29 research outputs found

    Dose and batch-dependent hepatobiliary toxicity of 10 nm silver nanoparticles

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used because of their antimicrobial properties in medical devices and in a variety of consumer products. The extensive use of AgNPs raises concerns about their potential toxicity, although it is still difficult to draw definite conclusions about their toxicity based on published data. Our preliminary studies performed to compare the effect of the AgNPs size (10-40-100 nm) on toxicity, demonstrated that the smallest AgNPs determine the most severe toxicological effects. In order to best investigate the impact of physicochemical characteristics of 10 nm AgNPs on toxicity, we compare three different batches of 10 nm AgNPs slightly different in size distribution (Batch A: 8.8±1.7 nm; Batch B: 9.4±1.7 nm; Batch C: 10.0±1.8 nm). Mice were intravenously treated with two doses (5 and 10 mg/kg) of the 3 AgNPs. 24 hours after the treatment, mice were euthanized and underwent complete necropsy. Tissues were collected for histopathological examination and total silver content was determined in tissues by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). All batches induced severe hepatobiliary lesions, i.e. marked hepatocellular necrosis and massive hemorrhage of the gall bladder. The toxicity was dose-dependent and interestingly, the toxic effects were more severe in mice treated with batches A and B that contained smaller AgNPs. Since the total silver mass concentration was similar, the observed batch-dependent toxicity suggest that even subtle differences in size may contribute to relevant changes in the toxicological outcomes, confirming the fundamental involvement of physicochemical features with respect to toxicity

    Identification and characterisation of Gamma-herpesviruses in zoo artiodactyla

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    Background: Viruses within the Îł-herpesviruses subfamily include the causative agents of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) in several species of the order Artiodactyla. MCF is a usually fatal lymphoproliferative disease affecting non-adapted host species. In adapted host species these viruses become latent and recrudesce and transmit during times of stress or immunosuppression. The undetected presence of MCF-causing viruses (MCFVs) is a risk to non-adapted hosts, especially within non-sympatric zoological collections. This study investigated the presence of MCFVs in six different zoological collections in the UK, to evaluate the presence of subclinical/latent MCFVs in carrier animals. Methods: One-hundred and thirty eight samples belonging to 54 different species of Artiodactyla were tested by Consensus Pan-herpes PCR. The positive samples were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analyses to understand their own evolutionary relationships and those with their hosts. Results: Twenty-five samples from 18 different species tested positive. All viruses but one clustered in the Îł-herpesvirus family and within the Macavirus as well as the non-Macavirus groups (caprinae and alcelaphinae/hippotraginae clusters, respectively). A strong association between virus and host species was evident in the Macavirus group and clustering within the caprinae group indicated potential pathogenicity. Conclusion: This study shows the presence of pathogenic and non-pathogenic MCFVs, as well as other Îł-herpesviruses, in Artiodactyla species of conservation importance and allowed the identification of new herpesviruses in some non-adapted species

    Tissue distribution and acute toxicity of silver after single intravenous administration in mice: nano-specific and size-dependent effects

