136 research outputs found

    Morfologia, anatomia e ultraestrutura foliar de Froelichia tomentosa (Mart.) Moq. (Amaranthaceae) - uma espécie criticamente ameaçada de extinção no Brasil

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    In Brazil, Froelichia tomentosa (Mart.) Moq. has records of occurrence in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Bahia, however, in the former there are indications that its populations are extinct. In the RS, the records are restricted to the region of sandy- fields. In this region, biodiversity has been threatened by advances in agriculture and forestry that intensified in the sandy patch process. Therefore, this work aimed to describe the morphoanatomy and ultrastructure of the leaf blade in Froelichia tomentosa, seeking to correlate leaf characteristics to the environmental conditions. Individuals from different populations in the sand- fields (Pampa biome) were sampled. Leaf blade analyzes were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (MET) and optical microscopy (MO). The following anatomical features were verified: epidermis with trichomes and stomata in the adaxial and abaxial surface, compact mesophyll, aquiferous hypodermis, Kranz anatomy, and numerous plastoglobules and peroxisomes. The presence of these characters may be related to the adaptation of this species to environment. In addition, we highlight the necessity to create conservation units in the sand-fields region, in order to preserve species as well as that of the present study.No Brasil, Froelichia tomentosa (Mart.) Moq. possui registros de ocorrência no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e na Bahia, no entanto, no primeiro há indícios de que suas populações estão extintas. No RS, os registros são restritos à região dos campos arenosos. Nessa região vem sofrendo redução da biodiversidade, devido à intensificação do processo de arenização. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a morfoanatomia e a ultraestrutura da lâmina foliar de Froelichia tomentosa, buscando correlacionar as características foliares às condições ambientais. Foram amostrados indivíduos de diferentes populações nos campos de areia (bioma Pampa), as análises da lâmina foliar foram realizadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET) e microscopia óptica (MO). Verificou-se as seguintes características anatômicas: epiderme com tricomas e estômatos na superfície adaxial e abaxial, mesofilo compacto, hipoderme aquífero, anatomia de Kranz e numerosos plastoglóbulos e peroxissomos. A presença desses caracteres pode estar relacionada à adaptação dessa espécie ao ambiente. Além disso, destacamos a necessidade de criação de unidades de conservação na região de areia, a fim de preservar espécies, bem como a do presente estudo

    Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ fyysisen toimintakyvyn kartoitus

