74 research outputs found

    On the translaminar fracture toughness of vectran/epoxy composite material

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    The mode I fracture toughness associated with fibre tensile failure was investigated for a Vectran/MTM57 composite system. A modified compact tension specimen was designed and manufactured to mitigate compressive and buckling failure due to the low compressive properties which are an inherent characteristic of Vectran fibres. On average, the mode I translaminar fracture toughness for Vectran/MTM57 was found to be approximately 130–145 kJ/m2 for initiation and 250–260 kJ/m2 for propagation. In contrast with other composite systems such as carbon and glass fibre, the fracture toughness of Vectran/MTM57 was found to be relatively higher, with up to 48.26% and 95.27% for initiation and propagation, respectively for some carbon fibre composite system; 9.93% and 68.6% for initiation and propagation, respectively for S2-Glass/epoxy system

    Prodlait : un outil permettant d’ajuster l’alimentation des vaches pour atteindre un objectif de production fixe par l’eleveur

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    Avec l’essor des mini laiteries en Afrique de l’Ouest, de nombreux producteurs s’intéressent à la production laitière. Mais, les pratiques d’alimentation des vaches ne permettent pas d’atteindre leurs objectifs de production. Cet article présente l’outil Prodlait, conçu sur le tableur Excel, pour simuler l’effet des pratiques d’alimentation sur l’évolution du poids vif des vaches au cours de la lactation en fonction de l’objectif de production de lait de l’éleveur. Prodlait, utilise six courbes de lactation théoriques, représentant des objectifs de production croissants, calcule au quotidien sur 12 mois, les besoins des vaches, la couverture des besoins et l’évolution quotidienne du poids vif. Prodlait, propose deux indicateurs de poids vif des vaches : le poids vif à 90 jours après mise-bas comparé au poids vif de forme, pour apprécier la capacité des vaches à recevoir une saillie fécondante à cette période et le poids vif à 365 jours après mise-bas comparé au poids vif de mise-bas, pour apprécier la capacité de l’éleveur à reconstituer l’état corporel des vaches au bout d’une année. Deux cas d’utilisation montrent comment les indicateurs de Prodlait permettent aux producteurs de raisonner les apports alimentaires aux périodes cruciales de la gestion de la reproduction des vaches.Mots clés : Intervalle entre mise-bas, lactation, modèle de simulation, poids vif, pratique d’alimentation

    Right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia worsened during pregnancy

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    We report the case of a 35 years old woman without underlying heart disease who was diagnosed with a right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia worsened during pregnancy. The diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia was made early in her pregnancy course but the patient had symptoms three months earlier. Her disease course was marked by rhythmic storms during the second trimester of pregnancy that led to three hospitalizations accounting for about two weeks in total. The combination of nadolol 80 mg and flecainide tablets 150 mg improved her rhythmic storms. Radiofrequency allowed a radical cure of this ventricular tachycardia. The patient is now asymptomatic 27 months after radiofrequency treatment

