15 research outputs found

    Climatic Variation and Its Impacts on Yield and Water Requirement of Crops in Indian Central Himalaya

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    Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its implications have attracted attention of policy makers globally. The farm sector, particularly marginal ecosystems in mountains are vulnerable because of unpredictable variation and severe sink limitations. Efforts to impart resilience to farm and its allied sector are an urgent need. The climatic parameters play very important role to determine type of crops, cattle rearing and the life style adopted by the people. Moreover, weather has a significant impact on crop growth and development. Weather plays a vital role and affects the production and productivity of the crops. According to an estimate, weather contributes 67% variation in productivity and rest of the factors (soil, nutrient and management practices etc.) accounts for 33%. Therefore, there is a need of in-depth analysis of each meteorological parameters and identification of their trend over the years in order to identify and adapt suitable agriculture practices, better adaptable crops, varieties and their duration, time of field preparation, sowing time and irrigation as per the climatic conditions of the region. This will lead farming community to plan strategies of agriculture operation to obtain optimum yield. The climatic data from the meteorological observatory of ICAR-VPKAS, Hawalbagh located at mid hill condition (1250 m amsl) were analyzed for different periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly). It was revealed that rainfall is decreasing over the years but significant (P < 0.05) decrease was recorded at mid hills. The maximum temperature is increasing significantly (P < 0.05) during post-monsoon and winter season however decreasing in monsoon season whereas minimum temperature is decreasing round the year. These changes in rainfall and temperatures are affecting production and productivity of the crops, as hills are largely rainfed. In terms of crop water demand, there is no need to apply irrigation during the rainy season except the transplanted rice. However, during the winter season as there is more than 60% of water deficit to irrigate the crops. The proper understanding of climate is necessary to bring sustainability in hill agriculture by adjusting crop sowing window and other operations as per suitability of the climate

    Synchronous malignant vagal paraganglioma with contralateral carotid body paraganglioma treated by radiation therapy

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    Paragangliomas are rare tumors and very few cases of malignant vagal paraganglioma with synchronous carotid body paraganglioma have been reported. We report a case of a 20-year old male who presented with slow growing bilateral neck masses of eight years duration. He had symptoms of dysphagia to solids, occasional mouth breathing and hoarseness of voice. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) performed where he lived showed a sinus histiocytosis and he was administered anti-tubercular treatment for six months without any improvement in his symptoms. His physical examination revealed pulsatile, soft to firm, non-tender swellings over the anterolateral neck confined to the upper-mid jugulo-diagastric region on both sides. Direct laryngoscopy examination revealed a bulge on the posterior pharyngeal wall and another over the right lateral pharyngeal wall. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 99mTc-labeled octreotide scan and angiography diagnosed the swellings as carotid body paraganglioma, stage III on the right side with left-sided vagal malignant paraganglioma. Surgery was ruled out as a high morbidity with additional risk to life was expected due to the highly vascular nature of the tumor. The patient was treated with radiation therapy by image guided radiation to a dose of 5040cGy in 28 fractions. At a follow-up at 16 months, the tumors have regressed bilaterally and the patient can take solids with ease

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    Sher Singh; Shyam Nath; Jitendra Kumar; Pattanayak, A. and Bisht, J.K. 2021. Parvatiya Kshetron hetu Suvahya (Portable) Polyhouse. ICAR-VPKAS Extension Leaflet (141/2021).Not AvailableNot Availabl

    A study regarding awareness among mothers of children from 12 months to 23 months about growth charting and its determinants in rural area of Amritsar district

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    Abstract Despite of various nutritional health programmes, malnutrition among children remains the big health problem in India. Even after the universalization of ICDS, India has biggest burden of malnourished children in the world. Suboptimal utilization of services by mothers is a big challenge before all programmes. Utilization of services also depends upon the awareness regarding the service and its perceived usefulness among beneficiaries. Therefore, the present study was conducted to know the awareness about the growth chart and its determinants among rural mothers. Study was conducted on 186 mothers selected from three villages. Chi square test and F test were applied wherever necessary. Results showed low level of awareness (38.17%) among the mothers regarding growth charting. Majority of mothers reported peripheral health functionaries i.e. ASHA Introduction

    Deep vein and artery thrombosis associated with cetuximab-based chemoradiotherapy

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    Molecular targeted agents have lower hematological toxicity. However, specific side-effects such as allergic rashes, skin reactions and high cost limit their use. We report a case of 35-year-old male patient with carcinoma of left tonsil treated with concurrent cetuximab and radiotherapy. After four weeks of treatment, the patient developed sudden onset of pain in the left calf region radiating to the left foot. Doppler study of the left lower limb revealed complete thrombosis of superficial femoral, popliteal and proximal tibial arteries and veins and no flow in anterior tibial artery and lower posterior tibial artery. Emergency embolectomy was done. After 48 h of observation, no improvement was noted. A repeat Doppler examination showed similar finding. Ultimately a left lower limb amputation was done. We report simultaneous arterio-venous thrombosis associated with cetuximab-based chemoradiotherapy. Oncologists should be aware of this possible complication to undertake early intervention

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    Under AICRP on PHETNot AvailableNot Availabl

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    Under AICRP on PETNot AvailableNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe Indian Himalayan highland is subject of ecological and social alteration due to burgeoning population and over-exploitation of resources. Being a fragile ecosystem, mountains are more vulnerable to climate changes and rising temperature which is higher than global average by 0.74°C over the last 100 years. The main sources of livelihood for inhabitant living in hills are agriculture, livestock and forest produce. Shift in forest biodiversity from broadleaf tree to pine tree, declining crop productivity due to reducing soil fertility, outbreak of new pest and disease and weather calamity under changing climatic condition have posed some serious threat to food and fodder security in Himalayan ecosystem. At this juncture, when consequences of climate change are clearly evident, strong mitigation and adaption strategies are needed to improve livelihood resilience to climate change. Furthermore, these strategies should be supported by policy and legislative changes for their fair implementation in order to improve overall resilience and sustainability of system to cope with climate change.Not Availabl

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