179 research outputs found

    Efusão pericárdica em canídeos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaO estágio curricular que deu origem a esta dissertação teve lugar no Instituto Veterinário do Parque (IVP), sob orientação científica do Professor Doutor José Paulo Sales Luís, com a duração de quatro meses. Durante este período, foi desenvolvido um plano de actividades que visou a aquisição de conhecimentos e de aptidões enquadrados nas áreas de clínica médica e de cirurgia em pequenos animais. A primeira parte deste trabalho reflecte a casuística resultante do acompanhamento de actividades levadas a cabo no IVP, que foi dividida nas secções de clínica médica, patologia cirúrgica, meios complementares de diagnóstico, profilaxia vacinal e outras intervenções. Na sequência das actividades médico-veterinárias acompanhadas durante o período supracitado, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre efusão pericárdica em cães. As doenças cardíacas que afectam primariamente o pericárdio representam apenas 1% de todas as doenças cardíacas em canídeos. Embora sejam muito menos prevalentes do que as doenças valvulares ou miocárdicas, as doenças pericárdicas constituem uma das causas frequentes de insuficiência cardíaca direita nestes animais. A efusão pericárdica, que consiste na acumulação excessiva de líquido no espaço pericárdico, corresponde a mais de 90% do total de doenças pericárdicas. Como as causas de efusão pericárdica com expressão clínica produzem sinais idênticos aos de tamponamento cardíaco, esta dissertação teve como objectivo explorar estas alterações como uma síndrome que possui uma variedade de etiologias possíveis, sendo mais prevalentes a neoplasia e a efusão pericárdica idiopática. É discriminada a respectiva incidência, sinais clínicos, achados resultantes de diferentes meios de diagnóstico, opções terapêuticas e prognóstico aplicado a cada etiologia. Esta dissertação culminou com a apresentação de dois casos clínicos cujo diagnóstico e tratamento cirúrgico por pericardiectomia sub-total foram preconizados no IVP. A ecocardiografia foi o meio não invasivo mais útil no diagnóstico de tamponamento cardíaco. A pericardiectomia sub-total foi necessária em ambos os casos para chegar a um diagnóstico etiológico definitivo, através do exame directo do coração e colheita de material para análise histopatológica, cujo resultado foi de efusão pericárdica idiopática no primeiro caso e mesotelioma pericárdico no segundo. Os canídeos reagiram de forma distinta ao tratamento realizado, tendo as causas para esta diferença sido exploradas na discussão dos casos.ABSTRACT - This graduation thesis was developed in Instituto Veterinário do Parque (IVP), under scientific orientation of Professor J. Sales Luís, with a total duration of 4 months. An activity plan was prepared to acquire knowledge and skills in the areas of internal medicine and small animal surgery. The first part of this work refers to the casuistic accompanied in the IVP, which was divided in the chapters of clinical pathology, surgical pathology, prophylactic vaccination and other interventions. The second part of this work was dedicated to a bibliographic revision about the pericardial effusion in dogs. Cardiac diseases that affect primarily the pericardium represent only 1% of all syndromes in dogs. Pericardial diseases are less prevalent than valvular or myocardial diseases, representing one of the most frequent causes of right heart failure. The most common cause of pericardial disease, representing more than 90% of all pericardial cases, consists on the excessive accumulation of fluid on the pericardial space. This condition is referred as pericardial effusion. The prime objective of this dissertation was to describe the condition as a syndrome that possesses a variety of specific aetiologies, with the most common causes being neoplasia and idiopathic pericarditis. Particular reference is made on its incidence, clinical signs and clinical findings, results of different diagnostic procedures, therapeutic options, and prognosis applied to each aetiology. This dissertation ends with the presentation and discussion of two particular cases diagnosed and treated by sub-total pericardiectomy in the IVP. Echocardiography was the most useful non-invasive diagnostic procedure for differentiation of the aetiology of effusion, but pericardiectomy, with direct examination of the heart and histological examination of the pericardium, was required to reach a definitive diagnosis of idiopathic pericardial effusion and of pericardial mesothelioma. The two dogs reacted distinctively to the treatment, and the suspected causes for that occurrence are further discussed

    Measurement invariance of the multidimensional jealousy scale and quality of relationships inventory (friend)

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    The aim of this study is to measure the invariance of the Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (MJS) and of the Quality of Relationships Inventory (Friend) (QRI-F) across gender, age, education, and being in a romantic relationship in a Portuguese sample (N = 662). A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the fit of different potential factor structures. The results pointed out that both MJS and QRI-F were most suitable if represented by three first-order factors correlated between them. Results from multi-group analyses suggested there was factorial invariance for these structures across groups, suggesting that the MJS and the QRI-F provide, respectively, an assessment of romantic jealousy and quality of relationship that are equivalent across gender, age, education, and being in a romantic relationship. The study established the strong psychometric properties of its instruments, validating reliability and convergent and discriminant validity, thereby bolstering the research’s overall credibility. Additionally, cognitive jealousy is primarily influenced by heightened conflict values, with education, relationship status, and gender moderating the associations between QRI-F dimensions and MJS behavioral and cognitive jealousy. The research offered in-depth perspectives on jealousy, underscoring its diverse manifestations across demographic variables and illuminating the complexities within the dynamics of friendships.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As terapêuticas ablativas na fibrilhação auricular