    Integration agriculture elevage dans les exploitations agropastorales au Nord de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Dans la région de Korhogo au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire, les systèmes agropastoraux et l’intégration agriculture-élevage sont de plus en plus privilégiés par les paysans afin de faire face à la croissance démographique, à la cherté des intrants chimiques, aux problèmes fonciers, etc.). Cette étude vise à analyser la diversité des exploitations agropastorales (EAP) selon les zones agro-écologiques, avec un focus sur l‘intégration agriculture-élevage au sein de l’unité de production. La méthodologie s’appuie sur la méthode active de recherche participative (MARP), des interviews et des enquêtes approfondies sur un échantillon de 82 EAP dans deux villages. Le zonage agro-écologique a été actualisé à dire d’acteurs du fait de la croissance démographique, et la diversification des activités. Cinq types (structurels et fonctionnels) d’EAP ont été définis. Les grandes et très grandes EAP (1/4 des EAP) intensifient sur coton et maïs (quantité élevée de fumure organique (FO) sur le coton et quantité élevée de NPK sur le maïs) ; elles sont plus représentées en zone moins dense (Tiébila). Les moyennes EAP mixtes agriculture-élevage (20 % des EAP) et les petites et moyennes EAP d’agriculteurs (55 % des EAP), plus représentées en zone dense (Moroviné), combinent des fertilisants organiques et minéraux sur coton et céréales. Cette étude conclue sur la nécessité de prendre en compte la saturation croissante de l’espace, les changements de pratiques agropastorales et la diversité des EAP pour mieux cibler et rendre plus pertinentes et efficaces les actions d’accompagnement des EAP. Un accent particulier doit être mis sur la gestion de la fertilité des sols et l’amélioration de la productivité des EAP dans une optique de conservation des ressources naturelles.Mots clés: Analyse, diversité, système agropastoral, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire, Intégration AgricultureélevageEnglish Title: Crop-livestock integration in the north of Ivory CostEnglish AbstractIn the area of Korhogo in the north of Ivory Coast, the agropastoral systems and the integration of crop and livestock are more and more privileged by the farmers to face population growth, high input cost, land problem, etc. This study aims at analyzing the diversity of agropastoral exploitations (EAP) according to agro-ecological zones, with an emphasis on the relations between crop and livestock. Methodology is based on the active participative research method (MARP), interviews and comprehensive investigations on a sample of 82 EAP in two villages. Agro-ecological zoning has been updated with the sayings of agropastoral actors according to population growth, and diversification of  activities. Five types (structural and functional) of EAP have been defined. Large and very large EAP (1/4 of the EAP) specialize on cotton and maize (more organic manure on the cotton and more mineral one on the maize); they are more represented in less dense zone (Tiébila). Average mixed crop and livestock EAP (20 % of the EAP) and the small and average of farmers (55 % of the EAP), more represented in dense zone (Moroviné), use on the same basis organic and mineral fertilizers on cotton and cereals. This study concluded on the need for taking into account the growing saturation of area and the diversity of EAP for better targeting the interventions of development, and making them more relevant and more effective, to reinforce the management of the fertility of the grounds and to ensure a greater productivity of the EAP, to accompany the EAP by taking into account their diversity for the conservation by the natural resources.Keywords: Analyze, diversity, agropastoral system, Korhogo, Ivory Coast, Crop-livestock Integratio

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, antibiotic resistance genes, and antibiotic residues in wastewater from a poultry slaughterhouse after conventional and advanced treatments

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    Slaughterhouse wastewater is considered a reservoir for antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues, which are not sufficiently removed by conventional treatment processes. This study focuses on the occurrence of ESKAPE bacteria (Enterococcus spp., S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp.), ESBL (extended-spectrum β-lactamase)-producing E. coli, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and antibiotic residues in wastewater from a poultry slaughterhouse. The efficacy of conventional and advanced treatments (i.e., ozonation) of the in-house wastewater treatment plant regarding their removal was also evaluated. Target culturable bacteria were detected only in the influent and effluent after conventional treatment. High abundances of genes (e.g., blaTEM_{TEM}, blaCTXM15_{CTX-M-15}, blaCTXM32_{CTX-M-32}, blaOXA48_{OXA-48}, blaCMY_{CMY} and mcr-1) of up to 1.48 × 106^{6} copies/100 mL were detected in raw influent. All of them were already significantly reduced by 1–4.2 log units after conventional treatment. Following ozonation, mcr-1 and blaCTXM32_{CTX-M-32} were further reduced below the limit of detection. Antibiotic residues were detected in 55.6% (n = 10/18) of the wastewater samples. Despite the significant reduction through conventional and advanced treatments, effluents still exhibited high concentrations of some ARGs (e.g., sul1, ermB and blaOXA48_{OXA-48}), ranging from 1.75 × 102^{2} to 3.44 × 103^{3} copies/100 mL. Thus, a combination of oxidative, adsorptive and membrane-based technologies should be considered

    The Rise of the Resilient Local Authority?

