11 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Cinnamon Influence on the Wheat Bread Quality Enriched with Flax Seeds Oil Meal

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    The materials of the article are studies that are conducted with the aim of expanding the use of non-traditional raw materials for functional purposes in the technology of bakery products. Research is conducted to determine the effect of spiciness cinnamon on the quality of semi-finished products and finished bakery products from wheat flour enriched with flax seeds oil meal.To improve the quality of wheat bread, enriched with flax seeds oil meal, and expand the assortment of bakery products with health properties, the authors propose to use spice cinnamon in the formula of wheat bread in an amount of up to 2 % of the weight of flour. The taste and aroma of these products is characteristic of wheat bread with a pleasant cinnamon flavor. Dosage of cinnamon to 4 % of the flour mass also provides good consumer characteristics of products, however, more pronounced flavor and flavor of cinnamon can limit the circle of consumers of such products. The use of 6 % of cinnamon in the recipe of products leads to a significant deterioration in the volume of products and provides them with too intense flavor. Determination of the content of bisulphite-binding substances in the crumb and crust of products is confirmed by improvements in the fragrance of products with the addition of cinnamon.It has been established that the cinnamon in dough leads to an increase in the elastic properties of gluten, and the more, the more it is added. Along with this, it is noted that cinnamon leads to a decrease in the fermentation intensity of the dough. This is probably due to the active antibacterial properties of cinnamon, which suppress the yeast fermentation activity. These factors and cause the deterioration of the volume of finished products in the case of dosing cinnamon in an amount of 4 % or more.It has been proved that on the indicators of crumbling and deformation of the crumb, products with added cinnamon retain their freshness similarly to the control one. However, it is noted that the introduction of cinnamon reduces the amount of mold of microflora in products


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    Considered the technology for the production of edible powders from vegetable raw materials. The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are stored in a concentrated form.The current trend in nutrition is related to the expansion of the range of functional products whose daily use contributes to the prevention of hypovitaminoses and metabolic disorders, and ultimately to the rehabilitation of the population. New, non-traditional sources of local raw materials, including plant based products, need to be explored and exploited in order to address the issue of instantiate new generation of healthy foods, and the development of technologies for obtaining functionalities. The use of fruit crops, the most source of biologically active substances, is very promising in this direction.The Department of Preservation Technology of the National University Food Technology has conducted a study to enable the use of fruit and berries for food powders. To this end, powder has been obtained from the blueberry berries of ordinary, with the establishment of its physico-chemical properties.The patterns of the influence of the blueberry powder on the functional properties of the foodstuffs were investigated in the example of tomato sauces.Analysis of the results of the studies has shown that a blueberry berry powder can be used in the production of canned and other products not only to enrich their functional ingredients but also to provide them with new technological properties. The food powders received do not contain harmful impurities, have high food value, are easily absorbed by the body, compact and long periods of time. Studies have shown that the blueberry powder is a rich source of vitamins (c acid, β-carotene, tocopherol) and can be used successfully in the manufacture of tomato sauces with functional properties.</p

    ИсслЕдованиЕ жирнОкислОтнОгО состАвА томатыХ семяН

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    Объектом исследования являются вторичные продукты переработки томатов, а именно – томатные семена технической и биологической спелости. Одним из самых проблемных мест томатоперерабатывающей области является образование большого количества (до 30 % от общей массы томатов) отходов, содержащих большое количество белков, липидов, углеводов, минеральных веществ и биологически активных соединений. Решение проблемы переработки вторичных томатных ресурсов становится возможным при установке их химического состава и биологической ценности и подбора технологических параметров их дальнейшей переработки.Во время исследований проведен анализ химического состава томатных семян и установлено, что семена томатов являются прекрасным источником таких компонентов, как каротиноиды, протеины, сахара, пищевые волокна, воски и масла. При этом, семена технической стадии зрелости отличаются от биологически зрелых семян повышенным содержанием белков – на 0,81 %, клетчатки – 0,4 % и сахаров – на 0,21 %. Полученные результаты анализа жирокислотного состава томатных семян технической и биологической спелости позволили установить, что среди жирных кислот в анализируемых образцах содержалось 47,72 % полиненасыщенных для томатного семян технической зрелости и 50,96 % – биологической зрелости. При этом отсутствуют транс-изомеры, а соотношение между ненасыщенными омега-3 и омега-6 кислотами в семенах соответствует последним рекомендациям, по питанию населения в соответствии с принципами нутрициологии.Полученные результаты анализа химического состава вторичного томатного сырья показали, что важным остается вопрос совершенствования технологий комплексной переработки томатов, который может обеспечивать высокий экономический и социальный эффекты. Благодаря применению в технологиях пищевых продуктов полуфабрикатов из томатных семян становится возможным получение пищевых продуктов, обладающих повышенным содержанием незаменимых аминокислот, соле- и водорастворимых белков, углеводов и липидов, представленные полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами

