i.e., higher ratings in states of low prestimulus power/high excitability) but did not predict discrimination accuracy. In contrast, prestimulus oscillatory phase did not predict awareness ratings or accuracy in any frequency band. These results provide evidence that prestimulus power influences the level of subjective awareness of threshold visual stimuli but does not influence visual sensitivity when a decision has to be made regarding stimulus features. Hence, we find a clear dissociation between the influence of ongoing neural activity on conscious awareness and objective performance

    Detection, semiquantitative enumeration, and antimicrobial susceptibility of Yersinia enterocolitica in pork and chicken meats in Italy.

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    Yersinia enterocolitica is recognized as an etiological agent of gastroenteritis, lymphadenitis, and chronic sequelae. During 2006 and 2007, 205 samples (125 pork and 80 chicken meats) were collected in Italy and tested for detection and most-probable-number (MPN) enumeration of Y. enterocolitica organisms. The microorganism was isolated from 45 samples (21.9%): 19 (15.2%) pork samples and 26 (32.5%) chicken samples. Y. enterocolitica MPN contamination levels were low, ranging from 0.30 to 1.50/g. Most (94.4%) Y. enterocolitica strains were biotype 1A (serotypes O:3; O:5; O:6,30; O:6,30-6,31; O:7,8-8-8,19; O:8; O:9; O:25,35; O:36; and O nontypeable), and 5.6% of the isolates were bioserotype 2/O:9. All isolates were tested for yadA, ail, inv, ystA, and ystB virulence sequences. The yadA gene was detected in two strains (3.7%) isolated from chicken samples: one Y. enterocolitica 2/O:9 yadA+ ail+ ystA+, and one Y. enterocolitica 1A/O:7,8-8-8,19 yadA+ inv+ ystB+. Two (3.7%) 2/O:9 strains, isolated from pork products, were ail+ ystA+. Most biotype 1A strains were ystB+ (84.3%) and inv+ (39.2%). All strains were sensitive to cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, sulfonamide, tetracycline, trimethoprim, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Resistance to gentamicin and aztreonam was observed in 1.9% of the isolates. High levels of resistance were detected toward amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (27.8%), ampicillin (75.9%), and erythromycin (100%). The authors hypothesize that Y. enterocolitica pathogenic biotypes are rather uncommon in foods when compared with their isolation rates from animal sources and that chicken meat could be contaminated as well as pig meat and its derived products
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