130 research outputs found

    Multicriteria rankings of open-end investment funds and their stability

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    For research purposes, three multicriteria outranking methods (PROMETHEE, WSA and TOPSIS) were used to construct rankings of investment funds to assess their performance in the time period from January to July 2008. Nine indicators related to the distributions of return rates, purchase and management costs and to customers’ convenience were included in the set of criteria. The weight of each criterion was calculated on the basis of the relative volatility rate of the given criterion. In order to assess the stability of the rankings, the weight of a single criterion was changed (using each criterion in turn) and new rankings were constructed using the modified weights. The similarity of rankings built before and after these changes was assessed on the basis of the maximum difference between ranks and the Spearman correlation coefficient. The results obtained enable assessment not only of the stability of each outranking method, but the similarity of results obtained by different methods as well. All calculations were done using the SANNA software.investment funds, outranking methods, PROMETHEE method, WSA method, TOPSIS method, stability of rankings

    Comparison of Healthcare Performance and its Determinants in European Countries Using the TOPSIS Approach

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    The paper provides a comparison of European countries with respect to their healthcare. Two dimensions were taken into account. The first set of criteria contains the resources provided by the healthcare sector to the inhabitants, such as the number of practising physicians and the number of hospital beds per one hundred thousand inhabitants, and the resources provided to the sector by financing entities, such as health care expenditures. The second dimension reflects the output sphere which results from the quality of healthcare system performance; this set of criteria includes life expectancy, the share of people with good or very good perceived health, and the infant mortality rate. Countries were ranked using the TOPSIS method. Results reveal that resources are crucial to the assessment

    Efektywność produkcji rolnej w regionach FADN w latach 1996-2011

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    This paper examines the efficiency of agricultural production in the European Union and traces changes in the specialization of EU regions in terms of agricultural production using a territorial division based on the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The studied period is from 1996 to 2011. The basic tool of quantitative analysis is the Data Envelopment Analysis method for testing the relative efficiency of objects. It is assumed that FADN regions are Decision Making Units as (DMUs) as defined by the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method. The specialization of a region is defined in terms of agricultural production and changes in specialization and the technological efficiency of production in the studied period are examined. Special attention is paid to FADN regions specializing in livestock production and a detailed classification of these regions by production efficiency is offered. It is examined how production efficiency changed in regions focusing on livestock production and whether or not these changes were influenced by the efficiency of agricultural production in neighboring regions. The study showed that there were no distinct patterns in the efficiency of FADN regions and no clear relationship between the efficiency of a specific region and the efficiency and specialization of neighboring regions.W opracowaniu jest badana zmienność specjalizacji i efektywności produkcji rolnej w Unii Europejskiej w podziale terytorialnym na regiony Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Okres analizy stanowią lata 1996-2011 będące czasem rozszerzania Unii o nowe kraje członkowskie. Źródłem danych są bazy FADN. Podstawowym narzędziem analizy ilościowej są metody badania względnej efektywności obiektów z rodziny modeli Data Envelopment Analysis. Przyjęto definicje specjalizacji regionu w produkcji rolnej. Zbadano zmiany w specjalizacji i efektywności technologicznej produkcji w wyróżnionym okresie. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono regionom FADN specjalizującym się w produkcji zwierzęcej. Dokonano szczegółowej klasyfikacji tych regionów ze względu na rodzaj efektywności produkcji. Zbadano jak zmieniała się efektywność produkcji w regionach produkcji zwierzęcej i czy na zmiany tej efektywności miały wpływ specjalizacja i zmiany efektywności produkcji rolnej w regionach FADN sąsiadującymi bezpośrednio z regionami produkcji zwierzęcej. Z przeprowadzonego badania wynika, że efektywność na poziomie regionów FADN nie charakteryzowała się wyraźnymi prawidłowościami ani nie występował jednoznaczny związek między efektywnością jednego, wyróżnionego regionu a efektywnością i specjalizacją regionów sąsiednich

    Correlation analysis of atrial natriuretic peptide concentration, echocardiographic left atrial and left ventricular dimensions, and renal function parameters in patients after permanent pacemaker implantation

