2 research outputs found
Transformação Digital para Além da Tecnologia Uma Análise sobre as Pessoas e os Processos Relacionados com o Uso das MÃdias Sociais na Prefeitura de Salvador-Bahia
As mÃdias sociais alteraram os modos de relacionamento entre os indivÃduos e as organizações e podem ser compreendidas como um dos elementos catalisadores da transformação digital no setor público. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as pessoas e os processos relacionados ao uso de mÃdias sociais na prefeitura de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, como elementos de transformação digital. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo que utilizou análise documental, observação direta de sites e entrevistas como técnicas de coleta de dados. Os dados foram categorizados e analisados em triangulação. Os resultados evidenciaram os atores e os processos envolvidos com uso das mÃdias sociais, sendo o mais influente deles o chefe do poder executivo, reafirmando o disposto na literatura de que a transformação digital pressupõe uma liderança forte e envolvida ativamente com a implantação e implementação das tecnologias, tendo, portanto, um viés top down
Visual stimuli in intervention approaches for pre-schoolers diagnosed with phonological delay
Purpose: There is a need to develop letter knowledge assessment tools to characterise the letter
knowledge in Portuguese pre-schoolers and to compare it with pre-schoolers from other countries, but
there are no tools for this purpose in Portugal. The aim of this paper is to describe the development
and validation procedures of the Prova de Avaliac¸ao de Compet ~ ^encias de Pr e-Literacia (PACPL), which
assesses letter knowledge.
Method: This study includes data that has been gathered in two phases: pilot and main study. In the
pilot study, an expert panel of six speech and language pathologists analysed the instrument. Children
(n ¼ 216) aged 5;0–7;11 participated in the main study that reports data related to the psychometric
characteristics of the PACPL. Content validity, internal consistency, reliability and contributing factors to
performance were examined statistically.
Results: A modified Bland–Altman method revealed good agreement amongst evaluators. The main
study showed that the PACPL has a very good internal consistency and high inter-rater (96.2% of
agreement and a Cohen’s k value of 0.92) and intra-rater (95.6% of agreement and a Cohen’s k value
of 0.91) agreement. Construct validity of the PCAPL was also assured (Cronbach’s a of 0.982).
Significant differences were found between age groups with children increasing their letter knowledge
with age. In addition, they were better at identifying than at producing both letter names and letter
Conclusions: The PACPL is a valid and reliable instrument to assess letter knowledge in Portuguese