20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Fire-up Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Pokok Hukum Newton Di Kelas VIII Semester I SMP Ptp Nusantara IV Bah Jambi Tahun Pembelajaran 2011/2012

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    . Proses belajar mengajar selama ini hanya berpusat kepada guru, buku panduan siswa yang sedikit, tidak adanya perpustakaan di sekolah serta tidak adanya alat-alat praktikum untuk sebagian besar materi. Proses belajar mengajar Fisika di kelas berlangsung dengan mencatat dan mengerjakan soal-soal sehingga hasil belajar siswa selalu rendah. Maka dari itu penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pembelajaran FIREUP terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok Hukum Newton di kelas VIII semester I SMP PTPN IV Bah Jambi Tahun Pembelajaran 2011/2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata hasil postes pada kelas kontrol adalah45,67 dengan simpangan baku 12,09 dan rata-rata hasil postes kelas eksperimen adalah 53,67 dengan simpangan baku 13,13. Selanjutnya dari hasil uji t satu pihak diperoleh thit = 2,53 serta harga ttabel = 1,67 pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05; thitung > ttabel sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh strategi pembelajaran FIRE-UP terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok Hukum Newton di kelas VIII semester I SMP PTPN IV BahJambi tahun pembelajran 2011/2012

    Solusi Bilangan Bulat suatu Persamaan Diophantine melalui Bilangan Fibonacci dan Bilangan Lucas

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    This article discusses the Diophantine equations in the form x 2 + axy + by 2 = c. The values of a, b, and c are constructed by Fibonacci number Fn and Lucas number L n. Furthermore, all integer solutions of the Diophantine equations in the form of Fibonacci number and Lucas number is determined by using Fibonacci and Lucas identities

    Optimal Control of Nonlinear Switched Systems: Computational Methods and Applications

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    A switched system is a dynamic system that operates by switching between different subsystems or modes. Such systems exhibit both continuous and discrete characteristics—a dual nature that makes designing effective control policies a challenging task. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the latest computational techniques for generating optimal control laws for switched systems with nonlinear dynamics and continuous inequality constraints. We discuss computational strategiesfor optimizing both the times at which a switched system switches from one mode to another (the so-called switching times) and the sequence in which a switched system operates its various possible modes (the so-called switching sequence). These strategies involve novel combinations of the control parameterization method, the timescaling transformation, and bilevel programming and binary relaxation techniques. We conclude the paper by discussing a number of switched system optimal control models arising in practical applications

    The control parameterization method for nonlinear optimal control: A survey

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    The control parameterization method is a popular numerical technique for solving optimal control problems. The main idea of control parameterization is to discretize the control space by approximating the control function by a linear combination of basis functions. Under this approximation scheme, the optimal control problem is reduced to an approximate nonlinear optimization problem with a finite number of decision variables. This approximate problem can then be solved using nonlinear programming techniques. The aim of this paper is to introduce the fundamentals of the control parameterization method and survey its various applications to non-standard optimal control problems. Topics discussed include gradient computation, numerical convergence, variable switching times, and methods for handling state constraints. We conclude the paper with some suggestions for future research

    The Effect of Working Capital, Solvability and Liquidity on Profitability in Infrastructure, Transportation, and Utility

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    This study aims to determine the effect of working capital, solvency and liquidity partially or simultaneously significantly influence the profitability of infrastructure, transportation and utility companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2017. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach, the type of descriptive research, the nature of explanatory research, with documentation data collection techniques, the type of data used is secondary data.  The population used was 38 companies and a sample of 57. The classic assumption tests used were the normality test, the multicollinearity test, the autocorrelation test, the heteroscedasticity test.  The coefficient of determination test results indicate working capital,solvency and liquidity to profitability of 16.5% while the remaining 83.5% other variables examined by this study, such as debt to equity ratio, quick ratio and other ratios.  Where working capital in this study calculations using net working capital (net workingcapital), solvency calculations using debt to assets ratio, liquidity calculations using currentratios, and profitability calculations using return of assets. The research results partially working capital affect profitability. The results of the study partially working capital affect profitability, solvency partially does not affect profitability, and partial liquidity does not affect profitability.&nbsp

    Enhancement of technical value of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) waste trunk through modification with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5- dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU)

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    Malaysia is the biggest producer of palm oil in the world. The production generates over 70 metric tons of waste trunks per hectare during replantation. Such an abundant feedstock should be considered a valuable raw material rather than an agro-waste. An approach for enhancement of low density trunks through the treatment with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) was investigated. The treatment resulted in a great improvement in the properties of the material: 45 % density gain, water absorption and thickness swelling reduced by 48 and 43 %, respectively, 2.3-fold increase in hardness as well as 3.8-fold and 3.6-fold increase in bending strength and modulus of elasticity, respectively, were observed. Thus, enhancement in the physical and mechanical performance of the material as well as the increased aesthetic value due to the color changes proved the approach to be effective for the conversion of waste biomass to new products