6,012 research outputs found

    Representações de aritmetica no livro de Georg Büchler

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    Disponível em: http://www.histemat.com.br/index.php/HISTEMAT/article/view/46Este artigo tem como foco central a análise da obra Arithmetica Elementar de Georg August Büchler, cujo primeiro volume foi publicado em 1919, pela editora Melhoramentos, em São Paulo. É objetivo do presente estudo identificar as representações de aritmética que esse autor inseriu nos livros de aritmética que redigiu para o ensino primário. Contempla dados biográficos do autor bem como apresenta um panorama sobre a cultura escolar no seminário de formação de professores em Bensheim, estado de Hessen (Alemanha), no início do século XX. A metodologia de pesquisa documental contempla os livros didáticos por ele escritos sobre a aritmética, em três volumes; Caderno Auxiliar do Arithmetica Elementar vol. I; os documentos originais do Arquivo de Blumenau, que auxiliaram a constituir notas biográficas do autor; artigos de pesquisadores brasileiros que já investigaram sobre esse autor e a obra de Fleck sobre a História dos Seminários de Formação de Professores em Darmstadt. A escolha do livro didático de Büchler, constante do acervo do Repositório da UFSC, representa exemplarmente uma transposição da pedagogia alemã para o Brasil, com ênfase no método intuitivo de Pestalozzi. Büchler é um dos agentes culturais, que faz uma transferência de saberes matemáticos elementares da Alemanha para o Brasil, no início do século XX

    More pieces of the puzzle: Chemistry and substructures in the Galactic thick disk

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    We present a study of the chemical abundances of Solar neighbourhood stars associated to dynamical structures in the Milky Way's (thick) disk. These stars were identified as overdensity in the eccentricity range 0.3< ecc < 0.5 in the Copenhagen-Geneva Survey by Helmi et al. (2006). We find that the stars with these dynamical characteristics do not constitute a homogeneous population. A relatively sharp transition in dynamical and chemical properties appears to occur at a metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -0.4. Stars with [Fe/H] > -0.4 have mostly lower eccentricities, smaller vertical velocity dispersions, are alpha-enhanced and define a rather narrow sequence in [alpha/Fe] vs [Fe/H], clearly distinct from that of the thin disk. Stars with [Fe/H] < -0.4 have a range of eccentricities, are hotter vertically, and depict a larger spread in [alpha/Fe]. We have also found tentative evidence of substructure possibly associated to the disruption of a metal-rich star cluster. The differences between these populations of stars is also present in e.g. [Zn/Fe], [Ni/Fe] and [SmII/Fe], suggesting a real physical distinction.Comment: Astrophysical Journal in press. 5 pages, 4 figure

    Shaping the Grammar of Security.

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    In Australia, practices of preemptive deterrence construct the political identity of asylum seekers as the ‘illegal other’, and as a threat to national security and to national identity. At the core of the state's illegality regimes lies the endorsement of exclusionary norms through the grammar of security. Who is responsible for the endorsement of these norms and how do they (re)produce illegality regimes? How are securitization moves legitimized and sustained through illegality regimes? How may they be resisted? A case study of Sweden illustrates how the securitization discourses mobilizing illegality regimes may be resisted through norm circles in the political sphere that endorse norms of egalitarianism, justice and equality. This paper focuses on the ‘critical realism’ associated with the works of Dave Elder-Vass and Roy Bhaskar. Elder-Vass draws on the philosophy of Roy Bhaskar to examine the ontology of language, discourse, culture and knowledge and their contribute to the construction of social reality, thus synthesizing aspects of realism and constructionism. Roy Bhaskar’s philosophy of the social sciences has aimed to crystallize a transcendental realist framework incorporating a form of critical naturalism and also critical hermeneutics

    The Conservation Value of Hedgerows for Small Mammals in Prince Edward Island, Canada

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    Self and (m)other in Patrick White\u27s fiction : an object relations approach

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    This thesis offers a new interpretation of Patrick White\u27s novels, using Object Relations psychology. Object Relations psychology differs from Freudian psychology in that it shifts the focus of attention from notions of the Oedipal conflict and repression to issues of nurturing and relationships. This study charts the development of the Whitean protagonist across a selection of novels. The focus of my thesis is White\u27s developing protagonist, and no attempt is made to offer a psychological profile of Patrick White himself. The thesis first surveys a representative sampling of existing critical material. It then defines the theoretical framework of the study and, finally, it applies this framework to the novels

