107 research outputs found

    Network Influence of the Cerebellum for Predicting DBS Response in Patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease

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    Introduction: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a treatment option for reducing motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) when first-line medication becomes ineffective. Existing literature has hypothesized that the clinical outcome of DBS may depend on brain connectivity profiles of the stimulation site to distant brain regions. However, the potential of brain connectivity profiles to predict response to DBS in PD remains unclear. Objective: This study aimed to investigate how changes in structural and functional connectivity may relate to patient response to DBS, through the examination of brain network changes using graph theory. Methods: Ten patients with advanced PD were included in this study. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and resting-state fMRI scans were acquired prior to DBS implantation. Pre-DBS and post-DBS UPDRS-III scores were obtained. Network analysis of the DTI and fMRI scans was performed using GRETNA to compute structural and functional graph theory metrics, respectively. Metrics were correlated with UPDRS-III improvement to identify significant correlations to UPDRS improvement due to DBS. Results: Combined structural and functional graph theory metrics highlighted 32 structures to be significantly correlated with UPDRS-III improvement. Mainly, connections to the cerebellum were found to be significantly correlated with UPDRS-III improvement across several metrics for both structural and functional connectivity. Discussion: This work combined DTI, fMRI, and graph theory analysis to evaluate improvement with DBS. Several imaging biomarkers were identified that are robust predictors for UPDRS-III improvement. This work warrants investigation into the compensatory effect of the cerebellum and other potential biomarkers for identifying DBS candidates

    Long-term safety of Mometasone Furoate administered via a dry powder inhaler in children: Results of an open-label study comparing Mometasone Furoate with Beclomethasone Dipropionate in children with persistent asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess the long-term pediatric safety of 2 doses of mometasone furoate administered via a dry powder inhaler (MF-DPI) for mild-to-moderate persistent asthma and compare them with that of beclomethasone dipropionate administered via a metered dose inhaler (BDP-MDI) in the treatment of persistent asthma. Both MF-DPI doses tested are twice the approved pediatric dosage of 100 μg once-daily (QD) for children aged 4–11 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children (N = 233) aged 4–11 years were randomized to 52 weeks of treatment with MF-DPI 200 μg QD AM, MF-DPI 100 μg twice daily (BID), or BDP-MDI 168 μg BID. Patients had used inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) daily for ≥ 30 days before the screening visit and were on stable ICS doses for ≥ 2 weeks before screening. The primary safety variable was the incidence of adverse events. Secondary safety variables were laboratory tests (including cortisol concentrations), vital signs, and physical examination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of adverse events was similar in all 3 treatment groups. The most frequently reported adverse event was upper respiratory tract infection, reported by 47%–49% of the MF-DPI-treated patients and 51% of the BPD-treated patients. Most adverse events were considered unrelated to study drug. The most frequently reported related adverse events were headache (MF-DPI 200 μg QD AM, 8%; MF-DPI 100 μg BID, 4%; BDP-MDI 168 μg BID, 2%) and oral candidiasis (4% in each treatment group). No clinically relevant changes in laboratory values, including plasma cortisol, vital signs, or physical examinations were noted in any treatment group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both MF-DPI doses were well tolerated, with no unusual or unexpected adverse events or safety concerns, and had a similar adverse event profile to that of BDP-MDI 168 μg BID.</p

    The philosopher of ambiguity: exploring stories of spirituality of people with aphasia through the lens of Merleau-Ponty

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    Spirituality as a concept has only recently begun to be considered in speech and language therapy research and practice, and phenomenology as a research methodology is also not widely used in SLT research. Yet, concepts propounded by the phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty arguably offer a useful theoretical framework from which to view certain aspects of SLT including the concept of spirituality and how this is expressed by people with a communication difficulty. In this project, eight people with aphasia were interviewed about their spirituality. The interviews were transcribed, themes identified and stories created. These stories were viewed using one of the concepts propounded by Merleau-Ponty, namely ambiguity

    Quantitative PCR tissue expression profiling of the human SGLT2 gene and related family members

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    SGLT2 (for “Sodium GLucose coTransporter” protein 2) is the major protein responsible for glucose reabsorption in the kidney and its inhibition has been the focus of drug discovery efforts to treat type 2 diabetes. In order to better clarify the human tissue distribution of expression of SGLT2 and related members of this cotransporter class, we performed TaqMan™ (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of SGLT2 and other sodium/glucose transporter genes on RNAs from 72 normal tissues from three different individuals. We consistently observe that SGLT2 is highly kidney specific while SGLT5 is highly kidney abundant; SGLT1, sodium-dependent amino acid transporter (SAAT1), and SGLT4 are highly abundant in small intestine and skeletal muscle; SGLT6 is expressed in the central nervous system; and sodium myoinositol cotransporter is ubiquitously expressed across all human tissues

    Tightly-Secure PAK(E)

