6 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic calculation of wind impact on mobile radar antenna design

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    In this work, the aerodynamic strength calculation of the radar station was carried out in 37 design cases in which the direction of the wind flow and the position of the antenna panel relative to the vehicle were varied. The vehicle and container were considered exclusively in the aerodynamic calculation for the calculation of air masses. For the most stressed cases, the static calculation was carried out and the critical stresses of the whole structure under study and the antenna panel structure separately were determined

    Investigation of wind effects on the design of a mobile radar antenna panel

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    This paper presents the static calculation of the mobile radar station antenna fabric design, taking into account the action of its own weight of the load-bearing structure products combined with the load from the limit wind flow. Part of the load-bearing elements are made of the advanced orthotropic material alumoglass plastic, which will allow to significantly gain in weight while maintaining the necessary rigidity and strength. On the basis of aerodynamic calculation, the cases of maximum loading of antenna fabric have been chosen. The possibility of using products made by SLM technology in especially stressed and critical products has been considered

    The use of biologically active components of plant and animal origin

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    Preserving health, as well as increasing country population life expectancy, are priority directions of Russian Federation state policy. Human health mainly depends on the usefulness and balance of the nutrition. Ecological factors are the same important, which necessitates increase in the volume and assortment of food products with bifidogenic properties, introduced by phytocomponents of functional purpose systems. The use of natural origin biologically active substances, the source of which are plants, is a promising direction for expanding the range of functional fermented milk products. The research objective is a development of technology for herodietic food product with the addition of a symbiotic microorganism consortium, as well as the introduction of phytocomponent modules Amelanchier rotundifolia. The work was performed at the Department of Engineering and Technology of Food Production FGBOUVPO «Don State Technical University», Rostov-onDon. The objects of research were irgi phyto-extract (Amelanchier), cheese whey, raw cow’s milk, developed product. The functional significance of the irgi phyto-extract, as one of the necessary and significant components in the production of specialized products for herodietetic nutrition, is technically justified and experimentally proved

    Prospects for the use of protein-carbohydrate complex based on mung bean seeds in the functional meat products technology

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    The use of new non-traditional types of plant materials in the diet is one of the ways to improve the meat products’ quality. The combination of plant proteins with animals creates biologically active amino-acid complexes which increase its bioavailability for organism and biological value of the product. In this case, the use of non-traditional plant materials in the production technology of new types of sausage products to improve the quality of the end product is prospective and relevant. Research objective is development of formulations and technologies for new types of high biological value products, based on combination of meat raw materials with functional additives of plant origin. The work was performed at the Department of Food Technology FSBEI HE «Don State Agrarian University», Persianovsky, Rostov region. The objects of research were the new protein-carbohydrate complexes based on flour from germinated seeds of mung bean, control and model forcemeat based on trim beef of first grade, lean trim pork and mid fat trim pork, and end products. Introduction to the cooked sausage products formulation of mung bean germinated seeds flour has a beneficial effect on the organoleptic properties of the end product and enriches it with biologically valuable substances

    “Together against Tuberculosis”: Cascade of Care of Patients Referred by the Private Health Care Providers in the Kyrgyz Republic

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    Until 2021, in the Kyrgyz Republic, tuberculosis (TB) was diagnosed and treated only in the public sector. With funding support of the STOP–TB partnership, the private providers in four regions of the country and Bishkek city were mapped, trained and incentivized to screen for and identify presumptive TB patients and refer them to the public facilities for diagnosis and treatment. In this study, we describe the cascade of care of such patients. This was a cohort study involving secondary analysis of routine data. Of 79,352 patients screened during February 2021–March 2022, 2511 (3%) had presumptive TB, of whom 903 (36%) were not tested for TB [pre-diagnostic loss to follow-up]. A total of 323 (13%) patients were diagnosed with TB, of whom, 42 (13%) were not started on treatment [pre-treatment loss to follow-up]. Among 257 patients eligible for outcome assessment, 197 (77%) had treatment success, 29 (11%) were lost-to-follow-up, 13 (5%) died, 4 (2%) had treatment failure and 14 (5%) were not evaluated. While this donor-funded, pioneering initiative was successful in engaging the private sector, we recommend that the national TB programme scales up the initiative nationally with dedicated budgets, activities and plans to monitor progress. Qualitative research is urgently needed to understand the reasons for the gaps in the care cascade