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    Introdução: A Fibrilhação Auricular é a arritmia cardíaca mais frequente na prática clínica, com uma prevalência aumentada na população idosa. É uma importante causa de eventos tromboembólicos, aumentando significativamente o risco de AVC. A FA caracteriza-se por uma activação auricular desorganizada, acelerada e irregular. Esta arritmia pode ser classificada de acordo com o padrão clínico em FA paroxística, FA persistente e FA permanente. O avanço no conhecimento dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos desta arritmia, juntamente com o progresso das técnicas ablativas, tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento da ablação como alternativa terapêutica importante. Objectivos: Esta revisão bibliográfica pretende abordar os avanços e resultados da ablação da FA, no que diz respeito às técnicas, selecção de pacientes e controvérsias implicadas na aplicação dos procedimentos. Métodos: Foram pesquisados vários artigos científicos da última década em motores de busca médicos com as palavras-chave “atrial fibrillation”, “atrial fibrillation ablation”, “surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation”, “catheter ablation”, no intervalo temporal de Julho de 2012 a Fevereiro de 2013. Desenvolvimento: O mecanismo responsável pela génese e manutenção da FA parece englobar os “triggers” focais, localizados habitualmente nas veias pulmonares, responsáveis pela iniciação da arritmia e o complexo substrato anatómico que garante a manutenção de múltiplas ondas de reentrada. Desta forma, as técnicas de ablação actuais procuram eliminar ou isolar os factores deflagradores do resto das aurículas, a fim de restaurar o ritmo sinusal. A ablação cirúrgica para o tratamento da FA é, normalmente, realizada durante outro procedimento cirúrgico cardíaco, valvular ou coronário e, mais raramente, como procedimento isolado. Deste modo, surgiu o procedimento Cox Maze que foi criado para interromper os circuitos de reentrada que se desenvolvem nas aurículas. Contudo, esta técnica apresentou limitações de origem técnica e no sentido de simplicar este processo, o procedimento tradicional tem vindo a ser substituído por ablação por cateter usando várias fontes de energia. De acordo com as guidelines, a ablação por cateter é indicada em doentes com FA paroxística ou persistente, refractária ao tratamento com pelo menos uma droga antiarrítmica. Conclusão: A ablação é um tratamento promissor nos pacientes com FA. Várias tecnologias estão disponíveis e espera-se que o avanço conduza a procedimentos mais seguros com melhores resultados. Ensaios clínicos com períodos longos de seguimento são necessários para melhorar a triagem dos pacientes que mais beneficiarão deste tratamento e estabelecer a ablação como terapia de primeira linha.Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the cardiac arrhythmia most frequently found in clinical practice, with an increased prevalence in the elderly population. It is an important cause of thromboembolic events, increasing significantly the risk of stroke. AF is characterized by a disorganized, irregular and rapid atrial activation. This arrhythmia can be classified according to the clinical standard regarding paroxysmal AF, persistent AF and permanent AF. Advances in the knowledge of pathophysiology of this arrhythmia, along with the progress of ablative techniques, impelled the development of ablation as an important therapeutic alternative. Objectives: This literature review aims to broach the progress and outcomes of ablation of AF in what concerns to techniques, patient selection and controversies related to procedure implementation. Methods: Several scientific articles from the last decade had been searched in medical search engines with the keywords "atrial fibrillation", "atrial fibrillation ablation", "surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation", "catheter ablation" between the period from July 2012 to February 2013. Development: The mechanism associated to the genesis and maintenance of AF seems to embrace the focal triggers usually located in the pulmonary veins, responsible for the initiation of the arrhythmia and complex anatomical substrate that ensures the maintenance of multiple wave reentry. Thus, the current ablation techniques attempt to eliminate or isolate triggers in the remaining atria in order to restore sinus rhythm. Surgical ablation for treatment of AF is usually performed under other cardiac surgery, valvular or coronary and, more rarely, as a single procedure. Therefore, Cox-Maze procedure appeared to interrupt reentrant circuits that develop in the atria. However, this technique has presented technical limitations and in order to simplify this process the traditional procedure has been replaced by catheter ablation using several energy sources. According to the guidelines, the ablation catheter is indicated in patients with paroxysmal or persistent FA refractory to treatment with one or more antiarrhythmic drug. Conclusion: Ablation is a promising treatment for patients with AF. Several technologies are available and advance is expected to occur in order to provide more secure procedures and better results. Clinical trials with long follow-up periods are necessary to improve patient selection in what concerns to who would benefit most from this treatment and establishing ablation as first-line therapy

