28 research outputs found

    Correlation between NK function and response to trastuzumab in metastatic breast cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody selectively directed against Her2 and approved for the treatment of Her2 overexpressing breast cancer patients. Its proposed mechanisms of action include mediation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) by triggering FcγRIII on natural killer (NK) cells. This study addresses the correlation between overall NK function and trastuzumab's clinical activity.</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>Clinical and immunological responses were assessed in 26 patients receiving trastuzumab monotherapy as maintenance management after chemotherapy (8 mg/kg load and then standard doses of 6 mg/kg every 3 weeks). Cytotoxic activity against the MHC class I-negative standard NK target K562 cell line and HER2-specific ADCC against a trastuzumab-coated Her2-positive SKBR3 cell line were assessed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) harvested after the first standard dose. After six months, seventeen patients were scored as responders and nine as non-responders according to the RECIST criteria, while Progression-Free Survival (PFS) was calculated during a 12 months follow-up.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The responders had significantly higher levels of both NK and ADCC activities (p < 0.05) that were not different from those of eleven normal controls. The NK activity of the non-responders was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than that of the normal controls. At twelve months, there was a marked correlation between PFS and NK activity only. PFS was significantly longer in patients with high levels of NK activity, whereas its pattern was unrelated to high or low ADCC activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>One of the mechanisms of action of trastuzumab is NK cell-mediated ADCC lysis of the Her2-positve target cell. We show here that its potency is correlated with the short-term response to treatment, whereas longer protection against tumor expansion seems to be mediated by pure NK activity.</p

    Validation of analytical methods in compliance with good manufacturing practice: A practical approach

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    BACKGROUND: The quality and safety of cell therapy products must be maintained throughout their production and quality control cycle, ensuring their final use in the patient. We validated the Lymulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test and immunophenotype according to International Conference on Harmonization Q2 Guidelines and the EU Pharmacopoeia, considering accuracy, precision, repeatability, linearity and range. METHODS: For the endotoxin test we used a kinetic chromogenic LAL test. As this is a limit test for the control of impurities, in compliance with International Conference on Harmonization Q2 Guidelines and the EU Pharmacopoeia, we evaluated the specificity and detection limit. For the immunophenotype test, an identity test, we evaluated specificity through the Fluorescence Minus One method and we repeated all experiments thrice to verify precision. The immunophenotype validation required a performance qualification of the flow cytometer using two types of standard beads which have to be used daily to check cytometer reproducibly set up. The results were compared together. Collected data were statistically analyzed calculating mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation percentage (CV%). RESULTS: The LAL test is repeatable and specific. The spike recovery value of each sample was between 0.25 EU/ml and 1 EU/ml with a CV% < 10%. The correlation coefficient (≥ 0.980) and CV% (< 10%) of the standard curve tested in duplicate showed the test's linearity and a minimum detectable concentration value of 0.005 EU/ml. The immunophenotype method performed thrice on our cell therapy products is specific and repeatable as showed by CV% inter -experiment < 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrated that validated analytical procedures are suitable as quality controls for the batch release of cell therapy products. Our paper could offer an important contribution for the scientific community in the field of CTPs, above all to small Cell Factories such as ours, where it is not always possible to have CFR21 compliant software

    miR-7b-3p exerts a dual role after spinal cord injury, by supporting plasticity and neuroprotection at cortical level

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) affects 6 million people worldwide with no available treatment. Despite research advances, the inherent poor regeneration potential of the central nervous system remains a major hurdle. Small RNAs (sRNAs) 19–33 nucleotides in length are a set of non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression and have emerged as key players in regulating cellular events occurring after SCI. Here we profiled a class of sRNA known as microRNAs (miRNAs) following SCI in the cortex where the cell bodies of corticospinal motor neurons are located. We identified miR-7b-3p as a candidate target given its significant upregulation after SCI in vivo and we screened by miRWalk PTM the genes predicted to be targets of miR-7b-3p (among which we identified Wipf2, a gene regulating neurite extension). Moreover, 16 genes, involved in neural regeneration and potential miR-7b-3p targets, were found to be downregulated in the cortex following SCI. We also analysed miR-7b-3p function during cortical neuron development in vitro: we observed that the overexpression of miR-7b-3p was important (1) to maintain neurons in a more immature and, likely, plastic neuronal developmental phase and (2) to contrast the apoptotic pathway; however, in normal conditions it did not affect the Wipf2 expression. On the contrary, the overexpression of miR-7b-3p upon in vitro oxidative stress condition (mimicking the SCI environment) significantly reduced the expression level of Wipf2, as observed in vivo, confirming it as a direct miR-7b-3p target. Overall, these data suggest a dual role of miR-7b-3p: (i) the induction of a more plastic neuronal condition/phase, possibly at the expense of the axon growth, (ii) the neuroprotective role exerted through the inhibition of the apoptotic cascade. Increasing the miR-7b-3p levels in case of SCI could reactivate in adult neurons silenced developmental programmes, supporting at the same time the survival of the axotomised neurons