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    Fyysisen toimintakyvyn huippu saavutetaan noin kolmenkymmenen ikävuoden iässä, minkä jälkeen fyysinen toimintakyky alkaa laskea. Ikääntymiseen liittyy luuston, nivelten ja tukirakenteiden haurastumista sekä elastisuuden vähenemistä. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskuun voidaan vaikuttaa elämäntyylillä. Säännöllinen fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää, sillä se mahdollistaa hyvän toimintakyvyn säilymisen, itsenäisen suoriutumisen päivittäisistä toiminnoista ja mahdollisimman pitkän kotona asumisen. Kuntosaliharjoittelun on todettu olevan ikääntyneillä henkilöillä tehokas ja turvallinen tapa hidastaa fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskua. Espoon kaupunki on tarjonnut vuodesta 2007 lähtien ilmaisia liikuntapalveluja ikääntyneille espoolaisille: ensin 70-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille ja vuoden 2009 alusta alkaen 68-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille. Vuonna 2007 lanseerattiin myös Seniorisporttiklubi–toiminta, jossa on mahdollista osallistua ohjattuun kuntosaliharjoitteluun. Tällä hetkellä Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kokoontuu useassa eri toimipaikassa kerran viikossa. Opinnäytetyössä testasimme 99 Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ -toimintaan osallistuvan ikääntyneen fyysistä toimintakykyä neljässä eri toimipaikassa. Osallistujista 57 oli naisia ja 42 miehiä, keski-ikä oli 73 vuotta. Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ toimintaan oli osallistuttu keskimäärin alle kuusi kuukautta. Valitsemiimme testeihin kuului lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistö (SPPB), joka sisältää tasapaino-, kävelynopeus- ja tuolilta ylösnousutestin, sekä puristusvoiman mittaaminen. Työmme tarkoitus oli kartoittaa osallistujien fyysistä toimintakykyä ja verrata saatuja tuloksia viitearvoihin, sekä mahdollisia toimipaikkojen välisiä eroavaisuuksia. Testitulosten perusteella voimme todeta, että Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kävijät ovat viitearvojen mukaan hyvässä fyysisessä kunnossa. Lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistön (SPPB) ja puristusvoimatestin tulokset olivat lähes poikkeuksetta erittäin hyviä. Toimipaikkojen väliset erot olivat hyvin pieniä ja tilastollisesti merkityksettömiä. Ainoastaan tasapainotestin tuloksissa oli nähtävissä hieman hajontaa. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan pitää todennäköisenä, että toimintaan hakeutuvat jo ennestään fyysisesti aktiiviset ja hyväkuntoiset ikääntyneet henkilöt. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää tutkia, miten saataisiin myös inaktiiviset ikääntyneet mukaan liikuntatoimintaan ja omaksumaan aktiivinen elämäntapa. Nykyistä toimintaa tulisi kehittää tavoitteellisempaan ja tätä kautta motivoivampaan suuntaan. Se lisäisi merkittävästi harjoittelun tehokkuutta ja tuloksellisuutta.The top of the physical capacity is reached at around the age of thirty and after that the capacity begins to decline. Aging is related to the decreasing of bone mass and elasticity and to the embrittlement of joints and supporting structures. It is possible to impact the declining of physical capacity by lifestyle. Regular physical activity is important because it enables to maintain good physical capacity, to cope in the activities of daily living and offers the possibility to live at home as long as possible. Resistance training is an effective and safe way to slow down the decreasing of physical capacity in the elderly. The City of Espoo has provided free exercise services to the elderly since 2007. First they were aimed to people of 70 years of age and older and from the beginning of 2009 the age limit was set down to 68 years. In the year 2007 began also the Seniorisporttiklubi (Sport club for seniors)-activity, which makes it possible for the elderly to participate in supervised resistance training. At the moment Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ takes place once a week in several locations. We studied the physical capacity of 99 participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ in four different locations. 57 participants were female, 42 male, their mean age was 73 years. The time of par-ticipation in Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ was on the average less than six months. We chose to test the participants with Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), which consists of tests for gait speed, balance and sit-to-stand, as well as grip strength. The aim was to survey the physical capacity of the participants and to compare the results to the reference values and to establish possible differences between different locations. Based on the results we can notice that the participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ have a good physical capacity according to the reference values. The results of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and grip strength were both almost invariably very good. The differences between the locations were minor and statistically insignificant. Only in the results of the balance test there was minor variation. According to these results it is probable that people who are physically active and have good physical condition find their way to the activity. In the future it would be essential to study ways to get inactive persons to participate in Se-niorisporttiklubi 68+ -activity and to adopt an active lifestyle. It would be important to develop the current activity to be more goal-directed and thus to be more motivating. This might increase the effectiveness and the results of the training

    Diferenças estruturais foliares entre biótipos resistente e suscetível ao glyphosate de Digitaria insularis (L.) Fedde

