38 research outputs found


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    Change in the spectral quality radiation can have significant effect on the growth and development of a crop plant. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the growth and yield of Anthurium andraeanum cv. Apalai under different shading screens. For developing such research, micropopageted seedlings were planted in beds under four screens (blue, red, black and thermo-reflective) with 70% of shading. The experimental design was in complete block randomized, with four treatments and four repetitions. The evaluations were carried out when the inflorescences presented standard for marketing. Higher values of leaf area were observed in plants grown under screen black, followed by plants grown under thermo-reflective screen, red screen, and finally, blue. Differences in specific leaf area and in the ratio of chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b were no significant between treatments. Chlorophylls content, maximum fluorescence (Fm) and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) were low under blue and red screen, while the initial fluorescence (Fo) was high. The chlorophyll content correlated positively with Fv/Fm (r 0,96; R2 0,95; P < 0,0001). The black screen provided the best condition for growth.Alteração na qualidade espectral da radiação pode ter efeito significativo no crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma cultura vegetal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de Anthurium andraeanum cv. Apalai sob diferentes malhas de sombreamento. Para tal, mudas micropropagadas foram plantadas em canteiros sob quatro malhas (azul, vermelha, preta e termo-refletora) com 70% de sombreamento. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições de quatro plantas. As avaliações foram conduzidas quando as inflorescências apresentaram padrão para comercialização. Valores mais altos de área foliar foram observados em plantas cultivadas sob malha preta, seguida de plantas cultivadas sob malha termo-refletora, vermelha e por último, azul. As diferenças na área foliar específica e na razão clorofila a/b entre os tratamentos não foram significativas. O teor de clorofilas, a fluorescência máxima (Fm) e a razão entre a fluorescência variável e máxima (Fv/Fm) foram baixos sob malha azul e vermelha, enquanto a fluorescência inicial (Fo) foi elevada. O teor de clorofilas correlacionou-se positivamente com a razão Fv/Fm (r 0,96; R2 0,95; P < 0,0001). A malha preta proporcionou a melhor condição para o crescimento

    Sucker pruning management to change the harvest date in banana

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    In banana crop, sometimes it is necessary to manage seasonal production variations. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the selection of late successor sucker on the productive unit, compared to the selection of early successor sucker on the growth, harvest date and bunch mass of 'Prata' and 'Nanica' banana. The experimental design was completely randomized, with two treatments and ten replicates, considering two experiments, one for each cultivar. Treatments were conventional pruning (selection of early successor sucker) and modified pruning (selection of late successor sucker), which were established in September, with the destruction of the apical meristem of the successor sucker in modified pruning. The growth of the first and second suckers was quantified at intervals of about 60 days until the reproductive stage and bunch mass was determined. For both cultivars, pruning reduced the height and perimeter of the first successor sucker pseudostem and delayed the harvest date for at least 30 days, without reducing bunch mass. Regardless of sucker pruning management, production averages were 26.68 and 50.64 ton ha-1, respectively, for 'Prata' and 'Nanica' cultivars. For the second sucker, there was residual effect of pruning on the height of 'Nanica' cultivar, but not on production. Establishing the modified pruning is feasible for change harvest date of two cultivars, without&nbsp;increasing&nbsp;costs

    Amostragem de plantas em cafeeiro para avaliação do estado nutricional

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    The foliar fertilization assists programs in order to obtain higher yields, however, it is essential to know the ideal number of plants to be sampled. The study aimed to determine in commercial coffee plantations, subjected to two water regimes, the number of plants to be sampled and estimate the sample error for the diagnosis of nutritional status of that culture. The work consisted of two studies where samples of leaves were collected in rainfed and irrigated farming. For both studies the completely randomized design, with four treatments and five repetitions that consisted of leaf collection in 5, 10, 20 and 40 coffee plants per sampling unit was used. So to keep the sampling error below 10 % for the macronutrient, leaf sampling five composite samples at 10 and 20 plants per sampling unit under irrigated and rainfed conditions, respectively, is sufficient. As for the content of micronutrients collecting 20 plants in systems except Cu and Mn requiring higher sampling five composite samples of 40 plants in rainfed systems are needed.A análise foliar auxilia os programas de adubação com o intuito de obter maiores produtividades, no entanto, é imprescindível conhecer o número adequado da amostra. Objetivou-se, no trabalho, determinar em lavouras comerciais de café, submetidas a dois regimes hídricos, o número de plantas a serem amostradas e estimar o erro amostral para a diagnose do estado nutricional dessa cultura. O trabalho foi composto por dois estudos, onde foram realizadas amostragens de folhas, em lavoura de sequeiro e irrigado. Para ambos os estudos foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, que constaram da coleta de folhas em 5, 10, 20 e 40 plantas de cafeeiro por unidade amostral. Assim, para manter o erro amostral menor que 10% para os teores de macronutrientes, a amostragem de folhas de cinco amostras, compostas em 10 e 20 plantas por unidade amostral nos sistemas irrigado e sequeiro, respectivamente, é suficiente. Já para o teor de micronutrientes é necessária coleta de 20 plantas nos sistemas, exceto o Cu e Mn que necessitam de amostragem superior a cinco amostras, compostas de 40 plantas, no sistema de sequeiro.


