22 research outputs found
Effects of milk from goat fed Crotalaria spectabilis seeds on growing rats
Seeds of Crotalaria spectabilis, containing the pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) monocrotaline (MCT), were fed to a lactating dairy goat. Milk from this goat was fed to rats for 8 weeks to determine whether MCT or its toxic metabolites are transferred into the goat’s milk. Rats from the experimental group showed significantly higher (p<0.05) serum levels of ALT, AST, GGT and LDH and less weight gains (p<0.05) than control rats. The most significant lesions in rats consuming the experimental ration were mild to moderate interstitial pneumonia and a vacuolar degeneration and occasionally necrosis of periportal hepatocytes. The results of this study indicate that the PA and/or its metabolites are eliminated in milk.Sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis, as quais contêm o alcalóide pirrolizidínico (AP), monocrotalina (MCT), foram moídas e administradas junto com a ração a uma cabra em lactação. O leite dessa cabra foi liofilizado e oferecido na ração por 8 semanas a ratos para determinar se a MCT ou seus metabólitos poderiam estar sendo significantemente eliminados no leite. Os ratos provenientes do grupo experimental apresentaram aumento significante (p<0,05) nos níveis séricos de ALT, AST, GGT e LDH e menor ganho de peso (p<0,05) que os ratos do grupo controle. As lesões mais significativas observadas nos animais que ingeriram a ração experimental foram pneumonia intersticial moderada e degeneração vacuolar e ocasionalmente necrose dos hepatócitos de região periportal. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o AP e/ou seus metabólitos podem ser eliminados no leite
Behavioral and biochemical effects of xylazine: possible interactions between central noradrenergic-dopaminergic systems
Alguns efeitos comportamentais e bioquímicos da xilazina foram estudados em ratos e camundongos. Os resultados mostraram que a xilazina: a) diminuiu a atividade geral de ratos e camundongos observados em campo-aberto; b) foi incapaz de produzir catatonia e suprimiu este comportamento induzido pelo haloperidol em camundongos; c) potencializou o comportamento estereotipado induzido pela apomorfina em ratos; d) aumentou os níveis cerebrais de noradrenalina, porem não alterou aqueles de dopamina. Estes resultados foram discutidos considerando-se ação da xilazina em sislemas noradrenérgicos centrais e da interação entre sistemas noradrenérgicos e dopaminérgicos centrais.Behavioral and biochemical effects of xylazine were studied both in rats and mice. The results showed that xylazine: a) decreased the general activity of rats and mice observed in an open field; b) was unable to produce catatonia and suppressed haloperidol-induced catatonia in mice; c) increased apomorphine-induced stereotyped behavior in rats; and d) increased brain noradrenaline without effect on brain dopamine levels. These results were discussed in the light of a possible interference of xylazine with brain noradrenergic system and, thus, with the dynamic interaction between noradrenergic-dopaminergic neurons within the Central Nervous System
Exposição cianídrica em suínos: uma abordagem dos parâmetros toxicocinéticos utilizando o tiocianato como biomarcador
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar os efeitos sobre a cinética do cianeto, em suínos, em diferentes fases da vida, usando o tiocianato como biomarcador. Vinte e dois suínos, foram divididos em quatro grupos (60 dias da idade, 95 dias da idade, 80 dias do gestação e 21 dias de lactação), e receberam por via oral, a dose única de 3.0 mg /kg de peso vivo de cianeto do potássio (KCN). As concentrações do tiocianato no sangue foram medidas dentro de 24h. O tempo máximo (Tmax) e constante de eliminação (Kel) foram mais elevados em porcas lactantes (15 hs e 0.045, respectivamente); por ouro lado, a maior concentração do tiocianato (Cmax) foi observada nas fêmeas grávidas (161.8). A meia vida de eliminação (t1/2) e o volume da distribuição (Vd) foram mais elevados nas fêmeas adultas (41, 57 e 1.23, respectivamente). Contudo a área sob a curva (AUC) do tiocianato foi mais elevado nos animais novos (354183, 28), e o clearance o mais baixo (0.007) nestes animais. Concluindo, os resultados do presente estudo, evidenciam que o metabolismo do cianeto, varia extremamente, considerando o estado fisiológico dos suínos fêmeas, e que são os animais novos, provavelmente, os mais sensíveis aos efeitos tóxicos, da exposição crônica as baixas doses do cianeto.The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the swine, in different periods of life on the toxicokinetics of cyanide using thiocyante as biomaker. Twenty and two swines, was divided into four groups (60 days of age, 95 days of age, sows with 80 days of gestation and lactating swine), were dosed orally with 3,0 mg/kg/body weigth