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    Background: Atrial endocrine function was established in the second half of the 20th century, confirming the role of artial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in the physiology of the cardiovascular system. The present study was undertaken to evaluate changes in ANP and echocardiographic parameters within the first month after VVI and DDD pacemaker implantation and to evaluate correlations between the parameters. Methods: The study population consisted of group I - 20 VVI patients aged 71-90 years (mean age 77.5 ± 5.9) and group II - 20 DDD/VDD patients aged 49-81 years (mean age 68.9 ± 11). Fifteen healthy volunteers aged 58–80 years (mean age 72.7 ± 2.8) served as controls. Correlations between ANP levels and cardiac cavity dimensions and between ANP and parameters of renal function were studied. Results: Blood levels of ANP decreased after pacemaker implantation: in the VVI group from 168.61 ± 81.95 pg/1000 μL to 118.04 ± 61.06 pg/1000 μL at 7 days and to 121.4 ± 71.90 pg/1000 μL at 30 days; and in the DDD/VDD group from 134.89 ± 83.11 pg/1000 μL to 104.96 ± ± 57.09 pg/1000 μL at 7 days and to 110.82 ± 53.32 pg/1000 μL at 30 days. There was a significant correlation between ANP levels and left atrial size in the DDD/VDD group - 0.598 (p = 0.005) and 0.593 (p = 0.005) and left ventricular dimensions - 0.499 (p = 0.024) and 0.485 (p = 0.030). Conclusions: ANP decreases significantly after pacing implementation in patients selected for implantation of VVI and DDD/VDD pacemakers. ANP correlates significantly with echocardiographic measurements in patients selected for DDD/VDD pacemakers, but no significant correlation is observed in VVI patients qualifying for permanent pacemaker due to atrioventricular block

    Konflikt jako czynnik różnicujący tworzenie się kapitału społecznego wśród młodych w Serbii i Polsce

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    This paper analyses how conflict impacts social capital. The existing literature suggests that the social capital of a society which has experienced conflict or military operations will not be shaped in the same way as the social capital in an area where there were no such actions. Yet, there is disagreement on what the specific effects of a conflict are. This paper seeks to address this puzzle by comparing levels of social capital in Serbia and Poland. The research presented in this paper was conducted among two groups; the first, a group of respondents including young Serbs (18-24 years old) who, during the 1990s, survived hostilities on the territory of their country or grew up surrounded by people who were participating in military actions. The second group includes young Poles (aged 18-24), who as children, grew up in a society, which from 1995-2002 did not experience either conflict or military action. Significant research results include the following: in a society in which no conflict has occurred in the past, there is a higher level of social and political participation; the formation of bridging communities, trust in social actors from outside the immediate family, trust in institutions, and a greater sense of security in the neighbourhood

    Zawroty głowy u osób starszych

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    Dizziness is a very common disorder, and its incidence increases with age. It is a symptom of disorder not the essence of the disease. It is usually the result of disorders of the vestibular system, and can be caused by damage to the labyrinth (vertigo) or its innervation (dizziness). Dizziness deals with two areas of medicine - otolaryngology and neurology. Borderland  of these specialties is neurotology, which has been recently considered as a separate specialty. However, it is difficult to diagnose and treat the causes of dizziness and often beyond the otolaryngologist and neurologist  close cooperation of other professionals such as: a cardiologist, ophthalmologist, radiologist, orthopedist, and even a psychiatrist is required. Dizziness is a hardly perceptible symptom and usually very difficult to diagnose. In older persons dizziness occurs due to many different reasons of central, peripheral or psychiatric nature as well as on a background of variety of systemic diseases. Best pharmacological treatment should be started after the appropriate diagnostics and after proper diagnosis. If the cause of dizziness is vestibular system, customized exercise can have a very beneficial effect on the recovery of functional capacity.Zawroty głowy to dolegliwość bardzo rozpowszech-niona, a ich częstość występowania rośnie wraz z wiekiem. Stanowią one objaw schorzenia, a nie istotę choroby. Są one zazwyczaj wynikiem zaburzeń układu przedsionkowego i mogą być spowodowane uszkodzeniem samego błędnika (zawroty błędnikowe) lub jego unerwienia (zawroty pozabłędnikowe). Zawrotami głowy zajmują się dwie dziedziny medycyny – otolaryngologia i neurologia. Pogranicze tych specjalności stanowi neurootologia, zwana też otoneurologią, która ostatnio uznaje się za odrębną podspecjalność. Ale zdiagnozowanie przyczyn zawrotów głowy oraz ich leczenie jest bardzo trudne i często poza laryngologiem i neurologiem wymaga ścisłej współpracy innych specjalistów, między innymi:  kardiologa, okulisty, radiologa, ortopedy, a nawet psychiatry. Zawroty głowy są trudno uchwytnym objawem i z reguły trudnym do zdiagnozowania. U starszych osób zawroty głowy występują z wielu różnych przyczyn. Mogą być pochodzenia centralnego, obwodowego, psychiatrycznego lub występować na tle różnych chorób ogólnoustrojowych. Leczenie farmakologiczne najlepiej należy rozpocząć po wykonaniu odpowiedniej diagnostyki i po ustaleniu diagnozy. Jeśli przyczyną zawrotów głowy jest układ przedsionkowy, indywidualnie dostosowane ćwiczenia mogą mieć bardzo korzystny wpływ w odzyskiwaniu sprawności funkcjonalnej