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    We present a security reduction for the PAK protocol instantiated over Gap Diffie-Hellman Groups that is tighter than previously known reductions. We discuss the implications of our results for concrete security. Our proof is the first to show that the PAK protocol can provide meaningful security guarantees for values of the parameters typical in today’s world

    Small-Scale Fisheries Bycatch Jeopardizes Endangered Pacific Loggerhead Turtles

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    Background. Although bycatch of industrial-scale fisheries can cause declines in migratory megafauna including seabirds, marine mammals, and sea turtles, the impacts of small-scale fisheries have been largely overlooked. Small-scale fisheries occur in coastal waters worldwide, employing over 99 % of the world’s 51 million fishers. New telemetry data reveal that migratory megafauna frequent coastal habitats well within the range of small-scale fisheries, potentially producing high bycatch. These fisheries occur primarily in developing nations, and their documentation and management are limited or non-existent, precluding evaluation of their impacts on non-target megafauna. Principal Findings/Methodology. 30 North Pacific loggerhead turtles that we satellite-tracked from 1996–2005 ranged oceanwide, but juveniles spent 70 % of their time at a high use area coincident with small-scale fisheries in Baja California Sur, Mexico (BCS). We assessed loggerhead bycatch mortality in this area by partnering with local fishers to 1) observe two small-scale fleets that operated closest to the high use area and 2) through shoreline surveys for discarded carcasses. Minimum annual bycatch mortality in just these two fleets at the high use area exceeded 1000 loggerheads year 21, rivaling that of oceanwide industrial-scale fisheries, and threatening the persistence of this critically endangered population. As a result of fisher participation in this study and a bycatch awareness campaign, a consortium of local fishers and other citizens are working to eliminate their bycatch and to establish a national loggerhea

    “Being Guided”: What Oncofertility Patients’ Decisions Can Teach Us About the Efficacy of Autonomy, Agency, and Decision-Making Theory in the Contemporary Critical Encounter

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    Recent research on patient decision-making reveals a disconnect between theories of autonomy, agency, and decision-making and their practice in contemporary clinical encounters. This study examines these concepts in the context of female patients making oncofertility decisions in the United Kingdom in light of the phenomenon of “being guided.” Patients experience being guided as a way to cope with, understand, and defer difficult treatment decisions. Previous discussions condemn guided decision-making, but this research suggests that patients make an informed, autonomous decision to be guided by doctors. Thus, bioethicists must consider the multifaceted ways that patients enact their autonomy in medical encounters

    Fostering Professional Ethical Competence During Teacher Training Practice

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    Professionals who have undergone their training at university should possess not only the knowledge-base necessary to practice in their chosen profession, but also the ethical principles that ensure responsible professional practice and the corresponding benefits for society. The research project addressed in the present article aimed to contribute to fostering ethical competence and commitment amongst future teachers. During the experience the participants had the opportunity to design tasks that stimulated reflection, critique and ethical awareness.Specialistai, įgiję universitetinį išsilavinimą, turi būti sukaupę ne tik žinių, kurios būtinos profesinėje veikloje, bet ir gebėti vadovautis etikos principais, kurie užtikrintų atsakingą ir visuomenės gerovei reikalingą profesinę veiklą. Tyrime, pristatomame šiame straipsnyje, analizuojamos būsimųjų mokytojų etinės kompetencijos plėtros ir atsidavimo darbui problemos. Tyrimo dalyviai turėjo galimybę kurti užduotis, kurios skatino refleksiją, kritiką ir etinį sąmoningumą.Les professionnels ayant reçu leur formation auprès des Universités disposeront, non seulement des connaissances de base nécessaires à l'exercice de leur métier, mais aussi les principes éthiques garantissant un exercice professionnel responsable portant bénéfice sur la société. Le projet de recherche présenté sous ce titre a comme objectif la contribution à la favorisation de la compétence éthique et de l'engagement parmi les futurs enseignants. Lors de cette expérience, les participants ont eu l'occasion d'élaborer des tâches favorisant la réflexion, la critique et la pensée critique.Профессионалы, получившие университетское образование, не только получают основные знания для работы по своей профессии, но и моральные принципы, которые обеспечивают ответственную профессиональную работу и соответствующую выгоду для общества. Целью исследовательского проекта,представленного под этим именем, является участие в стимуляции профессиональной этики и компромисса среди будущих преподавателей. Во время проведения эксперимента, участники получили возможность разработать задания, стимулирующие размышление, критику и критичиское сознание.Los profesionales que han recibido su formación en la Universidad, poseerán no solo el conocimiento base necesario para la práctica en su profesión, sino también los principios éticos que aseguran la práctica profesional responsable y el correspondiente beneficio para la sociedad. El proyecto de investigación presentado con este título tiene como objetivo contribuir a estimular la competencia ética y el compromiso entre los futuros docentes. Durante la experiencia, los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de diseñar tareas que estimularan la reflexión, la crítica y la conciencia crítica