of potassium cyanide (KCN). Thiocyanate concentrations in blood were measured within 24h. The time of peak concentration (Tmax) and constant of elimination (Kel) were higher in lactating sows (15 hs and 0,045, respectively); on the other hand, the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of thiocyanate was observed in pregnant females (161,8). The elimination half life (t1/2) and volume of distribution (Vd) were higher in adult sows (41, 57 and 1,23, respectively). Whereas the clearance and the area under the curve (AUC) of thiocyanate was higher in young animals (354183, 28) the clearance was lower (0,007) in these animals . In coclusion , the results of the present study evidence that the metabolism of cyanide varies greatly considering the physiologic state of female swine being the young animals probably more sensitive to the toxic effects of chronic exposure to low doses of cyanide
Mimosine and cyclophosphamide: a potential new combination therapy used to prevent tumor development
The effects of mimosine (MI), which is an amino acid that is derived from Leucaena leucocephala, were evaluated on the growth of ascitic Ehrlich tumors, and the effects of the combination treatment of MI and cyclophosphamide (CY) on tumor growth were also assessed. Mice were divided into groups that received the following treatments over the course of 20 days: phosphate buffer solution (CO), MI, Ehrlich cells (E), E plus CY (EC), E plus MI (EM) and E plus MI and CY (EMC). No signs of toxicity were detected in the mice from the MI group. The mice from the EMC group showed reductions in body weights when compared with those from the E group. The animals from the EC, EM and EMC groups showed reductions in ascitic volume compared with those from the E group. The mice from the EMC group showed reductions in total cell numbers of ascitic fluid compared with those from the E, EC and EM groups. The combination of MI and CY was the most effective treatment for Ehrlich tumor ascites
Efeitos comportamentais e bioquímicos da xilazina: possíveis interações entre os sistemas noradrenérgico e dopaminérgico centrais
Alguns efeitos comportamentais e bioquímicos da xilazina foram estudados em ratos e camundongos. Os resultados mostraram que a xilazina: a) diminuiu a atividade geral de ratos e camundongos observados em campo-aberto; b) foi incapaz de produzir catatonia e suprimiu este comportamento induzido pelo haloperidol em camundongos; c) potencializou o comportamento estereotipado induzido pela apomorfina em ratos; d) aumentou os níveis cerebrais de noradrenalina, porem não alterou aqueles de dopamina. Estes resultados foram discutidos considerando-se ação da xilazina em sislemas noradrenérgicos centrais e da interação entre sistemas noradrenérgicos e dopaminérgicos centrais
Identificação de princípios ativos presentes na Ipomoea carnea brasileira
Dentre as espécies pertencentes à família das Convolvulaceae destacam-se as Ipomoeas, amplamente distribuídas por todo o mundo, bastante conhecidas e cultivadas devido ao aspecto ornamental que suas flores campanuladas e de cores vibrantes oferecem. É sabido porém que espécies de Ipomoeas são tóxicas. A Ipomoea carnea, espécie de nosso estudo, provoca emagrecimento, apatia, incoordenção motora, fraqueza progressiva e até mesmo a morte em animais de produção, se ingerida por período prolongado. Os alcalóides suainsonina e calisteginas presentes nesta planta são certamente responsáveis por tais efeitos tóxicos, já que inibem a ação das manosidases e glicosidases, enzimas fundamentais para um adequado metabolismo de carboidratos pelo organismo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar e caracterizar os constituintes químicos da I. carneabrasileira. Assim, empregando-se as cromatografias de camada delgada e líquida acoplada a detector de massas, além da ressonância nuclear de prótons e carbono, foram detectados no extrato aquoso obtido das folhas da planta, 0,09% de suainsonina, 0,11% de calistegina B2, 0,14% de calistegina B1, 0,06% de calistegina C1 e o aminoácido não protéico N-metil-trans-4-hidroxi-L-prolina.In the Convolvulaceae family, the Ipomoeas species are cultivated and found in all regions of the world because of their ornamental bright coloured flowers. It is well known that some Ipomoeas species are toxic. Ipomoea carnea, species of this study, causes depression, general weakness, loss of body weight, stagering gait and death of animals after prolonged periods of plant intake. These toxic effects are attributed to the alkaloids swainsonine and calystegines present in the plant, wich promotes inhibition of galactosidases and manosidases, important enzymes for an adequate metabolism of carbohydrates in the organism. The objective of the present study was to detect and characterize the chemical components of the Brazillian plant. For that, thin layer chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detector and nuclear ressonance of protons and carbon were used. The aqueous extract of I. carnea presented 0.09% swainsonine, 0.11% calystegine B2, 0.14% of calystegine B1 , 0.06% calystegine C1 and the no proteic imino acid N-methyl-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline
Toxic effects of prolonged administration of leaves of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to goats
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a major source of dietary energy for humans and domestic animals in many tropical countries. However, consumption of cassava is limited by its characteristic content of cyanogenic glycosides. The present work aimed to evaluate the toxic effects of ingestion of cassava leaves by goats for 30 consecutive days, and to compare the results with the toxic effects of cyanide in goats, which have been described previously. Eight Alpine cross-bred female goats were divided into two equal groups, and were treated with ground frozen cassava leaves at a target dose of 6.0 mg hydrogen cyanide (HCN)/kg/day (treated animals), or with ground hay and water only (control group) by gavage for 30 consecutive days. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 7, 15, 21, and 30 for biochemical panel and cyanide determination. At the end of the experiment, fragments of pancreas, thyroid gland, liver, kidney, lungs, heart, spleen, and the whole central nervous system were collected for histopathological examination. Clinical signs were observed in all goats treated with cassava on the first day of the experiment. From the second day the dose of cassava leaves was reduced to 4.5 mg HCN/kg/day. No changes were found in the blood chemical panel. A mild increase in the number of resorption vacuoles in the thyroid follicular colloid, slight vacuolation of periportal hepatocytes, and spongiosis of the mesencephalon were found in goats treated with cassava. The pattern of lesions seen in the present goats was similar to what has been described previously in cyanide-dosed goats. Thus, the toxic effects of the ingestion of cassava leaves by goats can be attributed to the action of cyanide released from cyanogenic glycosides, and none of the effects was promoted by these glycosides directl
Effects of milk from goat fed Crotalaria spectabilis seeds on growing rats
Sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis, as quais contêm o alcalóide pirrolizidínico (AP), monocrotalina (MCT), foram moídas e administradas junto com a ração a uma cabra em lactação. O leite dessa cabra foi liofilizado e oferecido na ração por 8 semanas a ratos para determinar se a MCT ou seus metabólitos poderiam estar sendo significantemente eliminados no leite. Os ratos provenientes do grupo experimental apresentaram aumento significante (p<0,05) nos níveis séricos de ALT, AST, GGT e LDH e menor ganho de peso (p<0,05) que os ratos do grupo controle. As lesões mais significativas observadas nos animais que ingeriram a ração experimental foram pneumonia intersticial moderada e degeneração vacuolar e ocasionalmente necrose dos hepatócitos de região periportal. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o AP e/ou seus metabólitos podem ser eliminados no leite
Behavioral teratogenicity induced by maternal food restriction: maternal cannibalism and poor reflex development in offspring
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2014v27n2p185Recent studies have attributed the presence of several toxic chemicals during pregnancy to maternal malnutrition. A deficit in maternal nutritional status may be crucial for the development of teratogenicity. However, nowadays, the concept of teratogenesis is not restricted to structural abnormalities, but, also, to functional changes, such as, for instance, those observed in behavior. This study investigated the effects of maternal food restriction (FR) during pregnancy on the physical, behavioral, and reflex development of offspring. Pregnant female rats underwent feed restriction at different levels (15, 40, 55, and 70% of the daily feed intake when compared to the control group), starting on gestation day 6 (GD6) until GD17; the control group received food ad libitum. After birth, the physical and neurobehavioral development of offspring were assessed. The results showed that, except for weight reduction, the physical development of offsprings from the FR groups did not differ from that of the control group. However, the experimental groups showed deficits in neurological reflexes, particularly with regard to negative geotaxis and palmar reflex. In general activity, the offspring of the FR group 40% (E40) and E55 showed low frequencies of locomotion and rearing and long periods of immobility. The results show that maternal FR during pregnancy promotes neurological disorders in offspring, but it does not affect physical development, showing the importance of behavioral assessments