    Dizziness in older people

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    Dizziness is a very common disorder, and its incidence increases with age. It is a symptom of disorder not the essence of the disease. It is usually the result of disorders of the vestibular system, and can be caused by damage to the labyrinth (vertigo) or its innervation (dizziness). Dizziness deals with two areas of medicine - otolaryngology and neurology. Borderland  of these specialties is neurotology, which has been recently considered as a separate specialty. However, it is difficult to diagnose and treat the causes of dizziness and often beyond the otolaryngologist and neurologist  close cooperation of other professionals such as: a cardiologist, ophthalmologist, radiologist, orthopedist, and even a psychiatrist is required. Dizziness is a hardly perceptible symptom and usually very difficult to diagnose. In older persons dizziness occurs due to many different reasons of central, peripheral or psychiatric nature as well as on a background of variety of systemic diseases. Best pharmacological treatment should be started after the appropriate diagnostics and after proper diagnosis. If the cause of dizziness is vestibular system, customized exercise can have a very beneficial effect on the recovery of functional capacity.Zawroty głowy to dolegliwość bardzo rozpowszech-niona, a ich częstość występowania rośnie wraz z wiekiem. Stanowią one objaw schorzenia, a nie istotę choroby. Są one zazwyczaj wynikiem zaburzeń układu przedsionkowego i mogą być spowodowane uszkodzeniem samego błędnika (zawroty błędnikowe) lub jego unerwienia (zawroty pozabłędnikowe). Zawrotami głowy zajmują się dwie dziedziny medycyny – otolaryngologia i neurologia. Pogranicze tych specjalności stanowi neurootologia, zwana też otoneurologią, która ostatnio uznaje się za odrębną podspecjalność. Ale zdiagnozowanie przyczyn zawrotów głowy oraz ich leczenie jest bardzo trudne i często poza laryngologiem i neurologiem wymaga ścisłej współpracy innych specjalistów, między innymi:  kardiologa, okulisty, radiologa, ortopedy, a nawet psychiatry. Zawroty głowy są trudno uchwytnym objawem i z reguły trudnym do zdiagnozowania. U starszych osób zawroty głowy występują z wielu różnych przyczyn. Mogą być pochodzenia centralnego, obwodowego, psychiatrycznego lub występować na tle różnych chorób ogólnoustrojowych. Leczenie farmakologiczne najlepiej należy rozpocząć po wykonaniu odpowiedniej diagnostyki i po ustaleniu diagnozy. Jeśli przyczyną zawrotów głowy jest układ przedsionkowy, indywidualnie dostosowane ćwiczenia mogą mieć bardzo korzystny wpływ w odzyskiwaniu sprawności funkcjonalnej

    Assessment of occupational satisfaction of physiotherapists in West Pomeranian Region

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    Barabasz Katarzyna, Gębska Magdalena, Weber-Nowakowska Katarzyna, Podhorecka Marta, Sielska Małgorzata, Zukow Walery. Assessment of occupational satisfaction of physiotherapists in West Pomeranian Region. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(9):471-491. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1002359 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4939 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/833044 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.09.2017. Revised 10.09.2017. Accepted: 25.09.2017. Ocena satysfakcji zawodowej fizjoterapeutów z województwa zachodniopomorskiego Assessment of occupational satisfaction of physiotherapists in West Pomeranian Region Katarzyna Barabasz1, Magdalena Gębska2, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska2, Marta Podhorecka3, Małgorzata Sielska4, Walery Zukow5 1Physiotherapy student, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pomeranian University of Medical Science 2Department of Physiotherapy and Biological Regeneration, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pomeranian University of Medical Science 3Faculty of Health Sciences, Department and Clinic of Geriatrics, Nicolaus Copernicus University 4Department of Physiotherapy and Biological Regeneration, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pomeranian University of Medical Science 5Department of Spatial Management and Tourism, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Torun Author responsible for correspondence: dr Magdalena Gębska, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Żołnierska 48, 71-210 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected] Summary Introduction: The subject of the work is the evaluation of the occupational satisfaction level of physiotherapist. In the available literature, there are few scientific reports assessing the degree of satisfaction of persons performing this profession. The results of the study show what factors affect the level of occupational satisfaction among physiotherapists. Thanks to the analysis it is possible to eliminate negative factors, which contribute to the increase of dissatisfaction with the work performed. Aim: The main aim was to evaluate the professional satisfaction of physiotherapists in the Zachodniopomorskie voivodship. In addition, the relationship between: the physiotherapist's workplace, their remuneration and the ability to perform new rehabilitation techniques and the level of job satisfaction, and whether or not there are factors influencing the level of job satisfaction. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 100 people (74 women, 26 men) aged 22 to 47 years. The respondents are physically active physiotherapists, inhabitants of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method and the MSQ Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) was used. Results:The level of professional satisfaction was at a satisfactory level. The main determinants of work were self-fulfillment, self-reliance, ambition and pay. Respondents were less satisfied with working conditions (lack of opportunity for senior management positions and lack of promotion opportunities). The respondents said they were very happy to help others. Conclusions: Professional satisfaction is a key element in the development of a person's attitude towards work. Satisfaction with business and life can only be increased by pointing out and then resolving negative factors. Key words: job satisfaction, physiotherapy, medical staff, work stress, satisfaction, professional burnout