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    Background: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are an important class of nanomaterials used as antimicrobial agents for a wide range of medical and industrial applications. However toxicity of AgNPs and impact of their physicochemical characteristics in in vivo models still need to be comprehensively characterized. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of size and coating on tissue distribution and toxicity of AgNPs after intravenous administration in mice, and compare the results with those obtained after silver acetate administration. Methods: Male CD-1(ICR) mice were intravenously injected with AgNPs of different sizes (10 nm, 40 nm, 100 nm), citrate-or polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated, at a single dose of 10 mg/kg bw. An equivalent dose of silver ions was administered as silver acetate. Mice were euthanized 24 h after the treatment, and silver quantification by ICP-MS and histopathology were performed on spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys, brain, and blood. Results: For all particle sizes, regardless of their coating, the highest silver concentrations were found in the spleen and liver, followed by lung, kidney, and brain. Silver concentrations were significantly higher in the spleen, lung, kidney, brain, and blood of mice treated with 10 nm AgNPs than those treated with larger particles. Relevant toxic effects (midzonal hepatocellular necrosis, gall bladder hemorrhage) were found in mice treated with 10 nm AgNPs, while in mice treated with 40 nm and 100 nm AgNPs lesions were milder or negligible, respectively. In mice treated with silver acetate, silver concentrations were significantly lower in the spleen and lung, and higher in the kidney than in mice treated with 10 nm AgNPs, and a different target organ of toxicity was identified (kidney). Conclusions: Administration of the smallest (10 nm) nanoparticles resulted in enhanced silver tissue distribution and overt hepatobiliary toxicity compared to larger ones (40 and 100 nm), while coating had no relevant impact. Distinct patterns of tissue distribution and toxicity were observed after silver acetate administration. It is concluded that if AgNPs become systemically available, they behave differently from ionic silver, exerting distinct and size-dependent effects, strictly related to the nanoparticulate form

    ATR addiction in multiple myeloma: synthetic lethal approaches exploiting established therapies

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    Therapeutic strategies designed to tinker with cancer cell DNA damage response have led to the widespread use of PARP inhibitors for BRCA1/2-mutated cancers. In the haematological cancer multiple myeloma, we sought to identify analogous synthetic lethality mechanisms that could be leveraged upon established cancer treatments. The combination of ATR inhibition using the compound VX-970 with a drug eliciting interstrand cross-links, melphalan, was tested in in vitro, ex vivo, and most notably in vivo models. Cell proliferation, induction of apoptosis, tumor growth and animal survival were assessed. The combination of ATM inhibition with a drug triggering double strand breaks, doxorucibin, was also probed. We found that ATR inhibition is strongly synergistic with melphalan, even in resistant cells. The combination was dramatically effective in targeting myeloma primary patient cells and cell lines reducing cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis. The combination therapy significantly reduced tumor burden and prolonged survival in animal models. Conversely, ATM inhibition only marginally impacted on myeloma cell survival, even in combination with doxorucibin at high doses. These results indicate that myeloma cells extensively rely on ATR, but not on ATM, for DNA repair. Our findings posit that adding an ATR inhibitor such as VX-970 to established therapeutic regimens may provide a remarkably broad benefit to myeloma patients

    Harnessing the reverse cholesterol transport pathway to favor differentiation of monocyte-derived APCs and antitumor responses

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    Lipid and cholesterol metabolism play a crucial role in tumor cell behavior and in shaping the tumor microenvironment. In particular, enzymatic and non-enzymatic cholesterol metabolism, and derived metabolites control dendritic cell (DC) functions, ultimately impacting tumor antigen presentation within and outside the tumor mass, dampening tumor immunity and immunotherapeutic attempts. The mechanisms accounting for such events remain largely to be defined. Here we perturbed (oxy)sterol metabolism genetically and pharmacologically and analyzed the tumor lipidome landscape in relation to the tumor-infiltrating immune cells. We report that perturbing the lipidome of tumor microenvironment by the expression of sulfotransferase 2B1b crucial in cholesterol and oxysterol sulfate synthesis, favored intratumoral representation of monocyte-derived antigen-presenting cells, including monocyte-DCs. We also found that treating mice with a newly developed antagonist of the oxysterol receptors Liver X Receptors (LXRs), promoted intratumoral monocyte-DC differentiation, delayed tumor growth and synergized with anti-PD-1 immunotherapy and adoptive T cell therapy. Of note, looking at LXR/cholesterol gene signature in melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1-based immunotherapy predicted diverse clinical outcomes. Indeed, patients whose tumors were poorly infiltrated by monocytes/macrophages expressing LXR target genes showed improved survival over the course of therapy. Thus, our data support a role for (oxy)sterol metabolism in shaping monocyte-to-DC differentiation, and in tumor antigen presentation critical for responsiveness to immunotherapy. The identification of a new LXR antagonist opens new treatment avenues for cancer patients