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    We had, as an objective, characterizing, anatomically, the leaves of two populations of D. insularis (resistant biotype and susceptible biotype), which were collected in cropping areas in Paraná. In order to do this, a trial design in random sets was employed, which were repeated ten times. To obtain the data, it was evaluated the structural and quantitative variables of foliar blades of anatomical parts, which belonged to different leaves in the mature stage that were removed from distinct resistant and susceptible biotypes of D. insularis. The structural variables of the cross-sectional parts evaluated from the foliar blades were: the thickness of the foliar blade in the intercostal region (TBI); thickness of the keel (TK); stomata number (SN) and thickness of cuticle (TC) in the adaxial and abaxial faces. The resistant biotypes of D. insularis differ from the susceptible ones in several structural parameters, among them, there is the foliar blade in the interveinal region that was 7.3 ticker in the resistant biotype, which was also observed in the thickness of the keel, in the percentage of 11.3%, and in the thickness of the cuticle in the adaxial face (TCD), which was 53.8% thicker in the resistant biotype. In this way, we concluded that the anatomical foliar characteristics observed in the resistant biotypes, which differ from the susceptible ones, can be related to the reduction in the absorption and the herbicides translocation speed, constituting, therefore, possible mechanisms of resistance to glyphosateTivemos como objetivo caracterizar anatomicamente as folhas de duas populações de D. insularis (biótipo resistente e biótipo suscetível) coletadas em áreas agrícolas no Paraná. Para isso, utilizou-se delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com dez repetições. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram avaliadas variáveis estruturais quantitativas de secções anatômicas da lâmina foliar, pertencentes a diferentes folhas no estágio maduro retiradas de distintos biótipos resistentes e suscetíveis de D. insularis. Entre as variáveis estruturais das secções transversais da lâmina foliar avaliadas foram: espessura da lâmina foliar na região intercostal (ELI); espessura da quilha (EQ); número de estômatos (NE); espessura da cutícula (EC) nas faces adaxial e abaxial. Os biótipos resistentes de D. insularis diferem dos susceptíveis em vários parâmetros estruturais, entre eles, quanto a lâmina foliar na região internervural que foi 7,3% mais espessa no biótipo resistente, o que também foi observado na espessura da quilha com 11,3% e na espessura da cutícula na face adaxial (ECD) que foi 53,8% mais espessa no resistente. Dessa forma, concluímos que as características anatômicas foliares observadas nos biótipos resistentes que diferem dos susceptíveis, podem estar relacionadas com a redução na absorção e na velocidade de translocação de herbicidas, constituindo assim possíveis mecanismos de resistência ao glyphosate

    Attention and memory of medical residents after a night on call: a cross-sectional study

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    Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Hospital Central Emergency RoomSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo School of Medical Science Department of Psychiatry and Medical PsychologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Clinical Neurosciences LaboratoryUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasISCMSPUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Clinical Neurosciences LaboratoryUNIFESP, Department of PsychiatrySciEL

    Rendimento do filé de tucunaré (Cichla cf. monoculus) Osteichthyes, Cichlidae em diferentes cortes da cabeça

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    Peacock bass (Cichla cf. monoculus), is a very popular fish for consumption, but there are few studies related to its processing and yield. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of cutting the head on the morphometric parameters related to fillet yield. For this, 60 peacock bass were divided and submitted to oblique and straight cut of the head. Morphometric characteristics and proximate composition were investigated. The oblique cut of the head resulted in greater weight and yield of the clean trunk and fillet with and without skin compared to the straight cut. As for residues, head yield was more associated with straight cut, while weight and skin yield with the oblique cut. Regarding the morphometric analysis, the height of the fish positively influences the fillet yield, while the proximate composition is affected by the cultivation condition. Under the conditions of this study and aiming at the best use and yield of the peacock bass fillet, the oblique cut of the head is recommended.O tucunaré (Cichla cf. monoculus), é um peixe muito apreciado para o consumo, porém são poucos os estudos relacionados ao seu processamento e rendimento. Deste modo, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito do corte da cabeça sobre os parâmetros morfométricos relacionados ao rendimento do filé. Para isso, 60 exemplares de tucunaré foram dividos e submetidos ao corte oblíquo e reto da cabeça. As carcaterísticas morfométricas e a composição centesimal foram investigados. O corte oblíquo da cabeça resultou em maior peso e rendimento do tronco limpo e do filé com e sem pele em relação ao corte reto. Quanto aos resíduos, o rendimento da cabeça foi mais associado ao corte reto, enquanto o peso e o rendimento da pele com o corte oblíquo. Com relação as análises morfométricas, a altura do peixe influencia positivamente no rendimento do filé, enquanto a composição centesimal é afetada pela condição de cultivo. Nas condições deste estudo e visando o melhor aproveitamento e rendimento do filé do tucunaré, recomenda-se o corte oblíquo da cabeça

