177 research outputs found
Multi-accretional tectonics at the Rio de la Plata Craton margins: preface
Abstract               Indonesian Criminal Justice System consists of the police, public prosecutor and the courts. The role of the police investigators is certainly vital as the frontline in building public confidence in the rule of law in Indonesia. The role of the investigator is quite important in realizing society’s  justice. The era of globalization requires a pattern fast-paced, instant, measurable, and transparent of life and it requires investigators to follow the times by optimizing the use of technology. The aim of this study is to give effect to the rule of law in Indonesia that provides fairness, expediency and certainty. However, it considers to have priority of Pancasila values in the process of inquiry and investigation. The values of supreme divinity, God (religious), humanity, unity, democracy and justice are values that establish a balance (harmony) in enforcing the law. Law and its implementation can create product which meets the demands for social justice. This paper will examine the role of the investigator according to positive law currently in force as well as the role of investigator in implementing the values of Pancasila, accompanied by optimizing the use of technology. Keywords: Re-actualizing, Investigation, Police, values of Pancasila, Technology   AbstrakSistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia meliputi institusi kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan pengadilan. Peran penyidik dalam institusi kepolisian tentunya amat vital sebagai garda terdepan dalam membangun kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Peran penyidik amat besar dalam terwujudnya keadilan di masyarakat. Era globalisasi yang menuntut pola kehidupan yang serba cepat, instan, terukur, dan transparan menuntut penyidik untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan arti bagi penegakan hukum di Indonesia yakni memberikan keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian. Namun yang harus diperhatikan adalah mengutamakan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam melakukan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan. Nilai-nilai ketuhanan yang maha esa (religius), kemanusiaan, persatuan, kerakyatan dan keadilan merupakan nilai-nilai yang membangun keseimbangan (harmoni) dalam menegakkan hukum. Sehingga produk hukum dan pelaksanaannya memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang peran penyidik menurut hukum positif yang saat ini berlaku serta peran penyidik dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Pancasila dengan diiringi optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi.Kata Kunci: Reaktualisasi,Penyidikan,Kepolisian,Nilai-nilai Pancasila,Teknolog
Moisture expansion as a deterioration factor for sandstone used in buildings
The expansion processes that develop in building stones upon changes of moisture content may be an important contributing factor for their deteriorations. Until recently, few data could be found in the literature concerning this parameter and weathering processes. Moreover, the processes that may be responsible for the moisture related expansion of natural building stones are not yet completely understood. To further elucidate this process, extensive mineralogical, petrophysical and fabric investigations were performed on eight German sandstones in order to obtain more information regarding the weathering process and its dependence on the rock fabric. The analysed sandstones show a wide range of pore size distributions and porosities. A positive correlation with the fabric and the pore space can be found for all studied petrophysical parameters. The intensity of the expansion and related swelling pressure cannot be attributed only to the swelling of clay minerals. The investigations suggest that the micropores and the resulting disjoining pressure during wet/dry cycles also play an important role. The results obtained suggest that the mechanism is related to the presence of liquid water within the porous material
Caracterização física do mármore português, estudos preliminares com vista à otimização da sua aplicação em obra
O ensaio de ultra-sons baseia-se na medição do tempo que uma onda de alta frequência demora a atravessar um corpo. Para tal são definidos dois pontos diametralmente opostos, onde num é colocado um transdutor que irá converter um impulso eléctrico numa onda ultra-sónica e noutro, um transdutor receptor que volta a reconverter a onda num sinal eléctrico. A monitorização numa unidade central do aparelho, permite determinar a velocidade de propagação da onda, possibilitando uma caracterização física do corpo a ensaiar
Экономический анализ установок наружного освещения
Приведено технико-экономическое сравнение прожекторных и уличных осветительных установок с различными источниками света. Показано, что для оценки экономических показателей освещения лучше использовать стоимость единицы световой энергии, вычислены ее значения для ряда источников. Для прожекторов минимальную стоимость дают металлогалогенные лампы, для уличного освещения - натриевые лампы. Предложена методика расчета приведенных затрат на основе стоимости единицы световой энергии
Syn-kinematic magma ascent and batholith inflation (Sierra de San Luis/Argentina)
The measurement of the anisotropy of
the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is now routinely used since more than four
decades in the analyses of rock fabrics in
granitic rocks (e.g. Stacy 1960, Henry
1975, Gleizes et al. 1993). Even though
the intensity of fabrics in granitoids is
often weakly developed the significance
of orientation and shape of crystals is
the same like in other deformed rock
types. By revealing the distribution of
fabrics in plutonic rocks one of the still
ongoing discussions in granite tectonics
may be addressed: How did those
sometimes voluminous batholiths were
inflated in the middle crust? We are presenting
magnetic fabric data on a series
of Devonian batholiths that intruded
the polyphase deformed metaclastites of
the Sierra de San Luis (32°100– 33°200 S
/ 65°150 – 66°200 W) in central Argentina.
