166 research outputs found

    Early medieval Italian Alps: reconstructing diet and mobility in the valleys

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    In Early Middle Ages (sixth\u2013eleventh centuries AD), South Tyrol (Italian Alps) played a key role for geographical and military reasons. Historical sources document that allochthonous groups (germani) entered the territory, and the material culture shows mutual cultural exchanges between autochthonous and germani. Besides the nature of the migration, the demographic and socio-cultural impacts on the local population are still unknown. Stable isotope analyses were performed to provide insights into dietary patterns, subsistence strategies, changes in socio-economic structures, and mobility, according to spatial (e.g. valleys, altitudes) and chronological (centuries) parameters. Bone collagen of 32 faunal and 91 human bone samples from nine sites, located at different altitudes, was extracted for stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur isotope analyses. In total, 94% (30/32) of the faunal remains were of good quality, while the humans displayed 93% (85/91) of good quality samples for \u3b413C and \u3b415N and 44% (40/91) for \u3b434S stable isotopes. The isotopic results of the animals reflected a terrestrial-based diet. Statistical differences were observed within and among the humans of the different valleys. The \u3b413C values of individuals sampled from higher altitudes indicated a mainly C3 plant-based diet compared to areas at lower altitudes, where more positive \u3b413C values showed an intake of C4 plants. The \u3b415N values suggested a terrestrial-based diet with a greater consumption of animal proteins at higher altitudes. The data revealed higher variability in \u3b434S values in the Adige valley, with individuals probably migrating and/or changing dietary habits

    The application of different 3D-scan-systems and photogrammetry at an excavation — A Neolithic dolmen from Switzerland

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    The discovery of a Neolithic dolmen in Switzerland with inhumations, dating between 3500 and 3000 BCE, was an exceptional finding. To provide best conditions for subsequent studies on the archaeological remains our interdisciplinary team decided to apply 3D documentation. Depending on different factors, two scanning systems with four scanners and photogrammetry were applied and the obtained data was combined. Detailed excavation plans and simultaneously a reduction of excavation time without loss of information were the result. A virtual animation of the dolmen in its reconstructed ancient appearance combined with the context of the grave goods was created. The 3D documentation provided initial data for anthropological and paleogenetic analyses. The individuals buried in the dolmen might provide novel information to the Neolithic research of central Europe. Additionally, with the help of the 3D data, the dolmen was rebuilt to make this archaeological heritage accessible to the public

    Plasma extracellular vesicles in people living with HIV and type 2 diabetes are related to microbial translocation and cardiovascular risk

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    HIV and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are both associated with gut microbiota alterations, low-grade endotoxemia and increased cardiovascular risk. We investigated the potential role of plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) in relation to these processes. Plasma EVs were isolated by size exclusion chromatography in fasting individuals with HIV and T2D (n = 16), T2D only (n = 14), HIV only (n = 20) or healthy controls (n = 19), and characterized by transmission electron microscopy, western blot, nanoparticle tracking analysis and quantitative proteomics. The findings were compared to gut microbiota alterations, lipopolysaccharide levels and cardiovascular risk profile. Individuals with concomitant HIV and T2D had higher plasma EV concentration, which correlated closely with plasma lipopolysaccharides, triglycerides and Framingham score, but not with gut microbiota alterations. Proteomic analyses identified 558 human proteins, largely related to cardiometabolic disease genes and upstream regulation of inflammatory pathways, including IL-6 and IL-1 beta, as well as 30 bacterial proteins, mostly from lipopolysaccharide-producing Proteobacteria. Our study supports that EVs are related to microbial translocation processes in individuals with HIV and T2D. Their proteomic content suggests a contributing role in low-grade inflammation and cardiovascular risk development. The present approach for exploring gut-host crosstalk can potentially identify novel diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets.Peer reviewe

    Ancient genomes reveal social and genetic structure of Late Neolithic Switzerland

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    Genetic studies of Neolithic and Bronze Age skeletons from Europe have provided evidence for strong population genetic changes at the beginning and the end of the Neolithic period. To further understand the implications of these in Southern Central Europe, we analyze 96 ancient genomes from Switzerland, Southern Germany, and the Alsace region in France, covering the Middle/Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age. Similar to previously described genetic changes in other parts of Europe from the early 3rd millennium BCE, we detect an arrival of ancestry related to Late Neolithic pastoralists from the Pontic-Caspian steppe in Switzerland as early as 2860-2460 calBCE. Our analyses suggest that this genetic turnover was a complex process lasting almost 1000 years and involved highly genetically structured populations in this region

    Distinct microRNA and protein profiles of extracellular vesicles secreted from myotubes from morbidly obese donors with type 2 diabetes in response to electrical pulse stimulation