    Desempenho pós-colheita de abacates cultivar ‘’fuerte’’ tratado com resveratrol

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    Resveratrol is an antioxidant compound that has the action to inhibit the occurrence of decay and the nutritional and sensory loss of the fruit, particularly avocado, which has a very rapid ripening after harvesting especially when stored at room temperature. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the best resveratrol dosage in extending the life of avocados variety ”Fuerte”. The fruits were immersed for 10 sec in the following concentrations of resveratrol: 0.0; 1,000, 2,500, 3,500 and 4,500 mg L-1, with subsequent storage at room temperature for a period of 16 days. Every four days, the fruits were analyzed for the following variables: loss of weight, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, peel color, respiratory rate and occurrence of rottenness. The experimental design was factorial DIC with five repetitions. With the exception of firmness and pH, the use of resveratrol showed statistical association for all variables. Regardless of the dosage used, the use of resveratrol secured a greater conservation of avocados “Fuerte” up to four days when compared to the control. Dosages of 3,500 and 4,500 mg L-1 provided the maintenance of the physical and chemical characteristics.O resveratrol é um composto antioxidante que tem como ação inibir a ocorrência de podridões e as perdas nutricionais e sensoriais dos frutos, em especial o abacate, que apresenta um amadurecimento muito rápido após a colheita principalmente quando armazenado em temperatura ambiente. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a melhor dosagem de resveratrol no prolongamento da vida útil de abacates da variedade “Fuerte”. Os frutos ficaram imersos por 10 seg nas seguintes concentrações de resveratrol: 0,0; 1.000; 2.500; 3.500 e 4.500 mg L-1, com posterior armazenamento em temperatura ambiente por um período de 16 dias. A cada quatro dias os frutos foram analisados para as seguintes variáveis: perda de massa fresca, firmeza, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, pH, coloração da casca, taxa respiratória e ocorrência de podridões. O delineamento experimental foi em DIC fatorial, com cinco repetições. Com exceção da firmeza e do pH, o uso do resveratrol mostrou interação estatística em todas as variáveis analisadas. Independente da dosagem utilizada, o uso do resveratrol garantiu uma maior conservação dos abacates “Fuerte” de até quatro dias quando comparado à testemunha. As dosagens de 3500 e 4500 mg L-1 proporcionaram a manutenção das características físico-químicas

    Use of edible film in the postharvest conservation of 'Magali' sweet pepper

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    This study aimed to evaluate the sensory quality, the physico chemical characteristics and post-harvest life of pepper cv. Magali 'using coating with film tapioca starch, corn starch stored at ambient conditions and cooling. The treatments were (without coating at room temperature); coating 2% starch suspension at room temperature; coating 4% starch suspension at room temperature; coating 2% starch suspension at room temperature; coating 4% starch suspension at room temperature; film coating plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to 12ºC. Fruits were evaluated at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of storage as the loss of weight, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, determined maturation index TSS / TTA, fruit firmness, skin color, external physical damage, general appearance. The experiment was factorial 6 x 5 (treatment x time). The loss of weight increased during storage, and less pronounced at a dose of 4% of cassava starch and treatment under refrigeration. The results indicate that the use of biofilms in the concentrations 2 and 4% starch and starch 2% were those that provided better results in terms of physical and chemical maintenance and sensory acceptance of sweet peppers during the storage period and the use of biofilms improve quality allowing for longer storage.The sweet pepper, like other vegetables, is a highly perishable product, because it has a very short post-harvest life. This feature, coupled with improper handling during harvesting, leads to great losses. In view of this, to evaluate the sensory quality, the physico chemical characteristics and post-harvest life of pepper cv. Magali, we used coating with film of cassava starch or corn starch. The treatments were without coating and coating with 2% or 4% of cassava starch or corn starch, at room temperature or refrigeration. Fruits were evaluated at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of storage as the loss of weight, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, determined maturation index TSS/TTA, fruit firmness, skin color, external physical damage, and general appearance. The experiment was factorial 5 x 5 (treatment x time). The loss of weight increased during storage, and less pronounced at a dose of 4% of cassava starch and treatment under refrigeration. The results indicate that the use of biofilms in the concentrations of 2% and 4% for cassava starch and 2% for corn starch were those that provided better results in terms of physical and chemical maintenance and sensory acceptance of sweet peppers during the storage period