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    This work had for objective to evaluate the viability of the use of residues of the agroindustry of black tea as component of substrate for acclimatization of micropropagated banana seedlings. Two experiments were installed in which Grand Naine variety of seedlings were acclimatized in subsoil land + carbonized rice hull + commercial substrate Rendimax Floreira® or subsoil land + carbonized rice hull + residue of tea decomposed, in proportion 1:1:1 (v/v/v). In the first experiment, seedlings grown in the substrate containing decomposed residue of tea had lower growth when compared to plants grown on substrate containing Rendimax FloreiraÒ, even when N-P2O5-K2O fertilizer was used with normal release of nutrients. In the second experiment, where fertilizer was used for controlled release of nutrients, there were no significant differences in height, base stem diameter, dry matter accumulation and levels of macronutrients in the shoots between seedlings grown in the two substrates.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da utilização de resíduo da agroindústria de chá preto como componente de substrato para aclimatização de mudas de bananeira micropropagadas. Foram instalados dois experimentos, no quais mudas da variedade Grand Naine foram aclimatizadas em terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + Rendimax FloreiraÒ ou terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + resíduo de chá decomposto, na proporção 1:1:1 (v/v/v). No primeiro experimento, mudas cultivadas em substrato contendo resíduo decomposto de chá apresentaram menor crescimento quando comparadas com plantas cultivadas em substrato contendo Rendimax Floreira®, mesmo quando foi utilizado fertilizante N-P2O5-K2O com liberação normal de nutrientes. No segundo experimento, quando se utilizou fertilizante de liberação controlada de nutrientes, não houve diferenças significativas na altura, diâmetro do colo, acúmulo de matéria seca e teores de macronutrientes na parte aérea entre as mudas cultivadas nos dois substratos

    Processamento digital de imagens para identificação da sigatoka negra em bananais utilizando análise de componentes principais e redes neurais artificiais

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    O presente trabalho investigou a utilização do processamento digital de imagens conjuntamente com a análise de componentes principais e redes neurais artificiais como ferramentas de apoio para uma melhor identificação dos estádios iniciais do desenvolvimento da Sigatoka Negra, em nível de campo, para que medidas de controle sejam adotadas mais rapidamente e, assim, reduzir danos e prejuízos causados pela doença na bananicultura. Foram coletadas imagens digitais de folhas de bananeiras infectadas com a Sigatoka Negra nos estádios 1, 2 e 3, sadia e com fitotoxidez por óleo. A seguir, extraíram-se histogramas dos componentes de imagens no sistema RGB (Red, Green eBlue) para 256 intensidades de cinza das amostras, totalizando 768 variáveis para cada amostra. Com a aplicação de uma técnica de seleção de atributos, a análise de componentes principais, conseguiu-se reduzir as variáveis de entrada de 768 para 11 variáveis canônicas, representado uma redução de 98,6%. Em seguida, considerando-se as variáveis canônicas, realizou-se a fase de classificação com o uso de redes neurais artificiais. De maneira geral, as maiores freqüências de acertos do modelo foram para as classes que mais interessam ao monitoramento da enfermidade, mostrando a robustez do classificador gerado, evidenciada pela baixa probabilidade de classificação incorreta (19%).This study investigated the application, specifically the digital processing of images, with main components analysis and artificial neural networks as tools to support for a better identification of the primaries stages of the Black Sigatoka, in field level, so that control measures are adopted more quickly and consequently it reduces injuries and damages caused by the disease in the banana crops. It were collected digital images of banana leaves infected with Black Sigatoka in stages 1, 2, and 3, healthy and with oil fitotoxity. To proceed, histograms of the components of images were extracted in the system RGB (Red, Green and Blue) for 256 intensities shades of gray of the samples, totaling 768 variables for each sample. With the application of a technique of selection of attributes, the main components analysis, it was possible to reduce the variables of entrance of 768 for 11 canonical variables, represented a reduction of 98,6%. Therefore, being considered the canonical variables, it was accomplished the classification phase with the use of artificial neural networks. In a general way, the largest frequencies of successes of the model went to the classes that more they interest to the control of the diseases, showing the robustness of the generated classifier, evidenced by the low probability of wrong classification (19%)