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    Lifestyle disorders like obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular diseases can be prevented and treated by regular physical activity. During exercise, skeletal muscles release signaling factors that communicate with other organs and mediate beneficial effects of exercise. These factors include myokines, metabolites, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). In the present study, we have examined how electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) of myotubes, a model of exercise, affects the cargo of released EVs. Chronic low frequency EPS was applied for 24 h to human myotubes isolated and differentiated from biopsy samples from six morbidly obese females with T2D, and EVs, both exosomes and microvesicles (MV), were isolated from cell media 24 h thereafter. Size and concentration of EV subtypes were characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis, surface markers were examined by flow cytometry and Western blotting, and morphology was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Protein content was assessed by high-resolution proteomic analysis (LC-MS/MS), non-coding RNA was quantified by Affymetrix microarray, and selected microRNAs (miRs) validated by real time RT-qPCR. The size and concentration of exosomes and MV were unaffected by EPS. Of the 400 miRs identified in the EVs, EPS significantly changed the level of 15 exosome miRs, of which miR-1233-5p showed the highest fold change. The miR pattern of MV was unaffected by EPS. Totally, about 1000 proteins were identified in exosomes and 2000 in MV. EPS changed the content of 73 proteins in exosomes, 97 in MVs, and of these four were changed in both exosomes and MV (GANAB, HSPA9, CNDP2, and ATP5B). By matching the EPS-changed miRs and proteins in exosomes, 31 targets were identified, and among these several promising signaling factors. Of particular interest were CNDP2, an enzyme that generates the appetite regulatory metabolite Lac-Phe, and miR-4433b-3p, which targets CNDP2. Several of the regulated miRs, such as miR-92b-5p, miR-320b, and miR-1233-5p might also mediate interesting signaling functions. In conclusion, we have used a combined transcriptome-proteome approach to describe how EPS affected the cargo of EVs derived from myotubes from morbidly obese patients with T2D, and revealed several new factors, both miRs and proteins, that might act as exercise factors

    The rate of nitrite reduction in leaves as indicated by O2 and CO2 exchange during photosynthesis

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    Light response (at 300 ppm CO2 and 10–50 ppm O2 in N2) and CO2 response curves [at absorbed photon fluence rate (PAD) of 550 μmol m−2 s−1] of O2 evolution and CO2 uptake were measured in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves grown on either NO3− or NH4+ as N source and in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), and amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) leaves grown on NH4NO3. Photosynthetic O2 evolution in excess of CO2 uptake was measured with a stabilized zirconia O2 electrode and an infrared CO2 analyser, respectively, and the difference assumed to represent the rate of electron flow to acceptors alternative to CO2, mainly NO2−, SO42−, and oxaloacetate. In NO3−-grown tobacco, as well as in sorghum, amaranth, and young potato, the photosynthetic O2–CO2 flux difference rapidly increased to about 1 μmol m−2 s−1 at very low PADs and the process was saturated at 50 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. At higher PADs the O2–CO2 flux difference continued to increase proportionally with the photosynthetic rate to a maximum of about 2 μmol m−2 s−1. In NH4+-grown tobacco, as well as in potato during tuber filling, the low-PAD component of surplus O2 evolution was virtually absent. The low-PAD phase was ascribed to photoreduction of NO2− which successfully competes with CO2 reduction and saturates at a rate of about 1 μmol O2 m−2 s−1 (9% of the maximum O2 evolution rate). The high-PAD component of about 1 μmol O2 m−2 s−1, superimposed on NO2− reduction, may represent oxaloacetate reduction. The roles of NO2−, oxaloacetate, and O2 reduction in the regulation of ATP/NADPH balance are discussed

    A novel system for spatial and temporal imaging of intrinsic plant water use efficiency

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    Instrumentation and methods for rapid screening and selection of plants with improved water use efficiency are essential to address current issues of global food and fuel security. A new imaging system that combines chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal imaging has been developed to generate images of assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) from whole plants or leaves under controlled environmental conditions. This is the first demonstration of the production of images of WUEi and the first to determine images of gs from themography at the whole-plant scale. Data are presented illustrating the use of this system for rapidly and non-destructively screening plants for alterations in WUEi by comparing Arabidopsis thaliana mutants (OST1-1) that have altered WUEi driven by open stomata, with wild-type plants. This novel instrument not only provides the potential to monitor multiple plants simultaneously, but enables intra- and interspecies variation to be taken into account both spatially and temporally. The ability to measure A, gs, and WUEi progressively was developed to facilitate and encourage the development of new dynamic protocols. Images illustrating the instrument's dynamic capabilities are demonstrated by analysing plant responses to changing photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Applications of this system will augment the research community's need for novel screening methods to identify rapidly novel lines, cultivars, or species with improved A and WUEi in order to meet the current demands on modern agriculture and food production. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology

    Cognitive behavioral therapy of socially phobic children focusing on cognition: a randomised wait-list control study

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    BACKGROUND: Although literature provides support for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as an efficacious intervention for social phobia, more research is needed to improve treatments for children. METHODS: Forty four Caucasian children (ages 8-14) meeting diagnostic criteria of social phobia according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; APA, 1994) were randomly allocated to either a newly developed CBT program focusing on cognition according to the model of Clark and Wells (n = 21) or a wait-list control group (n = 23). The primary outcome measure was clinical improvement. Secondary outcomes included improvements in anxiety coping, dysfunctional cognitions, interaction frequency and comorbid symptoms. Outcome measures included child report and clinican completed measures as well as a diagnostic interview. RESULTS: Significant differences between treatment participants (4 dropouts) and controls (2 dropouts) were observed at post test on the German version of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children. Furthermore, in the treatment group, significantly more children were free of diagnosis than in wait-list group at post-test. Additional child completed and clinician completed measures support the results. DISCUSSION: The study is a first step towards investigating whether CBT focusing on cognition is efficacious in treating children with social phobia. Future research will need to compare this treatment to an active treatment group. There remain the questions of whether the effect of the treatment is specific to the disorder and whether the underlying theoretical model is adequate. CONCLUSION: Preliminary support is provided for the efficacy of the cognitive behavioral treatment focusing on cognition in socially phobic children. Active comparators should be established with other evidence-based CBT programs for anxiety disorders, which differ significantly in their dosage and type of cognitive interventions from those of the manual under evaluation (e.g. Coping Cat)