5,708 research outputs found

    Neural Natural Language Inference Models Enhanced with External Knowledge

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    Modeling natural language inference is a very challenging task. With the availability of large annotated data, it has recently become feasible to train complex models such as neural-network-based inference models, which have shown to achieve the state-of-the-art performance. Although there exist relatively large annotated data, can machines learn all knowledge needed to perform natural language inference (NLI) from these data? If not, how can neural-network-based NLI models benefit from external knowledge and how to build NLI models to leverage it? In this paper, we enrich the state-of-the-art neural natural language inference models with external knowledge. We demonstrate that the proposed models improve neural NLI models to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the SNLI and MultiNLI datasets.Comment: Accepted by ACL 201

    Characterization on the cardiac function of hypothermic dogs from cold water immersion

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    OBJECT To clarify the effects of cold water immersion on the canine cardiac function and how to prevent the immersed hypothermic ventricular fibrillation. METHODS 7 normal male dogs, which were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental (3, each with 2.5mg/kg nimodipine) and the control (4), were immersed in cold water at 6 ± 1!. The polygraph system was used to record the cardiac function and the transmission electron microscope was involved to study the ultrastructure changes of myocardium. The activity levels of Na⁺:K⁺:ATPase and Ca²⁺:ATPase were measured by means of Elisa. RESULTS As the canine core temperature going down, it was noted that the left ventricular pressure peak value (LVSP), and the isovolumetric contraction phase maximal ascending/descending velocity ( ± dP/dtmax) decreased evidently, with a prolonged Q:T duration, and that hypothermic J waves were found subsequently. The activities of Na⁺:K⁺:ATPase and Ca²⁺ATPase were both inhibited. There came rapid ventricular arrhythmia with the control dogs, while not with the experimental. CONCLUSIONS The hypothermia would result in the weakening of canine cardiac function, moreover, the appearance of J wave might be followed by the occurrence of hypothermic ventricular fibrillation. The results also suggested that nimodipine might have a potential to prevent immersed hypothermic ventricular fibrillation.Для уточнення наслідків занурення в холодну воду на функції серця собак і запобігання викликаної гіпотермією фібриляції шлуночків 7 нормальних псів, які були випадковим чином розділені на дві групи (дослідну і контрольну), були занурені в холодну воду при 6 ± 1 ° С. Тварини експериментальної групи попередньо отримали 2,5 мг/кг німодипіну. Для запису функції серця використовували систему поліграф. Для дослідження ультраструктури змін міокарда використовували просвічуючу електронну мікроскопію. Рівні активності Na⁺/K⁺АТФази і Ca²⁺:АТФази були виміряні за допомогою ELISA.При падінні температури тіла собак було відзначено, що пікове значення тиску лівого шлуночка (LVSP) та ізоволюметрічна фаза скорочення максимального зростання/убування швидкості зменшилася. Активності Na⁺/K⁺:АТФази і Ca²⁺:АТФази знижувалися. При цьому у контрольних собак спостерігалася, а у досвідчених не спостерігалася швидка шлуночкова аритмія. Показано, що гіпотермія може призвести до ослаблення функції серця собак, крім того, за появою J хвилі може послідувати виникнення викликаної гіпотермією фібриляції шлуночків. Результати дозволяють припустити, що німодипін, можливо, здатний запобігти фібриляції шлуночків, яка викликана гіпотермією.Для уточнения последствий погружения в холодную воду на функции сердца собак и предотвращения вызванной гипотермией фибрилляции желудочков 7 нормальных кобелей, которые были случайным образом разделены на две группы (опытную и контрольную), были погружены в холодную воду при 6 ± 1 °С. Животные экспериментальной группы предварительно получили 2,5 мг/кг нимодипина. Для записи функции сердца использовали систему полиграф. Для исследование ультраструктуры изменений миокарда использовали просвечивающую электронную микроскопию. Уровни активности Na⁺/K⁺:АТФазы и Ca²⁺:АТФазы определяли с помощью ELISA. При падении температуры тела собак было отмечено, что пиковое значение давления левого желудочка (LVSP) и изоволюметрическая фаза сокращения максимального возрастания/убывания скорости уменьшилась. Активности Na⁺/K⁺:АТФазы и Ca²⁺:АТФазы снижались. При этом у контрольных собак наблюдалась, а у опытных не наблюдалась быстрая желудочковая аритмия. Показано, что гипотермия может привести к ослаблению функции сердца собак, кроме того, за появлением J волны может последовать возникновение вызванной гипотермией фибрилляции желудочков. Результаты позволяют предположить, что нимодипин, возможно, способен предотвратить фибрилляции желудочков, вызванные гипотермией