    Analysis of motor capacities in the maturational stages of female adolescents

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    Introduction: Maturation is a biological phenomenon inherent to the human being that acts alongside environmental factors in its relationship with the development of children and adolescents.Objective: To analyse the motor skills during maturational stages of female adolescents.Methods: This study included 133 female adolescents aged between 10 and 17 years from federal schools in the city of Rio Branco, State of Acre, Brazil. Sexual maturation was evaluated using Tanner’s self-assessment. Motor skills were assessed using the following tests: strength (Jump Test); coordination (Burpee Test); balance (Flamingo Test); flexibility (Sit and Reach Test); agility (Shuttle Run Test). The data were analysed using R software through analysis of variance. The significance level was fixed at 5%.Result: No significant statistical results were found for strength, agility, balance and flexibility, evidencing that maturational advances did not influence these skills. In the coordination variable, significant results were obtained.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that maturational advancement in adolescents does not influence strength, agility, balance or flexibility. However, it does influence coordination, presenting better performance at stage P2.Introduction: Maturation is a biological phenomenon inherent to the human being that acts alongside environmental factors in its relationship with the development of children and adolescents.Objective: To analyse the motor skills during maturational stages of female adolescents.Methods: This study included 133 female adolescents aged between 10 and 17 years from federal schools in the city of Rio Branco, State of Acre, Brazil. Sexual maturation was evaluated using Tanner’s self-assessment. Motor skills were assessed using the following tests: strength (Jump Test); coordination (Burpee Test); balance (Flamingo Test); flexibility (Sit and Reach Test); agility (Shuttle Run Test). The data were analysed using R software through analysis of variance. The significance level was fixed at 5%.Result: No significant statistical results were found for strength, agility, balance and flexibility, evidencing that maturational advances did not influence these skills. In the coordination variable, significant results were obtained.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that maturational advancement in adolescents does not influence strength, agility, balance or flexibility. However, it does influence coordination, presenting better performance at stage P2

    Por que preservar os campos do extremo sul do Brasil?

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    In Brazil, grassland ecosystems of the Pampa are restricted to Rio Grande do Sul State (RS) and constitute the largest temperate natural grassland in the world. There are no recent data to indicate how much of these fields was lost in the state, but excursions made in recent years have pointed to a high conversion of native fields into crops. This situation has alerted to the intensification of biodiversity loss and the biological impoverishment of these fields. In view of the above, this study characterizes plant diversity in fields of the southern and western portion of RS. The study was based on publications of recent years that indicate the problems that effectively threaten this diversity. Pampa fields are natural and have a great diversity, constituting a considerable genetic heritage, ensuring the provision of ecosystem services to human populations. The few bioprospecting studies on species from these fields suggest that much remains to be discovered and that actions need to be taken to inhibit field destruction. These fields have never been treated as priority areas for conservation, but it is our commitment to reverse this transformation and destruction.No Brasil, os ecossistemas campestres do Pampa estão restritos ao Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e constituem a maior área de pastagem natural de clima temperado do mundo. Não existem dados recentes que indiquem o quanto se perdeu desses campos no RS, mas excursões realizadas nos últimos anos têm possibilitado a percepção de que é alta a conversão dessas áreas nativas em lavouras. Tal situação tem alertado para a intensificação da perda da diversidade e do empobrecimento biológico desses campos. Diante disso, o estudo objetivou caracterizar a diversidade vegetal dos campos da metade sul e oeste do RS, baseado em publicações dos últimos anos. Os campos pampeanos são naturais, com grande biodiversidade, constituindo um considerável patrimônio genético, garantindo a prestação de serviços ecossistêmicos para as populações humanas. Os poucos estudos de bioprospecção com espécies desses campos sugerem que muito ainda pode ser descoberto e que é preciso implantar ações para inibir a destruição dos mesmos. Esses campos nunca foram tratados como áreas prioritárias para a conservação, no entanto, é nosso compromisso reverter esse quadro de transformação e destruição