Regional considerations on the
tectonic regime during the emplacement
of the batholiths are inferred from combined
field, microstructural and AMS
The birth of the Alps: Ediacaran to Paleozoic accretionary processes and crustal growth along the northern Gondwana margin
New whole-rock geochemical and coupled U–Pb and Lu–Hf LA-ICP-MS zircon data of metasedimentary rocks of the Austroalpine, South Alpine and Penninic basement domains are presented, to disentangle the pre-Variscan tectonic evolution of the proto-Alps. The studied units seem to record distinct stages of protracted Late Ediacaran to Carboniferous tectonosedimentary processes prior to the Variscan collision. In the case of Austroalpine and South Alpine units, nevertheless, no major differences in terms of provenance are observed, since most detrital zircon samples are characterized by a major Pan-African peak. Their detrital zircon spectra record a provenance from the northeastern Saharan Metacraton and the Sinai basement at the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield, being thus located along the eastern Early Paleozoic northern Gondwana margin, whereas sources located further west are inferred for the Penninic Unit, which might have been placed close to the Moldanubian Unit of the Bohemian Massif. In any case, it is thus clear that the Alpine basement remained in a close position to the Gondwana mainland at least during the Early Paleozoic. The Late Ediacaran to Silurian tectonic evolution, which includes Cadomian and Cenerian tectonometamorphic and magmatic processes, seem thus to record a continuum related to a retreating-mode accretionary orogen, with diachronous back-arc basin opening and possibly discrete compressional/transpressional pulses linked to changes in subduction zone dynamics. On the other hand, it is inferred that the Alpine basement essentially comprises Pan-African metasedimentary and subordinate metaigneous rocks, possibly with very few Early Neoproterozoic relics. This basement was significantly reworked during the protracted Paleozoic orogenic evolution, due to anatexis and/or assimilation by mantle-derived juvenile magmatism.Fil: Siegesmund, Siegfried. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Oriolo, Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Schulz, Bernhard. Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg; AlemaniaFil: Heinrichs, T.. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Basei, M. A. S.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Lammerer, Bernd. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemani
The Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas: an overview
The Eastern Sierras Pampeanas were structured by three main events: the Ediacaran to early Cambrian (580–510 Ma) Pampean, the late Cambrian–Ordovician (500–440 Ma) Famatinian and the Devonian-Carboniferous (400–350 Ma) Achalian orogenies. Geochronological and Sm–Nd isotopic evidence combined with petrological and structural features allow to speculate for a major rift event (Ediacaran) dividing into two Mesoproterozoic major crustal blocks (source of the Grenvillian age peaks in the metaclastic rocks).This event would be coeval with the development of arc magmatism along the eastern margin of the eastern block. Closure of this eastern margin led to a Cambrian active margin (Sierra Norte arc) along the western margin of the eastern block in which magmatism reworked the same crustal block. Consumption of a ridge segment (input of OIB signature mafic magmas) which controlled granulite-facies metamorphism led to a final collision (Pampean orogeny) with the western Mesoprotrozoic block. Sm–Nd results for the metamorphic basement suggest that the TDM age interval of 1.8–1.7 Ga, which is associated with the less radiogenic values of εNd(540) (−6 to −8), can be considered as the mean average crustal composition for the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Increasing metamorphic grade in rocks with similar detrital sources and metamorphic ages like in the Sierras de Córdoba is associated with a younger TDM age and a more positive εNd(540) value. Pampean pre-540 Ma granitoids form two clusters, one with TDM ages between 2.0 and 1.75 Ga and another between 1.6 and 1.5 Ga. Pampean post-540 Ma granitoids exhibit more homogenous TDM ages ranging from 2.0 to 1.75 Ga. Ordovician re-activation of active margin along the western part of the block that collided in the Cambrian led to arc magmatism (Famatinian orogeny) and related ensialic back-arc basin in which high-grade metamorphism is related to mid-crustal felsic plutonism and mafic magmatism with significant contamination of continental crust. TDM values for the Ordovician Famatinian granitoids define a main interval of 1.8–1.6, except for the Ordovician TTG suites of the Sierras de Córdoba, which show younger TDM ages ranging from 1.3 to 1.0 Ga. In Devonian times (Achalian orogeny), a new subduction regime installed west of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Devonian magmatism in the Sierras exhibit process of mixing/assimilation of depleted mantle signature melts and continental crust. Achalian magmatism exhibits more radiogenic εNd(540) values that range between 0.5 and −4 and TDM ages younger than 1.3 Ga. In pre-Devonian times, crustal reworking is dominant, whereas processes during Devonian times involved different geochemical and isotopic signatures that reflect a major input of juvenile magmatism.Fil: Steenken, André. Universität Greifswald; AlemaniaFil: Lopez, Monica Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotopica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Dopico, Carmen Irene. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotopica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; ArgentinaFil: Drobe, Malte. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Wemmer, Klaus. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Siegesmund, Siegfried. Universität Göttingen; Alemani
Bowing of marble slabs: can the phenomenon be arrested and prevented by inorganic treatments?
Bowing of thin marble slabs is a phenomenon affecting both historic monuments and modern buildings. In spite of the ubiquity and destructiveness of this phenomenon, no fully satisfactory treatment is currently available to arrest and/or prevent bowing. In this study, a treatment based on formation of hydroxyapatite (HAP) was investigated as a possible route to arrest and possibly prevent bowing of Carrara marble slabs. Four different formulations of the HAP-treatment were tested and compared to ammonium oxalate and ethyl silicate (widely used in the practice of marble conservation). The treatments were applied onto pre-weathered and unweathered specimens to investigate their ability to arrest and prevent bowing, respectively. Marble behavior was studied in terms of residual strain and bowing after thermal cycles up to 90°C in dry and wet conditions. Marble cohesion was assessed before and after the thermal cycles by ultrasound. The HAP-treatments exhibited promising results, as the residual strain and the bowing after the cycles were always lower or equal to the untreated references, while marble cohesion was always higher. Surprisingly, ammonium oxalate caused marked worsening of marble thermal behavior. In the case of ethyl silicate, most of the initial benefit after consolidation was lost after the thermal cycles. In general, the results of the study point out the importance of evaluating marble thermal behavior to assess the suitability of any conservation treatment and suggest that treatments able to strengthen marble without causing excessive pore occlusion and stiffening are preferable to enhance durability to thermal cycles
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