    Continuous-wave lasing from InP/InGaAs nanoridges at telecommunication wavelengths

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    We report continuous-wave lasing from InP/InGaAs nanoridges grown on a patterned (001) Si substrate by aspect ratio trapping. Multi-InGaAs ridge quantum wells inside InP nanoridges are designed as active gain materials for emission in the 1500 nm band. The good crystalline quality and optical property of the InGaAs quantum wells are attested by transmission electron microscopy and microphotoluminescence measurements. After transfer of the InP/InGaAs nanoridges onto a SiO2/Si substrate, amplified Fabry-Perot resonant modes at room temperature and multi-mode lasing behavior in the 1400 nm band under continuous-wave optical pumping at 4.5 K are observed. This result thus marks an important step towards integrating InP/InGaAs nanolasers directly grown on microelectronic standard (001) Si substrates. Semiconductor nanowires are emerging as ideal building blocks for ultra-compact optoelectronic devices with low-energy dissipation.1 As a result of axially guided optical modes and feedback provided by end-facets, lasing behaviors have been observed in various II-VI and III-V compound semiconductor nanostructures.2–16 In particular, indium phosphide (InP) and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) nanolasers, emitting at silicon(Si)-transparent wavelengths, show great promise to fill a key missing on-chip component in Si photonic-based optical interconnects.17–21 However, most of the previously demonstrated InP/InGaAs nanolasers operate under pulsed-conditions.22–24 Continuous-wave (CW) lasing at telecom wavelengths has only been achieved in InP/InGaAs nanopillars grown on (111) Si substrates25 and InAsP/InP nanowires (inside Si photonic crystal cavity) grown on (111)B InP substrates, with lasing wavelengths situated at the 1200 and 1300 nm bands.26 Extending the lasing wavelengths to the 1400 nm and 1500 nm bands is desirable for high density inter/intra-chip data transmission. In this letter, we utilized InP/InGaAs nanoridges grown on a (001) Si substrate to demonstrate CW lasing behavior at the 1400 nm band. Compared with other hetero-epitaxial growth techniques, selective area growth combined with the aspect ratio trapping (ART) method provides a viable route to form well-aligned, millimeter-long horizontal in-plane nanowires on CMOS-standard (001) Si substrates.27–34 Previously, we have leveraged this approach to grow InP nanoridges with embedded InGaAs quantum wells (QWs) and quasi-quantum wires (QWRs) with strong photolumiescence.35,36 Here, we observe CW lasing at the telecommunication band from high quality multi-InGaAs ridge QWs inside the InP nanoridges directly grown on nanopatterned silicon. To explore the potential of the InP/InGaAs nanoridges as nanoscale light sources, we separated the InP/InGaAs nanoridges from the initial patterned Si substrate and transferred them onto a SiO2/Si substrate for optical characterization. We observed CW lasing at 4.5 K under optical excitation and strong optical mode modulation at room temperature. The InP/InGaAs nanoridges used in this experiment were grown on (001) Si substrates using a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system with a horizontal reactor (AIXTRON 200/4). [110] direction oriented SiO2 stripe patterns with a line pitch of 1 μm and a trench opening width of 450 nm were used to define the growth regions. Detailed sample preparation and the growth procedure have been reported elsewhere.35,36 Figure 1(a) presents the top-view scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the as-grown sample, showing a uniform morphology across a large area. The 70° tilted-view SEM image in Fig. 1(b) reveals symmetrical {111} faceting. A zoomed-in SEM image in Fig. 1(c) highlights the multi-QW active region. Notably, to enhance contrast, the InGaAs layers were selectively etched in a H2PO4:H2O2:H2O (3:1:50) solution. Five uniform InGaAs ridge QWs and the GaAs nucleation buffer are clearly identified