    Doubling, splitting and fragmentation in Bleak House

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    This thesis draws mainly on psychoanalytic theories, and explicates the doubling leitmotiv in Bleak House (1971), which portrays Victorian personality as split and its society as fragmented. This is seen as a suggestion of Dickens\u27 conception of human identity as fragile and vulnerable. Each autonomous character represents a single aspect of personality, so that conflict, when it occurs, is in fact intra-psychic, rather than inter-psychic. The study investigates the problem of the dual or split personality via the quest for identity, and addresses Dickens\u27 perceived need to reward self-effacing characters and punish the assertive. It explores the psychological ramifications of the fragmented personality based on the Object Relations principles of Splitting and Reintegration, and Separation and Individuation, and peruses the realistic development of the characters within psychological parameters. It examines the possibility that, despite Dickens\u27 overt criticism of class divisions and social evils, his ascribing of traits like sexuality and violence to the lower classes, reveals his own ambivalence to class stratifications within Victorian society. The pervasive fog is a metaphor for indifferentiation between various personalities and institutions, and represents both psychic fragmentation and the erosion of law and order and meaning within institutions. The analogous relationship between classes and institutions is discussed in terms of paradigmatic divisions and syntagmatic connections. Special attention is devoted to the submerged dialectic in the dual narrative, under the broad terms of Eros, for the first person feminine narrative and Psyche, for what is considered to be the masculine, omniscient narrator, in order to understand it more fully within the Victorian context of separate spheres for the feminine and masculine, private and public. In concluding, it discusses Dickens\u27 methods of plot and conflict resolution by drawing on his credo of childhood innocence, and the parable of the domestic haven, according to his own peculiar configuration of family


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    Esse estudo tem como objeto de estudo o Programa de Gestão da Qualidade Total implantado pela Universidade Estadual Julio de Mesquita Filho, Unesp. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi o de analidar esse programa, à luz de dois aspectos centrais que são : 1) O caráter da gestão pública no Brasil; 2) O papel da Universidade enquanto instituição social. A metodologia de estudo utilizada foi a análise da documentação relacionada ao Programa implantado e um estudo bibliográfico a respeito das características das instituições públicas no Brasil e a universidade nesse contexto. As principais conclusões foram no sentido de apontar os alcances e limites de teorias dessa natureza em insituições de caráter público e em especial em instituições como a universidade

    proposta e análise de um conteúdo programático

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    Tese de mestrado, Educação artística, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2011This study aims to investigate how the use of a specific syllabus built around the convergence with works of art fosters the development of four and five year old children, with regard to concepts, behaviour and performance of activities of artistic expression. The aim is made explicit through the body of scientific literature that evokes the free expression of the child, and identifies the school and its professionals as being responsible for the stimulation of child creativity, the convergence with works of art is one of the possible pathways. The study evaluated the impact of specific syllabus content that focused on the ability of children to identify and distinguish different forms of art, to contemplate diverse activities and materials of the artistic expression area, and to combine various materials in the same creation. Twenty children aged four and five years and attending two classes in a nursery school in Lisbon took part in the study. These children were subjected to a specific experimental condition developed in ten intervention sessions. This study adopts the function of a case study. The results showed significant changes in the behaviour and performance of the children in relation to the use of materials, the discovery of new technical and material possibilities and in identifying different forms of art. It can therefore be concluded that it is possible to stimulate the development of these abilities in four and five year old children, and that the use of a syllabus built around the convergence with works of art is enriching in the nursery school environment

    Das rimas infantis à poesia em geral – um universo por explorar na educação de infância

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    O presente artigo decorre da problemática mais significativa – a importância das rimas infantis e da poesia na educação de infância - que emergiu na Prática Profissional Supervisionada (ocorrida em contexto de creche e de jardim de infância) no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar entre os meses de Janeiro e Maio de 2013. A reflexão inicia-se no sentido de evidenciar as diferenças entre estes dois conceitos (rimas infantis e poesia) e de distinguir o tipo de trabalho que pode ser desenvolvido sobre esta matéria em cada uma das valências. Ao longo deste artigo procuraremos ilustrar a nossa prática através da descrição de situações e atividades reais que ocorreram nas duas valências e que permitiram desenvolver aprendizagens integradas e significativas para as crianças sobre esta temática. A pertinência da discussão em torno deste tema justifica-se pela necessidade do profissional de educação de infância compreender como é que a prática que valoriza a exploração de rimas e da poesia contribui para o desenvolvimento de competências significativas, com particular enfoque na área da linguagem
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