    Thermodynamic Analysis of the Thermal-technological Complex of Sugar Production: Criteria for Energy Efficiency of an Enterprise

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    A procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of using fuel and energy resources (FER) in sugar production, based on the developed idealized circuit of the thermal-technological complex (TTC) as the base for comparison was presented. This procedure makes it possible to quantify the level of perfection of existing and proposed thermal circuits, as well as the impact of measures for enhancing energy efficiency on their perfection. By idealizing technological and energy processes, a hypothetical TTC was synthesized, for which the minimum possible energy and entropy characteristics are determined. Under these conditions, the minimum possible heat consumption for the implementation of technological processes according to the classical heat technology circuit was calculated – 118.40 MJ/t; a "minimum" total increase in entropy from irreversible processes of the HTC – 314.68 kJ/(t·K); a minimum complex magnitude of specific consumption of conventional fuel – 0.8 % to m. b. The determined characteristics are absolute criteria for the efficiency of sugar production systems, since it is impossible to reach lower values under existing technology, quality of raw materials and other conditions. The content of the criteria of energy efficiency of TTC was stated and the system of coefficients was proposed: coefficient of total energy efficiency of the TTC, coefficient of energy efficiency of the system of heat supply of the technological processes and coefficients of energy efficiency of internal and external structures of the TTC. The proposed criteria provide an objective and thermodynamically correct characteristic of the TTC of different structures. The presented results of analysis of various measures for increasing the energy efficiency of sugar production show that only a gradual comprehensive reconstruction of an enterprise makes it possible to consistently reduce the FER consumption for technological needs, approaching the boundary values

    Thermodynamic Analysis of the Thermal-technological Complex of Sugar Production: Criteria for Energy Efficiency of an Enterprise

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    A procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of using fuel and energy resources (FER) in sugar production, based on the developed idealized circuit of the thermal-technological complex (TTC) as the base for comparison was presented. This procedure makes it possible to quantify the level of perfection of existing and proposed thermal circuits, as well as the impact of measures for enhancing energy efficiency on their perfection. By idealizing technological and energy processes, a hypothetical TTC was synthesized, for which the minimum possible energy and entropy characteristics are determined. Under these conditions, the minimum possible heat consumption for the implementation of technological processes according to the classical heat technology circuit was calculated – 118.40 MJ/t; a "minimum" total increase in entropy from irreversible processes of the HTC – 314.68 kJ/(t·K); a minimum complex magnitude of specific consumption of conventional fuel – 0.8 % to m. b. The determined characteristics are absolute criteria for the efficiency of sugar production systems, since it is impossible to reach lower values under existing technology, quality of raw materials and other conditions. The content of the criteria of energy efficiency of TTC was stated and the system of coefficients was proposed: coefficient of total energy efficiency of the TTC, coefficient of energy efficiency of the system of heat supply of the technological processes and coefficients of energy efficiency of internal and external structures of the TTC. The proposed criteria provide an objective and thermodynamically correct characteristic of the TTC of different structures. The presented results of analysis of various measures for increasing the energy efficiency of sugar production show that only a gradual comprehensive reconstruction of an enterprise makes it possible to consistently reduce the FER consumption for technological needs, approaching the boundary values