992 research outputs found

    Feature-based Choice and Similarity in Normal-form Games: An Experimental Study

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    In this paper, we test the effect of descriptive "features" on initial strategic behavior in normal form games, where the term "descriptive" indicates all those features which can be modified without altering the (Nash) equilibrium structure of a game. Our experimental subjects behaved according to some simple heuristics based on descriptive features, and we observed that these heuristics were stable even across strategically different games. These findings indicate the need to incorporate descriptive features into models describing strategic sophistication in normal form games. Analysis of choice patterns and individual behavior indicates that non-equilibrium choices may derive from incorrect and simplified mental representations of the game structure, rather than from beliefs in other players' irrationality. We suggest how level-k and cognitive hierarchy models might be extended to account for heuristic-based and feature-based behavior.normal form games, one-shot games, response times, dominance, similarity, categorization, focal points, individual behavior

    Auschwitz, anticiviltà: il genocidio ebraico e la fi ne della modernità nelle testimonianze della Shoah. Alcuni casi esemplari

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    L’ipotesi sostenuta in questo saggio è che Auschwitz possa essere lettonei termini di una civiltà capovolta che sovverte usi, costumi e miti fondatividella civiltà occidentale, entro un duplice rovesciamento della realtà (Gegenrealität)e del bagaglio culturale (Gegenkultur) della civiltà occidentale. Il saggio sifocalizza sulla Gegenkultur genocidiaria, mostrandone un campione: a partireda due testi chiave, vengono messi in evidenza i contorni e le implicazioni dellacultura sovvertita dell’anticiviltà genocidiaria di cui l’Europa contemporanea èla diretta erede

    Mountain hotel

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom novostavby hotela v horskom prostredí s jedným podzemným podlažím a piatimi nadzemnými. Hotel disponuje 53pokojmi pre hosti na 2-5NP a 2 pokojmi pre zamestnancov na 5NP, to znamená 104 lôžkami. Hotel je vybavený vnútorným bazénom 25x10metrov, vlastnou kuchyňou, jedálňou, saunou, masážami a konferenčnou miestnosťou. Objekt pozostáva zo štyroch dilatačne samostatných celkov – ubytovacie krídla, spoločná prostredná časť a bazén. Strešná konštrukcia je tvorená veľkým dreveným krovom od 2NP až po 5NP, ktorý postupne ustupuje a doplňuje ho 70 vikierov. Sklon strechy je 46° a 23°, ako povrchová krytina je navrhnutý hladký valcovaný titanzinkový plech. Nosný systém celého objektu tvorí nepravidelný monolitický skelet z betónu C30/37 s prepätými prvkami a založený na predpätej železobetónovej doske. Obvodový plášť je tvorený z keramických tvaroviek s prídavnou tepelnou izoláciou vo vnútri a prídavnou na exteriérovej strane zakrytej odvetrávanou fasádou, tvorenou cemento-vláknitými doskami farbou a štruktúrou imitujúcimi prírodný kameň. Dispozične je rozdelené každé poschodie obytné poschodie rozdelené do 2 ubytovacích krídel a centrálnej časti s centrálnym schodiskom a dvoma osobnými výťahmi. V každom ubytovacom krídle sú dve chránené únikové cesty a jeden evakuačný požiarny výťah. V 1NP sa nachádza recepcia, jedáleň, bazénová hala a kancelárie. V 1S sa nachádza wellness centrum pre hostí, technológie pre bazén, strojovňa vzduchotechniky a kuchyňa. V celom objekte sú navrhnuté podhľady rôzneho typu z dôvodu prítomnosti stabilného sprinklerového hasiaceho zariadenia. V bazénovej hale bude akustický podhľad. Vykurovanie bude zabezpečené kombináciou kotolne na biomasu a tepelných čerpadiel hlavne pre podlahové vykurovanie v ubytovacej časti.Diploma thesis is focused on design of a new hotel in mountain surrounding with one underground floor and five stories. The hotel has 53rooms for guests from the second to the fifth floor and two rooms for employees of hotel on the fifth floor, what means 106 beds for guests. The hotel is equipped indoor swimming pool 25x10meters, its own kitchen, dining hall, sauna, massages and Conference hall. The object consists of four dilatation units – accommodation sides and common central part and swimming pool. Roof construction is created by huge wooden truss from the second floor to the fifth floor, which sequentially subsides and formed by 70 dormers. Angle of the roof is 46° and 23°, and surface coating is smooth titanium zinc sheet. Load bearing system of whole object is designed as irregular reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton from concrete C30/37 with prestressed elements and based on prestressed reinforced concrete slab. The cladding is designed from ceramic bricks with inner additional insulation and additional insulation on outer surface, which is covered by facade with ventilated air gap, designed from cement-fibers boards, which are by color and structure imitating natural stone. Each accommodation floor is divided into two accommodation sides, central part with central stairs and two personal elevators. Each accommodation side has two protected escape routes and one fire evacuation lift. On the Ground floor, there is the reception, the dining hall, the pool hall and offices. On the underground floor, there is wellness center for guests of the hotel, technologies for the pool, HVAC engine room and kitchen. In all object, there are designed different types of hanging ceilings, because of attendance of stabile sprinkler system. In the pool hall, there will be acoustic hanging ceiling. Heating will be procured by combination of biomass boiler and heat pumps, which will be used mainly for deck heating in rooms in accommodation floors.

    HMS for punctured tori and categorical mapping class group actions

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    Let X_n be a cycle of n projective lines, and T_n a symplectic torus with n punctures. In this paper we review results appeared in arXiv:1103.2462 and in arXiv:1109.6615, which establish a version of homological mirror symmetry relating X_n and T_n, and define on D^b(Coh(X_n)) an action of the pure mapping class group of T_n.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Proceedings of the String-Math 2011 conferenc