6,058 research outputs found
O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão sobre o Código de Defesa do Consumidor Brasileiro e a ética consumista adotando uma visão crítica filosófica nas relações de consumo abordando a esfera legal das relações e a inserção da ideologia consumista na sociedade e na própria lei de consumo. Numa sociedade de consumo nada mais adequado do que codificar as relações para aparentar a democratização do direito, uma vez que a presença do estado acaba denotando uma atuação ativa para dirimir conflitos na ordem econômica. Porém essas relações não preveem consequências para as gerações futuras. E este é a convergência da análise filosófica utilizada como método de reflexão neste pequeno ensaio reflexivo
κ-statistics approach to optimal transport waveform inversion
Extracting physical parameters that cannot be directly measured from an observed data set remains a great challenge in several fields of science and physics. In many of these problems, the construction of a physical model from waveforms is hampered by the phase ambiguity of the recorded wave fronts. In this work, we present an approach for mitigating the effect of phase ambiguity in waveform-driven issues. Our proposal combines the optimal transport theory with the κ-statistical thermodynamics approach. We construct an energy function from the most probable state of a system described by a finite-variance κ-Gaussian distribution to introduce an optimal transport metric. We demonstrate that our proposal outperforms the classical frameworks by considering a nonlinear geophysical data-driven problem based on a wave equation numerical solution. The κ-generalized optimal transport metric is easily adapted to various inverse problems, from estimating power-law exponents to machine learning approaches in quantum mechanics
Feasibility Study on the Use of the Internet for Traffic of Unclassified Data
This research compares two possible networking methods for connecting all Brazilian Air Force Materiel Command units responsible for support and operation of Brazilian Air Force\u27s weapons systems. The network includes the use of dedicated X.25 links, and the use of a virtual Private Network using the Internet (TCP/IP) as the medium of transmission. The Brazilian Air Force Materiel Command, responsible to support operating units over a very large sparse territory, lacks an efficient media of computer communications, which makes it difficult to control the supply chain channels of materiel present in each unit, depots, and warehouses. We studied the network infrastructure necessary to solve this problem, and proposed two different scenarios. One uses the current level of technology based on dedicated X.25 environment, and the other uses the incipient Virtual Private Networking technology and the Internet as the communication medium. The results suggest that the Brazilian Air Force could be able to use the Internet and VPN technology in a moderated secure environment (C2 Level), and could save more than $100,000 per month in comparison to the implementation of the same level of networking using the present X.25 model. This study concludes that the BAF may benefit from the use of the VPN model in a secure and less costly environment, while maintaining the necessary flexibility and high performance to operate in the newly paradigm of distributed environments. Other implications for the Brazilian Air Force regarding Information Warfare issues and recommendations for further study are discussed
Soluções hipertônicas para reanimação de pacientes em choque
Small volume hypertonic resuscitation is a relatively new conceptual approach to shock therapy. It was originally based on the idea that a relatively large blood volume expansion could be obtained by administering a relatively small volume of fluid, taking advantage of osmosis. It was soon realized that the physiological vasodilator property of hypertonicity was a useful byproduct of small volume resuscitation in that it induced reperfusion of previously ischemic territories, even though such an effect encroached upon the malefic effects of the ischemia-reperfusion process. Subsequent research disclosed a number of previously unsuspected properties of hypertonic resuscitation, amongst them the correction of endothelial and red cell edema with significant consequences in terms of capillary blood flow. A whole set of actions of hypertonicity upon the immune system are being gradually uncovered, but the full implication of these observations with regard to the clinical scenario are still under study. Small volume resuscitation for shock is in current clinical use in some parts of the world, in spite of objections raised concerning its safety under conditions of uncontrolled bleeding. These objections stem mainly from experimental studies, but there are few signs that they may be of real clinical significance. This review attempts to cover the earlier and the more recent developments in this field.O uso de soluções hipertônicas para reanimação de pacientes em choque é um conceito relativamente novo. Baseou-se originalmente na idéia de que uma expansão volêmica significativa podia ser obtida às custas de um volume relativamente diminuto de infusão, aproveitando a propriedade física de osmose. Logo ficou claro que a capacidade fisiológica de produzir vasodilatação, compartilhada por todas as soluções hipertônicas, seria valiosa para reperfundir territórios tornados isquêmicos pelo choque, embora os malefícios da seqüência isquemia - reperfusão devessem ser considerados. Pesquisa subseqüente revelou propriedades antes insuspeitadas da reanimação hipertônica. Verificou-se que este procedimento revertia instantaneamente o edema endotelial e de hemácias, com importantes conseqüências em termos de circulação capilar. Mais recentemente, um conjunto de efeitos da hipertonicidade sobre o sistema imune vem sendo estudado, mas as possíveis implicações destas descobertas em relação ao cenário clínico ainda suscitam discussão. As soluções hipertônicas estão em uso em algumas partes do mundo, apesar de objeções levantadas contra tal uso, em virtude de dados experimentais derivados de experimentos de hemorragia não controlada. Tais objeções não parecem se justificar em face dos resultados obtidos numa série de ensaios clínicos e no uso corrente destas soluções. Esta revisão procura cobrir um pouco da história, remota e recente, deste campo do conhecimento
Aumento de distensibilidade arterial e hipertensão renovascular na Sindrome de Goldenhar
This is a report of the successful angioplastic treatment of an association of renovascular hypertension with renal artery stenosis and the Goldenhar syndrome (a variant of oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia). For the first time to date, this association, which occurred in a 13-year-old girl, is reported. Additionally, increased arterial distensibility in spite of arterial hypertension was detected by noninvasive methods. The similarity of this finding and in those for other genetic diseases, suggests that the vascular lesions could be linked to the Goldenhar syndrome.Relatamos a associação de hipertensão renovascular por estenose de artéria renal e a Sindrome de Goldenhar (variante da displasia oculoauriculovertebral) em uma paciente do sexo feminino de 13 anos de idade. Este é o primeiro relato de tratamento por angioplastia. Além disso, detectamos por métodos não invasivos um aumento da distensibilidade arterial, a despeito da hipertensão arterial. A similaridade destes achados com outras doenças genéticas sugere que as alterações vasculares presentes podem estar relacionadas à Síndrome de Goldenhar
Gestão da informação no setor calçadista de Campina Grande
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) para obtenção do título de mestre em Projetos industriais. Orientador Profª Dr. Francisco Antonio Cavalcanti da SilvaOn these last years the Brazilian industry of footwears comes suffering significant
market losses. The international competitiveness influenced the whole structure
of the internal market. Several companies had to restructure for they survive in
this competitive model. Today more than ever, the companies are fighting for
market opportunities and more customers. This means that of here for front
besides the technological competence the companies will have to fight for
competitive spaces. In that way, the active more important it is out of the
company, that they are its customers. Thus, the best way management the
company is through the information that traces the market opportunities, detect
the menaces of the competitors and to dimension the consumers' needs. Without
the management of those strategic information the companies shipwrecked in the
sea of competitiveness
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