1,149 research outputs found

    Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX)- a component of the Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP)

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    The Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP) focuses on the study of climate variability and its impact on agriculture. To address the role of the Bay of Bengal in monsoon variability, a process study was organised during July-August 1999, deploying research ships, buoys, INSAT, coastal radar and conventional observational systems to collect information about the coupled ocean-atmosphere system over the warm waters of the Bay of Bengal. The paper gives the background of the ICRP and the organisation and implementation of the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX) in its field phase

    Marginal Strength of Collarless Metal Ceramic Crown

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    Metal ceramic restorations have been implicated for the discoloration in area of labiogingivalmargin. Attempts to rectify this, by altering the design of metal frameworkswill lead to decrease in fracture strength atmargin. This in vitro study compared the fracture strength at margins of metal ceramic crowns cemented to metal tooth analogs. Crowns evaluated with different marginal configurations, shoulder and shoulder bevel with 0 mm, 0.5 mm, 1 mm, and 1.5 mm, were selected. Methods. Maxillary right canine typhodont tooth was prepared to receive a metal ceramic crown with shoulder margin. This was duplicated to get 20 metal teeth analogs. Then the same tooth was reprepared to get shoulder bevel configuration. These crowns were then cemented onmetal teeth analogs and tested for fracture strength atmargin on an Instron testing machine. A progressive compressive load was applied using 6.3 mm diameter rod with crosshead speed of 2.5 mm per minute. Statisticaly analysis was performed with ANOVA, Student's “t” test and “f” test. Results. The fracture strength of collarless metal ceramic crowns under study exceeded the normal biting force. Therefore it can be suggested that collarless metal ceramic crowns with shoulder or shoulder bevel margins up to 1.5 mm framework reduction may be indicated for anteriormetal ceramic restorations. Significance. k Collarless metal ceramic crowns have proved to be successful for anterior fixed restorations. Hence, it may be subjected to more clinical trials

    Some flow features of the Indian summer monsoon deduced from Nimbus-II radiation data

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    Radiation data obtained from Nimbus-II MRIR (10-11μ) and HRIR (3.5-4.1μ) radiometer for 14-19 June 1966, over the Indian Ocean are used to study some features of the monsoon circulation during the six-day period. Low values of radiation which are associated with cloudiness show two distinct features from 15-17 June: (i) a very extensive band of approximately 1000 km in width at the equator between 50°-60° E extending towards both hemispheres, and (ii) a synoptic-scale cell covering the equatorial region approx. between 70°-90° E and 0°-10° S. The two cloud systems are separated from each other by a wide region of high radiation indicating clear conditions. Sub-synoptic scale features could be detected in the radiation field (which in turn are related to the cloud field). Northern and Western sections of the Arabian Sea were relatively cloud-free. An attempt is made to relate the cloud fields with computed vertical motion fields. Areas of upward motion seem to coincide well with centers of low radiation (clouds) and those of subsidence with regions of high radiation. Horizontal flow features related to the computed vertical motion fields are discussed in the paper

    Development of promiscous rhizobia for diverse rabi legumes (Chickpea, Pea and Lentil)

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    Conjugation between microsymbiont was used to create genetic variations in rhizobia for diverse rabi legumes (chickpea, pea and lentil) with better characteristics in nodulation and nitrogen fixation process. Ten antibiotics were used as selectable markers for the screening of twenty four bacterial strains to be used in mating experiments for obtaining transconjugants. All bacterial strains were sensitive to gentamycin and resistant to streptomycin, kanamycin and sulphanilamide. Total five fusants were obtained from each rhizobial cross combination with the help of electro-poration. Modified transconjugants, rhizobial strains had promiscuous infection with 50-122% more nodules showed significant increase in shoot fresh weight, dry weight and total nitrogen content in chickpea, pea and lentil plants. Electrofusantsrhizobial strains improved shoot nitrogen content up to 67% in lentil and 54% in pea and chickpea plants. The amount of nitrogen fixed in chickpea was highest (3.71gm) by transconjugants DP-C6- HLN followed by DP-C6-HP14 (3.56gm). Transconjugants DP-HP14-HLN fixed the highest amount of nitrogen (3.92gm) in pea and 4.06gm in lentil plants. Plasmids were also analyzed in order to characterize their role in the evolution of rhizobial symbionts and their involvement in symbiotic behaviour. The developed Rhizobium strains with improved symbiotic association and ability to infect across strict specificity for host legumes would be of great help for the farming community at large

    Anaesthetic management of endoscopic resection of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: our experience and a review of the literature

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    Background: Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a rare, benign, vascular tumour in adolescent males with potential life-threatening complications. Advances in endoscopic surgery, invasive monitoring and hypotensive anaesthesia have made JNAs amenable to endoscopic surgical resection. We present the anaesthetic management of endoscopic resection of 14 JNAs, together with a review.Method: The medical records of patients who underwent endoscopic excision of JNAs within the last seven years were reviewed retrospectively. Information was collected and analysed with regard to demographics, preoperative evaluation, intraoperative management, complications and postoperative course. Fourteen patients were included in the study. If the surgery needed to be converted to open surgery, the patients were excluded from the study.Results: The age of the patients ranged from 10-18 years. Two patients had preoperative embolisation of the feeding vessel. Standard anaesthesia induction technique, together with invasive monitoring, was used. Controlled hypotension (mean arterial pressure of 60 ± 5 mmHg) was achieved with the help of inhalational anaesthetics, vasodilators and beta blockers. Mean duration of surgery was 197.14 ± 77 minutes, and median blood loss was 500 ml (100- 4 300 ml). Seven patients were extubated in the operating room. The other seven patients remained intubated for 24 hours owing to extensive surgery with a risk of postoperative bleeding, and were monitored either in the postoperative care unit (five patients) or the intensive care unit (two patients). There was no significant morbidity or mortality in any of the patients.Conclusion: JNAs remain a challenge for anaesthesiologists because of excessive intraoperative bleeding. Anaesthetists should be aware of recent techniques to reduce tumour vascularity, such as embolisation of the feeding vessel and controlled hypotension. Invasive monitoring, together with multimodal blood conservation strategies, decreases blood loss and provides a clear field of vision for endoscopic surgery.Keywords: anaesthetic management, JNA, endoscopic resection, controlled hypotensio

    Genesis of the monsoon trough boundary layer experiment (MONTBLEX)

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    This paper sets out the motivation for carrying out an observational experiment on the atmospheric boundary layer along the monsoon trough, in the light of earlier studies of the atmospheric boundary layer in India and elsewhere, and the significant role that the trough has been shown to play as a key semi-permanent feature of the southwest monsoon. The scientific objectives of the experiment are set out, and its planning and execution are touched upon. Some of the gains resulting from the experiment are mentioned, and lessons for the future about the conduct of such programmes are drawn