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    A aplicação de materiais carbonizados em solos pode resultar em melhoria de seus atributos químicos, físicos e físico-químicos. Entretanto, trabalhos que foquem sobre o efeito da aplicação da cinza da casca de arroz em solos ainda são escassos na literatura. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da cinza de casca de arroz sobre os atributos químicos, físicos, e físico-químicos do solo. Foram coletadas amostras de solo (Luvissolo) sob pastagem em Dom Pedrito, RS. A amostragem foi feita em topossequência nas seguintes condições: i) pastagem com aplicação de cinza da casca de arroz (4,8 Mg ha-1) e; ii) pastagem sem aplicação de cinza. Posteriormente, foram determinados atributos químicos, físicos e físico-químicos de solo. Através dos resultados, averiguou-se que o uso da cinza no solo tem a capacidade de diminuir a acidez, aumentar a disponibilidade de nutrientes e melhora as condições estruturais dos perfis de solo analisados. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Resíduos Industriais, Fertilidade do Solo, Matéria orgânica do solo, Acidez do solo.Application of pyrolized materials to soils may result in improvement of their chemical, physical and physicochemical attributes. However, studies focusing on the effect of applying rice husk ash to soils are still scarce in the literature. This study aimed to investigate the application effects of rice husk ash on the chemical, physical and physicochemical soil attributes. Soil samples were collected (Luvisol) under Grass in Dom Pedrito – RS. The soil samples were collected in toposequence under the following conditions: i) Grassland with rice husk ash application (4.8 Mg ha-1) and; ii) Grassland without   ash    application.      Subsequently,      chemical,  physical  and physico-chemical soil attributes were determined. Through the results, it was found that the use of rice husk ash in the soil has the ability to decrease acidity, increase the nutrients availability and improve the soil structural conditions. KEYWORDS: Industrial waste, Soil Fertility, Soil organic matter, Soil acidity.La aplicación de materiales carbonizados en los suelos puede mejorar sus atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos. Sin embargo, los estudios que se centran en el efecto de aplicar cenizas de cáscara de arroz a los suelos aún son escasos en la literatura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos de la aplicación de ceniza de cáscara de arroz en los atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos del suelo. Se recogieron muestras de suelo (Luvissolo) bajo pasto en Dom Pedrito - RS. Las muestras de suelo se tomaron en pedosecuencia bajo las siguientes condiciones: i) pasto con aplicación de ceniza de cáscara de arroz (4.8 Mg ha-1) y; ii) pastos sin aplicación de cenizas. Posteriormente, se determinaron los atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos del suelo. A través de los resultados, se descubrió que el uso de cenizas de cáscara de arroz en el suelo tiene la capacidad de disminuir la acidez, aumentar la disponibilidad de nutrientes necesarios para el desarrollo de las plantas y mejorar las condiciones estructurales de los perfiles de suelo analizados. PALABRAS CLAVES: Residuos industriales, Fertilidad del suelo, Materia orgánica del suelo, Acidez del suelo