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    The term resilience is increasingly being utilised within the study of public policy to depict how individuals, communities and organisations can adapt, cope, and ‘bounce back’ when faced with external shocks such as climate change, economic recession and cuts in public expenditure. In focussing on the local dimensions of the resilience debate, this article argues that the term can provide useful insights into how the challenges facing local authorities in the UK can be reformulated and reinterpreted. The article also distinguishes between resilience as ‘recovery’ and resilience as ‘transformation’, with the latter's focus on ‘bouncing forward’ from external shocks seen as offering a more radical framework within which the opportunities for local innovation and creativity can be assessed and explained. While also acknowledging some of the weaknesses of the resilience debate, the dangers of conceptual ‘stretching’, and the extent of local vulnerabilities, the article highlights a range of examples where local authorities – and crucially, local communities – have enhanced their adaptive capacity, within existing powers and responsibilities. From this viewpoint, some of the barriers to the development of resilient local government are not insurmountable, and can be overcome by ‘digging deep’ to draw upon existing resources and capabilities, promoting a strategic approach to risk, exhibiting greater ambition and imagination, and creating space for local communities to develop their own resilience

    Bovine Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey on Cattle in the Rural Livestock System of Torodi (Niger)

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    BACKGROUND: Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a widespread zoonosis in developing countries but has received little attention in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Niger. Recent investigations confirmed the high incidence of the disease in cattle slaughtered in an abattoir in Niamey. The fact that most of the animals in which M. bovis has been identified were from the rural area of Torodi implied the existence of a probable source of BTB in this region. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of BTB infection in cattle and to identify risk factors for infection in human and cattle populations in Torodi. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A survey was carried out at the level of households keeping livestock (n = 51). The questionnaire was related to the potential risk factors and the presence of clinical signs of TB both in animals and humans. Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test was conducted to determine the TB status in cattle (n = 393). The overall apparent individual animal prevalence of tuberculin reactors was 3.6% (CI: 95%, 1.9-5.9), whereas the individual true prevalence was estimated at 0.8% (CI: 95%, 0.0-5.0). Using a multivariate logistic regression analysis and a classification tree analysis, the only household level risk factor that significantly influenced the presence of BTB in cattle was the presence of animals coughing in the herd (OR = 4.7, 95% CI: 1.12-19.71, p-value = 0.034). The lack of the practice of quarantine was borderline significant (OR = 4.2, 95% CI: 0.96-18.40, p-value = 0.056). CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The study confirmed that BTB is endemic in cattle in Torodi and the risk of the transmission of the disease to humans is potentially high. For the control of the disease in livestock, slaughtering of infected animals and the compensation of the owners is needed. Collaboration between the veterinary and the medical sectors, in the diagnosis, monitoring, prevention and control of BTB is strongly encouraged

    Behavioral/Systems/Cognitive Midbrain Dopamine Receptor Availability Is Inversely Associated with Novelty-Seeking Traits in Humans

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    Novelty-seeking personality traits are a major risk factor for the development of drug abuse and other unsafe behaviors. Rodent models of temperament indicate that high novelty responding is associated with decreased inhibitory autoreceptor control of midbrain dopamine neurons. It has been speculated that individual differences in dopamine functioning also underlie the personality trait of novelty seeking in humans. However, differences in the dopamine system of rodents and humans, as well as the methods for assessing novelty responding/seeking across species leave unclear to what extent the animal models inform our understanding of human personality. In the present study we examined the correlation between novelty-seeking traits in humans an

    Phytophthora species and oak decline - can a weak competitor cause significant root damage in a nonsterilized acidic forest soil?

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    Phytophthora species in general, and P. quercina in particular, have been suggested in several studies to be a contributing factor to the problem of oak decline in Europe. Although Phytophthora species are generally regarded as weak competitors, few studies of the pathogenicity of species causing root rot on oaks have hitherto been performed in natural, nonsterilized forest soils. This study describes the effects of seven southern Swedish isolates of P. quercina and one isolate of P. cactorum on root vitality of Quercus robur seedlings grown in a natural, nonsterilized, acidic forest soil. The pathogenicity of P. quercina and P. cactorum were tested using a soil infestation test. The climatic conditions applied were an attempt to simulate summer conditions in southern Sweden. Both species of Phytophthora caused a significant dieback of fine roots, and necrotic lesions on coarser roots, of Q. robur seedlings. Total and live root lengths were significantly lower in infected seedlings than in controls. No significant effects of Phytophthora on above-ground growth or leaf nutrient concentration were found. The results demonstrate that P. quercina and P. cactorum can cause substantial root dieback of seedlings of Q. robur in natural, acidic forest soils in competition with the inhabiting soil microflora under a mesic water regime