    Evaluation of a bacteriocin-producing strain of pediococcus acidilactici as a biopreservative for "alheira", a fermented meat sausage

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the ability of Pediococcus acidilactici HA-6111-2, a PA-1 bacteriocinproducing lactic acid bacterium (LAB), isolated from ‘‘Alheira” to inhibit a cocktail of Listeria innocua strains during production and shelf-life of these products. The bacteriocinogenic culture reduced the Listeria population below the detection limit (1.5log CFU/g) and had no effect on the growth of the natural LAB flora or on the pH. Pathogenic organisms were not detected in any sample. The presence of some virulence factors and antibiotic resistances of the strain to be used as a bioprotective culture were investigated. P. acidilactici HA-6111-2 did not produce any of the biogenic amines tested; no formation of biofilms was observed; more L(+)lactic acid was produced than its isomer D(-); no gelatinase, DNase or lipase activity was recorded; no structural genes for the haemolysin, enterococcal surface protein, hydrolytic compounds, aggregation protein and cell-wall adhesins were detected, no significant antibiotic resistances were found. P. acidilactici HA-6111-2 appears to have potential as a bioprotective culture during ‘‘Alheira” fermentation. Moreover, a trained panel considered the protected product to be sensorially acceptable

    Campylobacter spp. as a Foodborne Pathogen: A Review

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    Campylobacter is well recognized as the leading cause of bacterial foodborne diarrheal disease worldwide. Symptoms can range from mild to serious infections of the children and the elderly and permanent neurological symptoms. The organism is a cytochrome oxidase positive, microaerophilic, curved Gram-negative rod exhibiting corkscrew motility and is carried in the intestine of many wild and domestic animals, particularly avian species including poultry. Intestinal colonization results in healthy animals as carriers. In contrast with the most recent published reviews that cover specific aspects of Campylobacter/campylobacteriosis, this broad review aims at elucidating and discussing the (i) genus Campylobacter, growth and survival characteristics; (ii) detection, isolation and confirmation of Campylobacter; (iii) campylobacteriosis and presence of virulence factors; and (iv) colonization of poultry and control strategies

    Diffusivities of metal acetylacetonates in liquid ethanol and comparison with the transport behavior in supercritical systems

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    Diffusion coefficients of chromium(III) acetylacetonate, palladium(II) acetylacetonate, nickel(II) acetylacetonate, vanadyl(II) acetylacetonate, and titanium(IV) oxyacetylacetonate in liquid ethanol were measured by chromatographic peak broadening method (CPB) over the range of temperature 303.15–333.15 K at atmospheric pressure. The dependencies of upon temperature and Stokes–Einstein coordinates were examined in detail. Moreover, the experimental data were modeled using nine equations from the literature to test their accuracy and prediction ability. The lower deviations were achieved by the 2-parameter correlation of Dymond-Hildebrand-Batschinski (0.32–2.17 %), the 1-parameter correlation of Tracer Liu-Silva-Macedo (1.58–3.88 %), and the 2-parameter correlations of Magalhães et al. (0.55–2.32 %). Finally, the proposed correlation based on hydrodynamic approach was found to well represent palladium(II) acetylacetonate and chromium(III) acetylacetonate systems in supercritical carbon dioxide and liquid ethanol, with the average absolute relative deviation of 3.15 and 5.02 %, respectively.publishe

    Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae Control at a Pig Abattoir: Are We Missing Lairage Time Effect, Pig Skin, and Internal Carcass Surface Contamination?

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Foodborne Pathogens Control: Current State of the Art and Future Prospects.To provide meat safety and consumer protection, appropriate hygiene control measures at an abattoir are required. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of visual fecal contamination level (VFCL) and lairage time (LT) on pig skin (PS) and external (ECS) and internal (ICS) carcass surfaces. The presence of Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella in PS, ECS, and ICS were evaluated. A total of 300 paired samples were collected from 100 pigs. Results underlined the importance of the skin (Enterobacteriaceae: 3.27 ± 0.68 log CFU/cm2; E. coli: 3.15 ± 0.63 log CFU/cm2; Salmonella: 21% of samples) as a direct or indirect source of carcass contamination. Although VFCL revealed no significant effect (p > 0.05), the increase of LT had a significant impact (p < 0.001) on Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli levels across all analysed surfaces, and Salmonella presence on ICS (p < 0.01), demanding attention to LT. Also, the ICS showed a higher level of these bacteria compared to ECS. These results highlight the need of food business operators to consider ICS as an alternative area to sample for Salmonella, as a criterion for process hygiene based on EC Regulation No. 2073/2005, and as a potential contamination source to be integrated in the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) plans.This work was supported by the projects UIDP/00772/2020, LA/P/0059/2020 funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), and Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB) research unit, grant number UIDB/04033/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio